• Published 27th Mar 2021
  • 410 Views, 4 Comments

Consequences of Your Failure - clppy605

The bugbear is free. Tartarus isn't secure. Special Agent Sweetie Drops of S.M.I.L.E. has run out of time solving both of these problems, and now she must answer to Princess Celestia.

  • ...

S.M.I.L.E. On, Raven

Sunlight flooded into one of Canterlot castle’s secluded wings through the grand mosaics depicting Equestria’s history and legends. Various shades of color danced across Celestia, glinting off the amethyst diamond of her necklace, as she inspected one of the towering pieces of art. An alicorn, black as the darkest of shadows, surrounded in a white orb enveloped by a rainbow from all sides. Further up, a representation of another alicorn, this one of pure white, with her wings flared out and her eyes shut. A depiction of the sun and the moon loomed over her shoulders.

Ponies of today know this as the tale of the Mare in the Moon, an ancient legend warning foals of the dangers of blinding themselves with their own pride as well as the pitfalls of jealousy. Few, however, remember that both ponies in the tale were living creatures. Even less know that one of them still lives and is haunted by her actions when the sun falls and the moon rises.

In the true and unabridged history of Equestria, this specific mosaic represents perhaps one of the most important victories in the land. But to Celestia, and a select few others, it represented her greatest defeat and personal failure.

Though now, the victory and battle are remembered more as a myth than reality. In some ways, that hurt Celestia more. She was no longer recognized as the pony who battled and banished Nightmare Moon. More importantly to Celestia, the pony who became Nightmare Moon was no longer remembered for any of the sacrifices she made for Equestria before that dark day.

The abrasive sound of heavy doors roused Celestia out of her own melancholy and she glanced toward the entryway. A lone unicorn, wearing her instantly recognizable red tie, strode into the hallway with her horn glowing a faint red as several folders trailed behind her. Seeing the princess, the unicorn’s face lit up and an extra pep appeared in her gait. Despite her own somber thoughts, Celestia couldn’t help but smile.

Raven Inkwell, for the decade she’d been serving as the number one aid to Princess Celestia, has been the closest pony Celestia would call a friend. Professionally, anything Celestia needed Raven was prepared for and delivered with a swiftness that would put the Wonderbolts to shame. Personally, Raven was one of the few Celestia trusted with the knowledge of her own view of Equestria’s history. More than once, Celestia came to Raven to vent her frustrations of the current royal court and to bemoan over her past mistakes and failures.

"Your Majesty, I have an update on S.M.I.L.E.'s current standing," Raven spoke as she approached, a spark of pride and satisfaction in her voice. "As requested."

Three days had passed since Celestia’s visit to S.M.I.L.E.'s underground headquarters for her meetings with both Director Jet Set and Special Agent Sweetie Drops. In that short timeframe, the world seemed to have flipped upside down for many.

"Has Director Jet Set put his petition in yet?" Celestia turned and began walking down the hall. Raven quickly fell into place a step behind as she opened a folder.

"He gave it to me personally, your Majesty," a single sheet of paper slid out of the magically suspended folder and glided in the air just in front of Raven. "Jet Set of Canterlot has requested a two-hoof plot of land in the middle of the Whitetail Woods to qualify for a title. All the paperwork needs now is your signature and the title of Lord will be bestowed on Jet Set."

"Good, good," Celestia replied absently. She had no qualms with giving Jet Set the title; she simply wished it did not come with such a hefty cost. But, he already ingrained himself in Canterlot's upper class. If Jet Set and Upper Crust vanished, a fair number of heads would turn. "Have it delivered to my personal study, I'll sign it with the rest of today's paperwork."

"Of course, your Majesty," the page returned to the folder as a new one took its place. "Next, an update from the team sealing the wine cellar."

"Any unforeseen issues?" Celestia glanced behind to look at Raven who studied the paperwork with a conflicted look plastered on her face.

"Potentially," Raven answered with a slow nod. "All entrances to the cellar from the lower Canterlot streets have been sealed and buried. The upper tunnels, however, are too public to wall off completely. Some ponies occasionally venture in to investigate the old crystal mines, and a few squatters have been known to snoop around. The team theorizes that It should be possible to cut off access to the abandoned headquarters from within the upper section, however."

"Then that is the plan. So long as the old wine cellar is buried," Celestia paused for a moment, searching for the right word, before resuming with a short resigned sigh, "and lost. Inform the team to leave the upper tunnels relatively untouched."

"Of course, your Majesty," Raven's eyes drifted to Celestia for a moment before returning to her paperwork.

Most wouldn't notice it, but Celestia’s head hung a little lower than it normally would. Her personal pride and the duty of being viewed as the lone ruler of Equestria demanded nigh perfect posture and etiquette. Even when it wavered, the mask Celestia wore was unreadable, yet dignified, to those only familiar with Princess Celestia.

Raven, however, could recognize the cracks forming in that mask, as it normally did when she found Celestia in this wing of the castle. Those cracks, she noted, seem to be appearing more frequently. But Raven knew, to Celestia, she was just an aide. One that knew more than most about Equestria’s secrets and history than most, and was an occasional shoulder to cry on when memories of those secrets came up, but still just an aide.

Papers shuffled as yet another sheet lazily drifted into Raven’s view.

"I have two more pieces of news, your Majesty. First, Agent Daring Do has agreed to continue working for the crown, privately. Under one condition, she wishes to use her adventures in a series of fiction novels. If we agree, she'll continue searching for artifacts and relaying us her findings," Raven looked away from the notes with a smile, "She'll even send you signed copies of her books in advance."

"So long as Miss Do removes all references to S.M.I.L.E. or myself… I see no reason why not. Inform her that we'll agree to her term." Celestia's horn glowed a soft golden and a set of double doors opened to an outdoor garden.

"Of course, your Majesty." Between the laughter-like chatter of birds and the warm summer breeze, a small smile found its way onto Raven’s muzzle as the outside world beckoned the pair into the garden.

Tall hedge walls separated the garden into multiple sections, but all that mattered for the time being was the central plaza-like area that connected them. Rows of flowers and smaller bushes lined the hedge walls which encircled a massive fountain spitting water high into the sky. The cobblestone path leading to and surrounding the fountain was perfectly aligned and maintained, not a single blade of grass seeped through the spaces between the stones. The flower beds and hedges were religiously preserved by the gardening staff employed by the castle, and their hard work showed. To Raven, the garden felt like it was pulled out of a painting. Everything in the garden was inviting and practically glowed in Celestia’s sunlight.

A series of sudden and nearby chirps from above caused Raven to glance up at the sky. A small blue bird buzzed past her horn, quickly followed by another. The two crisscrossed in the sky in a wild dance until they landed on the lip of the fountain, posturing at each other and chirping all the while. Apparently, one of them didn't like what it heard and it lunged at the other, renewing their chase in the sky all over again. Raven's smile widened during the display. Sometimes, she envied the simplicity of nature.

Raven looked at Celestia, intending on continuing her explanation, but her words found themselves caught in her throat.

Celestia was smiling, though it lacked any warmth Raven would normally expect from the princess. Following her gaze, Raven saw an abnormally large bird soaring through the sky, rolling and diving through the air with grace. Its red and orange feathers shimmered in the sunlight with long tail feathers fluttering behind it.

"Tell me, Raven," upon hearing her name, Raven flipped her attention back to Celestia. "Do you know why I shut down S.M.I.L.E.?"

She truthfully didn't. S.M.I.L.E. had been one of the first secrets Celestia disclosed with her after she assumed her position as lead aide. At the time, Celestia had explained how she found it one of the most reliable ways to find help in Canterlot. Not only that, but Raven had seen the agency’s budget and knew it wasn't draining significant capital from Equestria.

Due to its very nature, the agency had to be unnoticeable and untraceable, so their small budget hidden in part of another branch of the government was to be expected. Raven had been working in the agency longer than she worked under Princess Celestia, and was well aware they could operate on a string-like budget. That said, Celestia didn’t know Raven still worked for S.M.I.L.E., or at least did.

"No, your Majesty." Raven answered with mild trepidation. "I didn't believe it was my place to ask."

Celestia half turned away from the garden to look at Raven, her eyebrows furrowed and eyes squinting slightly. The smile Celestia wore twisted into a bemused half-smirk.

"Are we not friends, Raven? It has always been your place to ask me questions." Between the incredulous laugh tucked within Celestia’s tone and the hurt in her eyes, Raven couldn't help but shift awkwardly on her hooves.

"I didn't realize you saw me as a friend, your Majesty," With a sheepish smile, Raven rubbed the back of her neck.

"Raven," Celestia stepped over and placed a wing around Raven, pulling the smaller mare in for a light hug. "I don't know how you could have come to that conclusion. I've told you more about myself than I have anypony else in almost a millennium."

"I'm sorry, your Majesty, but friendship is about more than just leaning on a pony you trust," Raven stared at the ground, wishing she was anywhere other than under Celestia’s wing. “I’m happy to lend an ear when you need one, but I didn’t see us as being friends because of it.”

"I… see," reluctantly, Celestia pulled her wing away and gave Raven back her personal space – which the unicorn breathed a silent sigh of relief. "I'm sorry, Raven. It has been a long time since I tried to make real friends. It's a magic I seem to have let slip past me."

A light chill formed in the air as a pensive silence formed between the two. Not even the warmth of the sun’s rays could stop Raven from shivering slightly. Celestia paid the cold no mind, however, as her eyes traveled back to the sky and the constantly chatting birds.

Unsure of what to say, Raven refocused on her work. Her magic made a light chime-like noise as she flipped through her folders of paperwork. There was still one thing she had to relay to Princess Celestia.

"Your Majesty, I still have the update you requested on an Agent Sweetie Drops. If you'd like it at this time," Celestia motioned for Raven to produce with a series of small nods. "I spoke with the agent and mentioned Ponyville, as you requested. She seemed receptive to the idea of opening a candy store. I believe she'll be on her way to her new life tonight."

"In your opinion, how was she handling the agency shuttering?" For a moment, Celestia’s vision dropped from the sky as she contemplated the news.

"About the same as everypony else, your Majesty; shocked and confused. She did come across more at peace with it compared to others, almost as if she expected it." With a distinct thwap, Raven shut Sweetie Drops’ folder.

"Good." With a deep inhale, Celestia closed her eyes and embraced the summer air, cherishing the fresh and welcoming scent of the palace garden. When she let her breath go, her chiseled expression softened and a smile formed. "Unless there is anything else, you are free to go Raven."

With a silent nod, Raven bowed and started walking away with papers and folders following slightly behind. A gnawing sensation tore at Raven the further away from Celestia she got. Yes, Celestia asked for Raven for help more than others. And yes, Raven wouldn't call the relationship between them friendship. But Celestia did. If there was one thing Raven learned from Celestia, pushing others away needlessly will only lead to hurt. She’d given her time before, and she could give her time again.

Raven stopped in her tracks and whipped her head around, her mane bouncing at the sudden movements.

"Why did you shut the agency down?"

Celestia turned around with an infectious smile. She signaled Raven over with a wing and returned to watching the birds. After a moment's hesitation, Raven acquiesced and took up a position next to the taller alicorn. Again, her eyes were drawn to the massive red bird soaring through the sky.

"You see Philomena? Up there, in the sky," Celestia tracked the speeding bird with a hoof. "She's a Phoenix. On her death, she will burst into flame until all that remains is ash. From them, she rises again.

"That's what's happening with S.M.I.L.E. now." With a squawk, Philomena caught sight of something below her and dove down to the city below, out of Raven and Celestia’s view.

"So you're planning on creating a new agency, is that it?" Raven looked up at the monarch silhouetted by the sun. Celestia shook her head and peered back at Raven.

"No. But S.M.I.L.E.'s service over the last few years has set the stage for Equestria’s new heroes to rise and thrive. In less than three years," Celestia raised her head and stared longingly at the horizon, "Equestria will face a threat greater than I can overcome. Are you familiar with the Elements of Harmony?"

"Yes," Raven shifted in place as a wave of unease passed through her, "I recall you sending an agent from S.M.I.L.E. to the Everfree Forest looking for them. The report passed my desk earlier this week."

"I'm sure it did," Celestia perked up and glanced around the garden. After ensuring the two were alone, she leaned in to speak quietly into Raven's ear, "Agent Linen Rose."

Every muscle in Raven's body stiffened and the files held in her magic dropped to the dirt. With an audible crack from her neck, Raven’s attention snapped to Celestia who struggled with a suppressed laugh.

"How…" Raven breathed and took a short step back. Logically, she knew that there was nothing to be worried about, yet all of her training screamed at her to flee.

"A little coat dye and letting your mane breathe isn't the strongest disguise," the princess winked and her giggle threatened to overtake her.

Raven's body relaxed as she sat down on her haunches, crossing her forelegs and grumbling to herself. With S.M.I.L.E. gone, it didn’t really matter if Celestia knew her little secret.

Seeing Raven fume, Celestia sat down beside her and delivered a playful bump with her shoulder. At the touch, Raven shot daggers at Celestia whose giggle threatened to break into a full bore howl of laughter. After a moment, she snorted and responded with her own shoulder bump.

With a sharp laugh, Celestia pushed back again with a little more force. Only for Raven to mimic the princess with another push. The pair traded shoves and laughter with their own until Raven made the last move by standing up and leaning with all her weight into Celestia. Unprepared for the assault, she nearly failed to steady herself from falling over. Each mare roared with laughter that echoed out into the city below.

Eventually, their laughter tapered off as the two leaned against each other, watching the clouds roll by. Skies like this weren’t common above Canterlot, so getting the opportunity to see loose cotton ball-like clouds this high up and drift past was a treat. Something about an overflow of cloud coverage from Cloudsdale that needed to be used up, Raven remembered. She struggled to not revert into another fit of mirth as Raven cleared her throat.

"For the record, painting a cover-up cutie mark is not that simple," Celestia practically choked on a laugh, a few tears forming as she struggled to not fall apart, which Raven nearly broke back into her own hysterics.

"I'll have to remember that," Celestia answered when she got her breathing back under control and wiped a tear from her eye. “Thank you, Raven. I needed this more than I thought I did.”

A light gust of wind blew past the pair, a few papers from the discarded folders threatening to take off in the wind. Instantly, Raven hopped back up her hooves and collected the files in her magic. Bringing them closer, she inspected the damage and brushed off some dust and dirt. Seeing the name on one of the files reminded Raven of the previous conversation.

"So what was so important about Sweetie Drops that you wanted her in Ponyville?" Raven turned around to see Celestia back on her hooves, investigating her wings for out of place feathers.

"Even if I could bring myself to use the Elements of Harmony again," Celestia paused to preen a few bothersome feathers before continuing, "It has been so long since anypony last touched them. I fear, in their current state, they will be unusable. I believe it will require ponies who exemplify the core tenets of the Elements to restore them."

"And you think Sweetie Drops is a pony that fits the criteria?" Raven asked slowly, understanding dawning as she did so.

"She might. Truthfully, I can't be certain about who will use them. You saw the Elements in the old castle. That is where Nightmare Moon will return and that is where she must be defeated," Celestia gave her wings one last look over before flapping them twice. Satisfied, she closed them and confidently smiled at Raven. "All I can do is try to put ponies capable of wielding the Elements in the closest town."

With a glance up to the sky, Celestia sighed.

"We should be going. I have–"

"An appointment with Twilight Sparkle, I know. We write your schedule," Raven finished for Celestia, a lopsided smile on her face.

With a smile of her own, Celestia reentered the castle while Raven turned around to watch the birds a moment longer. Sat atop a tall hedge were two blue birds chirping lightly between one another, and watching the world around them. A soft smile touched her lips at the scene; for some strange reason, Raven noticed a feeling of deja vu as she continued gazing at the two birds.

A squawk from above grabbed Raven's attention as a piece of meticulously folded fabric drifted down and nearly landed on her face. Grabbing it with magic, she recognized the shape as a faded pink rose…

Made of linen.

Glancing back up, Raven saw Philomena flying off into the distance. With an amused snort, she turned away from the garden and returned to the castle.

Author's Note:

Hey all.

And there we go, this story is done. It's a bit of a departure from what the last chapter was, I admit. That's because this was originally this was all written as one big chapter only separated by a single scene break. But, when it came time to edit, I wasn't a fan of how it looked and choose to split this off into a smaller chapter on its own. I'm really glad I did too. I think this came out a lot better with the extra TLC.

Hopefully you all enjoyed!

PS: No, I don't know why I thought of making the chapter titles references to Wayne's World. That was a real last second decision because it made me laugh. :twilightsheepish:

Comments ( 1 )

I wish I could write stories like these for Raven and Celestia... The best I can do is Celestia jokes...

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