• Published 6th Apr 2021
  • 9,980 Views, 1,412 Comments

The Stereotypical Necromancer - JinxTJL

Ever since he was a foal, Light Flow had always known he was destined to be a villain.

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Chapter 7 - The Fear

Light Flow was beginning to regret his hasty actions.

The Everfree lay in front of him from where he stood at its edge. The pleasant greens of vibrant grass and the speckled blues and yellows of the springing flowers began to fade away only a few steps ahead. They were replaced by the dull uniform greys and browns of dead grass and fallen leaves, shading the border of the cursed forest quite clearly. It was as if the forest actively sucked the life from the surrounding ground, ensuring that the trees were the only foliage living inside.

Of course, he knew enough about the forest to know that there were multiple kinds of different flora inside besides the greedy trees. Most regular plants couldn't survive in such a nutrient-deficient place, but some particularly hardy greens managed to eke out an existence. Unfortunately, this usually meant that they had found different sources of nutrition.

Like meat.

Like pony meat.

He closed his eyes, and swallowed hard. He shook his head roughly, his still-too-short mane swished against his head; and he reveled in the comforting feeling. He dared to peek an eye open at the forest, before quickly shutting them again.

It was still there, and it was still scary.

He took in deep breaths, in and out. In and out, like his mother had taught him. In and out, in and out. He felt his rising fear abate, and he opened his eyes again.

The forest stood ahead, a rising wall of black trees and dark shade. They were packed tightly together, almost as if the woods were creating an impenetrable defense against intruders. They shot upwards, easily dwarfing the relatively small unicorn. Branches and bushes intertwined together, creating a reasonable wooden facsimile of a chain-link fence. It was like a fortress.

Him and the forest had one thing in common though. They both ended with a reddish-brown covering on their heads. Instead of a normal green shade, the leaves on the trees sported a darker coloring. The brown leaves rustled together in the slight breeze: brushing together and creating dry, hollow noises.

The blackened wood. The grey grass. The lifeless leaves.

It was as if the entire forest was dead.

From where he stood on a nearby crest, Light Flow defiantly kept his ground against the blight. Soon, he would journey inward; and emerge forever changed from the pony he was now.

There was no going back.

After leaving the schoolhouse, and trekking his way across the relatively busy noon-time Ponyville: he had arrived at the edge of the feared Everfree Forest. The forest that parents used to scare their children into complacency. The forest that was whispered about in hushed tones with wary glances; as if it could hear them. The forest that everypony everywhere unanimously agreed seemed fundamentally wrong.

He tried to keep himself calm as his thoughts kept straying back to the forest. He had been angry when he left, full of rage and fire and conviction. But it didn't last, and now he just felt apprehension. He wet his lips, and left his mouth slightly agape. He sucked air in through his teeth, in and out.

He had to prove Applejack wrong. He needed to.

She can't see me weak.

He felt a tightening in his throat, and he swallowed to try and relieve it. He was stalling, he knew he was. It was obvious. He could so clearly identify what he was doing, purposefully leading his thought process in circles so he wouldn't be forced to act. He needed to stop. He needed to move.

He felt dumb. It was just a forest. So what if it looked, sounded, smelled, felt like death? Necromancers didn't fear death. They conquered it. They ruled it. Necromancers were death.

The characters in his books didn't fear anything. They were confident. They were fearless. They were apathetic and cool. They were fear.

But was he?

The shadows cast by the trees seemed to crawl along the ground in front of him. It grew along the ground in unnatural ways, and he watched with unblinking eyes as it seemed to waver in his vision. The darkness boiled and writhed, popping and stretching into new, horrible shapes. Long dark tentacles undulated in the non-space, dripping with inky viscera; and they reached out toward him. They grasped at his hooves, and squeezed and tore at them. Ripping and bleeding and hurting him. Red mixed with black, and he felt reverberations in his ears.

He felt sick. There was a choking pressure in his chest, and he felt his skin blister as the angry appendages slithered over it. A slimy, pushing feeling crawled its way up from where he felt the pressure was, though it didn't didn't abate in the slightest. It only grew.

He opened his mouth in a silent scream as he felt the slimy feeling fill his mouth. Black liquid pooled on his tongue in great, gushing spurts. It kept pushing up and up from his throat, like there was a fountain in his lungs. It grew and grew, until it began to leak out over his teeth, staining them a deep black. It trickled down his chin, and the tentacles rose to meet it. They crawled up his chest, and seemed to absorb the fluid.

It tasted like bunny.

The tentacles slithered up his upper half, and crawled along his body. His skin grew heavy and hot and wet where it came into contact with the nightmarish substance. He couldn't see it from where his eyes were set forward, but it felt squishy and loose on his bones. He felt like it was sloughing off of him, and into the void below them. He could smell the sharp scent of iron on the air. His white bones exposed themselves to the world, and were quickly smothered by the contrasting black tentacles as they forced their way into his opened insides.

They squirmed and writhed inside of him, poking and prodding at his organs and his bones. They wrapped themselves around the squishy bags and tubes, and pulled. His vital parts were torn from their proper places, and the void messily consumed them. His stomach burst in the powerful grip, and the useless acids dripped into the all-consuming emptiness. His lungs and heart were pulled away, and they popped messily like balloons; spraying red fluid onto the black ground below him. His bones snapped and cracked, weak like wet cardboard. The darkness took it all, sucking and gnashing and crushing.

Soon, his skin was empty, and the tentacles roved their way up his body. They slithered up his neck, and forced themselves into his gaping jaw. His teeth were plucked and stolen, and his tongue was similarly torn off in the process. The tentacles finally made their way up his face, and he saw them enter his field of view.

They slowly, so gently, inched their way closer to his still brown eyes. The two orbs were frozen in place, even as his body was cannibalized. He felt the tips prod at the edges, testing the fragile spheres before they pierced them in a swift blinding motion.

All he saw was darkness. Endless darkness.

It felt like an eternity, there in the dark. He felt his body fade away, though his consciousness remained. He tried to move his hooves, but he didn't feel anything happen. No feedback, and no movement. No sound reached his ears, and he couldn't taste the liquid anymore. All of his senses were completely deprived. His mind instinctively tried to panic, but he squashed the feeling before it could begin. Panic didn't matter anymore, not now.

He knew what to do.

He breathed in with lungs he couldn't feel, and opened his eyes.

He looked out into the dark forest in front of him, as silent as ever. The shadows were docile, and they didn't move from their places under the foliage. He felt around his teeth with his tongue, and he flicked his eyes down quickly to his torso. Everything was in its place, and his fur was unblemished. He couldn't smell iron, and he couldn't taste anything either. He shuffled a hoof on the grass, and felt the dull tips poke at his frog.

He breathed out. He was alive.

He stepped forward.

Author's Note:

Hey friends! It's me again!

So this chapter is quite different than the rest, as you can probably see. To be honest, it was quite literally a test for me. My worst writing trait is scenery, and given the nature of this story, I was going to have to write gore eventually. So, I figured I would take this opportunity to flex my skills with both topics, and this chapter was born! Let me know how I did with both topics!

I will once again state that this chapter didn't at all go like I had planned, and I literally planned this one out! The scenery descriptions took way more space than I thought they would, and the hallucination scene came literally out of nowhere! So, instead of padding this chapter out with what I had planned; I decided to save it for next chapter.

So! I'm out of things to say, and I want to keep writing. So if the next chapter is out, go read that one; and if it's not.... you should wait I guess?

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