• Member Since 26th Apr, 2016
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Foal Star

Just a Brony who writes fun Fanfiction


This story is a sequel to Winter is coming to Ponyville

This story takes place after the episode "Daring Don't"

Rainbow Dash assists in an adventure with Daring Do and accidently get's pregnant with the goddess of fire. This causes a lot of issues for the young daredevil as she wishes to compete in the Equestria Games and it could affect her being chosen as an official member of the Wonderbolts. Luckily for Rainbow Dash her marefriend Winter is there to help and support her through this odd pregnancy.

Cover Artist: Pridark

Chapters (12)
Comments ( 29 )

Rainbow wasn't sure of that idea at first. Still, she also wanted to join in on the fun, seeing that this was getting rather exciting as she flew over next to her marefriend and replied, "yeah, you have a point; I mean, what's the worst that could happen?"

And... it dead. :fluttershyouch: :ajbemused:

Rainbow tried to pay attention to the lesson, but she's never been good at paying attention to long lectures as she got sidetracked by looking at the dozens of Phoenixes flying around the dining room. The daredevil mare shook her head as the advisor stopped talking as she replied, "yeah…um…I got most of it, so…um one question if this goddess already chose you, why did she pick me!?"

Possibly because you're the one who asked The Question? :ajbemused:

Not sure what all the downvotes are for. This story is awesome!

Rainbow Dash was sitting in Nurse Redheart's office she was waiting for the nurse to come back, staring at the ceiling tiles. The daredevil mare was somewhat nervous as she waited for the results of her test results.

That's redundant.

"Ok, whatever," Rainbow mumbled under her breath before she stomped off, wondering how things could possibly get worse.

Never ask that. Things will always find a way.:facehoof:

The daredevil mare woke up early the following day. She was supposed to be feeling somewhat ready for coaching the school foals of Ponyville and judging to see who will be bringing in the flag for Ponyville. However, Rainbow felt sick; she felt her body quivering, feeling this overwhelming urge to puke. The mare groaned, placing her hooves around her stomach. She knew her body was already acting harshly from the abnormal pregnancy starting to mess with her body. Rainbow Dash then ran to the bathroom and puked her guts into the toilet. Afterward rinsing her mouth with mouthwash and brushing her teeth rather thoroughly.

What'd I tell you?:ajbemused:

Winter's eyes filled with tears as she hugged Rainbow. "Please, you're going to give birth to not one but two goddesses! It's never happened before, and I would be happy to be their mother."

Explains the title, at least.

Later that afternoon, the pegasus was busy tossing out debris from a tower, taking old fallen bricks or rotting wood, and tossing them out a broken window. The mare was just pissed off and taking the time to vent her frustrations on the stone and wood lying about.

And cleaning up at the same time! #concurrentactivity.

"Buck that!" Rainbow shouted as she rose up and flung her wings out, and then the dress disintegrated, leaving her in a rather strange-looking flight suit.

Shinobi tenshi! :yay:

Of course, that would require raising the ESRB rating a tad. :twilightblush:

Spike then made a solemn-looking face and replied, "she then always says, sorry I don't do superhero groups I work alone."

Sounds familiar.:ajsmug:

Okay, I know why this story gets downvoted. Well, people don't like the word "goddess", that's all

I'm making this story for a friend with a OC who is the goddesd of winter. So honestly I don't really care about the dislikes.

Rainbow scoffed, wondering what they could possibly be missing, "we already have a bunch of foal supplies, a crib, and even nursing equipment. What else could you even be addressing?

Side note: To make sure this works out, you might have Twilight cast a few spells.

Cadance, who’d been poring over a scroll that stretched all the way down to the floor, looked up and cleared her throat. “The first that we’re doing right now is a modified version of the Irongut spell. It’s mostly to help with the nausea and heartburn right now, but it’s also going to strengthen your bladder, cervix, intestines, and other internal organs. Twilight’s also making it so it helps with oxygenation and circulation, so you shouldn’t have problems with cramps or swelling or compressed nerves.”

Cadance hummed and went down the scroll. “Next is a big onea combination of four spells Twilight found in the Aesclepius Journals , all entwined into one matrix. The names of the spells are Old Equuish, but their literal translations are ‘body, to heal,’ ‘body, to stretch,’ ‘body, to refine’, and ‘body, to enforce.’”


Rarity got up and shouted, "enough of this nonsense! Don't you see that Rainbow Dash needs her beauty sleep!? Besides, Applejack, you don't see what I see in our new Rainbow Dash; she isn't just any pregnant mare, she's grown into a goddess of fertility! I mean, my outfits will accentuate her femininity, but as a model, I think she will become a star!"


[Adult story embed hidden]

I'm just saying... :ajsmug:

Yeah I know that story I was thinking of somthing like that

Rarity threw herself at Rainbow's hooves, wailing, "Please! I'll do anything!"

Fluttershy lowered her head and muttered, "hopefully, she won't get carried away as I did when you made me into a model."

"Yes, she is; as you know, I ran into some issues with my old fashion line," The fashionista responded somewhat begrudgingly as she stared right at a light pink coated earth pony with a death glare. Rainbow Dash has seen Rarity angry a few times, but her icy cold glare with the intent to kill made her shiver.

Must be Miss Polomare.
Fun fact: Iwas going to write a story about her becoming a ninja, but apparently that I was done already.
Buuut apparently the picture I'm looking for is much much harder to find than usual.:ajbemused:

Rarity and a few other assistants, then once again, she was dressed into another outfit. This time, she was dressed in an adorable apron with Wonderbolt designs colored in a dark blue with yellow stripes and a wonderbolt sigil printed on the front of it. The daredevil couldn't believe what she was dressed in...an apron!? And on top of that, there was even a thick dark blue and yellow striped diaper bag strapped around her chest. Even the toga and the dress before weren't as embarrassing as this! She then glared right at Rarity and shouted, "seriously!? What is this!"

I've been getting a lot of mileage out of this meme recently.

Because Rainbow Dash didn't consent to being pregnant initially

Nurse Redheart trotted over and bowed her head, "I have to thank you; your donations are helping a lot of first-time moms, especially those who unfortunately can't nurse their foals. So please don't feel embarrassed about this."

"Yeah, yeah, don't mention it," Rainbow Dash snapped

" Seriously; Don't mention it."

"Really? Even with my wing still bruised?"

"Buck, yeah, you know how many times I've flown with a broken wing!"

"Yes, Rainbow, please, tell us how many times you have flown with a broken wing!"

Both Soarin and Rainbow Dash squeaked as they turned around to see Nurse Redheart standing behind them, giving Rainbow an icy cold glare

I don't know which reference to go with! :raritydespair:


About 5 months into her pregnancy so little over halfway. Sorry if you're waiting for an update I'm planning a "write-a-thon" for myself so this story will be finished soon.

"I have a baby shower with Pinkie Pie on the same day when I have to have this Captain Comet come over!?"

I sense drama incoming.

How can a mare get another mare pregnant?

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