• Member Since 28th Feb, 2018
  • offline last seen Oct 7th, 2023

Skipping the pony pun


Twilight and her friends have shared many adventures, but for Princess Cadance, being the mother of a baby alicorn is the greatest adventure of all.

And as Terry Pratchett taught us, "adventure" is a word that means a mess of bad food, no sleep, and folks trying to kill you.

But when the burdens of rulership and parenthood get to be a little much, Cadance can always count on her family to be there for her. A weekend visit to her favorite sister-in-law's castle should perk her right up!

An entry in the Cadance Is a Terrible Mom 2021 competition.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 8 )

You know, maybe the Cady Anthony idea I discarded wouldn't have actually been too dark....

I get twilights reaction but on the the otherhoof I get how Cadence got this point if you were dealing with such a powerful baby with no meaningful way to limit or control them you would like give up and go along for the ride as well.

"Look, if you have a clumsy child, you make him wear a helmet. If you have death-prone children, you keep a few clones of them in your lab."

She lives with Spike. She likely knows what fingers and toes are.

Comment posted by Skipping the pony pun deleted Apr 29th, 2021

Comedy and horror are close relatives at the best of times. Could you keep up the story's momentum up to prevent the audience from realizing what they just read? Then I figure you'd be good. A story can run on air as long as it doesn't stop to look down.

Or you could throw all that out the window and revel in how awful you are idek dont listen to me

I think discussing my characterization and dialogue as if they made sense is the greatest compliment my writing's ever received. Thanks!

Venture Bros.? Venture Bros. *brohoof*

That's true. But remember Rainbow's "What're hands?" line from Equestria Girls? People have made hay of that one for years. The line makes no sense, but my FACE makes no sense, so I went with it.

This story is an excellent example of how to write eldritch horror beyond mans comprehension. Good job.๐Ÿ‘

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