• Published 3rd May 2021
  • 1,889 Views, 94 Comments

The Adventures Begin - Dragon Shimmer

Sunset get banished into another world and start a journey to come back home (With some help)

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The cave

The sun has risen and the trio is awake. He went to the water to wash his face to be able to fully awaken. As Natalie and Lance clean up the camp and prepare to move, they notice Sunset isn't there.

Lance asks Natalie, "Where is Sunset? I thought she slept with us last night." Natalie and he searched nearby the camp and found Sunset sitting on a rock.

Natalie found her, "There she is." Trying to wake Sunset up, she shakes her body, but Sunset is still sleeping, making Natalie and Lance giggle. The evil grin was on their faces, as they picked Sunset up carefully without waking her up, then ran to the water to drop her in. After being drowned for a while, Sunset wakes up with a "gap" and looks around. The duo is laughing when she sees them.

Sunset says, annoyed. "Are you done yet?" she asked.

Lance teases, "We're done, you need to get up early.".

"Fair enough, thanks for your water rush now I am fully awake," said Sunset as she got up. "So which way do we go?" Asks Sunset.

"You see that bridge over there? We will pass through it." Natalie points at the bridge, Sunset nods to understanding

The team has completed setting off the camp, they continue to go to the bridge. When they approach the wooden bridge, they see a blue armored man-like holding a sword between the bridge. Each team member stares at the other, confused but cautious. As Matt moved closer to the armor, he pokes it with his sword. Suddenly, the armor moves and tries to slash him, but it is blocked by his sword. It then slammed the tip of the sword into the ground, creating the small iceberg, which appeared from the ground, try to hit Natalie but promptly jumped away from it. Lance pulls out the big gun and shoots at the armored head, leaving a small explosion that breaks the moving armor in pieces.

"... I never thought an armor that was empty could move by itself," Sunset said as she picked up a piece of armor.

Matt replies, "Trust me, I see worse things!"

"So shall we -" she gets cut off when she feels something approaching. There will be two more living armors on the way, one red and one green. As the green one charged at Sunset, she blocked it by her staff, then put her hoof on the armor, and it appeared to be the magic circle, so she kicked it out and it exploded. In the smoke, the red one charges at Sunset, making her unable to react, but Lance shoots at its leg, causing its armor to fall at the knee. Matt sees that and seizes the opportunity to slash it into pieces.

"Well, I don't know what it's called, is it a living armor?" Sunset asks confused.

"It's called a Clay; it's a golem created by someone... But there's a rumor that it's out of control and has been trying to kill anything" Natalie says as she looks at the book.

Sunset notes, "That explains how a blast can slay it." She looks ahead and sees a cave. "Great, now we have to go through that cave first."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let go!" said Matt with excitement.

After the team enters the cave, they look around to see what they can see.

"Well, I don't know what will happen. I would like it if we encountered a crab," says Matt as he is dreaming of eating crab.

"I won't be surprised when I encounter that thing because my nerves of surprise are numb," Sunset says irritated.

"Aye, don't be like that Shimmer," he pats Sunset's head "I just don't wanna meet some monster that can't eat, a crap would be--" a giant crab with a shell on its back and a big pincer appeared "--good"

"Oh, my---, next time shut your mouth, Matt," said Sunset as she took a battle stance.

"What? Just a coincidence. You say that jellyfish will appear too?" Matt asked as the red jellyfish appeared. When Matt yelled, "Oh come on, I am sure you don't have any clay in here!", a green piece of clay appeared. Matt facepalms and Sunset smirks at him.

"Told you ~" Sunset teases as Matt groans.

The Green clay stretches its bow and aims at Lance while the crab burrows into the ground. Jellyfish press their canals and shoot fireballs toward Sunset. Sunset was going to teleport, but the crab struck her from the ground, making her flinch. The fireball is headed her way, but Lance takes a shot at it to stop it before it can hit her. He slams his sword tip, releasing a ray of lava from the ground, and destroys the green Clay. Sunset creates spikes of ice around the crab, making it defend itself by going into the shell. The ice spikes fell down, causing the crab to trap inside its shell, and Natalie finished killing the jellyfish by using "Ice Shard".

Sunset says, "Yeah, we're definitely having a crab meet.

Natalie cheers, "You know how to use the spell."

Sunset retorts, "That's normal, right? You're better than that.".

"To be honest, I'm not much more agile than you. As compared to other mages I have met, you are the weirdest," Natalie said as she wished because she was jealous of Sunset.

"Thanks, I guess," Sunset rubs her head. "Anyway...". "Let's get out of here," Sunset said to the team.

The team searches for the way out of the cave. They find a boy stuck in the ruins. They set up and helps him out. Natalie and Sunset then use "Heal" to clean up his wound. They decide to take the boy back to his mother. As they nearly leave the cave, earthquakes cause the cave to shake violently, making Sunset and Natalie create shields in order to prevent getting injured. The earthquake is strong enough to create a hole under Sunset, causing her to fall into the hole.

"SUNSET." shoutsthe trio.

"We have to save her," Matt shouts as going to jump to the hole but Lance stops him by the gun-blade.

Lance shouts, "We have to wait for the earthquake to end first." Matt had to agree. Five minutes after the earthquake, the team starts to worry about the unicorn.

Matt yells at Lance. "She needs our help now!"

"Lance shouts back, "How can we get down there? It is too deep from here and none of us have teleportation except her."

"Then what are we going to do? Wait here and watch her die?" Matt shouts angrily.

"Can you fucking calm down?" Lance shouts louder and Matt falls silent. "We know she is important to us, but why go down there and have another injured team member? I need some tools down there. Kid, do you have rope? I need one."

"I have a rope, but it's at home," he said. Lance nods as he understands.

Lance says, "Let's get this kid home so we can borrow some tools." Then he turns his head to the kid and asks, "What's your name, kid?"

The kid answers "Simon,"

Lance suggests, "Look Simon, we need your help ok?" The boy nods, "let's go, let's not waste any time."

The trio runs as fast as they can to get the tools. In the process of making their way to Simon's house, ten pirates, hiding in the brush, emerge from the brush and block their way with knives and guns.

Matt shouts at them, "Move aside, we don't have time for this.".

"If you want us to move," one of the pirates is pointing his blade at the trio, "give me that horse for your life." The trio glares at the pirates in surprise.

Lance asks them, "What do you want from her? She isn't a helpful pony for getting labor work."

"Oh, we don't need to get it to work for us. We sell it to get money, a rare horse like that will have high value for us, besides having that horse in your group is just an anvil to hold you all down, don't you think?" The pirate laughs "How about this? I give you some money so you can sell that horse for us and we will let you go. I'm sure -" before the pirate finishes the sentence, Natalie throws him a fireball to make him shut his mouth up.

"You don't get her," Natalie shouts as she points the staff at the pirate, "move aside or you will die."

The pirates don't listen to Natalie, they whistle to reach their teammate. There are now 20 pirates aiming at the trio. A pirate smirked, "You think you can defeat us? You should give me that horse.". The trio has had it with the pirates, so they let out their rage at the start of the battle.

- Meanwhile -

As Sunset starts to grow conscious, she notices that she fainted in the hole. Although she tries to get up, her injury won't allow her to do so, so with the help of her staff, she tried to move.

"Where am I?" she asks as she searches around. It is dark around, so she lit a fireball and let it flutter around. When the light comes on, she sees a big hallway that leads somewhere. She looks around the hallways. Sunset continues to walk and comes to a door. Sunset said, "Well, at least we have something in here.".

When she opens the door, she is surprised to see a small, bipedal, pure white dragon with large wings. This dragon is a little bigger than an adult human. She points the staff at the dragon, feeling scared and cautious. The dragon looks at her but says nothing else as he walks into the room. Sunset feels strange about this but decides to follow him. They walk until they reach a platform in the middle of the room with a crystal on it. The dragon transforms into a mist and enters the crystal. Sunset looks at the hexagonal-shaped crystal, which is red and blue. After looking around the crystal for a few moments, she decides to touch it in confusion. After she touches the crystal, it is too bright and causes her to faint.

While looking around in confusion, she notices a pure white dragon staring into the void, saying nothing. "Hey, Can you hear me?" Trying to shout, Sunset tries to catch the dragon's attention. The dragon turns his body to her, then walks towards her, kneeling beside her at eye level to gaze at her. Sunset stares back at the dragon, not knowing what to do. Sunset's eyes are poked by the dragon after he touches his forehead.

"Ouch", Sunset whimpered in pain at the touch, then she felt like her eyes were on fire. She cries in pain, and tries to open her eyes; as she opened her eyes, she saw that she stood beside a small mirror, and she noticed that both of her eyes were being burned by bright red and blue fire. As she breathes in pain, the burning finally ends. She has never felt so much pain. As the dragon nods and stands up, he walks to a magic circle and disappear, and Sunset faints after that.

Sunset's eyes widen, and she gets up quickly, breathing heavily as she just witnessed that dream.

Natalie says, "You're awake!" as she embraced Sunset

"Can't breathe." Sunset struggles with Natalie's bear hug. Natalie releases her with an "oop".

Sunset asks them, "Where am I?".

"Don't worry, they let us stay here overnight so you can take a full rest." Said Lance.

Ok... But why are you all bruised? Did you fight a monster that was so strong?". Sunset asks again

Matt replies, "We fought against the pirate group."...

"I see, but I am going to bed now." Sunset replies. "We will discuss this later.".

The trio says "me too," before lying on the ground together.

The next morning, Sunset wakes up and tries to move herself up but she can't because Matt and Natalie are hugging her like a pillow and sleeping. Sunset pours water on them, making them "gap" and fully awake. Then they glare at Sunset.

"You can wake us up in a far nicer way than that," Matt says as he hates being poured.

Sunset counters, "Stop "pillowing" me already, I'm a pony, not a pillow.".

"But your fur is so soft for us, I can't sleep without your fur!" Natalie cheers as Sunset facehoof.

"Fine, but don't hug me without my permission, ok?" Sunset responds as the duo nods.

Sunset stands up, goes out of the tent, and sees Lance, Simon, and the blue-haired girl talking to each other. Sunset waved her front hooves and approached Simon, patting his head and conducting a conversation.

Sunset says, "Hi Lance, what's new?", the blue-haired girl, amazed that Sunset could speak to her.

"Yo-You can talk?" exclaims the blue-hair girl, Simon's eyes flashing for excitement.

Sunset replies, "Yeah, I can talk."

"My apologies for laughing at you Lance, I thought you said something crazy." The blue-haired girl says. "Andddd....she can walk on two legs too. WOW, I'm thinking I'm nuts now. All horses have four legs, yet I just met a two-legged talking horse." Sunset gets annoyed by that.

"This team here... tricks me into signing a contract, and then teaches me some crazy training lessons. And sorry but I'm a pony, not a horse." Replies Sunset as Lance smirks.

"Oh come on, you've already passed that lesson and become part of our team," says Lance.

The blue-hair girl introduces to Sunset,"My name is Krystal, it's nice to meet you Mrs. Alien",

"Please call me Sunset and don't use the word "alien". It makes me feel uncomfortable". Says Sunset as she shakes Krystal's hand.

"You're an old mage, aren't you?" Asks Krystal making Sunset surprised "Oh? I thought all old mages wore these clothes with wooden staff". Sunset facehoof.

Sunset counters, "I'm just over 40 years old, so I'm still young, OK?"

"That age is fairly old for us, you know?" asks Lance, Sunset tilting her head in confusion. "I mean, the average human life over 100 years old is incredible," Lance replied.

Sunset replies, somewhat surprised, "Really?... I thought humans could live longer." "Well, for us, it is normal to live that long."

Lance replies, "I have no word.".

"Anyway, since you saved this beach from the pirates, I need to thank you three," says Krystal.

"No problem, they make us angry too," Lance says, making Sunset surprised.

Sunset asks, "What did they say that made you angry?".

"They keep telling us to give you up to them, no matter the warnings we give, they still charge at us. Natalie uses the spell "Genesis" and makes them heavily injured. Geez, they finally give up." recalls Lance. Sunset simply nods.

In her bag, Krystal pulls forth a staff with an ice ball and a number of spikes attached to it. "Please take this staff as a thank you to me," she said and Lance just simply takes the staff "but can you do one more flavor? I can believe you all can do it." The duo nods their heads to listen, Krystal points at the wooden bridge. "That bridge is the only way I can go home in Glacier Valley, but a few days ago, a giant squid was blocking our way. I can't handle it on my own so I set up camp here waiting for someone to slay it. So, can you do it for me, please? My parents are going to miss me and Simon so much." The duo stares together and nods to agree. "Really? You'll do it? Thank you so much. I'll pay you after I get home."

Well, we have to rest in Glacier Valley before we head to the volcano, so we're good," says Lance.

Sunset continues, "Well then... Would it be safe for you to stay here? I don't want to drag you into it."

Crystal nods, "Good luck on your quest."

Sunset goes back to the camp and tells them about the quest. Matt seems excited because he wants to eat that squid while Natalie is terrified of...tentacles, but seeing that they must pass through the Glacier Valley, she has to agree. After breakfast, the team head to the wooden bridge. As they just have a step on the bridge, they already see a giant squid camping on that bridge.

"I wonder what the Squid is like in that bridge?" Asks Sunset.

"I don't know but I'd like to try that squid." Matt was excited.

"You remind me of Celestia when she wants cake. Anyway, let's have that squid."

The team notices that the Giant Squid hasn't noticed them yet. Natalie cast "Thunderstorm" to the squid and made it "yelp". It turns to them and glares. It swings one tentacle at them but misses. Matt slams the tip of the sword and a fire ray appears on the ground, making the squid flinch back. Lance uses his big gun to aim at it but the squid split ink at his face makes him can't shoot. Natalie casts the spell to make many stars appear on the squid's head, then falling at it.

The squid jerks back to the attack because of the hurt, it is angrier and starts to swing the tentacles rapidly. The team dodges most of its swing but one by one gets hit. They get sent flying in different ways, Sunset and Lance fall into the sand while Natalie and Matt fall into the water. The squid then uses its tentacle to press into the wooden bridge and it flies direct to Sunset. The squid slams its body to Sunset's position while holding the big gun and aim at it. At the time, he shoots the gun and makes him jerk back by its recoil. When the bullet begins to touch the squid, it explodes electrically, making the squid groan.

Sunset, teleport before the slam, forming an ice spear and going to throw at the squid. Before she can do it, the fire once again appears in her eyes, one blue and one red, making her feel the burn and can't focus the spell. The squid took a chance to wrap the tentacle around Sunset and lock her in it. Matt feels something wrong about Sunset, he charges at the squid and slashes the tentacle out. While Lance finishes charging, he clicks the trigger and a beam has shot from the gun. It goes through the squid and burns it completely. Matt goes forward to check the squid and finds that it dies, then he quickly turns to Sunset, found that her eyes are still in the fire. The fire then went out, making Sunset sighs of relief for not feel her eyes burning.

Matt demands, "You got to explain about this"

"Okay... I will explain when we get to Glacier Valley." Says Sunset as Matt nods.

The giant squid is now completely dead. Lance signals Krystal of the squid's demise. Matt drags the dead squid while Lance finds the perfect spot to set up camp. They will discuss the issue of their unicorn teammate.