• Member Since 28th Feb, 2018
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For some people, small, beautiful events are what life is all about!

Comments ( 195 )

I loved the Magnus Archive and was totally distraught when the podcast ended in March. The idea that Sunset records all of the Equestrian objects will be a fun one to look into, as well as raises two questions:

1) How many artifacts did Starswirls dump on Earth?

2) Why the heck is it set in Virginia of all places. Most people use California, owning to the large, clear beaches you see in Forgotten Friendship and the shorts. Here in the Atlantic, all you see are dreary skies and driftwood on the beaches

Interesting, if a bit grimdark for my Pony tastes. I've sometimes imagined the EQ Girls discovering that the human world does have magic of it's own, only it's Lovecraftian type magic. (I even thought of writing a short story about the latest odd transfer student being Keziah Mason's great-great-great granddaughter, complete with Brown Jenkin-equivalent hidden in her backpack, but never got around to it, and nowadays my fan energy levels are no longer up to it).

"Statement of Sunset Shimmer, regarding her search for the origin of the artifacts known as ‘the Geodes of Harmony’. Statement taken direct from subject, August 11th, 2021. Statement begins."

Is that a name you came up with?

I guess the first thing you should know about me is that I’ve always been kind of a risk-taker. “Incorrigible,” Princess Celestia used to call me. When I snuck into the kitchen to steal out of the cookie jar. When I tricked some noble colts into painting the garden trellises white. When I uncovered an embezzlement scheme that led to the heads of three of the most powerful families in Canterlot being sent to jail. She would always just shake her head at me and murmur, “incorrigible,” and she was always smiling just a little when she said it.

Did they get out?

The geodes, I should mention, are the Geodes of Harmony, seven superpower-granting stones with suspected ties to the Elements of Harmony. They were first discovered in a cave on the property known as ‘Camp Everfree,’ located at 22 1250 East Road, outside of Canterlot, Virginia, on the human side of the mirror portal.

Honestly, I’ve been interested in the geodes for awhile.

The shadows shifted, and I felt my blood run cold. I could see only darkness. But I was certain, absolutely positive, that I should not have drawn more attention to myself. The shadows rippled, like a pond disturbed by a swimmer. I tried to draw back, back into the prison that now seemed so secure, but I couldn’t pull back my arm. Somehow, the hole in the rock had fallen around it, crushing my shoulder like a boa constrictor as the thing in the dark drew slowly nearer.

It was at this moment she knew she f*cked up.

Here’s one last lesson for you, listener. If you see a light in the dark, don’t just fucking grab it with your bare, bloody hand.

Is she gonna give the recording to someone else?

Shaking her head, Sunset let out a soft sigh. “My final thoughts on this incident… I really hope that removing the geodes from that cave didn’t cause all of that to happen, but I certainly can’t rule it out as a possibility. Aside from that, I’m afraid the investigation was a total dead end, and as I said, I’m not about to go back there again.”

I feel like she will.

I've only heard of the Magnus Archives but never actually listened. What I like a ot this story is I didn't have to to understand what's going on.

Looking forward to more.

Hmm. I only know of the Archives through your own work. This isn't my usual genre of choice, but with you at the helm, I'm certainly willing to give it a try. Let's see where this goes.

Hmmmm, I spot....The Web, The Eye, The Buried, and The Dark.

But where does the crystal fit in? Hmmm....
Theory: the larger Empathy Crystal grounded Sunset's mind, dispelling the illusion she was trapped within and bringing her back to the real world.

This is going in my Favorites either way :pinkiehappy:


One single, branching lightning-shaped thing that put Harry Trotter to shame. Well, y’know, more shame than his author already brought to him.

Shots fired.

What, looking at weather maps? What’s gonna happen to me, I’m gonna get a computer virus from looking at the temperature?

I mean, given what we've seen thus far, I wouldn't be surprised.

The wild blue yonder has an almost irresistible call for Dash. Soul of a pegasus and all. I do have to wonder how the eldritch forces involved would react if she sprouted wings.

Also, while I do like the theme of crystals, I have to think this one is more incidental than the source. We'll see how it develops. For now, wonderful first-hand account. Very atmospheric horror, if you'll forgive the pun. :rainbowwild:

I’ll be honest, I’m confused.

Finding out about The Magnus Archives was pretty cool and, the moment I learned about The Vast, I was all for it. I felt a strong connection to it and even managed to score it as an answer to a quiz: I literally hopped around in my seat with joy.

Should I be concerned? :rainbowderp:

Yeah, feeling a powerful connection to one of the Entities is pretty standard. I myself feel a strong affinity to the Eye. I just want to consume all of the knowledge of the world, is that so much to ask?

Let’s see, so the speed is the derivative of the velocity…

Uh, no, that's acceleration. Speed is the scalar quantity of velocity.

I do wonder what would happen if Sunset tried taking the batteries out of that recorder. Assuming there are any.

Oh, please, Trixie doesn’t use anything irritating in her smoke bombs.

"No, but something irritating uses them."
:trixieshiftleft: "Harsh, Shimmer."

He brushed against Trixie as he went, and his skin felt wrong. It wasn’t hairy, it was fuzzy. Like a pool table.

Anon, you absolute Muppet.

and featuring you, as a nice cloak. A hat, maybe. I’ve never worked blue leather before, it’s going to be wonderful not having to dye it…

Oh goodness, that does open up new avenues to the serial killers of this world, doesn't it?

I don’t know if you realize this, but anthropocentric design isn’t really a big thing in Equestria.

South of the equator, sure, but not in Horseland itself.

And yeah, this is delving deep into a magic Sunset isn't prepared for. Here's hoping she can get through the investigation with nothing too terrible happening to her. Trixie's spider bite alone seems like cause for concern.

She glanced up, suddenly aware of the faint whirring sound that filled the air around her. Pulling the tape recorder out of her bag, she frowned as its mechanism merrily whirred away. “Now, I know I didn’t do anything to you this time,” she said, pressing off the ‘record’ button with a firm click.

Did it turn on by itself?

Sunset sputtered, too caught off-guard by the irony to formulate a comeback. Eventually, she just sighed. “Do… you have an experience with Equestrian magic you’re here to share, Trixie?”

So they just report to her?

...When Trixie returned the next week, there was no sign that anything had happened. Even the vanishing cabinet seemed in perfect working order, with even all the cobwebs cleaned out -- though, Trixie is sure you understand, she hasn’t used the damn thing since. When she asked around about the, the ‘guy’, nobody else could tell her a thing. They all remembered him, but no one seemed to know anything about him. Most assumed he had been fired.

So no one thought he was suspicious?

Sunset took in a long, shaky breath. “Statement… statement ends,” she said.

She scared out of her mind.

Sunset shook her head. “Then I’ve got nothing. The human-shaped thing you mentioned seems even more inexplicable. I don’t know if you realize this, but anthropocentric design isn’t really a big thing in Equestria.”

What does that mean?

Trixie nodded once and departed, idly running her hands along the shelves as she passed, her fingers dancing over the spines. Sunset watched her go and ran a hand over the material. “This is too much,” she muttered, half to herself, before flicking the tape recorder firmly off.

That’s odd.


no, that's acceleration. Speed is the scalar quantity of velocity.

Reason #173 for why I'm in history and not the sciences.

Oh goodness, that does open up new avenues to the serial killers of this world, doesn't it?

Hannibal Lecter interpreted calls from nutritionists to 'eat a rainbow' very incorrectly.


So they just report to her?

Word travels fast in a high school, especially with regard to magical ponies who have on multiple occasions saved the school from magical forces. By this point, it's safe to assume that most of the school has heard of Sunset's project.

So no one thought he was suspicious?

We're operating on nightmare logic. Alternately, people who thought he was suspicious may have been too afraid to say anything.

What does that mean?

'Anthropocentric design' basically means 'made with humans in mind'. Most ponies know nothing of humans and therefore wouldn't make a creature that looks like one.

OoOoOoOo, Web vs Stranger, wasn't expecting that :pinkiecrazy:

And a spider saves the day! This seems to be the year for spiders, it would seem 🕸

Experience certainly helps... when the experienced can bear to share it. Might be an issue here. Hopefully the alternate submission method will help keep Sunset relatively sane.

At this point, Sunset didn’t even look up when the tape recorder turned on automatically. She just reached out with a foot to push out the chair across from her. It was only when a figure settled down in the seat that she raised her eyes from her history textbook.

Is it me or is there something going on with that tape recorder?

We went to visit their grave in late August; me, Applejack, Mac, and Granny, all gone out for the afternoon to pay our respects and have a lil’ picnic with Ma an’ Pa. It’s nice. Tradition.

Isn’t it already late august?

It was here where I probably shoulda tried to call Applejack, or yell for help, or just start running like hell in one direction until I got out of the graveyard. But I didn’t. I squared my shoulders and walked straight for the tent. Something or someone was messing with me, and I wasn’t gonna have it. At the very least, I thought there would be somebody in that tent who could give me a helping hand in getting back to my family.

Welp, there’s your mistake.

So I stand up again, shaking on my feet. Ma is still looking dead front and center. I look at her for a long while, at her pale and bloody face.

And I take her cold, dry hand and I squeeze all the comfort out of it that I can.

Judge me all you like. I never got to hold that hand before, and I wasn’t gonna miss my chance now.

Trust me, I’m definitely judging.

I climb in and close the lid. My last view is Applejack’s horrified face, and then the box closes in on me.

Why is she horrified?

As for me? I don’t… think I got any lasting effects from it, leastwise apart from the trauma. But… temperatures’ve gotten up to the nineties a few days this summer, and I ain’t broken a sweat a day since.”

Summer? I thought it was august.

“Ah, Sims-Blackwood, properly,” the man corrected. “My husband and I decided to double-barrel our surnames. We had a bit of a row over whose name would go first, but he pointed out that if Blackwood-Sims were initialized, it would be, well…”


Sunset grimaced. “Magic,” she said. “It’s real. I probably shouldn’t be telling you this, but it’s really only a matter of time before one of my friends uses their superpowers in front of you, or some new magical artifact that Starswirl the Bearded threw into this dimension a couple of millennia ago rears its ugly head again.” She glanced at the tape recorder. “As they tend to do with alarming frequency,” she muttered.

I’m not seeing the problem.

Martin whipped around, eyes wide. Sunset groaned and put her head in her hands. “Did you have to lead with my teen angst phase?” she asked. “Couldn’t you have started with one of the times I saved the world?”


Sunset reached out and touched the man’s hand. He jumped a bit as her eyes flashed white. “I see…” she murmured. “People. Lots of people. A woman -- I can’t quite make out her face behind the curls. A man in a Hawaiian shirt. A short woman with blue hair and a knife -- my kinda gal -- then a woman in a hijab holding a book, a woman with scars on her face and short blonde hair… and a man. Greying at the temples… a lot of scars, holy shit, what are those things on his face… dresses like a grandma. And then, just, a tape recorder?”

That’s weird for multiple reasons.

“Mm. Badly,” Sunset admitted. “So many people have had weird encounters over the summer, none of those encounters are in any way related, and not one of the interviewees saw what could have caused them! On top of that, people just keep coming to me and offering up their stories, which takes up my time and I think might be taking a toll on my mental health! It’s just too much.”

What mental health?

“...I see,” Martin said. “Well -- you know, there’s something to be said for informality there, too. Just something people can pass in and out of? Nothing permanent, or contracted or…” He trailed off. “Sorry. Never mind! Just, hah, talking to myself.”

What is he talking about?

I think that a lot of your questions might be answered in the source material. You can find The Magnus Archives on basically any podcast app of your choice. I promise, I'll start covering more of the material as we go.

Also, do you not consider August to be summer? Fall doesn't officially start until mid-September.

Sunset is reluctant to explain magic to Martin because she's just met him and isn't necessarily sure she can trust him, but knows that it's probably better just to tell him about these things rather than have him freak out the first time he sees Rainbow Dash outpaces a speeding locomotive.

And the shortened form of Blackwood-Sims is B.S.

Is that what this is a crossover of?


Ohh. I thought she had a problem with magic being in the human world.

That is amazing. Is it meant to hint at something?

I'm loving this book! Please make more!

....holy f:yay: :twilightoops:
Looks like The Lonely and The End are throwing a 'Welcome to the New World Order' party to everyone in the vicinity. Pinkie's gonna be pissed that she missed the chance to-

See you in class, Mr. Sims."

I was not expecting-

“Call me Martin,

....well played, Six/Sevens. Well played :derpyderp2:

You do this universe all kinds of amazingly well :raritystarry:

Shortly after, I was asked to leave the premises for reasons that totally weren’t connected to me attempting to break into a filing cabinet.

“...Should’ve hidden in the bathroom and tried it after dark.

You know, I can't help but visualize The Eye listening in like always and, at that last part, doing a double-take.

“Apparently, some dog at the shelter came in with rabies. It got violent, escaped, and had to be put down. I think Fluttershy was a bit traumatized, poor thing, and she’s gone to get some kind of… rabies booster, I guess?”


always snapping pictures of us on the field with her old Polaroid.

Takes notes, Sunset, take notes!

The cafe’s new special was called ‘elasticini con besciamella’; or, rubber bands with white sauce.

The white sauce was hand lotion.

I know that The Stranger is likely doing this just for kicks, but I very nearly barfed :pinkiesick:

Applejack’s phone -- but no Applejack.

F:yay:! Start digging, start digging! :raritycry:
Hold on, AJ! :fluttershbad:


You do this universe all kinds of amazingly well

aaahhh ty!

You know, I can't help but visualize The Eye listening in like always and, at that last part, doing a double-take.

I always tend to think that the Eye has a fairly intimate relationship with its Avatars, as far as entities go; less so than the Web, maybe, but sort of like the connection you might have with your favorite TV show. So Gertrude was always good for a nice big explosion, Jon brought the drama, Jonah/Elias was... there, and Sunset is proving to develop in some very interesting directions...

“For file #0210817, I went to the extension office and asked about the ‘guy’ or ‘creature’ that Trixie mentioned. I was informed that he had been brought on as a temporary replacement for the previous crafts instructor, who had left town abruptly in late May. I was not permitted to view his employment record. Shortly after, I was asked to leave the premises for reasons that totally weren’t connected to me attempting to break into a filing cabinet.

“...Should’ve hidden in the bathroom and tried it after dark.

Sunset, something tells me it’s hard for you to get over your old habits.

“Apparently, some dog at the shelter came in with rabies. It got violent, escaped, and had to be put down. I think Fluttershy was a bit traumatized, poor thing, and she’s gone to get some kind of… rabies booster, I guess?”


Sunset sighed as she reclined on her bed, bouncing a leg nervously. This wouldn’t exactly be her first time sneaking around Canterlot after dark, but there was a difference between a little light graffiti and digging up a cemetery. What if they got caught? What if they got stuck at the bottom of the pit they dug? What if they found exactly what you’d expect to find in a cemetery? Sunset had too many questions. She hated all of the answers.


“Truth is beauty, and beauty is truth.” That’s the old saying, right? I always believed it, in the sort of way you believe “Early to bed, early to rise,” and stuff like that. It’s just something people say. You don’t question it.

Recently, though, I’ve had a lot to think about with regard to truth and beauty, and I think it’s only half right. Truth is beautiful. But beauty isn’t always the truth.

What does that mean?

I didn’t have much time to think about it, though. Almost as soon as we opened, our little cafe was flooded with eager diners. They never stayed long, either. They just ordered something, took a picture of it when it arrived, and left. Most of them didn’t even take a bite. They were interested in a different form of consumption. The flash of phone cameras was dizzying. They took pictures of the food, the decor, and even the staff, before sending it hurtling into the internet. I can’t even guess how many photos of me exist now. How many iterations of I.

Did they pay?

There’s a lot that I can’t fix an exact date to. Like, when exactly we started taking one customer’s untouched meal and serving it up to another. It wasn’t as though it mattered. No one was trying to eat them anymore, not since the guy who tried to take a bite of his ice cream cone discovered that it was covered in carefully-sculpted lard.

What’s lard?

The cafe is still there, although there weren’t as many customers as I remembered. Maybe Vignette moved on, took the attention somewhere else. I looked through the window -- Vignette apparently went through with the rebrand, as it’s been painted with the figure of a laughing clown and renamed ‘Gaslighters’. Pretty on the nose, if I say so myself. But looking in from across the street, I saw the tall, distended figure of Sunny at the register. In the back, the disturbingly muscular form of Short flipped something that probably wasn’t a pancake. And in the middle of it all, someone was waiting tables. She wore the cafe’s apron, a wide smile, and my face.

How is that possible?

“End statement.” Sunset put the last piece of paper down, her brow furrowed. “This… raises many questions. At the very least, this account details a known quantity in the realm of the supernatural, in the form of Vignette Valencia and her… editing skills. However, there are elements of this that don’t fit. When I encountered Valencia, she was only able to replace my friends and I with simple holograms, not physically distort bodies or remove faces. Furthermore, she mentioned a ‘patron’, one with a fondness for clowns.”

So she’s met valencia?

Sunset was silent for a long moment. “I cannot begin to guess what this might mean for my investigation,” she said at last. “I can only assume that there is some figure behind the scenes, granting power to people and locations for some unknown purpose of their own. Valencia’s phrasing suggests that this is done intentionally, and that she has had direct contact with this individual. Finding Valencia is, therefore, a priority, though of higher priority is finding a way to protect myself and others from her chicanery.”

So there’s basically something giving people powers? Where’s their location?

My eyes had never been so inhumanly wide, like something out of a cartoon.

And in this world, that's saying something!

Fascinating Vignette vignette, made all the more disturbing by the familiar face. It's definitely a lead, but is it one Sunset wants to pursue? And that's before getting into whatever happened to Applejack...

Exquisitely unsettling. You're far too good at this, and I mean that as a compliment.

What is The Magnus Archives podcast all about?

Primarily Interviews about supernatural occurrences as recorded by the archivist. It has an overarching interconnected story with heavy amounts of lore. It is also about beings known as Entities but I will let you find out about them on your own since that would be heavy spoilers.

Fair warning, the series is very much horror, very intense, and can be a lot. I would recommend it however as it is very well done.

Earth and water. Burial in either should be fatal, but "should" is becoming less and less applicable as time goes on and the shadows grow darker. I suppose the question behind all of this is why now. Equestrian magic may have provided the spark for a far more destructive blaze. And I don't just mean Aria...

Now, though, it was six, and that meant he’d probably better get started feeding the chickens. With a huff, he rose from his armchair and strode to the front door. He had only gotten about halfway there when a frantic knocking erupted from the other side. Mac paused for only a moment before hustling to the door and throwing it open. The woman on the other side all but collapsed as soon as he did so, and Mac lunged to catch her. She was a mess -- her hair tangled, her hands bloody, and dirt caked across her body. For a moment, Mac was lost for words. “Miss Shimmer?” he asked at last.

What happened?

Can you, on the other hand, imagine the joy and wonderment we felt when a box arrived at our doorstep with three intact gems within? We knew them as our own as instinctively as you would know your face in a mirror. They were… wrong, though. The fracture lines were still visible, of course, but more than that, they were the wrong shades. Look at mine -- deep, almost purple, rather than the ruby red it once was. Dagi’s was faded and pale, and by contrast, Sonata’s was a bright crimson, like fresh blood. It didn’t matter that they had been pieced together, or that they were discolored, or even that we didn’t know who had repaired them -- we only cared about reuniting our souls with our bodies.

Then, why did it sparkle red?

The usual triad wasn’t working, though not for lack of trying. We’d ambush people late at night, singing at them. Sometimes, they’d just stand there, confused. Other times, they’d run away screaming. I think we only managed to harmonize once. That just made our victim decide to run into the lake. She… didn’t come up again. That was the only performance where all three of us actually felt full afterwards.

Why didn’t they stop her?

“Oh -- what the…” she muttered. Glancing back at Aria, she paused. The bench itself was drenched, with a large puddle of mud forming underneath. “Aria? Did you just get out of the pond, or what?”

Did she go into the ocean?

Mac was already running up the side of the hill, shovel in hand, but before either of them could say a word, a figure rose from the dirt atop the hill, cursing a blue streak. Dirt streamed from Applejack’s hair, her skin, even her eyes and mouth as she glared at Sunset. “Dammit! Can’t a girl get a night’s sleep around here?”

What the hell?

Oooooooooooh shiiiiiiiiiiiiii:yay:

The Lonely, The Hunt, and The Vast are at work with the Sirens, it would seem. This could get nasty.

And yay, AJ's alive! ...erm, and apparently thinks that The Buried is now the best thing ever. Hmmmm, you know, I wonder....do you think AJ had an experience similar to Sunset's in the cave that saved her from a worse fate and this is a side-effect?

“Mm.” Applejack deflated, sinking back into her pillow. “Never liked hospitals. Too clean. Sterile.”

Please tell me that is not her reason.

“You could tell ‘em it was magic,” Applejack said. “That’s th’ truth! Hell, they might even believe it, ‘specially if you an’ the girls came to demonstrate. Maybe part of bein’ real strong is holdin’ mah breath fer a real long time, how ‘bout that?”

How about no?

Twilight sat a little straighter in her chair. “I'm the human one, by the way. Just in case any later listeners were confused. I’ve been analyzing the artifacts that Sunset has dubbed the ‘Geodes of Harmony’, and comparing them to earlier studies I’ve performed on them. As requested, I focused especially on variations in the data collected from Applejack’s pendant. The most obvious change to it is that it seems to have become denser -- its mass appears to be the same as ever, but has been compressed to around eighty percent of its original volume. Additionally, it has become more opaque, and my studies of its magical energies have yielded unfamiliar results. I’m uncertain of what to make of this.”

What did she just say?

“I guess it’s only fair that you don’t know much about dogs, since I’m, y’know, the only one who speaks your language and none of you have bothered learning mine. Kidding. Mostly kidding. But there are some things you need to realize about dogs to understand what I experienced.

We depend on smell for so much. You probably knew that much, I guess, but I don’t think there’s really a way for me to put it into a language you’d understand. It’s like when Twilight tried to explain ‘red’ to me -- I can’t see it, there’s no way I could see it, I don’t have any context for it besides that it’s a color I can’t see. You humans depend so much on your eyes, but your noses are basically nothing.

Damn. Spike must be in a sour mood.

On the other side of the group, Mina took a long sniff. “Still not close enough to smell, though,” she noted.

Who’s Mina?

I trotted off behind Garble and Smolder -- they had the same human, and Smolder loved the bigger dog to bits. I didn’t much care for him, personally speaking, but Smolder helped to… soften him, I guess. He wasn’t quite as much of a mailman when she was around.


“Right. To do,” she said into the tape recorder. “One, inform the girls to be wary of things pretending to be human. Two, locate Vignette Valencia for further information. Three…” She hesitated for a long moment. “Three, follow up with Trixie regarding her statement for potential information about… spiders. Specifically, spiders as... potential allies... against -- nope, too stupid, I’m not even going to finish that thought. End supplemental.”

Against what?

Couple of weeks without magic ain’t gonna kill nobody.

Why do I smell irony?

Oh dear. The geodes are integrating with far darker influences. That's the thing about Harmony. It tries to get along with everything, and that can lead to some nasty influences getting welcomed in without a second thought.

I have the distinct sense that Sunset should not have squashed that spider. She definitely should've copied the data from that statement. This is going to go horribly awry; I'm just not sure how. And Twilight's definitely going to believe this only when it's too late... which it may already be.

Four geodes have changed, does that mean their respective girls are now Avatars? Or has their respective fear's power simply merged with their magic? Hmmmmm....

Specifically, spiders as... potential allies... against -- nope, too stupid, I’m not even going to finish that thought.

I really, really think you should, Sunset :twilightoops:

It looks like The Stranger is having fun, but the last time Valencia had her fun, she got diamond-slapped (more or less). When I saw the title, I really thought The Hunt would show up, but they have their own code and I don't think it involves hurting puppies :applecry:

Those poor dogs.... I dunno how or when or even if, but there will be a reckoning for those not-dogs :twilightangry2:

It must have been her imagination, but it seemed to be turning a bit green.

Well, that can't possibly end well. Infection might be one of the better-case scenarios.

Oh. Hello, Screwball. It'll definitely be interesting to see how she factors into this. To say nothing of her parent(s(?)).

She was certain that it had been Ditzy, because the letter had been sitting under a fresh chocolate muffin. She was choosing not to question that, partly because she had enough on her plate as it was, and partly because it really was a very good muffin.

:derpytongue2: "It's simple, really. You just reach around the door."
"Won't you just hit one of the lockers next to it?
:derpyderp2: "I mean, yeah, if you do it along that axis."

Ah, more of the Washouts. The Vast and the emptiness of space do seem like an all-too-excellent mix.

Dang. Needing only a day off to recover from a Total Perspective Vortex is actually quite impressive.

storm creation and mass stellar manipulation are hugely different branches of magic, not to mention that the latter is solely theoretical and would require more unicorns than there are atoms in the universe to accomplish.

Ah, but you don't need to manipulate the stars. They're all already there. You just have to manipulate the perception of them. Of course, Sunset still thinks hers is the only magic at work here. It'll probably take something truly inexplicable for her to consider an alternative. I can only imagine what such a shock will entail.

Wallflower went pink. “I -- me? Really?”

Adorbs :heart:

So glad to see you back "hugs" I'm enjoying this story :)

Fluttershy, you might want to have that checked out :twilightoops:

And we dive right into The Vast and all its glory: personally (Warning: opinionated spiel incoming), I don't really get the whole nihilistic part of it and I don't think that I want to. The Universe is vast compared to our little blue planet and our little blue planet is vast compared to us, but while thinking about what's going on in the depths of space is ride for sure, so's what's going on five inches in front of our faces. Seriously, so many things happen in the midst of our lives, why bother wasting time on existential dread?

And this is me speaking from experience: I was an intense hypochondriac since Kindergarten and didn't stop until college, during which I had a very nasty mental experience. It took a year and a half for me to get back to normal. After that, I just got so fed up with being scared of everything that I just...stopped. Sure, I still have phobias and I have moments of paranoia, but the constant fear of sh!t happening if I do something wrong in the next five minutes? Nope.

Just live your life, pray each night, and enjoy the sky :raritywink:

(also, still not done with the original Archives, so I'm gonna start crying over Jon now ;-;)

“Huh? Oh. Yeah. I haven’t been sleeping great recently. Apparently, when you combine empathy powers with people telling you about traumatic experiences, you get secondhand nightmares. Who knew.”

That’s what her power is?

Fluttershy waved her goodbye, then winced and grabbed at her upper arm. Pushing up her sleeve, she stared at the scarring wound of tangled marks there. It must have been her imagination, but it seemed to be turning a bit green.

When did that happen?

Screwball steepled her fingers. “I suppose that makes me treasurer,” she said.

What does that mean?

“The spider that saved your life,” Sunset started. She paused, thinking how to askTrixie her question without seeming completely nuts.

Is that what happened?

“Great,” said the green girl. “Meet us on the north side of Canter Park at eight. Not the south side. You don’t wanna go there at night, old man.”

Why not the south?

“However, the experiences of their victims bear… similarities. There is a sense of isolation and insignificance in the face of a grand, uncaring force… which doesn’t explain how they accomplished these effects, but hey. Like the threads I drew between the statements made by Trixie, Spike and Golden, it’s something.”


“Ditzy! Where did you come from?” she asked.

:derpytongue2: "Space is an illusion. Lunchrooms doubly so."

Wallflower waved farewell as Sunset made her way out of the garden and back toward the parking lot, slipping off her jacket as she went. It was almost as though the world had warmed up a few degrees as she was stepping out of the garden.

There may be many new players in the game, but friendship never cashed out.

Sweetie, w̷h̶e̵n̸ ̷w̴a̵s̵ ̷t̸h̶e̷ ̴l̷a̸s̸t̸ ̶t̸i̶m̷e̴ ̸y̸o̷u̴ ̸s̸a̷w̶ ̵B̷u̴t̶t̷o̸n̶ ̷M̸a̶s̸h̷?̷

I'm sure that's nothing to worry about...

Yeah, just because friendship never cashed out doesn't mean it's going to win every hand. This will get worse before it gets better, and that may be a very optimistic assumption on my part. We'll see what happens.

Oh my gosh, I love this fic. Every time an update comes up I release a little squee. I just love the world you've created the way you use the various aspects of Magnus Archive here. I also really like how Lightning Dust is such a central antagonist. Just keep being awesome!

On the one hand, a lighter talking to you is never a good sign. On the other, there are far worse ones.

And the ongoing struggle continues, with Sunset unsure where to go from here. I do have to wonder if she’s taken a close look at her own geode. Observation inevitably impacts the experiment. And the observer.

So, I haven't started reading yet, but I want to thank the author for introducing me to the Magnus Archives, and I absolutely love it so far. I'm on piecemeal now, and god, this is good stuff.

...I never got a raise for that.

Honestly, I always figured it was volunteer work.

Yeah, this definitely bodes ill. And adding more Equestrian magic to the mix seems like it'll only make matters worse. Certainly more complicated. We'll see how it develops from here.

(Also, kudos for the self-restraint in avoiding "I'd like to be a tree.")

"hugs Wallflower"
Don't go anywhere near foggy places or beaches :twilightoops:

“Great. Sweetie, w̷h̶e̵n̸ ̷w̴a̵s̵ ̷t̸h̶e̷ ̴l̷a̸s̸t̸ ̶t̸i̶m̷e̴ ̸y̸o̷u̴ ̸s̸a̷w̶ ̵B̷u̴t̶t̷o̸n̶ ̷M̸a̶s̸h̷?̷”


“Button Mash has been deleted. Button Mash has been saved,” she read aloud. “Cream Heart has been deleted. Cream Heart has been saved.”

....no :fluttercry:

Well, The Extinction has made its appearance....dear God.....

Sunset took a deep breath. “Aria. H̷̪́o̴͇̓w̶̮̓ ̴͍̌m̵̺̾a̷̗̿n̸̩͐ÿ̶̧́ ̸̺͋p̶̀ͅe̴̳͋o̷͖̾p̶͖͋l̷̪̈ẽ̷̯ ̸̠̊h̸̺͠ả̸̡ṽ̷͉ȩ̶̕ ̷̯̕y̶̨̽ō̶̻u̵̹̽ ̷̛̮k̸̭̈́i̴͉͒l̶̡͝l̶͍̈́é̶̮d̸̖̒?̴̮̈”

The Eye/Beholding has begun to make its mark.

So, The Desolation has arrived and destroyed something akin to a Lonely avatar. Hoo boy. "hugs Wallflower" Dash, could you be anymore crass?

Aaaaaaaaaaaaand there's The Corruption; nobody ever suspects 'The Sad Puppy Dog Ploy'.

A part of me feels like there could've been hope for the 'dog', that a mutually-beneficial agreement between the two could've been met, but The Corruption wants. It wants and it won't stop wanting, because it's like the Changeling's situation, but I don't know if the solution to said situation would've worked for the 'dog' as it would for them :ajsleepy: Poor Fluttershy....

There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Sunset, than are dreamt of in your thaumology...

Good to see she recognizes the influence these dread forces are having on her, but it may be too little, too late. Though Screwball may prove to be an unexpected ally. Maybe. We'll have to see what else develops from here.

And as for Juniper, poor girl, I do appreciate the horrific irony. She always wanted to have the starring role...

i'm shivering and its the middle of the day. good job.

Huh so AB is now partially undead? Could be worse, coulda visited Sunnytown instead.

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