• Published 15th Jul 2021
  • 992 Views, 30 Comments

The Choosing WHAT?! - 23 KM To Nerdiness

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Hearts for Whooves

"Fuses? Check. POW powder? Check. Tasty crumpets? Yes, please, yum..."

One spring afternoon in the little town of Ponyville, everypony searches around the area for the perfect gifts for that special somepony for that special occasion:

:heart:HEARTS & HOOVES DAY :heart:

Just a mere five days away, those lucky guys and gals take to the streets in preparation for their sweethearts, buying every enormous balloon and every box of chocolates and every mushy card.

Down in the town's bustling market plaza, Doctor "Time Turner" Whooves overlooks his assorted stock of festive firecrackers and colorful, totally not untested prototype explosives.

As he fixes himself a fresh crumpet, the stallion's organized state of mind is interrupted by a loud THUD! coming from the stand's sign above.

"Afternoon, Derpy." Whooves hums, savoring his snack.

There, the blond pegasus flops to the ground. She dusts herself off before rising to meet the doc's gaze.

"Woo, afternoon, doctor." she sighs, exhausted. "Whatcha up to here?"

"Ah, I'm glad you asked. I'm planning on making a splash this Hearts and Hooves Day. I've concocted something that should lighten the mood for everypony, even for the most sour singles."

"How exciting! What delightful doodad have you put together this time, huh?"

Digging through the rustic crates behind his stand, Whooves pops back up and sets a bulky pink firecracker with an elegant spark-shaped pattern around it.

"May I present, my patented Passion Poppers!" he states, holding the explosive proudly. "Not only would love be in the air, but so will these puppies. They're packed with glitter!"

"Ooh, why glitter?"

"Because a refracted light causes the enterochromaffin cells to release serotonin."


"It makes ponies happy."

"Hee, neat!"

"Once all of these things take to the skies, their bright lights shall express the true feeling of the occasion. A project of this magnitude would require a lot of time."

"But don't you have that special somepony to spend the day with?"

"Heh, I would assume not, dear Derpy. It would seem that science is my one true mistress at the moment. How about yourself?"

"Muffins are my one true love, that's no secret."

Derpy pulls out a muffin and passionately smooches the bit of blueberry drooping out the treat's cup before smooshing it against her nose, missing her smacking lips by an inch.

"Here's hoping they stay sweet to you." Whooves chuckles. "While you pledge your undying love, I will be here looking over my babies here. Gotta know how to push their buttons, you know what I mean?"

"Mmm, nummy muffin, num..."

"Yeah, she knows what I mean. Now, onto business."

Whooves reaches under the counter and grabs a thick wrench as he tinkers and clangs around the peppy object.

"Alrighty, first mechanical firework ever," he sighs to himself, attaching the wrench around a large lug nut. "This probably won't explode."

The doctor twists the nut tighter on the contraption to it's limit.

"Just a few...more...TURNS!"


The nut snaps off and the popper soars into the sky with a shrill scream, leaving behind a fluorescent pink stream of smoke that attracts the mingling ponies' attention. Whooves looks on in awe at his creation taking a mighty flight. The first mechanical firework to fly, the first one ready to share it's spectacle to the world!

The first one to immediately lose momentum and instantly fall into a pitiful plummet.

"That's not good." the doctor utters.

As Derpy opens wide and blindly prepares to tear into another one of her baked bae's, the metal popper comes hurling down and plops atop her muffin's top.

POP! the popper bursts in front of the poor pony's cross-eyed, soot-covered face.

"Mmm," she giggles woozily. "Now, that hits the spot..."


Derpy collapses.

"Derpy!" Whooves panics, kneeling down over the pegasus and scooping her up. "Derpy, are you alright?!"

"I-I'm, I'm okies," she mumbles in a daze. "At least I don't have drain bamage, that's for sure!"

"Oh, my..."

"Wait, it's coming...it's coming...it's coming......unconscious now, blehhh..."

The ditzy mare falls limp and passes out.

"Come on, lay right here, dear."

"I ever tell you how handsome you look? Boop!"

"Rest your mind, you're going delusional."

At Whooves' humble home/tinker shop in downtown Ponyville, the concerned stallion guides his bandaged friend onto the cozy couch in his living room.

"That feel comfy?" he asks, tenderly placing an ice pack on her forehead.

"Yeppers, peppers." Derpy coos, snuggling sweetly on the cushions.

"Nurse says you should just rest for a few days and you'll be right as rain. Oi, I just feel terrible."

"It's okay, Doc. You didn't mean to, you're fine."

"Are you sure?"

The silly pegasus waves the stallion close, playfully rubbing her nose against his with a cheeky smile.

"You're my best friend, you silly pone."

"Heh, the feeling's mutual, Miss Hooves. The best friend a tinkering fool could have."

"You're no fool, Whooves. You're cool."

"Me? Cool?"

"Mmhmm, from all that ice you carried around, I'm surprised you haven't caught a cold yet, hehe."

"Ha, you silly filly."

DING DONG! the doorbell rang.

"Oh, somepony's here," Derpy slurs, struggling to wiggle off the couch. "I'll go and-"

"Ah ah," the stallion interrupts, hopping out of his chair. "I'll get it, lass. Don't you move a wing muscle."


Heading out the room, an ominous chill begins to stir within the doctor's chest the further he approaches the front door, a tiny feeling of dread and despair grazing the back of his mind.

There, as he opens the door, that feeling began to make more sense.

"Limestone," he says warmly. "What a pleasant surprise. You're looking..."

As the stoic mare's cold, icy stare pierces it's way into the doctor's fragile soul, his shaky breath suddenly becomes visible in the air.

"Well......it's good to see you."

"Y-Yeah, sure..." she mutters, turning her head away.

"So, what brings you to Ponyville?"

"Good question!"

Soon, the sudden arrival of one Pinkie Pie bouncing around the front door irritates her gloomy sister, who facehoofs herself.

"Limey here came into town for some exciting news, Doctor!" the party pony cheers, pouncing in place.

"I wouldn't really say 'exciting', but..." Limestone mumbles.

"News?" Whooves questions. "Well, do come in, ladies."

Leading the company toward the lively living room, the stallion sets a pleasant cup of warm tea for everypony as they take their seats.

"Hewwo." Derpy waves.

"Oh, where are my manners?" Whooves gasps sheepishly. "Derpy, this is Limestone, Pinkie's sister. Limestone, Derpy. I'll fetch you some tea, too."

"Nice to meet ya, Limestone."

"I guess." Limestone shrugs dismissively.

"Oh, no," Pinkie whines. "What happened to Derpy?"

"Ah, firework accident," Whooves states, pouring another cup. "I feel just terrible. But luckily, she'll pull through. Just a couple of days of rest ought to do her good."

"The hell's up with her eyes?" Limestone whispers.

"Ah, well, that's a very interesting thing. You see..."

Whooves pauses with a puzzled frown.

"I don't really know. Anyways, you said you had news?"

"Yeah," Pinkie inserts. "Why did you need to come here, Limey? You've been super quiet since you showed, more than your usual quiet."

"It's, uh...quite important," Limestone states, cutting eye contact. "I needed to come here."

"Oh?" Whooves utters, tilting his head. "Well, tell me whatever is the matter?"

Limestone takes a deep breath, sitting up straight against her seat and jerking her spiky hair to the side away from her stern expression.

"On our farm, we have this...tradition," she states, rubbing the back of her neck. "One that's always been done by every member of the Pie family and helped our land thrive."

"No..." Pinkie gasps, covering her hanging jaw. "You don't mean the...who could be the one-"

"Quiet, Pinkie," Limestone huffs, pushing the mare's jaw shut. "Lemme do the talking."

"But I-"


"What is it?" Derpy asks.

"It's called the Choosing Stone. It's a sacred rock near our farm that tells whoever uses it who they're destined to have a special bond with and be together for life. I-I learned who my...ugh, special somepony is, and he lives right here in Ponyville."

"Why, that is splendid news, Miss Pie!" Whooves chimes.

"OMC. OMC. OMC!!!" Pinkie hyperventilates.

"Who's the...lucky stallion?"

"I-I'm not really good at this kinda thing, but..."

Limestone slumps out of her seat and quickly sets a thin hoof-sized ring made of rock in the doctor's lap before zipping her face away from his curious gaze.


"What might this be?" Whooves says, examining the object.

"It's a ring. F-For......love, or whatever."



Pinkie launches out of her seat like a rocket, ricocheting around the walls and babbling on about being the happiest pony in all of Equestria.


"Uh, no?" Whooves says, confused.

The hyper pony hops onto the arm of the doctor's chair, wrapping her hooves around the stunned stallion's face with a low squeak.

"Glad to have you part of the family, soon-to-be-new brother!"

Whooves gulps.