• Published 28th Jun 2021
  • 3,941 Views, 172 Comments

The Impact of Humans on Ponies - the koopanater

When a teenager wakes up in Equestria, he will learn how to live life with a problem every week

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One Last Rodeo

"Sheesh, I know that storm did some number on town hall, but jeez."

"Yep, it's quite a mess."

The little Hearth Warming party that they humans hosted, while small, was plenty fun for them. As the days passed afterwards, all the humans were much happier. With their improved moods, many close to the humans were much less worried about them, and they all could enjoy winter to the fullest. Of course, the seasons change, and after Winter Wrap-up, spring settled in yet again, and something new has made it's way to the ears of the town. After an accident during the first storm of the season, town hall was damaged. Fortunately, Applejack was going to a rodeo tournament and was willing to give what money she earns to help restore town hall. Because of this, the entire town decided that it would be fitting to throw a party as a sendoff for her.

"You have to ask how the weather team messed up so hard this time..." Cali wondered.

"I think our answer will reveal itself soon." Xavier casually said. The rest looked at him confused, at least until they heard thunder roar, startling them. When they looked up at the sound, they saw that a grey pegasus was bouncing on a grey storm cloud, Rainbow flying next to her.

"Now, careful, Derpy! Don't want to do any more damage than you've already done." She said, looking at the damages that were already there.

"I just don't know what went wrong." The pony said, at least before she was electrocuted herself, leaving herself covered in soot.

"Yeah. It's a mystery." Rainbow deadpanned as she hammered in a nail to finish hanging up a banner covered in pictures of apples.

"Nice work, Rainbow Dash." The grey pony said as she clumsily flew closer, bumping one of the building's pillars, sending it falling due to the fragile nature of the building. Rainbow quickly took action, trying to stop it from crashing into the ground. Unfortunately, she failed and both her and the pillar crashed into the building's floor, creating a big hole. "You okay, Rainbow Dash? Anything I can do to help?" The grey pony asked, looking into the hole. Before anyone could react, Rainbow flew back up, looking desperate.

"No! Nothing! In the name of Celestia, just sit there and do nothing!" She exclaimed. The grey pony did just that, but the impact caused more cracks to form under her, creating yet another hole. As she fell, she reached for Rainbow and grabbed her, sending Rainbow into the floor again.

"Oops! My bad!"

As the humans watched the little escapade with sweat drops, they failed to notice the crowd growing larger until they began to chant.

"Applejack! Applejack! Applejack!" The humans looked over to the crowd, seeing that Applejack was up on stage alongside Mayor Mare.

"Yes, we are all here to send Applejack to compete in this year's Equestria Rodeo competition in Canterlot." The mayor said, getting cheers from the crowd, the humans joining in as well. "And I want to thank Applejack in advance for generously offering up her prize money to fix town hall." Everyone continued to cheer, at least until they heard Pinkie.

"Speech! Speech!"

"Oh, shucks. I'm not much for speeches." Applejack said modestly.

"Alright then, no speech!" Pinkie then bolted off before anyone could react.

"Buuut!" As Applejack was about to continue, Pinkie zoomed back in, leaving some of the crowd confused before turning their attention back to Applejack. "This here is the nicest send off anypony could ask for. Y'all have been cheering me on in every rodeo since I was a little little pony. So it seems only fittin' to use my winnings to fix up town hall. I promise to make Ponyville proud." After Applejack's little speech, the crowd erupted in more cheering, leaving Applejack feeling proud and happy knowing the town supported her.

Later at the Train Station

After the sendoff party was finished, Applejack, her family, friends and mayor all went to the train station to have one last goodbye to their favorite cowgirl.

“I want you to show all them highfalutin rodeo ponies what a real rodeo pony’s like!” Granny Smith exclaimed, supporting her granddaughter.

“Heh heh…you betcha, Granny Smith.” Applejack replied.

“And bring back all that money!” Mayor Mare added, pushing Granny Smith aside as she gave the farm pony a smile on her face.

“You betcha, Mayor!”

“And have fun!” Pinkie said as she continued “And don’t be nervous. Or if you are, use that nervous energy to do even better than you already would! And eat peanuts and popcorn and taffy gives lots of nervous energy!” As she spoke, she pulled out a bag of candy, diving her face into the bag to eat from it, leaving many looking at her confused.

“Just do your best, Applejack.” Twilight smiled at her friend, ignoring Pinkie.

“I’ll do better than my best!” She replied, confidence flowing through her.

"Don't forget to take care of yourself." Jasmine added.

"Yeah, make sure ye come back in one piece." Alex continued, giving her a light punch.

"Right." As everyone was giving their goodbyes, they all heard the train whistle.

"The train to Canterlot is about to leave! All aboard who's coming aboard!" The train condustor yelled, waking into the train.

"Guess that means me." Applejack said, walking over to the train.

"Seeya in a week!"

"With lots of new blue ribbons!"

"And lots of money!"

"Darn tootin'!" She said, entering the train. Soon, the train began to chug along, Applejack looking out a window for one last goodbye. "See y'all in a week, with a big bag full of blue ribbons!" As the train was moving, some of the group began to chase the train, giving some last minute farewells.

“And drink sarsaparilla!” Pinkie yelled out as the goodbyes died out, giving everyone plenty of time and quiet to hear Pinkie and look at her oddly. “What? It gives you extra sass.”

One Week Later

As the time for Applejack to return to Ponyville approached, many in town thought it would be a good idea to host a party to welcome her. Now within the Apple family's barn many townsfolk are working away inside, making sure that the party they're throwing is perfect for her return.

“Oh, I hope Applejack is surprised by this surprise party!” Fluttershy said with a soft but excited grin as she worked on the banner alongside Rainbow.

“Well, that is the point.” Rainbow pointed out, tossing a streamer to her.

“We know...” Fluttershy nodded before catching the the end of the streamer that Rainbow threw to her. “But we hope she isn’t so surprised she’s startled, because whole being surprised can be nice, being startled can be…very startling.”

"I get that, but I doubt Applejack is the type to get startled by something like this." Huston said, confident in Applejack's resolve.

“SURPRISE!” Suddenly, a loud shout rang out between him and Fluttershy, shocking them both and sending the pegasus to the floor. When they looked at the source, they saw that it was just Pinkie

"Oh, Pinkie, you startled me." She said.

"Yeah, what are you doing?"

“Sorry!” Pinkie apologized. “I was just practicing my ‘surprise!’ for when we surprise Applejack with this super cool party for becoming rodeo champion of Equestria! Surprise!” She yelled out again, sending Fluttershy to the floor yet again.

"Quiet, Pinkie, I think Applejack's coming!" Everyone heard Twilight said as she looked out the barn door. Hearing this, everyone began to move frantically to different hiding spots.

“Don’t worry Twilight. Got my lips all limbered up.” They heard Pinkie say in the chaos, and anyone who looked over would see her... doing something with her lips. They didn't care however as they continued to hide, waiting for Applejack to open the doors to the now-dark barn. They waited patiently until the door opened, the lights turning on and everyone popping out of their hiding spots.

“SURPRISE!” We all shouted in joy.

“SURPRISE!” Pinkie Pie, yelled, only to realize that she was a second too late. “Shoot.”

"Wait, hold up." Xavier said, realizing that Applejack wasn't at the door, but...

“Wow, this is the best surprise ever!” A mail pony exclaimed, being the one who opened the door. “How did you know it was my birthday?” When the room realized who they reacted to, they all simply looked a bit upset.

"Sorry man, we were expecting someone else..." Cali admitted, rubbing the back of her head as she walked up to the mail pony and ruining his happy mood.


"But we do have plenty of cake." Jasmine yelled out to catch his attention, running over to the cake that Pinkie baked. "Do you want a slice to go?"

"Really?! Thank you!" The mail pony replied happily. "Oh, I almost forgot! I have a letter from miss Applejack." The mail pony then took out said letter, handing it to Cali before taking a slice of cake from Jasmine.

"Thanks, and happy birthday buddy." Cali thanked with a tip of her hat, getting a smile from the mail pony as he turned around and walked away.

"So, what does it say?" Apple Bloom asked as Cali unfolded the letter.

"Give me a second." Cali begun to read the letter. "Family and friends, not coming back to Ponyville. Wait what!?" Like Cali's shock, everyone in the room shared similar shock from what she read. "...Don't worry, will send money soon." Taking a second to look the note over closer, she saw that there was nothing else. "Seriously?! That's it?!"

“Applejack’s…not coming back?” Apple Bloom questioned, feeling sad after hearing that.

“What do you mean Applejack’s not coming back?!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed angrily and concerned. “She loves Ponyville!”

“And she loves Sweet Apple Acres!” Granny Smith added, looking close to tears.

“And she loves her family!” Apple Bloom finished with a look even more close to tears.

"B-but why?" Jasmine questioned, clearly concerned at Applejack's note.

"Something just dreadful must have happened to Applejack to make her not return!" Rarity said out loud with a gasp.

"You may be right, miss Rarity." Huston agreed. "She may have ran into trouble on her end."

“So, what are we waiting for? Let’s go find her!” Rainbow Dash yelled before flying out of the barn doors.

"Let's go gang." Xavier said, taking Rainbow's lead and following her, many of his friends also following along.

“Don’t worry!” Twilight assured the Apple Family with a determined and serious expression. “We’ll search all of Equestria if we have to. We’ll bring her back.”

“You all are the best!” Apple Bloom said with a sad smile, happy to know that she had ponies and people who care for her sister. With one last salute from Twilight, the group left for the train station, ready to find their friend.

“I hope this lead doesn't turn out to be a dead end. I don't wanna go home empty-hooved after promising we'd find her.”

"You an' me both, Dash."

After making it to Canterlot, the group of heroes wasted no time in getting information. Heading to the stadium that the rodeo competition was held at, each of the members split off and searched for answers. Unfortunately, many of the ponies that were there didn't have answers (or wanted to give them in Alex's case, which annoyed him) They didn't give up though and continued to question those around the stadium. Unfortunately, over the hours that they were questioning they got nothing, ending up sitting in the stands, each of them disappointed and upset in their own ways. At least until one of the contestants saw the picture of Applejack and knew where she went, exciting everyone. At least, until they watched the pony point outside of Canterlot and into badlands and mountains, leaving everyone even more concerned. Now they were sitting on a train, chugging along to the town that was in said badlands.

“I don’t know how we’ll break it to the Apple family.” Fluttershy said in concern, glancing away sadly.

"I don’t know how we’ll break it to Ponyville!” Twilight added.

“I don’t know how I’ll make it to the next stop!” Pinkie exclaimed, sweating nervously.

"Pinkie, I told you to go before we leave!" Xavier said exacerbated. "You drank like, five sarsaparillas while searching in Canterlot! Did you think it wouldn't-"

"Can you two shut up, we're here." Cali announced, getting everyone's attention as the looked out the window to see a rustic town similar to Appleloosa. "Dodge Junction, the place that Applejack is supposedly hold up." Once the train stopped and let passengers go, the heroes took their first steps off the train.

"Alright." Huston said while pounding a fist into his palm. "Let's start by fanning out and-"

"PICKLES!!" Before Huston could continue, he was trampled by Pinkie as she ran to find a bathroom.


"Oh dear, are you okay darling?"

"Yes, but..." As Huston got up, he looked over himself to see that he was covered in dirt. "My clothes are a different story." As him and Rarity were dusting him off, The others began to step off of the train station's-

“I found her! I found her! I found her! I found her!" When Twilight did touch the ground however, Pinkie returned bouncing happily.

"Wait? Already?!” Xavier gasped. “How?!”

“Follow me!” Pinkie began bouncing off, causing everyone to chase her. When they stopped and saw where Pinkie was pointing, they indeed saw Applejack, and she saw them with a shocked expression.

“Oh, Applejack! Thank heavens!” Rarity gasped in delight as they dashed over to her.

"We're so glad you're safe!" Fluttershy added.

“You had us all worried! Thank goodness we found you!” Jasmine also commented.

"I found her, I found her, I found her, I found her!" Pinkie continued to cheer as she bounced up and down. At least until she stopped midair with a look of concern on her face. "Be right back." She then dashed off and a second later, a door could be heard slamming.

“Uh, hey, everypony.” Applejack greeted everyone with a somewhat nervous smile. “What’s up?”

“Why didn’t you come back to Ponyville?” Rainbow asked, looking at her with a serious expression.

“Yes, why are you here?” Rarity asked, pointing out the surrounding areas of the town.

“Are you okay?” Fluttershy asked.

“Do you have any snacks?” Pinkie asked, Getting a facepalm from Xavier.

"Tell us what happened, Applejack!" Twilight questioned. As they all were questioning the farmhoof, she began to look nervous and sweaty. While some of the group noticed this, they weren't able to ask as another voice joined in.

“Applejack? Are these some of your Ponyville friends?” Looking at the voice, the heroes saw that a red maned mare with a cherry-patterned bandana was walking over to them.

"Uh... hi?" Cali waved awkwardly, saying hello for everyone.

"Ooh, Applejack. You never told me you had such exotic friends." The mare said, getting concerned looks from the humans. "Oh, before I forget, I'm Cherry Jubilee, boss of Cherry Hill Ranch. Hasn't Applejack told ya? I saw her compete at the Equestria Rodeo. Never saw anypony win so many ribbons in all my life."

“Aw shucks, Miss Jubilee. You don’t have to go into all that.” Applejack said, feeling a bit embarrassed about her compliments, though to a few, they heard some nervousness in her voice.

“Oh, she’s so modest!” Ms. Jubilee giggled. “Anyway, I can always use a pony with quick hooves and a strong back. So, when I heard Applejack was looking for a change of scenery, I snapped her up as quick as I could and brought her to Dodge Junction.” As Cherry was talking, everyone sans the main topic looked at each other with mixed expressions from worry to suspicion. "Well, I’ll let you catch up with your friends. See you back at the ranch.” With that, Cherry turned and walked away, leaving Applejack in a nervous sweat and her suspicious friends.

“Change of scenery?” Rainbow asked, flying right up to Applejack's face. “What does that mean?”

"S'no big deal, guys." Applejack said as she turned in the direction Cherry went and began to walk. "I thought cherries would be a nice change from apples, so I took the job and came here. That's it. End of story."

"That's it? Well, that's a terrible story!" Pinkie said, earning another facepalm from Xavier.

"Sorry, but that's all there is to tell. Thanks for checkin' on me, but y'all can go home now. Tell my family hi, and that I'm doing a-okay." Despite Applejack saying she was fine, everyone didn't believe her as they looked at her suspitiously.

“Excuse me, AJ, but we didn’t travel all over Equestria searching for you to come home without you!” Rainbow exclaimed flying in her face again.

“Well I didn’t ask you all to come looking for me in the first place! There is nothing to tell and I am not going back to Ponyville!” With a final shout from Applejack, she pushed past Rainbow and kept walking, leaving her friends yet again.

"Well, I think we can all say she's hiding something." Huston said to break the silence.

“Yeah! We gotta get her to spill the beans!” Rainbow exclaimed.

“What?!” Pinkie gasped. “She had beans! Ugh, I told her I was snacky!”

A third facepalm could be heard from a swordsman.

Later, at Cherry Hill Ranch

After some time passed between the meeting, Applejack and Cherry Jubilee enter a barn that belonged to the ranch, Applejack with some work clothes.

"You ready to put your back into it, Applejack?" Cherry asked Applejack.

"Sure am, Miss Jubilee." She replied, ready to work as she stepped into a wheel similar to a hamster's.

"Terr-ific. Come on in, everypony!" Cherry said in response, yelling outside the barn. A few moment's later, the girls, Jasmine, Alex and Huston entered the barn, wearing similar clothes to Applejack. Seeing them, Applejack flinched for a second before glaring at them.

“What are you all doing here?” Applejack asked in a irritated tone.

“We’re your cherry sorters.” Twilight answered as they all got into line near a conveyor belt. As they were, Alex noticed a lack of some humans.

"Hey, Xavier! Cali! Get in here!" A moment later, the two entered the barn. Well, more like shuffled in as they didn't look so excited.

"*sigh* Why did we get dragged into this?" Cali whispered as she and Xavier entered the line.

"Yeah, we could have sat out."

"Shuttap an' just roll with it." Alex whispered back before speaking up. "So, shall we start?"

"Fine.” Applejack said with a grunt.

"Red cherries go in one bin, and yellow cherries go in the other. Simple as cherry pie." Cherry explained, pointing to two crates that were next to the conveyor. "Just one teensy thing to remember, have fun!" With that, Cherry left the barn, leaving the group of friends in a tense moment.

“So what are you five doing here?” Applejack questioned, forming an angry expression towards her friends.

“Well uh, you made working on a cherry orchard sound…so delightful.” Rarity chuckled nervously.

“Uh-huh.” Applejack nodded, not fully believing her or anyone's story. “Well just remember: No talking about Ponyville.”

“Fine! Why don’t you quit talking and get walking?” Rainbow demanded.

“She’s right, will you please start walking so we can get to work?” Huston said in a kinder manner.

“I couldn’t agree more.” Applejack huffed before she began walking on the giant wheel she was in, moving the conveyor belt and sending red and yellow cherries along it. Wasting no time, everyone got to work sorting the cherries. It was quiet for some time before Rainbow winked at Twilight, the unicorn smiling back.

“So…AJ, how was Canterlot?” Twilight asked, earning a glare from Applejack. “Not talking about Ponyville, talking about Canterlot, totally different town.”

Applejack huffed before turning her head away and responded “Canterlot was fine.”

“Was the rodeo fun?” Alex asked, joining into the conversation.


“Did you meet some nice ponies there?” When Twilight asked the question, Applejack realized that she and Alex were now standing next to the wheel, but Applejack didn't make a comment on it.


“Really?” Rainbow Dash flew over to her, removing from her work past as well. “Did you see Wild Bull Hickok? What about Calamity Mane?”

"Yes, I saw 'em both."

"Ooh, they sound cool." Jasmine said as she also joined the conversation and walked over, looking at Applejack with interest like Rainbow. Applejack simply kept walking along, staying silent until the two took the hint and gave their won disappointed looks.

“And how did you meet Miss Jubilee?” Rarity asked, also walking out of the work alongside Huston.

"I am curious about that as well." Huston added.

"Um, well, Miss Jubilee had a cherry stand at the rodeo. Real good treats.” Applejack said, unconsciously picking up the pace on the wheel, speeding up the conveyor manned by only four. “Cherry winks, cherry cheesecake, cherry tarts. We struck up a conversation being orchard folk and all.”

"Um, excuse me?" Fluttershy said, worried that her, Pinkie, Xavier, and Cali were having a hard time keeping up.

“So you told her about Sweet Apple Acres?” Twilight inquired.

“Yes.” Applejack answered.

“Did you tell her why you weren’t going back?” Alex asked irritated, clearly not caring to much about the deal they made with Applejack before starting work.

“No, cause it was none of her business!” Applejack replied with similar irritation, speeding up again.

"Uh, hey? Can you please slow down?" Cali asked, as she and her co-workers were now struggling to keep up.

“Is it because I made it rain on you that one time?” Rainbow questioned.

“No!” Applejack yelled, speeding up yet again.

“Help!” Fluttershy begged. At this point, the speed now impossible to keep up with, and for some reason the cherries were even starting to pile up on the conveyor. Pinkie also started to panic, and started to try and put the cherries in different areas like on top of Fluttershy's hat and in their sidebags to little success.

“Is it because you were insulted when I gave you that book on organized orchards the other day?” Twilight asked.

"NO!!!" Applejack was practically sprinting at this point, and everything was going wrong over at the work station, even the machinery wasn't keeping up as it began to smoke and cherries were just coming out by the basketful.

"Is it because you were insulted when I insulted your hair?"

"No, no, NO! I'm not telling you why, so just–"

"STOP!" It was then Xavier just yelled out in frustration, startling everyone and getting Applejack to realize how fast she was going, coming to a screeching halt. This however cause the conveyor to stop suddenly, sending all the cherries on the conveyor flying, splattering everywhere and hitting Applejack in the face, covering her in tons of cherry much. As everyone gasped (in Xavier and Cali's case, it was out of exhaustion) Applejack glared unimpressed and simply left the barn, leaving everyone without her secrets.

"Well, gang, we seem to be striking out."

After the disaster that resulted in coating the barn in cherries, the gang minus Applejack were working on cleaning up the mess, everyone with different emotions.

"Well don't go blamin' me, Xavier, Fluttershy, or Pinkie." Cali said with a bit of aggression in her voice. "At least we were doin' our jobs. If you continued to work while questionin', we could have avoided this mess! Seriously, think things through." As Cali was grumbling, the others continued their conversation.

"That's 'cause we're playing too nice." Rainbow said, clearly ready to do anything.

"Yes. Desperate times do call for desperate measures." Rarity nodded in agreement, though a few were a bit hesitant.

"Um, are we really sure we should continue?" Huston asked, getting getting some shocked and confused looks.

"What, why!?"

"Well, she clearly isn't ready to tell us, and I don't think we are giving her the benefit of the doubt." Huston explained. "Maybe she really does just need some time alone."

"Y-yeah. Everyone may need some time alone." Jasmine added.

"Grr, you two are too soft!" Rainbow yelled out, dropping her mop. "You can clearly see that she's hiding something, so why are you giving up!?"

"I already said, she doesn't want to tell us, and pressing the matter is only making things worse for her to the point I don't think she even will want to tell us." Huston explained, managing to get through to some of the group. "I say we simply finish up the work we got ourselves into and go home. Let her come back and tell us the issue."

"Erm, I mean-" As Rainbow was coming up with a reason to press Applejack further, Pinkie noticed something.

"Hey, where's Alex?" After Pinkie's discovery, the group looked around to realize that he wasn't anywhere in the barn.

With Applejack

To say Applejack was frustrated was an understatement. As she bucked the cherry trees that grew in Cherry Jubilee's ranch, she did so as to blow off steam from what occurred. As she was however, she was so occupied that she never noticed that Alex was leaning on one. When she did go to buck it, she stopped and jumped up.

"Gah, Alex!"

"Aye there." Alex nodded, giving an expressionless look. After Applejack recovered from the shock, she glared at him.

"What are you doin' here!?"

Ay'm here ta tell ye ay know the truth." Alex said knowingly, immediately breaking Applejack's rage and replacing it with sweat-dripping worry.

"W-what are you talkin' about." Applejack questioned, trying not to sound nervous.

"Don't give me that crap, lass. Ay know exactly why yer not comin' back ta Ponyville."

"Oh really?" With a sigh, Alex looked at her.

"Ye didn't win enough times in the tournament thin' an couldn't come back ta Ponyville with the news, so ye came here ta try an' make it up." Alex said with a matter-of-fact tone. "An' judgin' by that look on yer face ay've hit the nail on the head." Alex said, looking into Applejack's shocked eyes. "Listen, ay'm not sayin' a thing ta anyone else, an' ay know yer avoidin' the subject to hide the truth since it's not technically lyin' ta anyone, but it can cause the bandage ta be stickier. If ya get what ay mean." Thinking over his words, before looking back at him.

"Okay, fine... I didn't win a single blue ribbon." Applejack admitted.

"See, was that so hard?"

"Kinda!" Applejack said with a bit of annoyance. "You saw how much hope the town had in me with that sendoff. I couldn't just walk back into town with nothin'."

"Well not comin' back hurts more." Alex said with sympathy as he took a knee and put his hand on her shoulder. "Trust me, no one'll get angry at ye if ye tell the truth, just don't hold on fer too long or else things may get worse. An' ye can start with our friends." Applejack looked into Alex's eyes and saw that there wasn't a shred of anger, doubt, or disappointment, just comfort. Looking at him, she sighed.

"Alright, I'll tell them." Alex smiled calmly and stood up. "But can I do it tomorrow? I... may need to prepare myself."

"Well... ay could, but ay need ye ta promise me that ye will." Applejack looked at Alex after his proposal, but sighed.

"Okay, I promise that I will tell everyone the truth tomorrow at breakfast." With a nod, Alex turned away.

"Good. Now ay'll let ye be ta finish yer work or whatever. Ay'll see ye tomorrow." With that, Alex walked away, leaving Applejack to go back to bucking cherry trees.


After Alex had the talk with Applejack, he decided to take a walk around town for a while. By the time he made it back, it was sundown. As he was walking inside the ranch house, he was confronted by his friends.

"Alex, there you are." Rainbow said as she flew up to him. "Where were you."

"Just walkin' 'round town." Alex said casually.

"And leaving us to clean up, thanks." Xavier deadpanned to his friend.

"Ach, ay did more than you honestly."

"Oh really? What did you do?" Rainbow questioned.

"Well, ay managed ta get AJ ta promise us that she'd tell all of us why she left Ponyville at breakfast tomorrow." Alex said matter-of-factly, shocking everyone and leaving them to look a him in disbelief.

"Wait, you did?!" Twilight asked.

"Yep, so don't worry 'bout 'tit." Alex simply commented before walking towards the stairs. "Oh, but before ay ferget, can ye promise me somethin'?" Everyone looked between each other before nodding at him. "Can ye promise ta not get angry at AJ, no matter what she says?"

"Um, sure?"

"Seriously, ay need ye ta promise me this." Alex said, dropping his more casual tone for some more seriousness. "Ay need ye ta practically swear on it."

"Right! We'll Pinkie promise on it!" Pinkie responded, getting a confused look from Alex, Huston, and Cali as they raised their pinkies and looked at them before everyone besides them began to do the actions. “Cross my eyes, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.”

"Erm, what was that?" Cali asked for herself and the two guys who were just as confused.

"Something called a Pinkie promise." Xavier explained. "It's something Pinkie created."

"And you never break it." Pinkie said, getting into Cali's face. "EVERRRRRRR!"

"Oookaaay." Cali said as she backed up.

"Well, anyway..." Alex said sending the conversation back on track. "Don't bother AJ fer the rest of the day an' things should be fine. Ay'm goin' ta bed, night." With that, Alex went upstairs.

"Hey wait! Get back here, you need to help with dinner!"

Night, Applejack's Room

As the sun set and night fell onto the world, everyone in Dodge Junction fell asleep, the heroes included. As they all slept, one was having a particular dream, as Applejack was standing in a void of nothingness.

"Huh, where am I?" She asked, her voice echoing.

Your mind, of course. Applejack suddenly grew tense at a female voice ringing out.

"W-who's there?!" As Applejack was looking around, a light, purple flickering started up behind her. When Applejack looked at the flashing, she saw a few purple lines flowing around like strings. After a bit, they began to move around and centralize around a point.

Well, you could call me your 'inner conscience' or something like that. After the voice finished, the lines finalized into two half circles, looking like eyes. I mean, I'm actually not. I'm technically 'alive' somewhere IRL, but that's not important. As the voice spoke, the shapes moved around as if they were expression emotions, giving a look of someone simply explaining something.

"W-well what do you want?!"

Oh don't worry about a thing, I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just here to warn you about... Let's just say, 'the balance of things.' Suddenly, a few more lines floated over and formed themselves into a curved knife the size of the eyes, concerning Applejack. Listen, do you actually believe that your friends won't judge you for what you did? She said with doubt, pointing the knife at Applejack.


I mean, let's face it. You practically ran off from home and your friends, picked up work at another orchard, and even denied answering a simple question all to protect your pride. The voice said, circling Applejack slowly while twirling the knife.

"What, no! I didn't do it like-"

You say that, but deep down you know that I'm right. The voice said, "raising an eyebrow." I mean, it makes sense since your the same type of pony to deny any help from anyone to harvest an entire orchard just to prove a point, or am I wrong? As the voice spoke, Applejack grew more and more concerned.

"H-how did you-"

I think we're getting off topic though. The voice cut Applejack off. The point is, I don't think your friends are actually going to completely understand your viewpoint. After all, you did leave them behind with only a short note saying nothing to them. Applejack looked down at the "floor", feeling guilty. Listen, I'm not stopping you from telling the truth, but are you willing to risk your friendship over this? As the voice spoke, one of the eyes formed a heart. Once she finished her sentence, the knife slashed the heart, slicing it up as if to represent Applejack's friendship with the others.

"I-I- Wait. Applejack looked up at the eyes, a new face of anger rising. "How do I know you're not just manipulatin' my like Discord did."

Oh, that guy. I guess he's not exactly someone you trust since he loves the chaos from any form of disharmony like manipulating the truth into a lie. The voice calmly said, spinning the knife around as the sliced heart reformed into an eye. But unlike him, I simply state facts. And what I said is simply a possibility. It's up to you to take the risk since I have no way to influence you outside this dream. Suddenly, the knife began to accelerate rapidly. But I think we all know the best option is, so I'll leave you be. See ya later. Once the voice finished, the knife suddenly flew directly at Applejack like a flying buzzsaw, causing Applejack to freeze up. When it hit however, Applejack was unharmed as she rose from her bed in a cold sweat. Looking around, Applejack got out of bead and began to think, thinking about what the voice said to her.

And don't worry, we'll meet again eventually, and I can't wait to meet your friends.

“I’m glad we’re finally gonna get some answers from Applejack.”

“Yeah, I’m just as relieved as you, Twilight."

As the sun rose above the mountains and light hit the ground, everyone was ready to get some answers. So once everyone woke up, they gathered together and began to walk to Applejack's room.

“Yeah, maybe.” Rainbow agreed, feeling a bit unsure about this.

“Don’t worry, Rainbow!” Pinkie assured, bouncing merrily with a cheery smile. “She’s gotta fess up after making a promise."

"Yeah, don't worry." Cali said as well, agreeing with Pinkie.

“Alright, alright, everyone. Let’s calm down and meet up with her.” Xavier said to settle everyone down as everyone reached Applejack's room. "Hey Apple-" As Xavier went in to knock on the door, he and many others were shocked that the door opened slowly, as if...

“Good morning, Applejack!” Pinkie greeted, peeking out of the door. “You ready for br-” She and everyone stopped when they saw that the room was empty, Applejack no where to be seen.

“S-she’s gone?!” Jasmine exclaimed, summing up everyone's reactions. Well, almost everyone as both Pinkie and Cali were becoming increasingly angry.

"Nopony/body breaks a promise!" The two growled loudly, scaring many of the group, even getting Jasmine and Fluttershy to jump, landing into Xavier and Huston's arms as they ran off.

"Reminder me to never get them angry." Huston said with fear as he put Fluttershy down. It didn't take long before Alex also ran off, just as angry as the others tailed them. After some running, they managed to spot the cowgirl at the train station, dancing about nervously with her saddlebags.

“Applejack!” Pinkie and Cali yelled, getting Applejack's attention and putting fear into her. "You promised us!" The two yelled, somehow there was distortion in their voices like they were demons. Either way, Applejack yelped and ran off. “Applejack! Come back here!” After a bit of running, Applejack managed to spot a carriage being pulled by four stallions, and wasting no time she jumped onto it.

“Giddy up fellas! I gotta get the heck out of Dodge!” Grabbing the ropes that held them together, she gave them a flick to send them running.

"She's gonna get away!" Rainbow yelled out.

"No, look!" Xavier said, pointing to a cart. "Let's go!" After a bit of fiddling, the group was racing after Applejack with Rainbow and Fluttershy pulling the cart and the others riding along.

"Follow that stagecoach!" Pinkie yelled out.

"As if they weren't?" Huston commented before getting a glare from Cali and Pinkie. "Sorry." It didn't take long before the group managed to get close to the carriage, and not waiting any chances Cali began to spin a bola to try and nail Applejack.

"Oh, we have you now!" But before anyone could react, the heroes' cart took a sharp turn, throwing everyone off balance and causing Cali to miss. When everyone recovered, they saw that they were stopped by Fluttershy who only stopped because of a bunny in their path. As it hopped away, many of the group gave her looks before her and Rainbow took back off. It took a bit and sent them into the badlands, but they managed to catch up to Applejack. Once they did catch up, Rainbow and Fluttershy (mostly Rainbow) began to bash into the carriage, catching the rider by surprise.

“Whoa! What the hay?!” Applejack said in surprise, both at the jostling and the fact her friends managed to catch up.

“Pull over!” Rainbow demanded, ramming the carriage again.

"Hey! Cut that out! Whoa!" Applejack's warnings didn't stop Rainbow however as she bashed it again, knocking Applejack off balance. When she got back up, she turned to the ponies carrying the carriage. “I’ll pay you double to outrun them.” With that, the ponies began to run faster, beginning to overtake the chasers.

"Well we'll pay triple if you slow down!" Xavier yelled out. The ponies got the message and did just that, making Applejack worry.

“I’ll pay you quadruple to leave them in the dust!” Applejack yelled, sending the ponies sprinting and quite literally leaving dust behind, leaving everyone coughing behind them.

“That was rude!” Rarity commented.

“Get them! GET THEM!” Pinkie and Cali demanded.

“Come on! Pick up the pace, Fluttershy!” Rainbow yelled, Fluttershy nodding and they all moved faster. When the group managed to catch up to Applejack's carriage, she noticed and tried to get the stallions to move faster by whipping the reigns. It didn't help much however since the heroes managed to get next to the carriage, and before anyone could do anything, Pinkie and Cali leapt up to Applejack's level.

"Applejack, you broke your promise to Alex! Apologize!" Pinkie yelled out as Cali pulled her whip out in an attempt to tie Applejack up, but was stopped by Pinkie for some reason.

“Pinkie, I did not break his promise!” Applejack retorted, confusing the two confronting friends


"What do you mean 'you didn't break his promise?!'" Cali questioned.

"If y'all reckon back, I told you that I would tell you everything at breakfast. But I didn't come for breakfast. I couldn't come to that breakfast, not if it meant telling y'all what happened." As Applejack explained her reasoning, everyone looked between each other with confusion and concern, not understanding why this truth was so hard to tell. Some however was showing anger, and he was gripping the cart's edge hard.

“W-well…I…I…” Pinkie stuttered, unable to retort something back at her.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t tell you all the truth! I just can’t!”

“Well I heard a ‘sorry’ in there, so that’ll have to do for now.” Pinkie said, turning away from Applejack as she continued “I’ll get a real apology later."

"What!? No it won't! She still need to-"

"Rarity, catch us.”

"Wait what- gug-" Before Cali could react, Pinkie grabbed Cali by the neck and jumped off the carriage, barreling straights for Rarity.

“What? Pinkie-AHHH!” Rarity screamed as both of them slammed into her, managing to bash into Xavier who was behind her, sending him to follow along the other three in falling off the cart.

"GAH! WHY ME!?!?"

"Rainbow, go back!" Twilight yelled to the pegasi, though they didn't slow down.

"No time! They knew what they were getting into!" She said, leaving the four to their fates in the desert. Unfortunately, the shock of what happened put the group a good distance behind the carriage. What was worse was that a distance forward, there was the sound of train whistles. While most would be rational and turn around to avoid getting run over by the multi-ton vehicle, Applejack saw an opportunity and got the stallions pulling the carriage to run faster.

"She isn't." Huston said in worry.

"I think she is." Twilight said as they watched both her speed towards the train tracks and the train rapidly approaching. It was tense, but Applejack managed to just miss the train as it zoomed behind the carriage by an inch.

"Yee-haw!" She cheered as she hopped off the carriage. She then looked at the stallions who looked at her angrily.

"Lady, you're trouble." They all said before taking off, somewhere. Applejack didn't care however as she turned to the train and her friends behind it.

"Ha, try and catch me now." She taunted, thinking she got away. What she didn't expect however was the cart jumping over the train with the combined powers of the pegasi and Jasmine's magic. "Oh, nuts." Applejack simply said as the cart landed, right before bolting.

"Not so fast!" Rainbow yelled out as she got out of the reigns of the cart. Before she could give chase however, a rock flew past her and landed right onto Applejack's leg, tripping her up. As she was recovering from the trip, she saw death approaching her as Alex stomped over to her, anger in his eyes. She desperately tired to get up, but she was to late as Alex swung his fist down onto her head, sending it to the ground and scattering dozens of ribbons across the ground.

"Okay lass, what the actual hell is wrong with you!?" Alex growled, scaring his friends away from approaching, as they were all afraid of his anger. "Ay thought ay could trust ye not ta avoid the issue! Why did ye run off!?" He yelled out, grabbing her by her chest and shaking her.

"I-I couldn't-"

"Don't ye dare give me that excuse!!!" Alex cut Applejack off. "Ye could, and ye simple didn't have the guts ta say!!"

"Like you would know!!"

"Oh ay do, cause ay've been in this exact situation!" Alex blurted out, dropping Applejack to the ground. "Ay also had a party ta send me off ta a tournament, an' ay lost it all. Ay ran off ta another city and tried ta hide away, but my friends found me an' this exact scene played out!" Alex yelled, getting concern from his friends. Before any of them could think that he was going to get angrier, he surprised everyone by taking a deep breath before continuing. "Listen, ay know what yer thinkin' but yer overthinkin' it. Everyone just wants ye ta do yer best an' come back knowin' ye tried yer hardest. Besides..." Alex grabbed a ribbon off the ground. "The fact ye managed ta collect all these ribbons is impressive enough."

"But none of them are blue. Why is the number impressive?"

"I think he's saying that quantity beats quality here." Huston said, mustering the courage to join them alongside the others. "If you managed to earn so many, you must have landed high up in most of the competitions, right?"

"I mean, I guess. B-but what about the money. I came here to raise some so I didn't return empty-hooved."

"Applejack, we can always find a way to fix that hole in the roof." Fluttershy responded. "But if you don't come back, we'll never be able to fix the hole in our hearts." She said as she and Twilight nuzzled up to Applejack, comforting her.

"See, ye had nothin' ta worry 'bout." Alex said with a sigh. "Ye really need ta get over this pride an' stubbornness like Dash."

"Yeah- wait! HEY!!" Rainbow agreed before backtracking. "Why are you dragging me into this?!"

"How about we all go home, yer family is worried about ye." Alex suggested, ignoring Rainbow.

"Y-yeah. I should."

On the Train home

After one cart ride and waiting later, the friends were in a train heading back to Ponyville, fulfilling their mission. As they were riding along, Applejack was writing a letter to be sent to the princess once they saw Spike.

"Dear Princess Celestia,
It's a tad easier to be proud when you come in first than it is when you finish further back. But there's no reason to hide when you don't do as well as you'd hoped. You can't run away from your problems. Better to run to your friends and family."

"Ay say that's a good lesson." Alex said as he read over the letter.

"Thanks partner." Applejack thanked. "Sorry for runnin' off like that."

"Mmm, ay guess I should apologize fer hittin' ya like ay did." Alex apologized, rubbing the back of his head. "Ay did go a bit far."

"It's okay, let's just forgive an' forget."

"Ay like that plan." Alex said as he and Applejack bumped fist/hoofs. "But why did ye even take off? Ay thought ay was pretty convincin' back then."

"That's... a bit hard to explain." Applejack admitted. "Last night when I was asleep, I had this dream. I don't know if it can be called a dream though, as it felt pretty real."

"An' what happened in this dream?"

"Well, somepony was talkin' to me." Applejack said, confusing Alex. "I remember them tellin' me that you guy's wouldn't get me."

"Hmm..." Alex mused over this information, concerned at the event. "Are ye sure it wasn't anxiety or somethin'?"

"No, it definitely felt real." Applejack said.

"Grr." This mystery was eating away At Alex, but he knew he couldn't do much. After all, he was new and barely knew anything about things in Equestria. So he would think about telling the others.

Speaking of...

Several dozen miles behind the train, there was a small lever cart being piloted by Xavier and Cali, Rarity and Pinkie sitting on the sides.

"What do you think, you guys? Chimicherry or cherrychanga?" Pinkie asked, continuing to ask this question as everyone else grew angrier and angrier.

"Rainbow, I swear..."

"When I get back, you're gonna get it, Rainbow Dash!" As the group growled at their current situation, up on the too of the bordering mountains a cloaked figure stood up high, looking down at them with glowing eyes.

Everything is back on schedule. The voice said, a small chuckle resonating as she watched the four struggle. I want all of you to be at your peak before you meet the king, so continue to play your games, little ones. A few moments later, a small flash surrounded her as she disappeared into the unknown.

Author's Note:

Y'know, I think Alex has a temper issue. Just a bit.
Now, the next chapter is yet another chapter that I will be creating outside of the original series' plot, so get ready. If things go like last time, be ready for a delay yet again. I mean, it will since finals are coming up, so until then, Koops out!

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