• Published 2nd Sep 2021
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Harmony of Light: An Oath to Return season 1. - Xionforgotten

This story takes place between KH 358/2 days and Kingdom Hearts 2, Roxas the keyblade chose one falls into the world of equestria where he is going to find the truth meaning of friendship while he protects his new friends from the heartless.

  • ...

Chapter 9: Darkness

Day 14: Winter Wrap up

A new day arrived in ponyville, Twilight was sleeping normally like every day but this time she woke up eager for this new day.

Spike was confused about the situation and a little upset for losing his sleep Thanks to his friend.

"What's this all about? I wanted to continue with my dream" He said asking his sister/ mother Twilight.

"Today is the Winter Wrap up day, come on Spike" Twilight answered.

"And what's that? Do you really need my help here..." Spike said.

Twilight responded with a very detailed explanation of the day.

"Well...Ponyville was founded by the Earth ponies, and as such, no magic was ever involved in the Winter Wrap Up, an annual "spring cleaning" community event where winter ends and spring is introduced. In this case, the ponies actually clean up winter to prepare for spring." Twilight answered.

"Ugh I'm so excited, I need my checklist, and make sure that I have everything I need." Twilight added.

"Right, I'll go with you...just give me five more...zzz"

Spike returned to sleep, not caring about that Winter Wrap-up day.

Meanwhile with Roxas.

At Fluttershy's Cottage, Roxas was holding onto Fluttershy in their sleep and can't stop thinking about what Zecora had told him yesterday.

Roxas woke up abruptly but carefully, not waking up Fluttershy in the process. He got closer to the window and started pondering.

'' Your whole existence...maybe you fight for the light or maybe you fight for the darkness, which way you'll choose''. He heard in his head.

'' Does this mean I'm not someone real, but an artificially created vessel for either Sora or another guy..."Roxas thought.

"Zecora said that I'm half-light and half-dark...wait a minute, the dreams I'm having about Sora it shows him holding the same keyblade I'm wielding"

"When he uses it it's for helping others so that means I'm using his power of light, but when I fight to eradicate the nobodies and heartless I feel the darkness growing inside me... that must be my power."

"That explains why I can summon dark corridors or that geyser I used against that silver-haired guy." Roxas added.

The stallion continued with his thoughts about his powers and it's origins.

"But when I fought that guy, why did I use two keyblades? I know I can wield one keyblade thanks to Sora...but the other one...it looked like it was forged in darkness, I guess that was my weapon."

"But every time I tried to remember the fight a headache appears, and if my theory is true that means I can use the power of darkness because I'm the darkness of Sora's heart'' Roxas said with worry about his future.

" So, you're finally accepting your true self uh?!" Nightmare replied.

[color=#aaaaaaa]"I never say that..." Roxas added.

"Let me tell you something...when I was part of Luna, she knew the true capacity of the power of Darkness it was a shame that a part of her didn't want to accept me" Nightmare replied.

"What do you mean?" Roxas asked.

" Yes, deep inside her, she still cares for her sister, if only she had really hated her sister, the story would have been different" Nightmare explained.

"So... you're saying that Luna never use her true power" Roxas said.

"Yes, she only used basic negative emotions to sustain her power" Nightmare explained.

'' That would explain why the power of darkness only has Loneliness, Despair, Sadness, Anger, and Pain... that's what Xemnas meant, the strongest emotions are the negative ones" Roxas said.

"Precisely, you're beginning to understand kid" Nightmare answered.

"But if he wanted me to grow powerful enough to become the perfect vessel, but...for who... Now I know that Sora is my light counterpart, then who is the dark one? wait a sec... That means that Xemnas lied to us, he wanted Kingdom hearts not for us to exist, but to use the power to make us a vessel" Roxas thought.

Roxas suddenly remembered the last thing Zecora told him.

'' Sooner or later you will have to fulfill your destiny" Zecora said.

A fierce thought invaded his mind.

'' So this is how it is, the purpose of my life is to disappear and become part of either Sora or that other guy..." Roxas thought but analyzing the entire situation a glimpse of hope appeared.

"NO, I won't give up just yet, I can't let my friends suffer from this...there must be a way to change my destiny just like we did with Luna, and there's only one person who knows how to help me, and it was the guy who fought with me in the skyscraper" Roxas thought.

"Idiot, you've been living here for two weeks and you still don't know how you arrived, how do you expect to find him" Nightmare replied.

"I have 2 options, the first one is to investigate this world even more just to find a way to create a gateway, and the second one is just a theory, but I remember one phrase that guy told me in the sky scrapper" Roxas explained.

"Yeah and it was..."

"He told me " Because I need back the rest of Sora's memories" which means they want to find me in order to save Sora" Roxas explained.

"So...you're expecting that they will find you eventually?" Nightmare replied.

"Yeah, I don't mind living here for a year or two, it looks like the time flows different here than in my world" Roxas theorized.

"Hope your theory works, but it seems like our conversation is over" Nightmare said disappearing.

The morning came by, birds arrived at Fluttershy's cottage singing to wake the yellow pegasus up.

'' Oh! I wasn't expecting that you were an early bird, Good morning Roxas are you feeling any better since last night?'' Fluttershy asked.

'' Good morning to you too Fluttershy, yeah I feel a little better thanks for asking and being there for me''. Roxas said.

'' Do you still want to talk about it? You still look depressed" She asked again.

'' Really? I think I'm more tired than depressed" he replied.

"But about the talk, no, I prefer to change the page for now, maybe until we reunite with everypony, you all deserve to know what's bothering me'' Roxas said while looking away.

'' Okay Roxas you're welcome to stay and have breakfast with me while helping me feed the animals here...if that's alright with you''? Fluttershy said and asked nervously

'' Sure, I would like that Fluttershy it will help me take my mind off of some things.'' Roxas answered.

"Ok...I have some Veggie soup and salad...are you allergic to any type of seasoning or vegetable?" Fluttershy asked.

"Allergic? What does that mean?" Roxas asked confused.

"Oh sorry...I forgot that you still have some new words to learn, Allergic is the term we use to describe a pony who has allergies, allergies are a damaging immune response by the body to a substance, fur, a particular food, or dust." Fluttershy explained.

"I...don't think so, I mean I don't need to eat, I just like the flavor of the food" Roxas answered.

"Excuse me...I didn't mean to trouble you... let me give you some salad" Fluttershy said nervously.

"Hahaha, don't worry Fluttershy just relax, you're getting all red" Roxas said.


Roxas and Fluttershy have some hot Veggie soups and bowls of salads for breakfast afterwards they started feeding the animals before they left to commence their day as they walk to ponyville.

" I really liked your animals, I didn't expect you had a bear" Roxas said.

"Have you considered having a pet?" Fluttershy said.

"No I don't think so, the most closer thing to a pet I have is Winona"
Roxas said.

"Applejack's dog? Wow, I never thought that dog would love another pony beside the apple family" Fluttershy answered.

"Yeah, she plays with me very often" Roxas added.

"But why don't you want a pet from your own" Fluttershy insisted.

"I don't know if I'm going to live on the farm the rest of the year, I would rather have a pet when I started living on my own" Roxas replied.

"That makes sense"
Fluttershy said.

"Hey, I wanted to ask you, I don't know if a huge storm arrived in the night, but the entire path to ponyville is covered in snow" Roxas said.

"Well, yesterday, minutes later after you arrived at my house, the last snowstorm of the winter hit the town, it's usually before the spring arrives" Fluttershy explained.

"I guess everypony in town works all day to clear the snow" Roxas added.

"Yep, that's the whole point of this celebration, we called it the Winter Wrap up" Fluttershy said.

"Cool, I want to see more" Roxas said.

Both pegasuses continue their walk towards ponyville. But Fluttershy noticed something Roxas's eyes looked turned off, like death.

She didn't say anything, because she thought it was just some lack of sleep

Back with Twilight.

In the morning, with a sleepy Spike on her back, Twilight arrived at the center of Ponyville where the Mayor finished her final speech before the cleanup.

The plan was simple, ponies were divided into three teams: Weather, Animals, and Plants, all wearing Rarity's designed vests of blue, tan, and green respectively.

Twilight arrived to analyze, which team she would fit right in.

"Oh where should I go, I'm not sure where to fit in" Twilight said.

"What exactly does everypony do?" Twilight said.

Luckily the rest of her friends were there to explain everything Twilight needed with a fantastic melody.

[Winter wrap up instrumental starts]

Three months of winter coolness
And awesome holidays

We've kept our hoovsies warm at home
Time off from work to play

But the food we've stored is runnin' out
And we can't grow in this cold

And even though I love my boots
This fashion's getting old

The time has come to welcome spring
And all things warm and green
But it's also time to say goodbye
It's winter we must clean
How can I help? I'm new, you see
What does everypony do?
How do I fit in without magic?
I haven't got a clue.

Winter Wrap Up, Winter Wrap Up
Let's finish our holiday cheer
Winter Wrap Up, Winter Wrap Up

'Cause tomorrow spring is here

'Cause tomorrow spring is here!

Bringing home the southern birds
A Pegasus' job begins
And clearing all the gloomy skies
To let the sunshine in
We move the clouds
And we melt the white snow
When the sun comes up
Its warmth and beauty will glow

Winter Wrap Up, Winter Wrap Up
Let's finish our holiday cheer
Winter Wrap Up, Winter Wrap Up
'Cause tomorrow spring is here
Winter Wrap Up, Winter Wrap Up
'Cause tomorrow spring is here
'Cause tomorrow spring is here!

Little critters hibernate
Under the snow and ice
We wake up all their sleepy heads
So quietly and nice

We help them gather up their food
Fix their homes below

We welcome back the southern birds
So their families can grow

Winter Wrap Up, Winter Wrap Up
Let's finish our holiday cheer
Winter Wrap Up, Winter Wrap Up
'Cause tomorrow spring is here
Winter Wrap Up, Winter Wrap Up
'Cause tomorrow spring is here
'Cause tomorrow spring is here!

No easy task to clear the ground
Plant our tiny seeds
With proper care and sunshine
Everyone it feeds
Apples, carrots, celery stalks
Colorful flowers too!
We must work so very hard

It's just so much to do!

Winter Wrap Up, Winter Wrap Up
Let's finish our holiday cheer
Winter Wrap Up, Winter Wrap Up
'Cause tomorrow spring is here
Winter Wrap Up, Winter Wrap Up

'Cause tomorrow spring is here!

'Cause tomorrow spring is here
'Cause tomorrow spring is here
'Cause tomorrow spring is here!"

[Winter wrap up instrumental ends]

After Twilight finished up expressing herself with a song it was time to choose.

"Let's see if I can help the Weather team" she thought.

"Rainbow dash, I want to enter to your team" Twilight said.

"It's so sweet you wanted to help us Twilight, but... aren't you forgetting something"Rainbow dash said pointing out her Wings.

"Oh, that's right, anyway good luck with the jobs" Twilight said.

"Dont worry, there are two other teams, I'm sure you will fit well in one of them, now if you excuse me, I need to find Roxas he must be in this team, later Twilight" Rainbow dash said flying in search for the gray pegasus.

After that quick conversation, Twilight found the Animal Team member and official nest designer Rarity, outside the Carousel Boutique.

"Rarity, can I help you with the nests?" Twilight asked her friend

"Of course, here try making a nest with this form" Rarity said giving Twilight the material and showing her how she made her nest.

"Ok, I'll try" Twilight said making, instead of the nest a total mess.

The efforts were all in vain since the nest Twilight had built was all remade by Rarity and her perfectionist attitude.

"No darling, you're making this all wrong, it should be like this or this or this... Rarity replied imaging the perfect design for the nest

"Okay...okay...hmmm I come back later Rarity, see you" Twilight answered ashamed for what she had done.

Then Twilight and Spike run into Weather Team member Pinkie pie on one of the frozen lakes, where they find out Pinkie has been an expert skater ever since she was young.

She is tasked with scoring the ice so that it will melt more easily when the Weather Team Pegasi clear away the clouds.

"Hey Pinkie, need a little help with the ice?" Twilight asked.

"Hmm...sure Twilight grab some skates over there" Pinkie replied.

Twilight put on the ice skates and approached the frozen lake, when she was about to go in, she suddenly stop.

"What's wrong Twilight? didn't you say that you were going to help Pinkie?" Spike asked.

"I just remember that this is my first time skating" Twilight answered.

"Cmon it's not that hard, you just need a little push"

Spike pushed Twilight into the ice causing them both to crash into a snowbank with Pinkie.

"Wow, hahaha you're a natural Twilight a natural of crashing into the snow" Spike said mocking off the purple unicorn.

"It wasn't that bad Twilight, I remember my first time skating, it was full of crashes and tornados" Pinkie said trying to lift the morale.

"Really? You did it worse?" Twilight asked with a small glimpse of hope.

"Ehm no...but I hope that was enough to cheer you up"Pinkie said.

"Hey why don't you ask Fluttershy, I bet she needs some help now" Pinkie suggested.

"[sigh] Fine I'll go, see you later Pinkie" Twilight said leaving the frozen lake.

Twilight went to find the member of the animal team, Fluttershy, she found her waking all the animals from hibernation. Twilight thought Fluttershy had the easiest job of them all so she approached her with confidence.

"Hello Fluttershy, you need some help with your animals?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah, Roxas was helping me a couple of minutes ago, but Rainbow grabbed him for the weather team, you wanna continue with his job?" Fluttershy suggested.

"Of course, this is going to be a piece of cake" Twilight replied.

"Good, you see that hole over there? Just get closer and with a very gentle scream wake up the animals inside" Fluttershy explained.

Twilight nodded and rush to the hole not hearing Fluttershy's warnings.

"Twilight wait...Roxas was helping me with the dangerous animals" Fluttershy said.

Twilight puts her head inside the hole thinking that the animals inside were just a couple of mouses, sadly, there were snakes. Panicked, she backs away making herself crash into a cave of bats, she got stung by bees, and finally, she was sprayed by a pair of skunks.

Resulting in a VIP pass to a bath with tomato juice at her home.

"Come on Twilight you're not going anywhere, just use your magic" Spike suggested.

"No, I will follow my words, I'm not using magic" Twilight said.

"Maybe Applejack has something for me" Twilight said.

After the bath Twilight headed to the farm, meanwhile, Roxas was helping Rainbow with the weather control.

"Alright boss what do you need" Roxas said.

"Ok Roxas, when I first met you, I knew you were the real deal, it's really hard to find somepony who rivals my awesomeness" Rainbow explained.

"Now it's your time to shine, snow clouds are the hardest type of cloud to move and destroy, so I need you to lead the "drill operation"

"Drill operation?" Roxas asked.

"Yeah I came up with that plan to make us more efficient at the time to destroy the clouds, it consists of all the pegasus flying in circles around a leader, the leader must control the wing force around him and redirect it to the clouds" Rainbow replied.

"I think I got it" Roxas replied.

"Great, and with your Keyblade, I'm pretty sure we will increase the force applied, just make sure you don't use magic, is part of the celebration." Rainbow added.

"Awesome, how do we do it?" Roxas asked.

"I'll show you a small demonstration, fly around me, do it as fast as you can" Rainbow dash ordered.

"Got it"

Roxas began to flight almost top speed around Rainbow, the light blue pegasus was amazed by Roxas's performance.

"Just as I thought he is almost as fast as me" Rainbow thought.

"Pay attention, now that the small tornado is formed use your wings to redirect the air around you to in front of you"Rainbow explained.

"Ok, let's start with the training" Roxas said.

Roxas summoned his keyblade and ordered Rainbow dash to fly around him.

"Ghh, this is harder than I thought" Roxas said.

"Don't lose concentration" Rainbow dash shouted.

The first time, Roxas got sucked by the small tornado, the second time the air force was redirected to somewhere else.

"C'mon Roxas I know you can do it, try to stabilize yourself, remember that the true tornado is made by hundreds of pegasus" Rainbow informed.

"I'm not giving up, I'm pretty sure the next one is the good one" Roxas replied.

"That's the spirit, one more time, let's go!!" Rainbow shouted.

Roxas quickly thought of an alternate solution, he began spinning the keyblade in front of him causing an effect similar to a propeller.

"It's working, and the keyblade is boosting the air force" Rainbow thought.

"Wooo hoooo!!!!" Roxas shouted while destroying a big snowy cloud.

"Way to go Roxas!!!, now stop" Rainbow screamed

"Oh...that..."Roxas thought

"Roxas? Roxas why aren't you stopping!!!" Rainbow shouted.

"Well...this is going to hurt" Roxas stopped spinning the keyblade causing the air force to launch him towards the floor.

"Not on my watch" Rainbow said rushing towards his friend caching him seconds before he touched the ground.

"Oh thank Rainbow dash" Roxas replied hugging the blue Pegasus.

"It was...nothing" Rainbow replied blushed.

"But now we need to practice your stop" she suggested.

"Thankfully I have the best teacher" Roxas added.

Roxas and Rainbow continue with their practice, meanwhile, Twilight was still trying to be a part of a helping team, hopefully, Applejack was there to help her.

"Hey Applejack I wanted to see if you have something you need help" Twilight said.

"Uhhh oh... I.... think were ok" Applejack said hesitating a little bit.

"Come on, I could try that thing" Twilight said pointing out a snowplow.

"You sure 'bout it?" Applejack asked nervously.

"Yeah, I'm ready" Twilight responded.

"Fine...there's one for you right there Twilight" Applejack said.

"All right let's do this" Twilight said.

Despite her best efforts, Twilight was unable to push the snowplow.

"You want some help there sugarcube? Applejack asked.

"Agh, I think I have an idea" Twilight replied.

Being tired of not using magic, Twilight decided to cast a come-to-life" spell to move the plow.

Unfortunately, the spell soon goes out of control resulting in an even bigger mess than before.

"Twilight, why you do that?, you weren't supposed to use magic y'know, look all this mess" Applejack said really angry.

"I...I..." Twilight mumbled.

The unicorn run off in tears because she didn't know how to respond.

Roxas went down from the sky because he heard all the conversation between Twilight and Applejack.

"Excuse me Rainbow, I need to check out something first" Roxas said.

When the pegasus stallion arrived at the scene he only saw Twilight running away in tears.

"Twilight wait, what happened?" he screamed trying to make his friend come back.

Roxas turned his attention to Applejack to ask her what happened with her friend.

"What happened Applejack?" Roxas asked.

"I yelled at Twilight, she use her magic to help us, but things went out of hoove, ugh I shouldn't have done that" Applejack told.

'' Well I hope that gives you a lesson, she didn't mean to cause this on purpose, she was just trying to help and find her place to help out in this event. Roxas explained.

"It sure did, but following the rules and traditions made me who I am" Applejack replied.

"Yeah but for somepony like Twilight who technically the magic is part of her life is not an easy task" Roxas said.

"I know, I'll apologize the next time I see her" Applejack replied.

"Good, I'm going to follow her,
just to make sure she's okay, later Applejack" Roxas said.

"Later...pal" Applejack said.

Roxas followed Twilight across the entire village but an unexpected visit from Nightmare ruined his plans.

"Really? You just gonna let her go without any consequences?" Nightmare asked.

"Why would there be any consequence, Applejack just had a discussion and things got a little overwhelmed" Roxas replied.

"So, you are not saying anything to the pony who hurt your friend just because it is another friend, what a weak" Nightmare replied.

"Shut up this doesn't concern you" Roxas answered back.

"Well then, the orange mare is right, it was a terrible mistake to bring Twilight here because she is useless without her magic, Oh...poor of her" Nightmare said mocking the gray pegasus.

"Look idiot, Twilight not being able to use magic for this, ain't easy for her since magic is a part of her life." Roxas replied.

"And that just proves my theory, she is completely useless without her magic" Nightmare said.


"Ouch, did I touch sweet spot?" Nightmare said mocking Roxas even further.

"SHUT UP, JUST SHUT UP" Roxas shouted showing a little bit of darkness in form of smoke coming from inside him.

"Yes...keep going...show me your true self...Roxas" Nightmare ordered.

"No, no I need to control myself...I have to stay calm" Roxas said.

"Let's continue the mission" He said slapping his face.

Twilight perspective.

With no other options left, Twilight hid in a bush in the town square refusing to come out.

"Cmon Twilight, you can't stay here forever" Spike said trying to lift the morale of her sister.

"No, if I go out I'm gonna cause some other accident, or I will just be an obstacle for the others." Twilight answered.

At least that's what she had thought, but Twilight never knew that her mistakes were the key to unlocking her perfect Role for this holiday.

Twilight delayed all the activities for the different Winter teams, causing a total mess thanks to the lack of organization.

Applejack wanted Rainbow Dash's weather Pegasi to get the snow quickly melted for seeding, but Fluttershy wanted Rainbow Dash to wait until she can clear the animal homes beforehand. The ice covering the lakes is not melting quickly enough due to poor scoring.

Rarity was so focused on fixing Twilight's nest all day that she hasn't made more, and she was supposed to have finished several hundred by now.

Big Mcintosh leads Caramel to Applejack who guesses correctly that he has lost the grass seeds again, and Rainbow shine tells Rainbow Dash that Ditzy Doo has gone north to guide back the southern birds.

The mayor laments that her motivational speech from earlier had fallen on deaf ears. It appears that Ponyville will finish their Winter Wrap Up late, just like every past year, and it will soon be sunset. At this point, Twilight was about to give up but luckily Roxas found her.

"There you are, I was searching for you Twilight" Roxas said.

"What do you want Roxas?" Twilight asked

"I asked Applejack what happened, don't worry sometimes I too feel useless to my companions." Roxas said.

"What do you mean" Twilight asked.

"[sigh] when I was on certain missions with the organization, I couldn't fight against the heartless on my own, I was always the one in trouble, but time passed and every time I failed I learn something new" Roxas explained.

"My point is...you can't let what she said to you stop you from participating in this event, if you mess up then you get back up again'' Roxas said cheering up his friend.

''But Roxas how can I; I made problems for not just applejack but everyone in ponyville if I go back out there they're just pushing me away from getting involved what can I do that won't cause more problems for them''? Twilight asked.

Roxas put a wing on her shoulder and brought her close to his side

''Twilight from the short time that I know, your magic isn't the only thing I see you can do well, your organized, smart, and you always plan when you prepare to start your day so I'm sure you can figure out a comeback for this one so Don't give up till it's over''.

The words that Roxas said made Twilight react, and remember that she wasn't only talented in magic, she could help organize the whole event.

It gave her confidence back, so she grab Roxas's hoof and pull him with her so they can get to the others when they did.

"Everypony quiet, I know what's this holiday is missing, and it's organization."She broke up the argument and volunteers to guide everyone in their tasks.

With careful planning, teamwork, and everyone working through the night, the residents of Ponyville are finally able to finish their work on time.

"You see, I told you" Roxas said.

"You were right Roxas, I don't believe it" Twilight replied.

"Now if you excuse me, I had some snowy clouds to disappear" Roxas said joining the other pegasi.

Thanks to her exceptional organizing and leadership skills, Twilight is designated the new position of 'All-Team Organizer' by the Mayor, along with a new and unique vest by Rarity that incorporates the colors of all three teams. Mayor Mare declares winter wrapped up on time, and the ponies celebrate their accomplishment.

After that stressful day, Twilight returns to her house and asked Spike to write the report to Princess Celestia.

"Dear Princess Celestia: Winter Wrap Up was one of the most special things I've ever been a part of here in Ponyville. It helped me to learn we all have hidden talents, and if we're patient and diligent, we're sure to find them, and as always, with good friendship and teamwork, ponies can accomplish anything." Twilight said.

"So how was that spike?...Spike?" Twilight said seeing his little lizard sleeping around the fireplace.

"Oh Spike"

As for Roxas, he was heading back to Sweet Apple Acres, but he started remembering more things about his past.

"Roxas...Roxas...here it is" a girl said.

"Watch out, @#^$&, its coming" Roxas said blocking the fist of the heartless making him drop the Keyblade.

Suddenly the girl grabbed the Keyblade and finished the job for Roxas.

'' Wow nice work I didn't know you could use the Keyblade'' Roxas said.

"You know? neither do I" the girl said.

Both started laughing at the entrance of Twilight Town Station.

"You know, how about we get some ice cream, to celebrate your victory" Roxas said.

Suddenly the Flashback starts to change again, Roxas now was floating in the station seeing a guy with a black coat standing in the air.

And after that the flashback ends, It looks like Roxas was Walking asleep because he was now in front of The golden oak library.

Seeing the Flashback gave him an idea.

"Hey, Twilight since you got a victory how about we celebrate" Roxas said.

"What are you talking about Roxas"Twilight said.

"Come on let me show you" Roxas said grabbing her hooves.

Roxas brought her to applejack's farm and lead her to the top of the barnyard.

''Wow, it's a great view I think I can see the town of ponyville in the distance''. Twilight said.

''Here you go this is your Victory''. Roxas said as he handed her a Popsicle

''It's Sea-Salt Ice Cream give it a try''.

Twilight nod and took a bit.

'' It's sweet and very salty at the same time this is impressive'' surprising Twilight.

''See? I told you...it's very delicious'' Roxas smile in triumph.

"This sure brings back memories" Roxas said.

"Uh? Why?" Twilight asked.

''When I was in the organization after I completed my first mission Axel bought me ice cream and say this was the icing on the cake to celebrate my success on my first field assignment''.

''Then we both agree that when we finish our missions for the organization we go here to hang out, talk about our day, and laugh about the stupidest things we could think of''.

''You and this Axel guy musta been close together''. Twilight said.

''Yeah we were until he decided to turn his back on me by not helping me uncover my past life so he rather continue working for the organization instead of running off with me, so we can be free from their wicked clutches and discover who we really are'' Roxas said a little angry.

''I'm so sorry, you had to go through all that Roxas but your safe now and here with us'' Twilight said.

''Yeah for now''. Roxas said depressed.

''Roxas is something wrong?'' Twilight asked.

But Before he could answer her question they heard voices from below.

''Hey you two, we need to talk'' the mane 5 said.

'' Girls what are you all doing here?'' Twilight asked.

''Fluttershy brought us all here so Roxas can tell us what's bothering him.'' Applejack said.

''All right we'll meet you inside the barn guys''. Roxas answered.

Once Twilight and Roxas finish their ice cream they meet up with the rest of the girls.

'' All right Spiky start talking what's the problem?'' Rainbow dash asked.

"Did you...just call me spiky?" Roxas asked.

''Yup because since we're gonna be hanging out with each other a lot might as well give you a nickname.'' Rainbow explained

'' Oh okay then...but back to the subject girls I don't know how to tell you all this because your all my best friends...and what about to say is going too hard because...I...I...I'm going to disappear''! Roxas said with struggles.

"What...are you...talking about Roxas?" Twilight said.

"Hey Spiky this isn't funny" Rainbow said.

"Oh Dear why did you say such a thing"Rarity said.

"Ooooooh noooooo" Fluttershy said.

"Huh...What are you talking about Roxas''? Applejack said.

''Girls, yesterday after the whole parasprite incident I went to Zecora's hut, because she told me that she could help me get more answers about my past which...it really help, but during her research, she told me that my purpose is in life is to be somepony else, and in the end, I will serve to the light or the darkness. '' Roxas said.

''WHAT!!!'' the girls say.

'' Yes she made me realize that I'm the Dark Side of Sora I'm the representation of his negative emotions, I'm his Anger, Despair, Loneliness, Pain, and Sadness, I don't know how I was born but...it just makes sense on why I have the keyblade and why I have memories of him, I'm Fragmented and I need to be completed.'' Roxas said while shaking his hooves.

''Wait a minute so you're saying that you were artificially created from Sora's emotions?" Twilight asked.

"Whoa, I did not see that coming Spiky" Rainbow said in disbelief.

"No...I'm not a replica, I'm just the half of Sora now I understand what that guy had said" Roxas explained.

"Who?" Rainbow dash asked.

"A guy I fought prior to get here, he told me that I was Sora's nobody and that he needed me in order to make Sora wake up" Roxas explained.

'' But that can't be Sugarcube your saying that your some kind of experimental creation.'' Applejack said.

'' Oh my, this is....getting me...scare Roxas''Fluttershy said while curling up in a ball.

'' My Celestia, this is gonna be hard for me to get my beauty sleep after all this.'' Rarity said

'' And here it comes the Suspense, the Tension, and the Drama folks how will this play's out everybody.'' Pinkie pie said.

"Pinkie now it's not the time" Twilight said.

"Sorry..." She replied.

''However, there is a bright side, the reason I'm not a cold-blooded killer right now is all thanks to Sora, I'm connected to him, and his strong light is somehow making sure that I have doubts about what I'm doing about my evil nature so I can question my existence, as a result, I'm showing other signs of emotions beside the negative one's empathy, scare, concerns, compassion, laughter, and joy''.

"That's why I have both light and dark powers inside me, making me a creature that walks in the path between them both, the Twilight''. Roxas explained.

''And the bad news is...that I don't know what is going to happen, am I a warrior of the light? or a remorseless assassin of the darkness?" Roxas started to philosophy.

"That's why Zecora told me that if I want to know the truth is to Vanish my existence completely" Roxas explained.

"And I really don't want to lose you, girls, you mean everything to me..."
Roxas said as tears starts forming in his eyes.

"Woah Roxas, it's okay...we won't let that happen" Applejack said.

"We don't want to lose you either Roxas" Fluttershy said.

"Yeah, I make sure nopony can touch you, Spiky" Rainbow explained.

"We will keep you in the realm of light" Twilight said.

But after that "moment of peace," the dark smoke coming from Roxas returned.

"Girls what's that?" Pinkie pointed out Roxas.

"THIS...I DONT WANT THIS TO END, I WILL NOT BE ALONE ANYMORE ITS TIME...I FEEL AN ENORMOUS WAVE OF PAIN COMING FROM INSIDE ME, IT FEELS...GOOD "Roxas said as he break down into tears and falls to the ground weeping out his sadness as a mist of darkness is starting to come out of his body.

"Something is wrong" Fluttershy said.

"Look, Roxas's eyes are starting to change, they look yellow" Rarity pointed out.

"YES, THIS IS WHAT I WAS WAITING FOR" Nightmare shouted from Roxas's body.

"Who are you?" Twilight asked.

"C'mon Twilight you know me well, I was inside Nightmare moon a couple of days ago" Nightmare replied.

"WHAT??" everypony shouted.

"Yes, Knowing Roxas was the best that could happen to me...he show me another type of darkness I never saw before, and I want it, but first I need to fully possess his body"

The girls started to panic about the situation, they gather enough courage to help their friend.

'' Girls we have to do something I hate seeing Roxas like this'' Fluttershy said with worry.

'' She right guys if we don't do something soon I feel that the darkness coming out of Roxas's body will start to take control of him and destroy everypony and everything it sees'' Twilight said

'' But what can we do? I'm still trying to wrap my head from all that information Roxas told us about his existence and problem guys''. Rainbow dash said

'' The answer is obvious everypony we need to show Roxas that he doesn't have to carry all this heavy burden alone and that we're willing to share his pain like it's our own for his sakes''. Applejack said

'' I agree with Applejack darlings we must show Roxas that we're here for him no matter what and that we're not going anywhere''. Rarity said

'' Then what are we waiting for let's get this show on the road and let Roxas know that we the Mane 6 are a part of his journey now and we aren't leaving his side until it's over''. Pinkie pie said with confidence

The group all nodded together and break the formation when they look back at Roxas the darkness almost cover his entire body so they all rush towards him and pulls him into a group hug and began rubbing his body with their hooves and wings all over him, his wings, his spiky mane, and his cutie mark flanks.

"Stop...what are you doing!?" Nightmare Shouted.

"ROXAS!!!!" all shouted.

''Don't let the darkness take full control of you for you are in charge here''. the mane 6 said.

'' Girls'' Roxas answered in pain

'' Roxas you're not a Killer you are somepony who's trying to find his place in the world just like me when I hardly know anything about friendship''. Twilight said.

'' Yeah, Spiky don't let that dark power take over you, control it show that dumb guy some dominance you got this pal'' Rainbow Dash said.

'' Sugarcube your not a pony who is alone anymore you have a new family which is us, we may not be related but we take care of you so you won't feel this way again you have our word''. Applejack said.

''That's right Roxas you can trust us don't count us out that easy we're not going anywhere if we can handle the dangers of nightmare moon together then we get through this impossible challenge together somehow All for One and One for All'' Pinkie pie said.

'' Darling we can see that you are going through a tough transaction right now and but we're here for you so you know that you have those who are that generous care for you so you have someone you can lean on and confide with so we can sort out your problems''. Rarity said.

'' Roxas no matter what happens we will find a way to help you and deal with your hard life, free you from this nightmare you've been living in for so long so you can move on and have a new life and we'll do whatever it takes to save you from disappearing so you can still be with us''. Fluttershy said.


After they said these things Roxas's darkness stopped moving on his body and then Roxas just let out a painful scream ''AHHHHHHHHHHHH'' which resulted in a huge flash of light covering the entire inside of the barn.

After the light faded away the girls that were still holding onto Roxas saw him back to normal but he look like that there's almost no life left in him due to his eye colors being shaded.

''Roxas are you okay''? the girls said at the same time.

''No...I don't think so'' Roxas answered.

'' I don't want to be alone anymore It hurts So much, I can't handle this pain by myself any longer Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy Please DON'T EVER LEAVE ME BEHIND''. Roxas said as he burst into new tears over his friends.


''Roxas we're right here for you when you need us to call on us and we'll be there in a jiffy''. the mane 6 says as they have new tears forming in their eyes as well.

When nighttime came at Applejack's farm the apple family went looking for Applejack and Roxas.

'' Now where in tarnation are your big sister and Roxas applebloom? they'll miss out on dinner''? Granny smith asked

''I have no idea let go check the Barn'' . Applebloom suggested

'' Ready Big Mac?'' Applebloom asked.

''Eyyup''. Big Mac answered.

When the apple family opens up the Barn they were surprised to see Roxas being hugged in the center by all his friends inside the barn while he's hugging them back with lots of tears falling from each other's faces.

'' Maybe we came at bad time everypony'' Applebloom said.

''Eyyup''.Big Mac answered.

'' Let's...Lets them be and allow them to have this moment but Big mac...make sure that you grab that extra blanket that we keep on the second floor of the Barn so you can cover them up with it so they won't be cold when they sleep together today in this slumber party that there having here ok, sonny''. Granny Smith ordered.

Big mac did what he was told and put the blanket around them then he and the rest of the apple family headed back to the house to finish their dinner and turn in for the Night leaving Roxas alone with his mares that he now starts to consider as his new family.

Meanwhile in the world where nothingness exists.

Xemnas was in the reunion room thinking about what happened just a couple of minutes ago.

"I felt a colossal disturbance in the Darkness, looks like Roxas is finally showing his true colors" Xemnas thought.

"Sir, the darkness we felt recently was not 100% Roxas cause, it seems something else is trying to use Roxas for its own purpose" A man with blue hair explained.

"Good, let's use that creature for our purpose, if he makes Roxas use his darkness, we will be able to track him down so much easier, hehehehe" Xemnas said.

Meanwhile on an underground laboratory.

"DIZ, you feel that?" A man in a black coat said.

"Yes, it was half of Roxas darkness, I felt it very far away from this world" DIZ said.

"But looks like something else is trying to use Roxas, but the other dark energy I felt was not part of Roxas" DiZ explained.

"What do you mean? Someone else besides the organization is trying to use Roxas?" Riku asked.

"That's what it seems, we need to hurry up Riku, the time is running out" DiZ ordered.

"I know...maybe if he uses his dark powers again, I would be able to locate his position, and create a dark corridor from the realm of darkness, but is not that simple he is too far from us" Riku answered Diz while the two of them were going to a pod chamber.

"Looks like Sora is Normal" DIZ said.

"If we were only capable of making a dark corridor to that world so we could make Namine go and convince him" Riku said.

"Soon Sora, just hang in there for a little while" Riku said.