• Published 30th Oct 2021
  • 1,785 Views, 54 Comments

Rarity Fights A Giant Crab - Shakespearicles

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Rarity lurched with a start in her chair. Her jaw ached from gritting her teeth in her sleep. Her pulse was racing from the adrenaline rush of the dream. Her bounding heart was all she could hear, sitting alone in the hospital waiting room. Her hooves nervously held the handles of the gift bag in front of her. On the other side of the room, the door opened and Nurse Redheart waved for her to follow.

Opening the door to oncology, Rarity could barely bring herself to look at her little sister in the hospital bed. Her eyes followed the chemo IV line down to her hoof under the warming blanket. Rarity felt her jaw tense again.

It's not fair, she thought. It should be me, not her. She doesn't deserve this. Nopony does. But it should be me, not her! She balled her hoof into a tight, angry fist. This should be my fight! She wanted so much to just punch something. Punch the sickness right out of her sister.

She was almost unrecognizable without her fur. She looked so... frail. But it belied Sweetie's strength of spirit, bright and alive in her rich, green eyes as she blinked them open. Rarity's anger evaporated in a flash. She didn't want Sweetie to see her like that. Princess Luna's words from the dream echoed in her ear: This is not a monster that is defeated by destroying what we hate, but by saving that which we love.

Sweetie squinted at Rarity and tilted her head in confusion. Before she could even speak, Rarity shushed her and opened the bag she had brought, presenting her gift and placing it on her little sister's head. "This should help keep your head warm."

Once it was in place, Sweetie Belle reached up and touched it. "You can't-"

"But I already have!" Rarity said with finality. "You can give it back once-" Rarity felt her throat closing up, "Once you're better." Sweetie Belle's eyes watered as she felt the violet locks draping over her shoulders with her hoof. Rarity blushed and she touched her own, bare scalp where her luxurious, curled mane had once been, fashioned now into a wig adorning her little sister. She leaned over and hugged her. "It looks better on you, anyway."

Author's Note:
Comments ( 42 )

They make a special shampoo for that, I hear.
*gets smacked*

It is not a victory, but fight nonetheless...

This was unexpectedly deep, and then I notice the tragedy tag... I regret nothing. Well done, Shakes. :heart:

I don't have time to read this now, but I'm upvoting it because stories like this are important.

I once took a series of photos on this topic involving a Rarity blindbag figurine and an actual live blue crab from the Chesapeake Bay.

Dayum. Kind of all I can say, having battled cancer myself and won.
I didn't know that history behind Mandy Patinkin. That's actually really cool.
Also feel like I should put this here.

I... oh, okay yeah that was depressing


Let me give you my assurance that these forecasts and predictions are all based on solid scientific evidence, so you would have to be some kind of moron not to realize that every single one of them is absolutely true! :duck:

Opening the door to oncology, Rarity could barely bring herself to look at her little sister in the hospital bed. Her eyes followed the chemo IV line down to her hoof under the warming blanket. Rarity felt her jaw tense again.

I had a strong feeling this story was about literal cancer when I read that line of Luna's:

This is not a monster that is defeated by destroying what we hate, but by saving that which we love.

Very poignant words.

I see no more errors in this story. Your symbolism is very powerful and your sense and scale of combat scenes were simply impressive and I found the story very moving, even if I normally avoid tragic stories to the point of pathological fear. I wish your wife all the strength she can muster so that she can beat this horrible cancer and feel she's lucky to have a guy like you around to lend her yours.

Stay strong for those you love. And fuck cancer!


I wife your wife all the strength

For all the proofreading of his work, your comment cracked me up.

I need a proofreader for my own comments. Fixed.

What a gut punch of a turnaround. Awesome job, 10/10 tears achieved

A powerful message in a very touching story. As you and your wife continue the fight, remember you aren’t alone.

God luck and thank you, Shakes.

That was my first thought too.

Don't let the downvotes get to you. Those people just don't get the reference.

11032729 11032915 11033043 11033126
Thank you.

I haven’t read anything yet so I was really expecting to see a comedy tag for a story with a title and image like this. Colour me intrigued and worried for what’s to come, it’ll definitely be a good trip though from what these comments and the like/dislike ratio say.

Just remember, giant enemy crab, attack its weakpoint for massive damage.

I read the title, and then I read the description, then I sat still for about a minute before bursting out with laughter. I have yet to even read the story.

The ancient meme returns.

Huhhhhhhhh…. That was weirdddddd…

I got none of the references in this story but I figured out pretty soon it was about cancer. I must say I have a deeper appreciation for the fic knowing it has all these subtle comedic references in it.

Oh...ohhh I should have waited to comment...Cancer, wish I could say more than good luck but with all things serious with no good answer ...words fail me.

I dunno if this chapter is also a slight reference to Princess Bride, since Inigo Montoya's father died of cancer and him stabbing the Count was like killing the cancer that took his father. But i'm gonna assume and hope it is. And even if not, well done.

Unexpected and quite amazing twist. I knew the first part was a dream but I didn't quite put the pieces together despite you leaving plenty of tip offs. That's good story crafting, combined with a deep subject that I think was handled wonderfully. Exceptional.

Trixie eating pinecones will never not be funny.

See, this is what I call a good Rarity fic, and if MLP was a more mature show, I bet this would've been an episode.
Not gonna lie, in the first chapter, Rarity was really ooc, then when Luna talked with her and the chapter progressed, I said "Hmm, this is clearly a metaphor, considering Sweetie also said crab instead of cancer".Then, not only the "metaphorical" fight was epic, but in the epilogue, we clearly see Rarity's defining quality:generosity.Some people would say "but she's her sister, of course she donated her hair", but keep in mind that Rarity is very vanitous and loves her mane.Heck, the first chapter opens with her styling her mane.And another point:The fact that she chose to donate all her hair to Sweetie and show herself bald, instead of getting a wig for herself, is truly admirable.I loved it!!
Also, the part with her saying"It should've been me" broke my heart.

Tiss has already been said! But in spirit of the joke I will! Honestly surprised I've read none of your story's.

Metaphorical and literal. Well glad I read it even if them implication is on a sadder note. So my Elden ring joke may have been a tad misplaced

Just where did this meme come from, anyway?

Fuck cancer indeed.

It's still missing "and then they made hot sisterly love"

Epilogue 2 perhaps?

God this is so expressive, written like a random psychotic shitpost yet you just immediately recognize a nightmare.

Holy fuck. HOLY FUCK.

I hope whoever you accompanied on this journey survived. The exchange between Sweetie Belle and Rarity at the end is filled with enough uncertainty that it feels ripe for hope to be possible, even though I doubt it felt that way at the time.

The dialogue, the lore, the symbolism, the EVERYTHING — it’s all lovely stuff.

Jesus Hotdog Christ, I’m floored by this. And I’m not particularly easy to impress. (Though I greatly doubt I’m anyone you’ve ever intended or wanted to impress.)


I hope whoever you accompanied on this journey survived.

Mrs. Shakes is cancer-free and thriving.

Congratulations to you both! I hope y'all continue to be so fortunate.

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