• Published 2nd Sep 2021
  • 1,927 Views, 76 Comments

World at War: Protectors of Harmony - TasteDaRainbow

Bravery doesn't mean you're not scared. It means you'll go anyway. Join Twilight and her friends' adventure in the middle of World War 2.

  • ...

Second Impressions?

"Stop, stop, stop." Parker said while trying to catch his breath. Everyone too began to collapse while breathing heavily. Reed leaned against a tree after safely putting Wade with the door down. Parker crouched, still having Twilight in his grasp. She curled like a ball while shutting her eyes closed. "Twilight," Parker said to get her attention, "It's alright. We're safe now." He looked back and it was quiet.

Guess we lost 'em for now

Parker could feel that Twilight was still shaking in his grasp, so he decided to comfort her. "Shh... it's okay. We outrunned them way better than I thought." She let out a sigh as she looked up at him.

"We're safe?" Parker nodded with a smile. She then jumped off from his grasp and quickly trotted to her friends and gave them a group hug. It only lasted a minute until one of them spoke up.

"What the hay was that?" Rainbow asked as she let go off the group.

"Darling, could you explain it to us?" Rarity chimed in, "Be honest, I can't stand to be inside this forest anymore."

Parker pointed his index finger up, signaling them that he was still catching his breath. "They're... those were the Krauts."

"Krauts?" Spike tilted his head.

"Just what the hay is Krauts?" Applejack asked.

"Remember the humans that captured and locked you inside that shack?" Reed asked. All of them nod. "Well, that's the Krauts... or Germans as they were."

"Germans?" Twilight looked up at Parker.

"They still have a lot to learn." Reed continued as he walked over to his sergeant.

Parker sighed deeply. "This might take awhile." He then looked at the ponies, who were all wearing confused expressions. "We'll explain all of it once we get ourselves back to base. For now, we just gotta keep moving." He said while standing up.

Just then, a twig snapped, bringing their attention. Parker immediately took an aim with his weapon towards the direction he heard, as well as Reed. He stood next to Parker and in front of the ponies. Both of them had their breaths steady as they heard the sound of rustles getting closer behind a bush.

"Fuckin' hell." Wade mumbled as he watched his friends were gripping their weapons tightly. The bush then began to shake more violently as whoever it was or who it was behind it got closer.

"Can I fucking shoot already?" Reed asked.

"Hold your damn fire, Private." Parker answered.

What came next, made their hearts stop beating for a couple of seconds. There, revealed a dark blue horse, but with a horn and wings; and its hair flowing elegantly, as if breeze were brushing through it. Sparkles could be seen on it's hair, making the hair look like a beautiful clear night sky.

I swear the wind isn't strong enough here to make that hair like… THAT

It had the same height as Parker and Reed. Parker glanced at Reed, and could see that he was making a silent, 'the fuck'. What they didn't notice was that the horse smiled at them.

"Greetings." The smile remained on her face.

Definitely a female

She's like a fucking Goddess bro

I don't fucking know why, but your common sense always flew out of the damn window every time I needed you the most

"I ain't gonna ask you politely. Who the hell are you?" Parker asked, still aiming his weapon. He then realized that if this horse can talk, Twilight must've known something. Before she could answer, he cut her off. "Wait," he lowered his weapon, "You must be these ponies' friend right?" Parker and Reed step aside, to reveal the ponies that were standing behind them.

"Please tell us you are." Reed said. Before anyone could speak, Twilight suddenly rushed to her.

"Princess!" Twilight exclaimed as she quickly pulled her into a hug. Parker and Reed let out a relief sigh, knowing that these ponies were getting back home.


"Oh Twilight, we were so worried about you." The blue horse said, returning the hug. "We thought that you're in danger." The other ponies too begin to hug their Princess.

"I'm so glad you're here." Twilight said as she broke the hug.

The blue horse chuckled warmly. "As I too Twilight." Parker couldn't help but smile at the sight.

So they're going back huh

Too soon

To their world. Where no war even exist anymore


Yes pal... home...

Twilight trotted over to Parker and then stood next to him while looking at the blue horse. "Princess, I want to introduce you to some friends of mine." She looked up at him. "This is Daniel Parker."

Parker responded with a single nod. The Princess nodded back, still with a smile on her face.

"This is Cody Reed." Reed put his right hand on his left chest and gave her a slight bow.

Twilight continued on while pointing a hoof at Wade, who was resting on the door. "And that's Wade Charles."

Wade nodded and winced at the same time. The Princess seemed to notice his pain.

"My, what happened to you?" She looked at him with concern.

"It's fine." Wade replied calmly.

"It's a long story," Parker added, "Apologies for the inconvenience before Princess."

"None taken." Luna replied with a smile.

"So, what's your name, Princess?" Reed asked. A bit impatient as his mind went back to the Krauts that were chasing them.

"Oh how rude of me," she cleared her throat before speaking, "My name is Princess Luna, co-ruler of Equestria. Planet Equis."

"Told ya they were aliens." Reed whispered while nudging Parker's arm.

"They are living beings," he corrected him, "Just like us."

"From another world. I can't think of anything other than aliens, man." Parker could only stare into his soul, making the wounded soldier shut his mouth instantly.

"What are you doing here, Princess?" Rainbow asked.

"Why? To bring all of you back to Equestria, of course."

"Good," Reed chimed in, "Bring them home. I bet you're not gonna like this place."

Luna frowned suddenly and then looked at her ponies. "I'm afraid we can't… not just yet."

"What?" Reed asked, slightly surprised, "But you said you're taking them back home."

"Yes. But I believe it's because most of our magic doesn't work here," Luna began, turning her attention towards Reed, "It needs time."

"What'd ya mean by that?" Applejack asked.

"Magic doesn't work in this world, nor does it exist. It will take time for me to gain my magic so that I can open the portal to our world."

"Does Princess Celestia know about this?" Twilight asked.

Luna nodded. "Yes. My sister helped me to open the portal to this world. It should be easier if the two of us are here. But one must stay behind to control the balance of Equestria. So with decisions made, Celestia sent me to bring you back. And she knows, it will take time."

"How long will it take?" Parker asked. Not wanting to stay here any longer than they should.

"We don't really know." Luna replied. She looked at her ponies with a worried look.

"Oh fuck this shit." Parker could hear Reed mumbling under his breath.

Parker sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. This wasn't what he expected it to be. He thought of any alternatives but he knew it was pointless. Their world didn't have magic to help them go back home. The ponies continued to talk while Parker headed back to Wade. Crouching beside his wounded comrade, he smiled bitterly.

"Guess we'll be taking care of them for now."

"It won't be much of a problem Sarge," Wade answered, trying to keep his spirit up, "I must say, they're lucky to have us. I don't know what would happen to them if they were found by other paratroopers." Wade chuckled a bit. "Guess we're the only ones who believed in aliens."

"They're not aliens though," Parker looked at the ponies, still talking about their things, "They have the same mind like us. They can communicate like us. They have emotions like us. And I bet they have families... like us..."

"Damn right you are." Reed chimed, resting his back against a tree. "They're one of us now."

"Well," Parker began. All of the ponies turned their heads to him. "Guess there's only one choice."

"Are you guys going to face those Krauts again?" Rainbow asked with a slightly annoyed tone while raising an eyebrow.

"We fight them every fucking day, Dash. Now, you guys are gonna-" He was cut off when he suddenly heard a voice coming from his right. He turned his head to see a German soldier walking silently while turning his head from left to right. "Get down." Parker whispered as he crouched down, the others quickly followed his lead.

"What? What's happening?" Rarity asked frantically.

"Keep quiet." Parker replied as he adjusted his weapon. Slowly, he made a hole through the bush so he could see the other side of it, just to see the soldier was walking towards them. His eyes widened and quickly concealed himself again. "Shit, there's a Kraut."

"They won't give up that easily." Reed said.

"What is going on?" Luna asked firmly, trying to process what these humans were up to.

"Just keep your mouth shut." Was the only reply she got from Parker. He slowly peeked his head once again and saw the German was already standing right in front of the bush while showing his back to him. Parker smiled at his opportunity.

What an unfortunate bastard

Parker put down his weapon slowly and proceeded to pull out his bayonet. The ponies looked with horror at the bayonet Parker was holding tightly.

"Human?" Luna asked while looking at Parker's weapon, "What are you going to do?"

Parker didn't answer her. He took a deep breath before attacking his enemy with a quick movement. He cupped his hand on the soldier's mouth and stabbed him three times on his chest. Making sure the German soldier was no longer breathing, he carefully dragged the dead trooper back to the bush and laid him down in front of everyone. Pulling out his bayonet, blood came out from the Kraut's stab wound and mouth. He cleaned his weapon on his sleeve before placing it back. Grabbing his gun, he stood up; but it wasn't over. Another German soldier already pointed his gun at him. He swore he didn't see any Krauts before when he killed that guy behind him. Parker didn't move, he just looked at the barrel of the Kar98K and then the Kraut himself.

"Parker?" Twilight asked loud enough and a bit stammered.

"Don't. Move." Parker replied sternly.

Parker slowly walked out of the bush while raising a hand. The Kraut signaled him to lower his weapon. Parker was hesitant at first but he knew he had no other option. One wrong move and he would be dead. He then slowly dropped his Thompson and raised his other hand. The German didn't seem to be satisfied as he approached the weapon and kicked it away with his feet before backing away again, gun still pointing at Parker. A sudden crack on Parker's right caught both of their attention. They both looked to the source of the sound, only to find Reed was crouching while looking at the Kraut in disbelief and fear; his bayonet on his grip. He knew he fucked up as well. It all happened too fast as the Kraut turned around to shoot Reed on his helmet in just a second, causing the private to fall backwards.

"NO!!" Parker yelled as he lunged himself to the Kraut.

Grabbing the torso of his enemy, Parker pushed him with all of his might until they hit a tree. Parker threw the weapon aside as he began endlessly punching his enemy on his face, chest, and torso. The Kraut didn't fight back as he was pinned down by Parker's punches everywhere; all the while he was cursing to the Kraut and his country. With fire still burning wildly inside, Parker pulled out his bayonet and stabbed his enemy right on his neck. He pulled it out, and then stabbed him on his stomach and twisted it. The Kraut could only open his mouth to scream but no voice came out as he slowly closed his eyes. Parker let the Kraut slide down to the ground, blood stained his hands. Parker stood there for a moment to calm himself down.

"You're pretty brutal there." Reed suddenly said behind him.

Parker jumped from his thoughts and turned around. Reed was smiling at him innocently. "What? I thought you're fucking dead?"

Reed shrugged. "Thought I was. But who knows this piece of trash could be a lifesaver." He showed his sergeant the scratch where the bullet just bounced.

Parker couldn't help himself to laugh. "Idiot."

"I always am."

Parker pulled out his bayonet from the Kraut before cleaning it and put it back. He then dragged the corpse back to the bush and piled it with the other one he just killed. After getting his Thompson back, he walked back to the ponies and noticed they were looking at him. He could definitely see the emotions from their eyes. Fear, horror, shock, disbelief and disgust all gather in one.

"You-" Luna stammered, "You just- killed them?"

"You killed other humans?!" Fluttershy exclaimed and started to sob, making Rainbow put a hoof around her shoulder while glaring at Parker, who stood still looking back at them.

"How could you?!" Rarity shrieked, "I thought you're a good stallion!"

"Keep your damn voices low," Parker said as he crouched down, not wanting to get his ass fucked up again by the Germans any time soon, "And if I didn't kill him, he'll kill us."

"Beg pardon? What the hay was that for?! He didn't try ta kill us! He didn't even do anythin' wrong!" Applejack nearly lost her temper as she was ready to kick Parker for miles away.

She's stupid enough to not notice that Kraut shot Reed before

He's out of their sight, I doubt they saw it

That doesn't explain how they didn't hear the gunshot

They're just idiots then

"He didn't do shit? Are you fucking blind? Didn't you see what he did to Reed? He nearly fucking died." Parker said, making the ponies flinch slightly at his tone, "We're in the middle of a goddamn war here. He hasn't done anything yet to you. But for me..." He looked at the dead soldiers in front of him. "He must've killed at least a dozen people out there. Heck, some of them must be our friends."

"Wait. War?" Rainbow asked, still trying to calm the yellow pegasus. Parker turned his head to see her straight in the eye.

"Yes, Rainbow. We're in a war. Where humans kill other humans." Wade said. The ponies gasped at his statement.

"Why do you want a war?" Spike asked uncomfortably.

Parker sighed. "I don't. Listen, we'll talk about this after we arrive at our base. For now, let's just keep going." He stood up before looking at Reed. "You still wanna drag his ass or want me to replace you?" He asked.

"I'm fine Sarge." Reed gave him a nod.

"Alright, stay on the front. We don't have much time before those bastards get on our tail." Reed nodded and shouldered his weapon before dragging Wade again. Parker turned around and saw the ponies were still sitting there, not moving. "Coming?"

"How could we trust you," Luna firmly said, "After what you did to that poor soul, you are just a monster. There is no way we'll be safe in your hoof."

Brain dead

Parker sighed once more. "Hands. And listen, in war, everyone is a fucking monster. We just fight because our lives are threatened. Our families are in danger. Yes, you can call me as a monster, demon or whatever the fuck you want. But we do this so they won't step a damn foot to our homeland and slaughter more than we could ever imagine. We stand for what's right. Defend ourselves from what's wrong. We never wanted a war, but when we faced the reality that the world is in danger, we must put a stop to whatever shit that's threatening our world. Whether by capturing them, or killing them."

"But why war?" Twilight asked, "Isn't there any other way to do it? What about the power of friendship to make the evil forces change their minds?"

"Do you really expect a cold blooded murderer would easily accept that?" The ponies didn't respond. "A maniac out there is trying to show the world what he's capable of by occupying another country. Slaughter anyone that stands on his way. It's true that fire can't be beaten up by fire. But sometimes, we just gotta stomp it many times before it gets any bigger." He then stood up. "Now it's either them, or us. Make up your mind."

He walked away to catch up with his squad, leaving the baffled ponies behind. The ponies however, were still trying to process his words and their actions. Luna thought it was best for them to not follow him but Twilight and her friends knew more about how the Germans treated them. Unlike Parker, the Germans were very harsh.

"Twilight." Luna began.

"Yes, Princess?" The alicorn in question looked up to see her.

"Are you sure he is safe? For us?"

Twilight looked back at Parker, who was still walking away from them. She didn't know what would happen if Parker wasn't there to save them. She wouldn't make it this far if it wasn't because of those paratroopers. But was it all just her luck? Coincidence? Or was it because they were being protected? Twilight pondered for a moment before finally made up her mind. "Yes," she said and stood up, "I'm sure we'll be safe around him."

"But he just killed his own species," Spike said as he looked at the dead human, "What makes you think that he's friendly?"

"Spike, didn't you see them before?" Rainbow said, earning the little dragon's attention, "How nice he and his friends were to us compared to those Germans he mentioned?" She looked at the two dead Germans behind her, shivering at the sight. "I mean, yes, I never thought he would be like that but he had a point though." Rainbow said.

"Ah agree with Dash and Twi," Applejack chimed in, "Best of us if we just stick around with 'em for awhile 'til the Princess could bring us back home. But if they tried to lay their dirty hooves on us Ah'll buck 'em to the next county."

"Fluttershy? What about you?" Twilight asked the yellow pegasus. Fluttershy response was only a nod.


Spike fidget his claws for a moment before sighing. "Yeah, I think so too." He finally agreed.


"We certainly have no other option, dear."


"Yes!" Pinkie exclaimed while bouncing on her spot. The Princess of the Night looked at them before nodding.

"All right," Luna made up her mind as well, "But we must be cautious with them. We don't know anything about this world, or whatever they are hiding from us."


As they walked deeper into the forest, Parker realized the sun was just above them. They all walked in complete silence. None of the ponies dared to speak, and so did the paratroopers as they listened carefully. The wind whistling through the trees was the only sound they heard as the paratroopers were cautiously looking around their surroundings.

"Hey Sarge!" Reed said as he stopped, followed by the group.

"What is it?" Parker replied from the back.

"Guess we're lucky enough." He simply said while looking to their front. Parker took a brief look and saw a road not far enough. He smiled while sighing.

"Yeah, we're not fubar after all." They continued to walk onto the road. As they managed to get a good view of the road, Wade's eyes widened while smiling from ear to ear.

"Sarge? I think this is the road that leads us to the base." He said while looking from left to right.

"Are you drunk?" Reed asked, a bit unsure of his statement. Ignoring the shit out of his friend's question, Wade pointed to a single tree that was taller than the others.

"I recognise that one, and yeah. It's on the left side of the street if we're heading out. Now it's on our right."

"You better be right or you owe me some French chicks." Parker said with the shitiest grin ever. The others soon followed as they continued to walk down the road. "Stay sharp guys."


After the long and silent walk, they eventually arrived at the place they had been searching for. Base. Parker let out a sigh of relief as he saw the post coming into view. Two soldiers were standing with weapons in their hands while laughing with each other. As they saw them, Parker could see their expressions changed.

"Hold it right there!" One of the soldiers shrieked as he pointed his weapon at them. The ponies took a step back, not knowing what was going to happen.

"Don't shoot! We're friendly!" Reed shouted as Parker waved his hands to the soldiers while slowly making his way to the front of the group. The soldiers recognized him though.

"Sergeant Parker?" One of them asked, slowly lowering his weapon.

"Yeah, it's me." Parker replied. The two soldiers then quickly walked towards them.

"Holy shit. So the news was right all along, you did went missing... for a while." One of them chuckled.

"Yeah, me and my men got fucked from those artillery barrage they sent to us. It was all hell." Parker looked over to the other soldier and noticed his mouth was hanging. "Uhh, dude? You alright?" The soldier in question slowly raised his finger and pointed it behind Parker. The sergeant turned around and saw that he was pointing towards the ponies. "It's okay. They're friends of mine. I need to see Lieutenant Blake immediately. You know where he is?"

"What are those?" He asked, still trying to process what was happening.

"Hey, I'm asking you, Private. Where is Lieutenant Blake?" Parker asked once more. The soldier blinked twice before looking at him.

"He's back in the Battalion CP... and I guess the Commanding Officer from the 501st is there too." He finally responded. Parker nodded and patted him on the shoulder.

"Thanks buddy. Oh yeah, he needs to be patched up." He said as he looked over at Wade. "He's got two holes in his ass now."

The soldiers nodded as they carefully take Reed's position and bring him to the aid station. Reed walked past Parker while whispering, "We should be going. These soldiers are freaking me out." Parker looked around and noticed that the other soldiers were watching them. Mainly at the ponies.

Parker shook his head before looking at them. "What are you looking at?!" That seemed to catch their attention as they continued on with their things. He looked back at the ponies and gestured to them to follow. "Come on, we need to find a friend."

"Are you sure about this?" Luna asked nervously.

"Listen, you trust me or not?" Parker simply asked. There it was. One simple word, yet hard to decide. What she and her ponies had witnessed out there was more than enough. This world was at war and everyone in it was trying to kill one another. All they could see were humans killing each other with no mercy. But like Parker said. They were standing for what's right. They were defending themselves from a certain cold blooded murderer whose trying, and surely, wanting to conquer the world to become their slaves. Just like Equestria against King Sombra and Discord. But they didn't shed a single blood. Not just yet. But how could she be so sure when she didn't even know what was happening. She didn't even know this world, what conflict it has, and which side was good or bad. Parker looked around, his uneasiness grew as he saw other paratroopers were staring at them.

"Hello? Earth to Equestria?" He asked once more, waving his hand in front of the Night Princess. Luna blinked once, twice, then looked at him for a moment before nodding. Parker still saw the hesitation in her answer but he took it as a yes nonetheless.

"Stay close." He simply said before turning around and started to walk.

"You better be right." Rainbow said next to Luna.

Parker and Reed took the lead as they continued their way to the Battalion CP. Along the way, the soldiers that were doing their things suddenly stopped as they saw the two paratroopers with the ponies on their backs. They had their eyes fixed on them and talked to each other while looking at them.

Parker looked back from his shoulder to look at the ponies. "Stay calm, okay. I'll be here when you need me." Twilight closed her gap with him as she nervously walked.


"Alright. Here we are." Parker said while looking at the medium sized tent. "Stay here, when I call you guys, I want you to go in one by one okay?" He said to the ponies and Reed. They nodded in unison. Parker gave them his nod before opening the curtain of the tent.

"Lieutenant?" He called out and saw Blake was standing in front of the table, explaining some strategies and important objectives to be captured in the next fight. Three soldiers sat around the table, but Parker recognized one of them as Lieutenant Ronald Speirs, one of the commanding officers from the 506th.

"Sergeant Parker?" Blake turned his attention to the sergeant. The others around the table did so too.

"Awaiting orders, Sir." Parker chuckled.

"Damn it Sergeant, thought you were dead." He shook his head while placing his hands on his hips.

"Pretty much," Parker shrugged, "Hope I'm not interrupting anything."

"All good pal," the Lieutenant replied calmly, "How did you survive out there? Many soldiers thought that you were dead. I thought the Krauts already treated you like an animal."

"It's a long story, Sir."

Lieutenant Blake gave him a single nod. "Alright. So, what brings you here?"

"If you don't mind Sir, I would like to ask for some help." He nodded again with a smile. Parker smiled back. "You see, I just want to introduce you to some of my new friends. And they desperately need our help."

"And who may that be." Blake crossed his arms.

Parker gave him a serious and concerned look. "Just don't freak out, Sir. Reed, bring them in." He ordered. Luna walked in first, followed by Twilight and the others, and the last was Reed. The soldiers in the tent had dumbfounded faces as they saw their new company. Except for Lieutenant Speirs.

"What the fuck is this?" He asked, still keeping his cool.

"Gentlemen," Parker began, "Let me introduce you to the ponies I've just met. This is Princess Luna."

"Greetings." She said a bit nervous. The soldiers that were sitting immediately stood up and took a step back. Blake was crossing his arms but the look on his face made it clear that the ponies nearly gave him a heart attack. Lieutenant Speirs however, still sitting on his chair with his stone face looking right at them.

"I must be dreaming." Blake said.

"You're not, Lieutenant." Speirs corrected him, his coolness began to collapse.

"Listen," Parker started to explain, "They're not from this world. And I would like your help to let them stay here until they manage to find their way back home."

"How long?" Blake asked after regaining his senses.

"I'm not sure how long," Parker replied, "But it will take time."

Blake, having enough of the situation, slammed both hands on the table. "What the hell are you thinking Sergeant?! You just let these aliens to stay here and eat all of our goddamn supplies?! Even our food isn't enough for all of the soldiers!"

The ponies were taken aback by the sudden burst as they took a few steps back; and their ears flattened against their heads as they heard the word 'alien'. Reed immediately stood in front of them. Parker flinched a little but remained still on his position, narrowing his eyes at Blake. "They have names, Lieutenant." He growled.

"I don't give a damn care!" Blake retorted. "We can't just-"

"Dammit Blake, these are civilians we're talking about!" Parker nearly shouted. However, his patience was no more when Blake shouted back.


"THEY ARE LIVING BEINGS TOO!! JUST LIKE US!!" Parker yelled at the top of his lungs, slamming his hands on the table harder than Blake while looking straight into Blake's eyes, piercing through his soul. Parker's hands were shaking slightly but he didn't care. The other soldiers could just watch the scenery unfold before them in silence. Fluttershy immediately hid behind Rainbow, shivering in fear while looking at both the Sergeant and the Lieutenant. Blake was about to make up another argument when Parker cut him off. "They need shelter, Lieutenant. They need food, water, everything to keep them alive." Parker paused for a moment to settle down, never taking his eyes off of Blake's. "They're my responsibility. I found them in the first place and they're scared shitless. They just got captured by the Nazis." Parker put both of his hands back on his sides. "Where the fuck is your humanity? We can't just abandon people out there. Especially when they're not from our world. They know nothing. If they got caught by the Nazis, they're probably ended up in a lab, being experimented, killed, or being used against us. It's not that I want to use them against the Krauts. No. They're guests we have to protect. They know nothing about this war and I don't want to take any advantage of it. Using them as a weapon of war is wrong in any way. They just want to go home Sir." His anger slowly dissipated. "And before the time comes, they just need someone to protect them from this dark, horrid hell hole."

Blake didn't say anything as he remained still in his position. Arms crossed, eyes fixated at the Sergeant across the table. Heavy silence filled the air as Parker waited patiently for an answer.

"I'm sorry," Lieutenant Speirs broke the silence, causing the others to look at him, "But what do you mean, 'used them'? Do they have special abilities or strength to be in a war?"

Twilight's mind slowly filled with unimaginable scenes she never wanted to think of. War. "They have magical abilities Sir," Parker answered, "They-"

"We can levitate things, teleport from one place to another, and have the strength to rival even the finest soldier you have." Everyone, even the ponies turned their attention to the answer coming from the Princess of the Night. Eyes filled with determination as she stepped forward next to Parker. She then looked at Blake, who was dumbfounded at the answer he just received. "You may think of us as nothing more than a burden, Lieutenant. But we wish no harm to your fellow soldiers. We are only here because of what Sergeant Parker told us about the war you fight. Standing for what's right and fighting those who believe they can conquer the world. If you accept us to be a part of your side, I certainly have no doubt with helping you in any way possible."

Parker looked at Luna with shock. Twilight and her friends had the same expression plastered on their faces. Reed just facepalmed himself this time.

"Oh boy." He muttered softly.

Blake stood there, absorbing her words and processing it in his brain. Luna remained still on her ground, waiting for an answer. Parker waited as well. For what felt like hours, Blake let out a sigh before speaking, "You sure are interesting, Princess." A smile slowly made its way on his lips. "I can't say that we can provide a good shelter for you and your hors-... ponies. But I can say that you can help us by any means possible." Twilight and her friends sighed in relief after hearing the answer. Only to stop when Blake spoke up. "But, under one condition."

"What it might be." Luna asked, relief washed her face as she knew they were being accepted.

"Stay close to Parker and his squad," Blake answered, "He has the full responsibility for taking care of you." He turned his attention to Blake. "And I know he's more than capable of doing it."

It took a moment for Parker to nod. "Aye Sir. Leave it to me."

Once again, Blake turned his attention back to Luna. "But I have to warn you. We're moving every single day. We're marching into the war. Like it or not, you and your ponies will be in the line of fire. But that doesn't mean that you have to go and fight. Leave it to the soldiers on the frontline. As for you and your ponies, you can stay on the back of the line. Whether you want to help or not, it's your choice." Blake nodded to Luna. Luna smiled and nodded back.

"Welcome to the army." With that said, Blake signaled the soldiers who were still standing to take their seats once more. "You are dismissed, Sergeant. You can take your ponies back to your place." He then started to explain the strategies again.

Parker looked at Luna and was greeted by her smile. Parker himself couldn't hold the smile as he saw that smile coming from the dark blue alicorn princess. Looking back at Reed, nodding as he did, Reed slowly led the ponies out of the tent. Parker turned back and was about to walk out when Blake's voice stopped him.

"Sergeant." Parker turned around once more. Blake nodded. "I'm counting this on you."

Parker's only response was a nod, following a smile before he walked outside. Reed and the ponies noticed him coming. Parker sighed as he took off his helmet.

"Well, that was... something." Reed said while chuckling.

"Hehe, yeah..." Parker replied, "I didn't expect to fight Blake though."

"Thank you." Luna finally spoke.

"Excuse me?" Parker asked, putting his helmet back on. He noticed that Twilight and her friends were still pondering in their own thoughts. Their expressions told him they're not okay. He was about to reach out to them before Luna's voice interrupted again.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For your help."

Parker chuckled and waved his hand dismissively. "Nah, no need to thank me. Like I said, y'all are going back home in one piece. And most importantly, together."

"So what are we gonna do now?" Reed asked. Parker looked at him with a smile on his face, completely forgot what he was about to do before, then back to the ponies.

"Ladies and gentlemen... welcome to Earth."

Author's Note:

Sorry for the very long progress about this story. Real life has been hitting me hard but I'm sure with my spare time here and there, I'm still continuing the story until it ends. So stay tuned!