• Published 6th Mar 2022
  • 1,321 Views, 18 Comments

N’Zoth’s Chosen - Dracthul

An Azerothian champion is brought to Equestria with no memories of his life. His past will be unraveled, but not before he discovers the dark power within his very body. He is N’Zoth’s chosen, but can he stop the Old God?

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Chapter 2: Fortunate Forthcomings

Author's Note:

Took me a little while to get this chapter done, but here it is! I hope you enjoy, and feedback is greatly appreciated. Let me know how you think I’ve portrayed the characters, their dialogue, and Tinnidas’s thoughts—it really helps.

Anyway, enjoy!

Tinnidas felt his mind spinning, his conscience barely hanging on for dear life. His death seemed inevitable, his wounds too severe for him to survive—yet he knew he was not dead. An eerie feeling crept through him as he felt himself stirring from the abyss. The dark void he was floating in washed away, leaving him back in his mortal body. He felt his senses returning, a cool breeze on his skin. He could hear the excited screams of children playing outside and the sound of birds chirping in the trees. The rustle of the bushes nearby was from the rabbits that lived in the forest, a sound he had come to love and recognize by heart.

He forced his eyes open, the brightness of the sky hitting him and stinging his head. He scrunched his eyes, the light around him fading as he could see again. He made out an area familiar to him: the streets of Stormwind City. He was walking down them, greeting everyone he passed. The brilliant white stone towers of the walls extended above him, the sun glinting off of their shine. The streets were full of people going around, talking to each other over a meal, relaxing in the sun, and taking in the cool air. In the middle of the day, the city could get pretty crowded.

Tinnidas continued his walk, his feet taking him to wherever he was going out of muscle memory. He passed more and more people as he went through the city, guards greeting him along the way. The more he paid attention, he realized the guards were not simply greeting him, but they were saluting him. The next one he passed went rigid, standing tall and putting a hand by his head. Tinnidas saluted back, watching the guard relax a bit and look back to the street.

Strange, he thought while going up a set of stone stairs. As he looked up to see where he was going, he found himself walking into Stormwind Keep. He knew its name, as well as the fact that the king lived there. Who the king was, what Stormwind was, or why he was headed inside was a mystery to him. The guards outside saluted him, so he saluted back, entering into the keep.

Once inside, he looked at the delicate interior. The walls were a pristine white marble with not a speck of dirt on them. They were also polished to have a glossy shine. Blue pillars stood on each side of him, reaching to the curved ceiling that was high above him. As he looked back forward, he could see the large chamber he was quickly approaching: the throne room.

Once stepping inside, the first thing he noticed was the incredible height of the ceiling. Much higher than where he had just been, the domed ceiling was above him, light coming from its glass windows into the room.

He went forward across the large stone tiles that made up the floor, finding himself walking towards a majestic throne. Low steps led up to it, and at its front were four lions made out of gold. Past them were the carpeted slabs that made up the throne itself. Behind it, glass panes went up the wall, reaching a circle of glass with the symbol of the Alliance, a lion, at its center. Two banners hung next to the glass, draping halfway to the floor.

Tinnidas looked back at the seat itself, seeing the man sitting in it. He was the leader of the Alliance, the king of humanity, champion of Azeroth: Anduin Wrynn, son of Varian Wrynn. Tinnidas remembered the young king and how his father was killed while he was still young. He had to take up the role of king at a relatively young age, but he was no doubt a leader.

“General Geurin,” Anduin spoke, his voice higher and softer than his father’s. However, Tinnidas detected a sense of worry in his tone.

“Yes, my king,” Tinnidas felt himself saying, taking a knee as he remembered what the king had just said.

Guerin? Is that my last name? He continued to watch as Anduin smiled, feeling his body rise back to its full height.

“There is something dire I must tell you,” he felt himself saying again, but this time there was a heavy feeling to it—like something was off.

The king leaned forward, a now worried look forming on his face. “Go on.”

“There is a threat to all of Azeroth unlike any we have faced before. The Lich King, Deathwing, Garrosh—even the Burning Legion—do not compare to this evil.”

Tinnidas could feel dread seeping in from all around him, whatever he was experiencing feeling alien.

“What is coming, soldier?” Anduin asked, his darkest fears forming.

“It is—” Tinnidas started to say, when the world cracked apart. He felt panic race through him as everything around him ground to a stop. Time froze as he felt his body lock up, unable to move. He tried to focus on what he was saying, but the thought slipped away before he could even begin to try. His surroundings started to come undone, fragments of the world disappearing as he felt himself being pulled away. He tried to hold on, but he was powerless against whatever had taken hold of him. He felt everything slip away as his conscience was plucked.

Tinnidas felt his eyes open, the familiar burn of the sun hitting them. He slowly put an arm over his face, attempting to block the sunlight. It proved to be useless, more light seeming to hit him every second. He started to roll over with a groan, hearing a creak as he did. As his face hit the soft ground, he tensed.

Remembering what had happened before he blacked out, he felt what he was lying on, recognizing it as a sheet. He flipped over, desperately squinting his eyes to see where he was. He was able to catch a glimpse, finding himself in a bedroom of some sort. Everything seemed a little small, but it was a bedroom nonetheless. A dresser rested in the corner of the room, a nightstand was next to him, and pictures hung on the wall.

He did not get much time to think, for the distinct sound of a door opening sounded the alarm inside his head. He wrestled with his bedding, trying to uncover himself to stand. Before he could, the wooden door swung open, an overly cheery voice floating through it.

“Good morning!” said what he recognized as a she from the sound of her voice. It was a very high-pitched voice with a sense of enthusiasm that worried him. Opting to remain silent, he sat there, hoping she would leave. It was then that he looked down, realizing his chest armor was gone. As he looked at his chest, he saw only scars where his cuts were. Almost in disbelief, he ran his fingers along them, their rough texture confirming what he saw.

Worried if he still had the rest of his armor, he moved his legs, the clang of plating letting him know he still had leggings. It seemed whoever was outside the room heard as well because he heard something hitting the ground, the sound getting closer. He mentally scolded himself for making noise, only able to watch as either his captor or savior came through the door.

He was surprised to see a purple four-legged creature. It was like a horse, but smaller and less bulky. It had a horn and even a pair of wings—something he found most peculiar. His nerves calmed as he saw the miniature horse, his eyes still following it closely. Its hooves clopped on the floor as it came closer to his bed. He raised an eyebrow, and it turned its head, raising an eyebrow as well.

“Hi there!” the tiny horse practically shouted at him, a large smile appearing on her face. Tinnidas nearly screamed, squirming away from the creature as best he could. What he now knew to be the owner of the female voice he had heard before looked at him in confusion as he failed to escape the confines of his linen prison. She wondered why the hairless creature was moving so wildly, while he, on the other hand, was terrified of the talking horse.

As he finally got out of the bed, falling to the floor in the process, he tried to stand up. She came around the bed, stopping a few feet away from him. She slowly came up to him, turning her head as he kept trying to get away.

“What’s wrong?” she asked with a concerned tone.

“You’re a—” he started to stay, too freaked out to finish. “You’re a—”

“A pony?” she finished, even more confused than ever.

“A talking, winged, horned pony!” he half-shouted at her, still trying to get away. She saw how entangled he was in the bedding, so she thought it would be a good idea to help him.

“I have never seen a—” he started, breaking into a yell as he felt light purple energy wrap around his body. He went rigid as he was lifted into the air, the sheets dropping from him. He looked back at her, noticing her horn glowing the same color, meaning she was the one holding him in the air.

“PUT ME DOWN!” Afraid she had upset him, she released her magic, causing him to hit the floor like a sack. He let out a groan, his body still sore from his fight with the wooden wolves in the forest.

“Are you alright?” she asked, taking a step closer.

“I’m fine,” he replied, trying to calm himself. He looked up at her, noticing her mane that looked like human hair. It was a deep purple with a pink streak going down the middle, her tail the same way. “I just—Where am I?”

“You’re in the Ponyville Library where I live,” she answered, glad that he was calming down.

“Ponyville?” he mumbled while standing up, wiping his face with a hand.

“Yep. Right near Canterlot.”

“Canterlot?” He looked back at her, getting more used to her appearance. “What continent are we on?” He tried to focus on his planet, a few names coming to his mind. He did not know what they were, but he hoped they were continents. “Kalimdor, Pandaria?”

She cocked her head. “We’re in Equestria.”

“Equestria?” he repeated. “I’ve never heard of something like that on Azeroth.”

“Azeroth? What’s that?” she asked, more lost than before. He gawked at her for a moment, trying to find the words to explain.

“Th—That’s the name of the planet.”

“We’re on Equus. A-are you alright?” She took a step forward, noticing his eyes darting around the room. She could tell he was getting progressively more distressed.

“Equus? I-I don’t understand.” He put his hands on his head, his heart beating faster. “Where am I?”

“You are on planet Equus, in Equestria. This is Ponyville, one of the closest towns to Canterlot, the capital of Equestria.”

“Maybe this is an undiscovered continent,” he said more to himself than to her. He looked back up at her, asking, “Are there any other continents on this planet?” She put a hoof to her chin for a second.

“There’s the Dragon Lands, Griffonstone, and Yakyakistan,” she answered with a smile. That smile faded when she saw the look of horror on the man’s face.

“You’ve never heard of Northrend, Kalimdor, Pandaria—even the Eastern Kingdoms?” he desperately asked, hoping she knew at least one of them. She thought again for a moment, trying to remember if she had heard of anything similar in any of her books.

“I’m sorry,” she said, “I’ve never heard of any of those.”

“This can’t be happening,” he whispered, his breathing picking up. “It’s got to be some sort of… dream?” The pony took a tiny step forward.

“Get away from me!” He put up a hand, still trying to get away from the thing in front of him. It seemed every bit of ground he made she took back with a simple step.

“Please,” she gently began, worried about his current state, “you’re not well. You need to stay here and rest.”

“What I need,” he retorted, “is to get away from… whatever the hell you are—and get back to reality!”

That line hit the pony like a rock, causing her face to drop. She took a large step forward—something she regretted when he practically jettisoned away from her. He flew backward, unaware of just how close he had gotten to the wall. The back of his head slammed into the hard wood, knocking him clean out. His body slumped over, lying on the floor in a small pool of sweat.

“Do you think he’s alright?” a soft voice called. Tinnidas could barely understand it, but it pierced through the haze he was currently in. He heard a few other voices, but a sudden ringing in his ears stopped him from hearing them. He grunted, slowly opening his eyes. He found his vision blurry and the room spinning wildly, but he was able to make out some shapes. He could tell he was no longer in the bedroom he was in before he got knocked out.

“I think he’s waking up,” a sharper voice said. He then heard several steps coming toward him. He tried to lift his head, only bringing a stinging sensation as he saw six different vibrant colors growing larger.

“Are you sure he’s alright, Twi?” he heard someone skeptically say, a worrying amount of concern in their voice.

“I’m sure he’ll be fine, Dash.” His eyes widened as he recognized the voice of the purple pony from before, his body instantly coming alive. Tuning in to every little sound around him, he heard the six beings around him breathing. They were all around him, but he had the element of surprise.

He glanced around, seeing a rough outline of what was around him as he put his legs into action. He felt himself stand up while an intense head rush washed over him. He tried to step forward, stumbling in the process. He flopped over like a rock, about to hit the ground, when the same purple glow from before grabbed onto him, hoisting him back upright. He caught himself with his feet, still shaken by the magical grip.

His vision had cleared considerably, letting him see the six ponies standing in front of him with equally shocked expressions. One of them was a cream color, one was a light blue, another was pink, one was peach, and one was white. Then there was the original purple one he was beginning to dislike. However that may be, he was weak. He could not risk angering the ones who had saved him if he was going to survive wherever he now found himself. So, he stood there in waiting, still ready to grab his sword at any moment—if he still even had it on his back.

“Hello again,” the purple pony gently said, deliberately not taking a step forward this time.

“Hello,” he replied, waving at them all. As he did, a strange look appeared on their faces as they stared at his hand.

“What’s…” the purple one muttered, coming up to him. He forcibly steadied himself, not wanting to alarm her or make her think he was a threat. She slowly reached out a hoof, looking up at his face before reaching to touch him. He slowly nodded before she proceeded, watching her take his hand and examine it in her hoof. She traced along his individual fingers, her hoof feeling much softer than he thought it would be.

“What’s wrong with your hooves?” Her dumbfounded expression led Tinnidas to believe there were not many creatures with opposable thumbs around.

“They’re called hands,” he softly answered, wiggling his fingers and getting a few gasps in the process.

“I’ve never seen a sentient creature with those before,” the purple one said, stepping back. “Where are you from?”

That hit him rather hard. He had hoped to wait before revealing the strange lack of his own memories, but he could not risk lying to them. He had no idea how they would take it or if they would know he was lying. He hoped that these ponies were kind and civil—or else he would be needing that sword soon. He also hoped to get some help finding out where he was and what had happened to him.

“That’s…” he began, pausing for a moment and sighing, “what I’m trying to figure out.”

“What do you mean?” the light blue pony asked in her naturally sharp voice.

“Well,” he said, slowly raising a hand and running it through his rustled hair, “I can’t seem to remember where I’m from, or why I’m here.” As he moved his hand away, he bumped the handle of his sword, returning his hand to his side. “All I know is that I am in some strange place where talking ponies exist, and I can’t figure out how.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” the pink pony said in her excitable voice. “You’ve never met a pony before?”

“I would say no, but I can’t remember.”

“Why can’t you remember?” the purple one asked. He sighed again, growing tired of her curiosity.

“I barely remember anything about my past. I know my name is Tinnidas… Geurin… and I think I used to be a warrior.” He heard a large gasp from everyone in the room.

“You were a warrior?” the blue one questioned in a voice more excited than the pink one’s.

“…Yes,” he simply replied, questioning whether she was excited in a good or bad way.

“Awesome!” she exclaimed, her eyes going wide. “Is that why you have a big clunky sword on your back?”

“Yes, it is,” he said, carefully reaching behind his head and gripping the handle of his weapon. He saw the cream-colored pony with wings shake a little, leading him to believe she was the most afraid of the six. “Don’t worry. I’m not going to hurt you.” Her trembling slowed with his soothing voice, prompting him to start pulling out the blade. It made a quiet sound as he took it from its sheath, lowering it to his side.

The ponies stared at it in awe, studying its elegant features. Tinnidas found his own eyes going to the blade, taking in the excellent craftsmanship that went into making it. Now that he had the opportunity to really look at it, he marveled at its beauty. It had a red grip made of wrapped leather and a pommel made of gold. The guard of the sword was made of gold as well and had a shape similar to that of a phoenix’s wings. The blade itself was long and well sharpened, its two sides equally so. The runes running along the blade’s center lacked the fiery glow they had had before, but they were still engraved to perfection. The sword itself was awing, and the ponies seemed to think so as they continued to stare at it. The purple one finally broke the trance, looking up at Tinnidas.

“I’ve never seen such an extravagant sword. The craftsponyship looks similar to that of the time of Starswirl, but the detail is too intricate for that time. Your armor is almost identical in style.” She scrunched her eyebrows in thought before coming up to him. “Where did you get all this stuff?”

Craftsponyship? he thought to himself. Just where am I?

“I’m afraid I don’t know. I had it with me when I got here.”

“Speaking of,” she started, cycling back to what she originally wanted to ask, “when and where did you arrive here?”

“Well, I remember waking up in a strange cave yesterday, and then I went out in hopes of finding someone. I ended up in a forest, and after searching for hours, I encountered a pack of wolves.” He recalled the distinct memory of their strange bodies and appearance. “They were made out of wood, and their eyes had a green glow to them. They were held together by what could only be some form of magic.”

“Y-you m-mean…” the cream-colored pony sputtered, shaking again while taking a gulp, “timberwolves?”

“If that’s what they’re called. All I know is that a pack of them attacked me, and while I was able to kill them—” He stopped as he heard a gasp of horror from the ponies. He saw the look of utter shock on their faces, and he started to panic.

“Y-y-you k-killed them?” the same manila pony recoiled.

“I don’t understand,” he said. “I had no other choice. They attacked me, and I had to defend myself.” That did not seem to do much.

“Couldn’t you have just wounded them?” the purple one asked.

“No. Even after they were wounded, they kept coming at me. Like I said, I had no other choice.”

“O-okay,” she said, her expression of disgust fading slightly. Most of her friends seemed to react the same.

I guess killing of any kind is not to be taken lightly here.

“I’m sorry if I offended you. I have no idea where I am or what I’m doing here, but this place seems vastly different from my home.” The purple pony nodded.

“I guess so.” After a pregnant pause and one final strange look, her warm smile returned. “So you managed to survive in the Everfree Forest alone?”

“Is that the name of that wicked place?”

“It is,” she answered. “The Everfree Forest is the only place in settled Equestria with natural weather. It’s home to all kinds of creatures—some kind and some dangerous.”

“Natural weather?” he repeated, not knowing what she was talking about. “What do you mean?”

“In Equestria,” she explained, “the pegasi control the weather.”

“You have ponies that control the weather?” he exclaimed. “But how?”

“The floating city of Cloudsdale has a large factory that produces clouds and regulates wind currents. The weather teams clear out the skies and put clouds when needed.”

“Wow,” he said in awe, processing all that she had just said. “That’s new on me.” She chuckled for a moment, as did her friends. “And to answer your question, I didn’t make it out of the forest entirely unscathed. Those timberwolves ripped my chest up pretty bad, but it seems to have been healed already.” Her cheeks changed from their lavender color to a bright red.

“After I found you, I took you home and healed your wounds with my magic. I hope that was okay.”

“Of course it is,” he said with a smile. “If anything, you saved my life.” He went down on one knee, his head slightly below her eye level. “I owe you a great deal. If you hadn’t of found me when you did, I might not have made it.” He gulped hard, a cold chill running down his back as he thought of what could have been. “Anyway, I am grateful that you would help a stranger like me. Is there anything I can do to repay you?”

With a laugh, she said, “For now, I’d just like to talk with you. Something about you seems very interesting, Tinnidas.” Remembering she had not introduced herself yet, she stepped back to her friends. She pointed to the cream pegasus with a pink mane. “This is Fluttershy.”

That explains a lot. He nodded to her.

“This is Rainbow Dash,” the purple pony said after pointing to her light blue friend. Tinnidas noticed her rainbow-colored mane and tail, realizing how fitting the name was. He smiled at her. The purple one pointed to the pink one. “This is Pinkie Pie.”

“Nice to meet you, Tinnidas!” she squealed, a large grin on her face.

“The feeling is mutual,” he replied with a smile. The lavender pony then moved her hoof towards the white one with a rich purple mane.

“This is Rarity.”

“It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance,” she said smoothly in a tone of elegance that reminded him of the nobles of Stormwind; however, her voice lacked the distinct pompous sound that they had.

“The pleasure is mine,” he answered, to which she smiled.

“Such manners, Tinnidas. Those seem harder to come by nowadays.”

“I aim to please,” he responded, finding her most charming.

The winged and horned pony moved on to the peach mare with a cowboy hat on. “And this here is Applejack.”

“Nice ta meet ya,” she said in a heavy rural accent. She extended a hoof, which he slowly took. She shook his hand, finding gripping it easier than expected.

“Lastly,” the purple one began, “I’m Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship.”

“I did not know I was in the presence of royalty, Princess Sparkle.” He saw her blush again, even harder than before.

“T-Twilight’s fine,” she sheepishly said, her ears folding to her head in a rather adorable way.

“Alright then, Twilight. It is an honor to meet you.” He was surprised that she did not use her title—unlike most royalty he knew on Azeroth. Wherever he was, society seemed to be immensely different. While it seemed better than what he was used to, that also meant he had no idea how to act.

“You can stay here in the library as long as you need, Tinnidas,” she offered to him. A surprised smile slid onto his face.

“You would do that for me?”

“What’s the point of being the Princess of Friendship if you aren’t nice to your friends after all?”

He chortled. “I suppose. Either way, thank you for all the help.”

These ponies consider you a friend rather quickly. It seems rather… naive…

“It really is nothing,” she mumbled, a slight blush appearing on her face.

“How large is the royal family here in… Equestria—if you don’t mind me asking?”

“It’s pretty small,” she said in a way he could not quite read. “The most powerful ponies in Equestria make up the more popular part of the royal family. There’s me, the Princess of Friendship; Cadence, the Princess of Love; Luna, the Princess of the Night; and then Celestia, the Princess of the Sun. Luna and Celestia raise the sun and moon every day and night while ruling mainland Equestria, while Cadance rules the Crystal Empire, which is made of crystal.”

Tinnidas’s jaw hung open from all that he had just heard. There were ponies powerful enough to move the sun and moon and an empire made of crystal? He was lost in a flurry of thoughts for a moment until he heard someone clear their throat.

“Are you alright there?” Twilight asked, looking a little concerned.

“I-I’m fine,” Tinnidas replied, looking down at her. “That’s just… a lot to take in, is all.”

“You’ve never heard of any of them?”

“Nope. Where I’m from, the sun and moon move on their own, and the weather occurs naturally.”

Twilight started to walk around in a circle as she thought. Her friends looked at her, recognizing the look on her face that meant an idea was forming inside her head. Tinnidas was able to identify it as well.

“You say you haven’t heard of those at all, but there is only one sun and one moon around our planet. There’s absolutely no way you haven’t heard of Equestria.” She stopped for a second, whipping around to look at him. “Does the sun always move, or does it move a lot when it rises?”

“It moves at a constant, steady pace,” he answered. “It seems I’m able to remember things about how the world itself works, at least.”

“That means there is only one possible reason for you not to know about us.” Twilight stopped suddenly, her face shifting. “This isn’t your world.”

“What?” Tinnidas returned.

“You showed up here yesterday, and you can’t remember anything from your past. The amnesia you have could—theoretically—be caused by your interworld travel. That would explain your odd appearance.” He raised an eyebrow. “You have no body hair besides on your head, only some type of smooth skin. You walk on two legs, you have bulging muscles that make you look like a predator, and your armor and sword do not match anything in this world. I think you are from another world.”

“Whoa, whoa, and whoa,” Tinnidas countered. “This is a lot to assume just from me not knowing about Equestria and its rulers. For all I know, it could be you trying to trick me—not that I think that.”

“It does seem rather rash,” Rarity said, siding with him.

“Thank you,” he came back with. He threw up his hands with a slight chuckle. “All I know is that I woke up next to some magical crystal tree with freaky gems on it in some random cave—”

“What did you say?” Twilight said, her voice turning firm. “About a tree?”

He paused, thinking over what he had just said. “I woke up in a cold stone cave, and I found a strange tree made of crystal that had six gems on it.”

“The Tree of Harmony,” she quickly said. She turned towards the door before shouting, “Spike!”

Tinnidas had a puzzled look on his face until he heard a light pit-pat of feet. When they reached the door, he looked in its direction, only to lower his head and find a tiny… dragon. It was purple with lime green spikes running along its body. For some reason, though, it lacked wings. From its size and features, he guessed it was still a whelpling—therefore still weak. Without a second thought, he reached behind his head and pulled out his sword. He gripped it with both hands, narrowing his eyes at the dragon.

“Step aside,” he commanded in a firm voice. “I will protect you from this monster.” The ponies did not move. Instead, they looked at him in shock.

“Spike is not a monster! He’s a dragon!” Twilight half-yelled.

“What’s the difference?” he dismissively said. “They are dangerous creatures, and while some are normal, purple scales indicate that he is either a Twilight Dragon or a Netherwing.”

“Maybe on your world, but Spike is my assistant,” she explained in a calmer voice.

“Assistant?” he deadpanned.

“Yes. I’ve raised him since birth. Dragons on Equus are different from the ones from wherever you are from. Spike is one of my closest friends, and he is not a threat to anyone here.” Tinnidas glanced at her and then back at this Spike. After a moment, he slowly lowered his blade before returning it to its sheath.

“I apologize for my outburst,” he said, “I am not used to dragons that look like you, Spike.”

“Well, I can’t blame you,” Spike said in his human-like voice. “Some ponies are still a little afraid of me.”

Twilight turned to her small assistant, her dire expression returning. “Spike, I need you to write a letter to Princess Celestia.” He quickly ran over to a nearby desk, pulling open one of the drawers and grabbing a scroll. He unrolled it, grabbing the nearby quill from its inkwell and getting ready to write.

“Tell her that I have encountered somepony from what I believe to be another world. He arrived in the Everfree Forest yesterday after appearing next to the Tree of Harmony. I healed him and am letting him stay in the Ponyville library.” Spike finished writing everything she had said, sealing the scroll in red wax and a horseshoe seal before breathing his green fire onto it. Tinnidas stared at the scroll as it instantly turned to dust and flew out a nearby crack in a window.

“You stay here today, Tinnidas. The Princess should arrive later.”

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” he hesitantly asked. “I don’t know what your leader will think when she sees me.”

“Don’t worry,” Twilight answered, coming over and putting a hoof on his arm. “Celestia is my mentor. She will listen to what you have to say, trust me.”

“Alright,” he quietly said. “I’ll wait for her to arrive. In the meantime, do you think I can get my items back?”

“Of course. Right this way.” She turned around and went over to the door. Tinnidas followed suit, taking a deep breath and hoping he was not being played.