• Published 28th Sep 2021
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The King Of Pizza - KingSombraTheTyrantRuler

In season nine, after King Sombra is blasted by the rainbow, what if he was sent to another planet? That planet being earth?

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The Esmeralda left the room to get a few things. The water in the bath was hot , and my fur was covered with bubbles. I didn’t like that, so I tried to get out.

I was nearly out of the bath when my hoof slipped, and I fell back in the bath. I tried again, but the same thing happened. I would never give up trying, so I tried again. This time, I was nearly out when the Esmeralda came and said, “Sombra? Why are you getting out of the bath? It’s only been five minutes.”

I screamed and fell back in. I glared at her. This time I was nearly out, and all because of her I fell in.

I told her, “I don’t like the bath. It’s too hot, and it has too many bubbles. Take me out!”

All she said was, “Stay in there for longer, and you’ll love it.”

“Are you refusing an order from the King?”

"I said this a thousand times, and I'll say it again. You are NOT a king."

"I am the king of Shadows."

"Fine then, Mr. King Of Shadows, I will NOT take you out of the bath."

"You will."

"Will not."

"I'll show you. When I find a way back to Equestria, I will take you there and show you that I am a King."

"Well, I'll just wait for that day."

"And you will regret that you didn't listen to me."

She said, "Hmm..." and then got a bottle. She opened it, and put some gel-like stuff on my fur.

I asked her, "What is that?"

She replied, "It's some shampoo."

"What does this 'shampoo' do?"

She said, "It'll make you smell nice."

The Esmeralda got more of the stuff and covered my mane in it. I said, "Stop doing that stuff."

"I won't stop. You need to smell nice."

"If I don't want to smell nice?"

The Esmeralda said, "Then I'll take you to the vet."

I asked, "What is a 'vet'?"

She replied, "A vet is a person who makes talking ponies be quiet. And after making them quiet, she takes the pony's magic away."

"If you take me to a vet, I'll... I'll..."

"You'll do what?"

"I'll... I'll lock you in a dungeon."

"If you keep talking so much, I'll drown you."

"You wouldn't dare."

"I would."

"Then I'll freeze the water."

"And you'll be stuck in ice."

"You won't be able to drown me then."

"And you won't be able to eat any 'warm circles.'"

I opened my mouth to say something, but then I shut it after realizing that she was right.

Half an hour later, the Esmeralda pulled something out of the bath, and all the water went down the drain.

I said, "Why are you ending my bath?"

She replied, "You've been in there for an hour."

I screamed, "Nopony dares end the King's bath."

"You are not a king. Understand?"

"I am a KING."

"You should be lucky that I didn't call a zoo to take you as soon as I saw you. They'd love to have a talking pony who thinks that he is a king. Instead of taking you there, I kept you and let you eat all of my pizza."

“If I come out of the bath, then you have to give me warm circles.”

“If you come out, then I will.”


The Esmeralda washed my fur and mane, and then she took me out of the bath. She left and came back with a strange thing in her hands. I asked, “What is that thing?”

“It’s a hair dryer.”

“And what does a ‘hair dryer’ do?”

“It blows warm air out.”

“Won’t it burn my fur?”

“I said warm air, not burning hot air.”

Not wasting another second, the Esmeralda turned the ‘hair dryer’ on and warm air came out. She dried me, and then turned it off. Then, she took me out of the bathroom and into the same room that we were in before.

Esmeralda’s P.O.V:

After I finished drying Sombra, I took him to my living-room and put him down on the sofa. Then, I put my school bag on the table and took my English book out so that I could revise for my test.

I opened my book and then I started revising. I only read one line when Sombra came and said, “What are you doing?”

I told him, “I’m revising for my test.”

He asked, “What type of test?”

“An English test, at school.”


I said, “I’d like it if you would sit on the sofa, and not move.”


Sombra went and sat on the sofa, and I continued revising. A few seconds later, Sombra came and tapped me.

I asked, “What do you want, Sombra?”

“You will call me King Sombra.”

“Fine then, King Sombra. What do you want?”

He said, “I’m cold.”

“And what should I do about that?”

“Give me a blanket.”

“Use your magic to get it.”

He asked, “And where is it?”

I told him, “In my bedroom.”

“And how would I know where that is?”

I gave him directions. “Go to the second floor, and you’ll see a room that says ‘Esmeralda’s room’ in gold letters. Open the door, go inside and you’ll see a blue blanket on my bed. Take it.”

He said, “Ok.”, and then he started walking up the stairs. He came back a few seconds later, and ten asked me, “Where’s my armor and cape? And my crown?”

I told him, “They’re on the sofa, if you can’t see.”

I heard him walk to the sofa and put his things on. I was about to turn the page when I heard, “Esmeralda? Could you help put my things on?”

I asked, “Can’t you do it yourself?”

“I can’t.”

“Then how did you put it on before?”

He answered. “You think that I actually put my own clothes on? I never did. I had thousands of slaves to do it for me. So help me now.”

I sighed and shut my book. Then, i walked to Sombra and put his things on him. Then, I sat on my chair and re-opened my book and started reading.

This time I got to read twenty pages when Sombra broke my concentration. Again. He said, “Take my clothes off.”

I asked, “Why?”

He said, “I’m going to sleep.”

I took his things off and then went back to my revising. Sombra said, “Wrap me in my blanket.”

“Do it yourself.”

“But I don’t want to.”

“You know what, Sombra? You are the laziest pony ever.”

All he said was, “I know.”