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Open for Art Commissions. I write horror. I write gay. I write gay horror. GAAAAAAAAAAYYYY


On what was supposed to be a short jaunt to Trottingham, Bright Mac, Pear Butter, and Granny Smith meet their ends leaving the Apple siblings alone.

Big Mac, as the eldest and the only adult, now must take on the mantle of the Sweet Apple Acres patriarch.

He only hopes he can see it through.

An entry in Imposing Sovereigns III, using the prompt Big Mac/Perserverance.

This story contains LGBT themes. Emphasis on the G.

Edited by LuckyChaosHooves

Pre-read by Mushroompone, Captain Hairball, and The Sleepless Beholder

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 39 )

This is an extremely well written first chapter.

I'm looking forward to where this story goes!

A nice twist here with Filthy. Looking forward to the next chapter.

Didn't expect to see Applejack back so early.

I love the imagery of young Apple Bloom following Mac around the farm all day.

This for some weird reason is not getting any comments so I deicide I would comment.
1 You are doing a wonderful job of keeping the expense coming and you are having a wonder full pace,
2 I am loving how you are portraying Big Mac,
3 Keep at and can't wait for more.

You've been keeping me hanging on every word here.

Y'know, I'm surprised this story hasn't gotten more attention. It's certainly one of the best written fics I've seen featuring Mac like this. And while most fics screw up their pacing when it comes to romance, you've somehow managed to make something I otherwise wouldn't have cared for really compelling. Honestly, I think your focus on how Mac and Thunderlane compliment each other in a legitimate and practical manner, appropriate to how Mac perceives the world, has done wonders here.

All things considered, fantastic work so far. Editing doesn't look bad at all, and you've been updating frequently enough. Continue the hard work. Regardless of the ongoing M/M shipping contest, this is a story that deserves to be continued on merit alone.


Thank you very much for the compliment! I'm glad you're enjoying the fic and I hope it manages to meet your expectations.


She was actually supposed to show up a chapter sooner but I ended up pushing her forward one in favour of starting the Thunderlane, Mac romance sooner.

I too love Apple Bloom in this and she has quickly become one of my favourite characters to write in this story.


Thank you! I'm genuinely surprised people have been alright with the pacing as I feel I'm going almost a mile a minute with this one. I also really like Mac in this, and I am hoping to finish up the story by the end of this weekend.


I'm glad! Hopefully, I can keep you hanging on until the end!


I'm glad for the high praise! I should actually be able to close everything out by the end of this weekend hopefully, so you shouldn't have to wait too long to see the resolution. Thank you very much for reading!

I don't care that Big Mac is bi. But it's tough having to rake enough money for the farm, be Apple Bloom's dad and not take Applejack's bullshit.


Indeed, Mac's responsibilities are quite stacked as it were.

Wonderful story and an adorable ending.

Alright.... it was a good ending that much I can say...now I'm bah ok so see I'm Catholic and well I wish it wasn't male on male...

Now on to the review I will say you did rush it a bit on the end but that's fine, I did not find any grammatical errors so that's good you did a wonder full job on cliff hangers so good on you for that.

I wish right at the end you expended a bit you didn't which honestly is fine and all and all it was a good story.

Okay, so first things first; great story. Seriously. The plot was straightforward enough but with plenty of good emotional bumps here and there, the characters felt realistic and had understandable motivations, and the settings, when applied, added well to the overall tone being conveyed each chapter. From what I understand, most of the dislikes were earned early on, likely as a reaction to your early portrayal of Applejack in both her leaving and then returning to the Apple Acres farmstead. This only proves how important patience is with some of these fics, because 'Releasing the Warden' chapter was an excellent explanation and ending for Applejacks character. Overall, a good story with a good theme on Family.
However, I have to agree with fellow reader 'Death is bliss' that this last chapter feels off. Like he said, if you need to extend it, extend it. It certainly felt a bit short from my perspective when reading it. There was also something else about it that felt slightly odd, but I can't really put my finger on it. Maybe it's just that the interaction between Mac and Thunderlane takes place in an open and public domain? Setting can have a lot to do with tone. If made a more private setting, the intimacy of them beginning their relationship might carry a bit more 'oomph'. But I'm not writer myself, so it's ultimately up to you. Nonetheless, this was good work. I appreciate you taking the time to write this.


So, I won't apologize for doing MxM, that is primarily what I write, however, I do thank you for being respectful and giving the story a chance. That is really great of you to do.

Yes, I will admit the ending is rushed, so I might actually spend some time reworking, but thank you for reading the story.


I'm really glad you liked the story! And as Death mentioned the ending is a bit rushed so I might spend some time reworking and expanding on it.

Most of my dislikes are actually from what is known as the "gay tax", which are dislikes garnered because, well, it's gay. I can usually tell by the fact that the view counter on the story stays stagnant, but the dislikes go up. I would also agree that probably the rest of them are from Applejack, as I definitely went with a harsher portrayal of her.

Otherwise, thank you very much for reading!


Thank you very much! Glad you enjoyed it.

Honestly I wasn't looking for a apology there was a reason for the Sp. but I will most likely read the rework of it just because the MxM wasn't that long so I could just skip it, I look forward to the rework.

Probably what felt so odd is how Applejack mood did a 180 from our perspective.
I mean you did give a reason why she did what she did but it wasn't that personal for us as the readers,

For example for most people and cases if someone said a homeless person died they would just shrug there shoulders and move on with there lives while yes some might feel bad or something like that it just won't make a difference now however if you said Big mac became homeless and died then you would care,
now just replace applejack as the homeless and well you should be able to see.

I would suggest to expend a bit on the Applejack and Pinkiepie part to give the reader a more emotional reason on how Applejack came to the conclusion that you had at the end.

Loved it was exactly what I needed. Hope to see a sequel about thunder and Mac being together ❤

Only two apples, because she only came home to two Apples. Ouch.

Oh, this was fantastic. It’s fascinating to see how the dominoes fall once you take Granny out of the equation, especially with Applejack. Great tale of an equine Atlas struggling to carry his whole world on his shoulders, and ever so slowly learning that he doesn’t have to.

And I do love how there’s a specific rule against Apple Bloom building death machines. :applecry:

Thank you for this. Best of luck in the judging.

This was great. My one complaint is that I feel like the plot pacing/character development was a bit rushed to fit into the contest's wordcount limit.


Completely fair. I basically gave myself a 1500 word count limit per chapter in order to be able to get all the details in and then continuously failed to make it only that every chapter excluding the last ones.

awesome family moment you really nailed the exchange of an awkward topic and I really loved when they all held together it was so damn good :pinkiesad2:

When Big Mac was a young colt, just barely out of diapers, he dreamed of being a professional candy taster. Everyday, he would try brand new concoctions and give his completely professional unbiased opinion based on a scale of ‘Mac-ilicious’; A personal measure of how good he thought the candy was based on his superior taste buds.

augh this is so precious! what a great way to start the story, to maximize the contrast with the crushing weight of adulthood and responsibility

After he discarded the idea of becoming a candy taster, Mac needed a new dream. He decided on being a space cowpony. He would fly to the moon on a cow — Just like in Granny’s bedtime story — and wrangle Nightmare Moon so he could return all the candy she stole to the foals.

hehe! of course children would have dreams like this growing up in a world with Nightmare Moon on the literal moon every night

Protecting the Princess! Fighting Monsters! Being a Hero! Noble pursuits that he could brag about to that mean mare Spoiled Milk to get her to stop teasing him.

ah yeah, she would be in Big Mac’s life as a customer of his family, wouldn’t she? and it would be on-brand for her to be insulting an adolescent like that

And it wasn’t farm work.

Because that was nothing but a waste of his potential.

big oof

From what the Ponyville guard had told him, they were also soon to be dead. A statement that solidified his choice to not become a guard.

His parents were dead.

oof. bringing back the dream of the guard from just earlier. also great use of repetition. it feels exactly like what my own life experiences with death have been, and i can imagine it to be far worse when my parents go

Mac looked down at his baby sister. She was still blissfully asleep. When he had heard the news of his parents’ and grandmother’s death - he had been waiting for this interview at the bank - she had been the first pony he needed to see.

oof, of course that is when it would all happen… really twisting the knife here!

It wasn’t their fault. They were worried about him taking on too much responsibility and were trying to ease his burden, but he needed to keep the farm. For him and Apple Bloom.

Just them.

Applejack had taken the Orange’s offer and was leaving later that week. He didn’t blame her for it, but he couldn’t help feeling hurt that she abandoned him and Bloom.

and oof…that is going to leave a mark

This was home, his home. Even if only one tiny Apple was here with him, he would keep his home alive. This palace of trees would remain as the bastion of the Apple family so long as he was able.

So decreed the current Patriarch of the Apple family.

and oof, yeah. without Granny Smith still around to be the adult, taking on all this responsibility and grief and change at one time while barely out of childhood himself, that is going to do a number on Big Mac, isn’t it?

The last of his relatives to leave had been the Oranges with Applejack. She had said nary a word since she had decided to leave and Mac wasn’t inclined to start that conversation. He’d had enough goodbyes to last him the rest of his life, he didn’t need another one.

The day she left, he had watched her leave from the kitchen window, hoping that she would have a change of heart, but she hadn’t even looked back once.

oh i am sure he will carry that not looking back even once into the future

Big Mac had also foregone the wooden yoke he normally bore instead for a frilly orange apple-patterned bandana around his neck. He got some strange looks for the fashion statement, but it was a memento from Granny and he would be damned if he allowed others to muddle his devotion to his family.

aww, fic cover drop! and yeah, considering it seems like that yoke was his father’s in the first place, it’s very in keeping for Big Mac to honor her that way

He would have worn his Pa’s hat as well, but AJ had taken off with it.

oh he is keeping track of these things for sure!

Neither stallion had said a word to each other since Big Mac had arrived with Apple Bloom in tow. Said filly was playing with some toys just outside the office door, which Rich had kindly provided with a knowing smile.

aww, cute!

“I don’t need to answer because I won’t.”

oof, there’s that Apple Family stubbornness

“So was I.” Rich said bitterly. “But it wasn’t all bad. Some friendly farmers handled the business I inherited. Said it was just the right thing to do. When I was ready, they gave it back to me and simply asked that I maintain their existing contract, which I’ve done every year since.” Rich looked to Mac with a morose expression. “Do you want to guess who those ponies were?”

oh, dang! love this backstory for Filthy Rich, and explains why he’s always done right by the Apples

What was pride in the face of family? His integrity was attached to supporting them, not his ego.

so true! glad Big Mac is thinking of this 

Thunderlane turned to look behind him. Apple Bloom was splashing one hoof in a mud puddle and chomping on a discarded apple with the other.

aww that is so Apple Bloom

Thunderlane smirked. “She looks like she’s feeding herself just fine.”

hehehe great answer

“It only hurt because Caramel is a dirty cheater and throws nothin’ but cheap shots.” Mac smirked. “Don’t know why you’re commenting on the hits I took considering that one zinger to the back of your head from Cherilee. Best shot in the game.”

hehe, always love references to the cast being the same age as Cheerilee growing up

He led Mac on a merry chase around the field while making passing remarks on how adorable Mac was. Mac just continued his relentless charge at the offending bird on his property while quietly fuming.

ehehe he is an offending bird so true

Big Mac put on a final burst of speed and managed to tackle Thunderlane in mid air, who gave out a surprised yelp. They rolled along the ground before stopping a short ways away with Big Mac on top of Thunderlane, muzzles only several inches apart.


He liked how it felt, these feelings he couldn’t quite place.

Then Apple Bloom giggled.

And family, home, and legacy crashed in to remind him of what he was supposed to be feeling.

noooooo Big Mac! why would those two be in conflict?

He wasn’t as fast as Mac, nopony was, and he’d seen his baby sister draw straighter lines, but he was getting it done. Slow and steady.

Mac smiled and continued his trek.

yay, assistance!

Apple Bloom had been placed into a booster seat and giggled happily as she clapped her hooves for ‘birdy’.

Thunderlane smiled at the new nickname.

aww that is so cute!

He couldn’t remember if he had ever smiled as much as he did then.

yay, Big Mac being happy! i am surprised! and i certainly hope this will not be the happiness that is later taken away again to make Big Mac even more of a tragic figure!

“So, Blossomforth threw a glass of wine down my dress shirt and called me a dumpster fire in the making.” Thunderlane said with a snicker.

dang that is so Blossomforth

While the two talked during their break from harvesting the trees earlier that day, Apple Bloom played with wooden blocks in a corner by attempting to build… something. Mac honestly couldn’t tell, except that there was a concerning number of blocks being put towards what appeared to be a catapult.

hahaha i see the seeds of mad inventor Apple Bloom here and i love it

“And stallions.” Thunderlane laughed. “Remember my date with Time Turner?”

yay casual bisexuality! this is why i love ponies and reading and writing them

Standing in the doorway with a proud smile on her freckled face was an orange mare wearing a stetson overtop a long blonde ponytail and a Cutie Mark of two red apples on her flanks.

ooh, that’s how you know it’s an AU! 

Bloom happily clapped her hooves together while shouting ‘AJ’. Applejack leaned in close for a hug then pulled back as she got a whiff of something foul.

“Oowee, somepony needs a bath. Why does she smell so bad, Mac?”

oh what a way to underscore how long AJ’s been away from the farm! love it

“Well, I was looking out the window thinking about stuff and this big rainbow went BOOM across the sky.” She threw her hooves up in the air and leaned back while making the proper sound effect. “I decided to follow it and it led me right back to the farm! Then my Cutie Mark appeared and I finally knew what the most important thing to me was.” She nodded.

aww, so that still happened! neat!

“You’re twelve,” Mac retorted. “You can’t know you won’t change your mind later.”

i mean Big Mac just says the reason right here why he shouldn’t hold Applejack leaving against her, but then again, he is barely an adult himself and really going through it

“Eeyup. Still need to hear about that time with Caramel. Bet that was a real disaster.”

haha dang, Thunderlane is really going through all the young adults in town!

Presumably to unsuccessfully date somepony with a mean back kick. Again.

at this point is this, uh, what Thunderlane wants?

He felt something clasp his leg. He looked down to see Bloom wrapped around it. She giggled.

Bloom babbled a string of nonsense.

He smiled. “Love you too, Bloom.”

aww! this does make me hopeful that this tension will only be a temporary thing the siblings grow out of but then again considering how much story’s left…

so true, never thought of that, damn

“He won’t though!” Applejack stomped a hoof into the dirt. “He’s a low down snake and he’s just going to keep everythin’ for himself.”

oof, definitely can see Applejack really doubling down on her initial perceptions with stubbornness like this

She’d probably end up accusing him of embezzlement once she looked up the word in the dictionary.

ooh, sick burn!

“If you were here, I still would have signed because I’m the oldest and owner of the property. Not to mention, neither of us know anything about the business side of the farm,” Mac retorted. “‘Sides that, you weren’t here. You don’t get to judge what I did to keep things afloat when you couldn’t even be bothered to stay.”

and oof! AJ really is saying the very things to make Mac resent her more at this point

“Helping! I’m here now, so you don’t need to be here any more. Only Apples work on Sweet Apple Acres and you ain’t no Apple.” Applejack snorted. “We don’t need some bird hanging around and mooching-”


Thunderlane stepped towards Mac tentatively. “You need to talk, big guy?”

aww, Thunderlane is so good at being a supportive friend/obvious endgame

“Birdy!” Apple Bloom called out as she dashed to the dining room table.

augh so cute!

Mac snorted as he plopped himself into a chair at the table. “Terrible. The older one is argumentative about everything. The younger is alright when she ain’t eatin’ mud off the ground.”

hehehe. and can see AJ getting very upset about Big Mac being called her father

Thunderlane leaned closer to the mud stain. He exhaled causing a small cloud of vapour to form. The vapour condensed further into a small cloud then released a torrent of water that washed the mud away.

aww, pegasus magic is useful!

Thunderlane smiled. “Thanks, Mac.” He sighed. “Anyways, to get to the point, I have a little brother named Rumble. I foalproofed my home and read some books on foalcare. I’m hoping I can take custody of him from my parents on the basis of ‘he deserves to have someone who cares about him’.”

aww dang! Thunderlane has so much in common with Big Mac, no wonder! also explains why neither Thunderlane nor Rumble make any references to their parents in their episode

They both stayed in companionable silence with green meeting amber eyes before it was broken by the pattering of small hooves down the stairs.

aww, lovely!

Mac noticed her ingenuity, her passion, and decided that no matter what he wouldn’t let it die. Not like how he’d let his own spark sputter out.

So, any extra profits from the farm went to Bloom.

aww! also nice in-story explanation for where a young Apple Bloom gets all those resources for her inventions from!

The third consistent pony in his life was Thunderlane.

He didn’t understand why.

He knew how. Hard to not be close to somepony that visits near every day, but why Thunderlane even visited as frequently as he did was a complete mystery to Mac.

dang, years and years without figuring out why… okay i def believe that for Big Mac

Rumble was… odd. He always spoke about the inevitable encroachment of death and was generally a pessimist, but Apple Bloom enjoyed his company… for some reason; so who was Big Mac to judge?

lmao so true. love existential goth friend Rumble

Thunderlane had a dating history that spanned the length of the Acres. A revolving door of mares and stallions. Each one had lasted but a few scant months before they broke up and barely talked with each other.

Mac talked to Thunderlane every day.

It had been a source of… tension in most of those relationships. The details of which Mac had never been informed.

figure it out, Mac! or maybe, figure it out, Thunderlane and Mac!

When the next major holiday had rolled around, Mac, on a whim, had decided to make a surprise visit to grant his well wishings and to catch up. A whim turned into a regular holiday event with Mac, Apple Bloom, Thunderlane, and Rumble all joining Rich, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon in intimate get togethers centered around Hearth’s Warming, Bunny Day and the other holidays.

aww, a nice big merged family! that’s so nice! also, wait, what’s Silver Spoon’s deal here? does she not have her own family???

It had gotten to the point where Mac had started a betting pool on which would happen first: they both killed each other or they got married.


Spoiled Rich, who couldn’t bring herself to fraternize with the common rabble, and Applejack who refused to give any reasons.

hoowee, what company for AJ to keep…

It abated when Apple Bloom would show him some new invention she had created or Thunderlane talked about his latest dating failure, but as soon as he was alone, the cage reasserted itself.

He didn’t know why it was happening.

He didn’t understand where the feelings were coming from.

Not until Applejack returned from the defeat of Nightmare Moon.

well, that’s a twist! Applejack’s main character adventures would feel a lot different from the perspective of a family she does not get along with

“Sure am.” She took another bite of apple and talked as she chewed. “Princess said we’d be sent on missions together from now on. Saving the world from evil. Goin’ to be real heros.”

Mac felt a bitter thought worm its way to the front of his mind.

and oof… yeah, that’s going to feel very unjust 

“We don’t talk about our problems, at all. We are both probably the biggest liars in Ponyville with how much we bicker about nothin’.” Mac wiped a few remaining tears from his eyes. “Meanwhile, you get the Element that describes this family the least and get to have what I wanted without actually wanting it.” Mac snorted. “No wonder this place feels like a cage. You got to be free once because you were a coward where I got forced into this position and have to stay here toiling away on these fields until I die. Alone.”

damn… but yes, exactly what Mac would feel in this situation

“What are you- Ugh!” Applejack gave Mac a furious glare. “Fine, ya big oaf. See if I care!”

“You never cared before, don’t know why you’d start now.”

oof! you are so good at twisting that knife and then twisting it some more

This was irrelevant to Big Mac as he was focused on watching Thunderlane while he went about his weather duties.

Specifically, his flanks.

so true

Before now, Mac hadn’t even been aware he was attracted to Stallions.

Before now, Mac hadn’t even been aware he could be attracted to anypony.

oh, dang! Mac really buried a lot of himself deep, didn’t he?

His mind just kept coming back to this impossible fantasy. Their wedding on the Acres, Mac tending to Thunderlane when he’s feeling sick, and good morning kisses every day over breakfast.

augh that sounds so nice!

Mac considered dropping it, but decided to pull through since he’d already said it. “Exactly like I said. What do ya think of me?”

“You’re the best,” Apple Bloom replied immediately .

aww, Apple Bloom is the best!

Applejack ignored her. “Betcha you enjoy your high ground now.” Applejack scowled. “Get to lord over everypony else how morally better you are. Well, Mac. I think you’re more like a swamp. Dragging everypony under so they’re stuck with you. How does it feel to be the water everypony drowns in, huh? Bring everyone down to your miserable level.”

and oof! giving Applejack some knife-twisting lines of her own!

Applejack held her ground for a moment before snorting. She turned towards Mac. “Fine, I’m sorry.” She narrowed her eyes. “Mac?”

i gotta say, thinking just an “i’m sorry” is gonna do anything after what she just said…

He had made himself a prison.

And he’d trapped his sisters in with him.

and oof. in the end, of course that is what would cause him to feel the most sick. (and though there is some truth to Applejack’s words, certainly not to this extent? given the warm, familial relationships Big Mac built with Thunderlane and Filthy Rich’s families just earlier, that Applejack herself was refusing to participate in??? but panic and insecurity does a number on ya)

Clipped wings.

He’d seen clipped wings.

A future with Mac was a future of being groundbound.

As he continued his work, Mac fought back against the wave of emotion that threatened to overtake him at the thought of the horrible thing he had almost done to his best friend.

oh no! no, Mac, that’s not what’s going on! augh

Thunderlane told Mac he needed to see a doctor in Canterlot. Mac countered that he couldn’t leave the farm that long, and that they couldn’t afford the treatment.

Apple Bloom offered to forgo her allowance until Mac could see a doctor. Mac replied that it still wouldn’t be enough and he wouldn’t compromise Apple Bloom’s future.

Thunderlane offered to cover the cost. Mac retorted that he shouldn’t as Thunderlane still needed to support himself and Rumble.

a doctor is a very good idea here! and there is that stubbornness and self-martyring, oof

Everyone was arguing, and shouting.

He was drowning everypony he cared about.

A prison of his own making.

Then, because mercy was a foreign concept to Mac, he had another panic attack.

so ironic that the prison is Big Mac refusing to accept help here, perfect

“If you didn’t want a foalsitter then ya shouldn’t have...” Applejack stared into empty space as she trailed off. She shook her head. “Well, it don’t matter. Your next sitter will be here soon.”

and oof, reading between the lines here…

“Looks like I’m leaving soon with the girls to deal with some nearby dragon.” Mac’s ears perked as she placed the scroll on the table. “I’ll head out when Thunderlane arrives.”

oh hey, it’s that episode!

“In Manehattan?” Applejack asked incredulously. “That was a decade ago! You’re still on that?”

oof! yeah, that must seem quite ridiculous at this point

“Leave!” Mac roared. “I want you to leave and not come back, so I don’t have to worry about you never coming back. So, why don't you go out the door, meet up with your new friends, and die because then I never have to worry about you again!”

damn, dude!

He leaned against Thunderlane.

Thunderlane wrapped his wing around Mac’s barrel.

They stayed like that well into the evening.

augh, Thunderlane is so good for Mac! honestly there is no way he wasn’t deliberately sabotaging all his relationships until Big Mac came around, if he’s a partner of this quality

“You fought?!” Applejack shouted.

and oof! very nice to have Big Mac and his parents’ relationship being more complicated than one would think being revealed to Applejack at the same time as it’s being revealed to us

“I took it over for our family. I wanted you and Bloom to still have our home and I didn’t want to lose either of you since you were all I had left. It’s why I stood my ground when our extended family kept trying to stick their nose into everything.” Mac scowled. “There’s a reason the reunions have been gettin’ smaller and it has everything to do with the malackery they spouted about me as a caregiver for Bloom.”

does explain why we hardly hear of the extended family in this story! 

Mac furrowed his brow. “Why do you hate Thunderlane so much?”

“Because he did what I should have been doing.” A fresh bout of tears formed in Applejack’s eyes. “Being there for you and Bloom.”

aww! all of these unspoken issues interlocking like this throughout the whole story! just very well-done!

“I’m sorry, Big Bro,” She warbled. “I didn’t mean to make you choose me over your banker job.”


Applejack sniffled. “You know. If the Acres feel like a prison, maybe you should try makin’ it feel more like a home.”

“And how do I do that?” Mac asked.

“I always liked Birdy,” Apple Bloom said.

hehehe everyone knows!

“Don’t. But I reserve the right to test them on ponies that hurt my family!” Apple Bloom pouted.

aww, but at this point Thunderlane is already part of the family!

Because when Mac has a goal in his mind, it’s best to just stay out of the way and let it run its course.

so true! and great to see everything come together like this!

Thunderlane’s face flushed, his wings shot up and his fur puffed up, clearly flustered by Mac’s remarks.

hehe, the wings! love it

“I want to be selfish, but I don’t want to drag you down.” Mac hung his head. “I don’t want you to feel trapped with me.”

“What?” Thunderlane shouted. “Mac, that’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever said!”

so true, that is the dumbest thing!

Thunderlane grabbed Mac’s face with his wings forcing him to stare into his amber eyes. “Listen. I don’t feel trapped with you. When I’m with you, I feel safe. Like everything is going to be okay and nothing can hurt me because I have you near.” Thunderlane gave a warm smile. “You’re my rock, Mac.”

aww! and i guess Thunderlane figured it was best to wait for Mac to figure himself out before telling him any of this but oof, what a wait!

Mac felt a surge of happiness well up inside of him. He felt overwhelmed by his emotions, but for once, it felt good.

He hugged Thunderlane back.

And in that moment, he felt like he was home.

yay, happiness!

that really was quite wonderful! the Apple parents’ deaths and their aftereffects are such a ripe source of angst and drama, but it takes a deft hand to give it the weight it deserves while presenting a fresh perspective. really loved the very complicated relationship between Applejack and Big Mac here, and how different the family dynamics between the two would be in such a scenario. Applejack’s adventures and Element-bearer status had such a different feel from this perspective! one of dread at a random and capricious world masquerading as one with order. and augh, Thunderlane is such a sweetheart, and i’m glad Big Mac’s stubbornness and self-denial could not stop them from being together. great work!

I absolutely adored this story. Read it in one sitting and it had me in tears and joy. I have a sweet spot for hurt comfort, especially family and queer romance and this had all of it.

I just wish there was more of this quality content, I guess I will just have to try some of your other works.

Thank you for writing this masterpiece, I hope you might one day return to it or write something similar. The writing quality was also top notch and I liked your style a lot! It felt refined, clear and well written!

Also loved the MxM and relationship presented here!

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