• Member Since 15th Sep, 2018
  • offline last seen May 28th

Salty Alty


When the Crystal Empire returned, it did so without incident, bereft of its former ruler - the Mad King nowhere to be found across all the frozen wastes. Many believed he perished, lost to whatever magics he used to banish the Empire into the aether. And yet...

Within the confines of a quaint and curious club, nestled into the depths of Canterlot, a returned Sombra ekes out a comfortable existence. Unburdened by his prior madness, he has taken to the life of a humble bartender, offering advice and a listening ear to those who find themselves at his establishment - and soon comes to find himself intrigued by the plight of a moonlit mare. When all one has known are lies and deceptions, can the dancing embers of compassion thaw his stony heart?

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 7 )

A refreshing take; well done. I'd only suggest increasing the color of the dialogue- can be a bit hard to see, even if you mean to set it apart.

I'd had a nice white picked out in google docs, but Fimfiction wasn't cooperating with importing it properly 😩 Tyvm though, it is much appreciated.

Sure thing! And yeah, FimFiction can be tricky. to say the least.

Wow, this is so beautiful! Wonderful, very wonderful work! :twilightsmile::heart:

I recommend that you replace the Romance tag with the Sad tag! I feel that fits much better for the story :twilightsheepish:

Very cool read. My 'woke up 5 minutes ago' brain, didn't even consider that was luna in a disguise until after i finished it, but when i did realize, everything clicked into place perfectly. +1 vote for sequel.

I can swap the tag rq, tyvm for the heads up!

<3 Happy to hear you enjoyed, and I'll start mulling over a sequel once I've got a moment to think on it. Very pleased with the reception of the concept thus far.

+2 vote for a sequel 😄❤️🤌🏻✨

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