• Member Since 2nd Apr, 2019
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I write well when I am brave enough to speak my mind. Soy milk fund

Comments ( 45 )

I've had prescription glasses for a while too. Shit sucks.

This was a great fic, though. Somewhat relatable for me.

Pipp with glasses would be cute

I'm not sure I would trust Izzy's Lasik

As somebody who has also worn glasses since the third grade, and who instinctively cringes at the *thought* of contacts, I kind of sympathize. And *seriously* have to warn Pipp about that offered solution - seriously, you've seen how that girl opens cans, right?

On a more serious note, glad that she had that revelation regarding "not becoming like them." That's something I've seen happen woefully often to people who've been bullied, even if I could never grasp doing it myself (I've had *visceral* reactions to class exercises that required attempting it, even in a role played situation, it's... kinda weird, I guess.) Catching yourself on that downslide is critical, and it's good to see her do it.

“We were waiting until you had woken up to tell you, Your Highness. Your package was being delivered overnight by a grey pegasus mailmare, who unfortunately crashed into the Zephyr Muffins Inc. billboard in Downtown, due to the fog last night. Your package was completely destroyed, and the contact lenses were unrecoverable. We deeply apologize for the mishap, Your Highness.”

Derpy is an immortal pony, and you can't tell me otherwise. :derpyderp2:

Izzy points to her horn. “Lasik surgery, of course!”

So... perhaps the laser death beam legend (from the movie) was all just a misunderstanding arising from a horrible, terrible medical accident. :raritydespair:

Thank you for sharing the enjoyable tale!

“We were waiting until you had woken up to tell you, Your Highness. Your package was being delivered overnight by a grey pegasus mailmare, who unfortunately crashed into the Zephyr Muffins Inc. billboard in Downtown, due to the fog last night. Your package was completely destroyed, and the contact lenses were unrecoverable. We deeply apologize for the mishap, Your Highness.”

And must be Derbys distant related Pegasus in the future

the bronies keep her alive by mouth-to-mouth resuscitation through enchanted body pillows :derpyderp1: :derpyderp2:

Remind me of that final destination death.

I tried contacts once. It didn’t work out.

Well that must be a very interesting day for her try to go a day without eye contact but she does have a glasses but she really don't want to wear them but she needs to see so she can talk to her subscribers and I will a man that would be very interesting to see how she looks like wearing glasses

Oh God please don't remind me of that that's still freak me out

Well then that was a certain interesting story and I never knew that Izzy knows how to do eye laser which that's pretty concerning well this was a pretty interesting story keep up the good work

“We were waiting until you had woken up to tell you, Your Highness. Your package was being delivered overnight by a grey pegasus mailmare, who unfortunately crashed into the Zephyr Muffins Inc. billboard in Downtown, due to the fog last night. Your package was completely destroyed, and the contact lenses were unrecoverable. We deeply apologize for the mishap, Your Highness.”

So Derpy is immortal? Awesome.

I love it! I've had glasses long enough to forget I wear them... but I still remember being called four-eyes in primary school. Thankfully those name-callers have grown up now

The Derp abides. :derpytongue2:

There are SOME frames that are REASON enough for certification for having kids!
Seriously, Whine and cry if some one tortures animals when little but have no problems showing off how hideous the poor kid looks with those horrid frames?

At least she's more overall competent than Pinkie Pie was.
The can opening worked out great, remember?

Your package was being delivered overnight by a grey pegasus mailmare, who unfortunately crashed into the Zephyr Muffins Inc. billboard in Downtown, due to the fog last night.

DERPY LIVES! :derpytongue2:

Your package was being delivered overnight by a grey pegasus mailmare, who unfortunately crashed into the Zephyr Muffins Inc. billboard in Downtown, due to the fog last night.

I'm assuming Derpy figured out time travel?


I wouldn't trust Lasik in general. I've heard it works great at first but further down the road....your vision is shot to the point you'd need the Hubble space telescope to see.....Izzy's heart is in the right place though.

Someone should remake this with Pipp
Yeah, I remember being surprised when I first heard that lasics isn't actually permanent.
I would think ideally, you should ask the kid to choose the frames they like!

“We were waiting until you had woken up to tell you, Your Highness. Your package was being delivered overnight by a grey pegasus mailmare, who unfortunately crashed into the Zephyr Muffins Inc. billboard in Downtown, due to the fog last night. Your package was completely destroyed, and the contact lenses were unrecoverable. We deeply apologize for the mishap, Your Highness.”

I guess Derpy is immortal?


I wore contacts for a few years. Even ordering from Canada, it got too expensive really fast. But lasik surgery has improved since my college days, and doesn't wear off after 20 years or so anymore. Maybe I should treat myself, now that middle-age is approaching.

@ All kids who feel self-conscious at wearing glasses: Practice the Kubrick Stare, looking up over the lenses. And for harmony's sake, NEVER use horn rims or square frames if it can at all be avoided.


In large part because the can was not an eyeball!

She travels with The Doctor. Simple as that.


That makes sense....and I wouldn't trust Lasik ever.

This quickly turned from comedy into light personal drama. Had a bit of a mood whiplash there, but I enjoyed it. Nice work.
Also, it's a bit strange she doesn't have maids or servants. Are the guards okay with fulfilling those roles too?
"And what could be a hard-boiled egg, if her vision’s correct. Or maybe that’s the salt shaker."
I laffed. :rainbowlaugh:

The only reason I used the guards is because there's no canon names for any servant or maid ponies in G5. And I didn't want to make two OCs for the sake of a short story.

Glad you enjoyed the story!

"Your package was being delivered overnight by a grey pegasus mailmare, who unfortunately crashed into the Zephyr Muffins Inc. billboard in Downtown, due to the fog last night."

"Zoom is right—the fog is pretty dense. But it’s slowly lifting. She can faintly see the downtown skyline. There’s a construction crew busy repairing the dent in the giant Zephyr Muffins Inc. billboard hanging in downtown.

She smiles a little.

Perhaps that grey pegasus mailmare crashed into the billboard for a reason. To teach her a lesson.

“Thank you, grey mailmare,” she whispers to herself, barely audible. “Thank you, grey mailmare, whoever you are.”

Even after so much time, so many generations that have come and gone, the descendants of Derpy Hooves continue her ways of brightening ponies days, even if it isn't seen as that at first.
(That or The Doctor gave her a lift :derpytongue2:)

Sometimes I think about getting contacts, but sticking a finger in my eye doesn't sound pleasant.

Wow, that turned kinda heartfelt toward the end, i wasn't expecting that. it felt nice tho. I'm finding myself liking stuff with pipp as a central character more that i thought i would.

Also, why was pipp trying so hard to figure out what was in her breakfast? Couldnt she just wait till the guard left then put on her glasses?

Aw poor Pipp. I guess ponykind haven't invented LASIK yet (or fashionable glasses, apparently).

She pulls aside the curtain, revealing the camera-flash-proof glass. (Since the pegasi regained flight, height is no longer a guarantee of privacy from the paparazzi.)

Is this just a one way mirror or what?

Perhaps. Some sort of highly reflective glass that washes out any image taken with a camera flash.

I doubt it’s a one-way mirror since those only work when the room on the window side is darker than the room on the mirror side.

I also have had prescription glasses for that long. This was an amazing fic by the way :)

Speaking as someone who has been near-sighted due to my parents being lens-people, I can relate. Especially since at the age of fifty-four, when I have to wear tri-focals.

Yeah, that seemed a little suspect from physic POV, might be possible, but if so I don't see how.
It took reading your comment for me to realize that physics need not apply here. Maybe somepony in Zephyr Heights, Bridlewood, (or the artifacts that Sunny inherited) found an old pair of Wonderbolt goggles (or the spell for them) enchanted to allow picking out targets trying to dive out of the sun without damaging vision and a Unicorn reverse-engineered it and put it on a pane of glass?

She probably needs to cancel the order to fire the delivery Pegasus? Maybe get her assigned to less critical and/or breakable stuff?
What with the revelation about not becoming a bully herself and all.

Special contact lenses. Pipp needs “special” contact lenses because they don’t make prescriptions strong enough to fix her horrible vision.

“Just to inform you, Your Highness, your contact lenses are enroute via express ground shipping. All the best mail couriers are monitoring your package every step of the way. We expect them to arrive by 2 o’clock this afternoon.”

Sam Porter is on the case!

I'm looking forward to the upcoming Death Stranding DLC expansion that takes you into a newly reunited Equestria.

I tried contacts for a while.
It sucked, and I got an eye infection.
My eyes were frequently itchy, and having dry eyes is a bigger ordeal, since that can cause the contacts to fall out on their own.

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