• Member Since 1st Jan, 2021
  • offline last seen May 28th


Simply existing


This is based on the fanfiction "Forever Faithful" By Konseiga. Which can be found on fimfiction.

Princess Celestia starts to write a journal, documenting the strange letters that she has received from her student, Twilight Sparkle. Who died a month ago.

Chapters (15)
Comments ( 22 )

Its starting to get really interesting I hope it stays that way.

Thank you, I hope it does too.

Oh shit, Spike's current mental state makes him a pretty easy target for Twilight.

Called it, I fucked called it that Spike would die next

Ok I really love this story but I refuse to acknowledge that anyone is dead.

I liked this chapter.
"Death clouded by light." is a nice paradox.

Fuck I did not need this right now. Honestly so scared for how the rest of them will go right now. Just please don't say Rarity's death will involve needles.

At this current moment, Rarity's death with not involve needles. Needles scare the shit out of me so I would rather not imagine a death involving them.

Yeah you did not dissapoint! Everyone needs a break sometimes. But I dont even know what to say. Imagine your dead friend coming back just to yell at you about all your flaws. Poor Rarity. Also this proves Luna's theory wrong, that they would have done it even without Twi's interference. Yeesh.

Yeah, Twilight has really messed them up bad. Thanks!

No Fluttershyyyyy. Now the only element left is Honesty. This story is so cool though, you're doing such a great job on it!

Great chapter!
It's really good to see the progress here.
Fluttershy taken out by Timberwolves. It will be interesting to see how AJ handles this: She's felt the pain of loss, Death is no stranger, and she has strong family ties. Will she somehow be the one to stop a psychotic Twilight?

Will this story have a happy ending?

We will see. Can't spoil the ending. Sorry.

Ugh, brutal. And to literally pull her into a diffirent afterlife? Rooting as hard as I can for Celestia to decimate Twi, although thats pretty unlikely

Holy this was a great story! I can only imagine the hate and resentment Celestia has for Twi will affect them. Would Celestia even take up a leadership role in this place? So many questions! But great job this was such a good story!

That was a good story. I wonder if Twilight regrets her actions or is too insane for such things.

An interesting justification for killing all sentients.., albeit a meaningless one

It makes sense that it's going in this direction considering the story it's based off of and it's definitely interesting to. But I'd be lying if I said the idea of having AfterLife Twilight as a side character commenting on things that Celestia goes to solve wasn't an equally interesting set-up. Having a sort of "eyes on the other side" thing was a really nifty concept and though I didn't exactly know what else could be do with it I felt like it had a lot of potential and would be worth exploring.

Regardless of whether or not that happens though this is amazing! Incredible work! :twilightsmile:

Congrats, Twilight! You just brought DAYBREAKER into the Afterlife! Enjoy the fact that you made your own Satan, you goofy lunatic!

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