• Published 29th Nov 2021
  • 2,148 Views, 29 Comments

The Pony Guard: Equestrian Girls - MXCDarkHorse2020

Kion, Bunga, Spike, and Twilight Sparkle all find themselves in a world where they meet their human counterparts while working together to get back Kion and Twilight's magical crowns back from the ambitous and scheming Sunset Shimmer.

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A Friendship Divided, Viral Video, and meeting Rainbow Dash and Fuli

A Friendship Divided, Viral Video, and meeting Rainbow Dash and Fuli

“Good morning, students, and happy Thursday. Just a reminder to pick up your ballots for the Princess of the Fall Formal today. They are due at the time the dance starts tomorrow night, so don't forget to turn them in and make your voice heard.” Principal Celestia’s voice spoke over the P.A. system as students have just arrived at school with the library opening back up.

Even while having to settle for reading on books for the night though then again he’s used to sleeping on solid stone at Pride Rock, Kion still managed a good night’s sleep.

With two days left until the Fall Formal, Kion was ready to get started on their objective. “So what’s the plan?” He asked Twilight while making their way to the entrance.

“Fluttershy said we'd need to win over all those different groups if we wanna become Prince and Princess of the Fall Formal. So I've compiled a list of talking points.” Twilight explained to everyone while holding up said list of papers in her hands.

“You made a list? That's so unlike you!” Spike laughed

"I know right!" Bunga laughed too before Twilight shot glares at the both of them and motioned Spike get in her backpack without saying a word. "I mean...how very interesting!" He quickly said to try to backpedal what he just said with slight nervous laughter to save face.

“Uh... Please... Continue.” Spike also laughed nervously before deciding he needed to shut up now before he too picks up the shovel.

“We'll start by introducing ourselves, sprinkle in some things we learned about their world into the conversation, and show them how we fit in here!” Twilight explained as they reached the exit. Before leaving she takes a calming breath before walking outside to greet the students. “Okay, Spike, Kion, Bunga. Time to make a good first impression on my fellow students. Both worlds depends on it.”

The trio would then walk down the hallway as they see their reactions to them or more specifically towards Kion looking on at the boy with stifled giggles, chuckles and laughs at his direction.

“Why is everybody looking at me funny?” Kion asked still very confused like he did something embarrassing.

“I don’t know.” Twilight replied not sure why either before shooting everyone the stink eye to get them to stop it to which they all quickly did so by turning around and dropping their smiles.

Considering she was able to take down Sunset and defended three students in one swoop, they were better off not getting on her bad side.

Just before Kion could figure out why, both he and Twilight were both suddenly yanked inside a nearby room.

“Whoa!” The two exclaimed before the girl in question quickly gestured Bunga to come in before anything else happened.

“What in the Pride Lands…” Kion grunted while nearly crashing into a desk with initial anger ready to hear a good explanation until he and Twilight turned and saw that it was the human counterpart of Rarity that pulled them inside.

“Rarity?” Twilight questioned said girl who wore a light blue t-shirt, dark purple belt a purple skirt with dark purple knee length boots and purple socks, and waist-length hair that matches her pony counterpart’s length before taking some measurements of her all around as she smiles at an idea while gesturing for someone to bring her the things she needs.

Said assistant turns out to be the human counterpart of Ono who wore a white sleeved shirt with small orange stripes with matching spiky hair and cargo pants.

“Hevi Kabisa! Ono?” Kion exclaimed upon recognizing him.

“Perfect!” Rarity exclaimed in delight as she pulled out a green dress with matching socks, boots with a blonde wig to cover her outfit and hair along with. “Oh, yes. This is good! No one will recognize you!” Human Rarity said amazed with herself as she looks at Twilight’s disguise before gently removing her black leather jacket. “As long as you don’t wear this.”

“Sorry, Twilight.” Ono apologized before gently placing it aside on a nearby desk. “But this jacket definitely gives away the bad girl look.”

“Why wouldn't I wanna be– “ Twilight tried to ask before being cut off.

"And we'll need a disguise for your friends and your dog.” Rarity said as she pulls out a gray t-shirt with black jeans with a matching vest and a black slicked back hair wig and puts on Kion.

Ono himself tended to Bunga by quickly handing Rarity his disguise, a white dress shirt with a black tie, black dress shoes, black belt, blue dress pants and a combed and slightly curled up black hairpiece.

“Egad!” Bunga gasped before smiling while pretending to deepen his voice. “I’m gorgeous!”

“Okay, now you’re starting to creep me out.” Ono said personally feeling a little regret for choosing that costume for him.

“Perfect! The classic switch-a-roo.” Rarity told the baffled red-headed boy before turning to Spike. “Your pet is so adorable!” Rarity said as she tickled his chin and held his cheeks as Spike looks at her with her heart shaped eyes at his crush. “Y'know, with a little work, I think I could make him look like a rabbit instead.”

“Huh?” Spike spoke in confusion.

“A rabbit?” Twilight asked just as confused while sharing puzzled looks with Kion.

“Could you at least tell us what is going on…?” Kion tried to ask just when the door opens with the rest of the Mane Five and their Lion Guard friends (sans Rainbow Dash and Fuli) walking in right away with worried looks.

“There you are, Twilight, Kion, Bunga Two.” Applejack told her much to Rarity and Ono’s dismay.

“Boy are we glad to see you.” Beshte said feeling pleased that nothing bad happened to them yet.

“So much for the disguise.” Ono grumbled with crossed arms. “After all of that quick thinking for nothing.”

“I've been lookin' all over for ya!” Applejack said as she approached her.

“Me too.” Fluttershy added with concern in her voice.

“Me three! I like your new look! And who’s your creepy friend?” Pinkie added as she examined her, Kion, and Bunga’s disguises.

“Ooh! Ooh!” Bunga’s human counterpart jumped up and down eager to guess. “I know! I know! That slime ball mad scientist Jim Morarity.”

“No! No!” His look-alike shook his head while pointing towards the boy’s clothes. “More like that guy, um what was his name, Mr. Ebako. Or what, was it Obake?”

“I don’t know!” His other world self shrugged.

“I do have an eye for these sorts of things. Not that you seem to care.” Rarity thought nothing of her skills before throwing a grudge filled remark directed at Pinkie as she turns aside crossing her arms.

“What?!” Pinkie exclaimed in offense to that.

“Why do you think she doesn't care?” Kion felt the need to ask as she sees Applejack gesturing her while waving her hands in front of her throat and Fluttershy covering her mouth in great worry upon seeing Pinkie is about ready to blow her top. Seeing this gave Kion the memo it was best to scratch his question for now. “No, never mind.”

“Why were you all looking for us like that? What's going on?“ Twilight asked everyone as she took of her blonde wig.

“Oh, she hasn't heard yet.” Fluttershy said seeing neither she or Kion know what they are talking about.

“Heard what?” Kion asked just as confused.

“Um, just a really embarrassing video that you’ll probably never live down for a little while.” Bunga nervously explained.

“But, it's really not that bad.” Pinkie nervously added as she opened up her laptop to show them a video.

“Kion and Twilight Sparkle wants to be your Fall Formal Prince and Princess.” Sunset’s voice spoke through the video as she shows footage of Twilight looking around giving people glares to everyone as she walk through the hallways. “But what does it say about our school if we give someone like these two... such an important honor?” Sunset’s voice spoke as she showed footage of Kion embarrassing himself at the library.


“Wha... I...” Both Twilight said taken aback by what Sunset has posted online.

“I take that back. It's pretty bad!” Pinkie voiced her honesty about the video before quickly shutting her labtop closed.

“But how?!”

“Has everyone in the school seen this? Is that why they were all looking at us that way?”

Both Kion and Twilight questioned everyone else in room.

“Mmm...” Applejack and Pinkie Pie said as Fluttershy and Rarity looked aside awkwardly which confirmed.

“Afraid so.” Human Bunga replied with a regretful nod.

With only one possible explanation remaining, Twilight turned to the other Bunga with a stern glance while standing up and crossing her arms. “Bunga…” He began at the boy that accompanied them who nervously gulped upon seeing her scowl. “…when taking care of both Snips and Snails you did delete the evidence they had on us did you?”

“Uh…no.” He admitted upon thinking back. “For some reason, I thought they didn’t manage to obtain anything on you both.” He added with a nervous chuckle pleading not to be killed for this but lucky for him Twilight just face-palmed at herself for not being specific when he asked them to take care of them.

Even though nobody holds him accountable for what happened, it doesn’t change of how distraught they are by the damage Sunset has done.

“What am I gonna do? No one is gonna vote for us after seeing this!” Kion exclaimed in great worry.

“Not that it'll make any difference, but I'll still vote for you both.” Fluttershy tried to reassure her support for them even though Kion planted both hands onto his face in despair while Twilight’s posture doesn’t change one bit. “You were so nice to stand up for me when Sunset Shimmer was picking on me yesterday.” She said to Kion before turning to Twilight. “And you sure had the heart and bravery and take her down when she was to beat him and his friend up. I don’t think anyone has ever had the guts to do that to me at all.”

“If ya still wanna run, maybe there's something I can do to help!” Pinkie immediately offered.

“Word of advice? Don't accept her help. She doesn't take anything seriously!” Fluttershy bluntly whisper commented to Twilight which Pinkie takes offense to having heard that.

“Ugh! Why do you have to be so awful to me?” Pinkie stomped her foot to the ground taken aback by that comment as Rarity walks up to her.

“Oh! Pff. Kch. Ts!” Rarity scoffed. “Don't play innocent, Pinkie Pie! You are no better than she is!” She angrily accused her while pointing an accusing finger at Fluttershy.

“And what is that supposed to mean?!” Pinkie shouted in Rarity’s face as she turned her attention back to Twilight.

“I am happy to offer up my assistance as well.” She generously offered to Twilight before shouting at Pinkie. “To someone who would appreciate what I have to offer!“

As Pinkie, Rarity, and Fluttershy argue, Spike zips himself in Twilight’s backpack while Kion looks on really dumbfounded by whatever has gotten into them while the others just cringed and watched from the sidelines.

“Listen to y'all carryin' on! Get over it and move on!” Applejack indifferently responded to their argument as she finishes eating up an apple and places it into the nearby trashcan while sitting cross-legged on the desk.

“You mean like how you've gotten over what happened with Rainbow Dash?” Rarity asked Applejack while literally pointing fingers at her to remind her that she’s not completely free of the whole dispute situation.

“She said she'd get the softball team to make an appearance at my bake sale. I tell everybody they're comin', and then not one of 'em shows up! She made a liar outta me! That's different!” Applejack retorted defensively.

“Uh-huh.” Bunga from Equestria commented not finding the difference. “Sure it does.”

“Is not!” Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Rarity argued not buying it.

“Is too!” Applejack angrily retorted as they continue arguing with each other.

“Girls, girls, knock it off…” Kion attempted to speak up to get them to stop to no avail until Twilight screamed.

“STOP! All of you!” She scolded the four girls.

“Good grief, who’s been sending bees your way.” Bunga said in relief feeling it’s safe to rejoin them.

“No one.” Applejack admitted.

“Seriously, I was being rhetorical there.” Bunga remarked feeling annoyed himself then realized. “And I sounded just like Fuli there.”

“So that’s why she tends to get annoyed at times.” Human Bunga realized.

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking…” Bunga happily gasped at the same time as his human self.

“…you mean…?”

“We both just realized something together!” They cheered in unison before laughing and hugging it out like best buds.

“Oh no. Two Bunga’s in the same room. What a nightmare.” Ono dully remarked finding one’s antics painful enough.

“Anyways…” Twilight said wanting to focus on what she wants to talk to the bickering group of friends. “I wanna show you something.” She pulled out the yearbook courtesy of Spike handing it to her and showed them their yearbook photo. “You were friends once.”

“Hmm. The Freshman Fair. Y'all remember?” Applejack recalled as she smiled at the past memory and turned to the others who reply yes in agreement.

“Mm-hmm.” Pinkie said in agreement.

“Yes.” Rarity also agreed.

“But something happened.” Kion spoke up as Twilight closed the book and looked at them seriously. “I think that something was Sunset Shimmer.”

“Well, it's a nice theory, darling, but Sunset Shimmer had nothing to do with it.” Rarity politely insisted against that idea.

“She's right.” Fluttershy agreed somewhat defensively. “Sunset Shimmer isn't the one who ruined my silent auction for the animal shelter by bringing fireworks and noisemakers! It was supposed to be a serious event, and Pinkie Pie ruined it!” She then accused Pinkie as she turned aside with crossed arms.

“What are you talking about?” Pinkie questioned in disbelief as she held up her phone. “I got a text from you saying that you didn't want a silent auction. You wanted a big party!”

“Uh! I never sent you a text!” Fluttershy said feeling confused now.

“You didn't?” Pinkie asked in surprise to her innocent response.

“You don't think she's the one who's been sending me those e-mails, do you?” Rarity questioned as she puts the pieces together along with the others. “Every time I volunteer to help with the decorations at a school function, I get an e-mail from Pinkie Pie saying she has plenty of volunteers! And then I find out she's done everything herself.”

“I never sent you any e-mails!” Pinkie innocently stated.

“Maybe she's the reason Rainbow Dash didn't show up for my bake sale!” Applejack came to realize it herself.

“Didn't you ever ask Rainbow Dash why she didn't show up?” Twilight asked if the thought her occurred to her.

“Heh, I guess I kinda stopped talkin' to her at all after that.” Applejack nervously grinned briefly before admitting while removing her hat in shame.

“Maybe now would be a good time to start.” Twilight suggested as she placed her hat back on her head.

“Doesn't hurt to.” Kion agreed while approaching her. “Now where is she so we know where to look?”

“Outside currently playing soccer seeing that today is a Thursday.” Ono answered. “And if my hunch is correct, she’s probably playing one on one with Fuli today.”

“Fuli’s there?” Kion asked feeling very delighted to hear that.

“Yep.” Ono nodded before wondering. “And if I may ask why are you so eager to meet her?”

“Nothing, other than she along with Rainbow are the only ones I know I have yet to meet here.” Kion quickly answered while avoiding eye contact to avoid being seen sporting a light blush.

“Really?” Ono quirked a brow at his direction feeling something is off here. “You’d never seen her here before?”

“Nope.” He shook his head while his cheeks returned to normal color while Twilight, Spike, and Bunga snickered from behind. “Never before.”

“Are you sure…” Ono was still puzzled. “…because I thought I did see you here before at least…” He shuddered when a terrifying thought occurred. “…never mind, sorry.” He quickly moved to throw up in a nearby trash can.

“Doing okay, Ono?” Kion asked feeling very concerned for him.

“Yep, it happens when I think of something very disgusting and horrifying.” He replied while briefly moving his head up to ensure he’s not too far from the bin yet far enough to be able to speak directly to the pre-teenager. “I’d sure feel sorry for the next guy who feels the same thing as me.”

“It runs both ways, buddy.” The boy with a darker shade of colors remarked while gently patting the queasy feeling boy on the back.

After Ono was feeling better, and Kion, Twilight, and Bunga, all changed out of their disguise clothes, everyone all made their way to the soccer field where Rainbow Dash’s human counterpart along with Fuli currently practicing soccer together where Rainbow is currently kicking a soccer ball into the goal guarded by Fuli in front of her. She aimed and kicked the ball right to where she thinks Fuli wouldn’t be able to dodge her. But Fuli being just as quick as her was able to catch it before it crossed the goal line.

The two were equally matched when it comes to playing each other and have both traded games with no margin of a clear edge from either one of the girls

Rainbow was seen wearing a white T-shirt with a rainbow lightning bolt on it, with a short sleeved blue jacket, a magenta skirt with white stripes, knee length rainbow colored socks to match her hair and wristbands, and blue knee length boots.

Fuli had a darker color shade of skin, black short tomboyish hair, on a white tank top, a yellow jacket with black spots on it, black athletic short shorts with yellow stripes on the sides, black tights with matching color running shoes,

Once the two were at another stalemate, Applejack decided now’s a good time to walk up to them to talk to Rainbow to clear up the misunderstanding while her friends are watching from the nearby benches.

“They're actually talking! That's a good sign!” Rarity noted from their understanding expressions before they both shared a hug together.

“Hugs! Ooh, hugs are always good!” Pinkie said in excitement seeing this sight rekindling sight.

“Somebody, and I think we can all guess who, told Rainbow Dash that my bake sale had been moved to a different day. Dash showed up with all the softball team and thought I'd cancelled on her!” Applejack explained to the girls of what really happened and how the wedge that broke their friendship happened before Rainbow and Fuli turn her attention to Twilight and Kion.

“So you two are lookin' to dethrone Sunset Shimmer and become Prince and Princess of the Fall Formal, huh?” Rainbow asked them who both nodded in response.

“That’s right.” Twilight nodded to confirm it.

“That’s us.” Kion also nodded.

“And I got to say that’s pretty brave of you both.” Fuli commended before voicing her support for them. “In fact, we’d really love to see that happen.”

“Me too, I'll totally help you out!” Rainbow also offered as she kicked up a soccer ball and repeatedly bounced it on her knee while bouncing it to her friend. “All you gotta do is beat me and Fuli in a game of two-on-two.”

“Huh? What?” Kion was left surprised by this proposition.

“Yep! First to five goals wins. 1-0!” Fuli said while back-kicking the ball into goal so fast the ball was on fire when it hit the net.

“Hey! No fair!” Twilight complained before running on over onto the field ready to accept their challenge.

Kion gulped nervously however, due to what’s at stake in this little quick match-up since both Fuli and Rainbow are both faster than both of them combined but moved onto the field upon seeing that there is a lot at stake to the point he can’t refuse that challenge. So he has to try.

“Come on Kion! You too Twilight! Woo-hoo!” Bunga cheered loudly.

“Good luck.” Beshte called out to them as they take their positions on the field while Ono watches anxiously to see how this turns out hoping it’s not a complete shutout due to how well both Fuli and Rainbow work together as a super-speedy team.

Fuli kicks the ball to Rainbow Dash who runs up to the goal ready to make it 2-0. Kion was left shaking his legs as he braces for the balls impact and to his relief, Twilight was there to back him up by performing a charging and leaping spin kick to stop the ball before it could go in the net.

She then did a flip over Rainbow and moved to quickly kick into the net so hard that purple and black colored flames were produced when it hurled towards the net.

“Whoa!” Fuli ducked to avoid getting hit and burned by the impact of the ball when it hit the net, thus tying the game 1-1.

Both Rainbow and Fuli shared surprised looks upon seeing that this girl’s got fight in her before turning to each other with a nod that they need to step up their game.

Now both Twilight and Kion switch to allow the latter the chance to dribble the ball.

Kion tried to dribble the ball across the field towards the other goal that Rainbow is guarding but Fuli easily took it away before kicking it into the other net after Twilight was able to react fast enough to catch it. Rainbow and Fuli up 2-1.

Now it’s time for the two to switch with Twilight back on the field with Fuli on the field for a change to try to shake things up.

The dark haired girl saw the speedy girl coming her way, so she choose to swing left with her opponent going that way to match and go for the steal. But Twilight having accounted for that quick swerved a hard right before running off leaving Fuli to have slide and drag her foot across the ground to avoid falling over.

With Twilight’s eyes on the goal, with Rainbow ready for her she aimed like she is going to hit to her left and tricked her into leaping in that direction so she can kick in the opposite side. With the ball kicked into the net for another goal. It’s now tied 2-2.

“Okay, this girl’s not only got some moves but knows how to ready minds too.” Fuli thought to herself just when she and Twilight move to switch places on the field.

Kion is once again given another chance he dribbles the ball to his goalpost and it really looked like he had a chance to shine by scoring a goal the closer he got to the net. He was briefly left wondering why Fuli looks very prepared yet somewhat relaxed. The question in his mind was answered when Rainbow stole the ball when she least expected it when she kicked the ball under her legs and kicks into the goal where Twilight least expected it to go. Now it’s 3-2, Rainbow and Fuli.

With Twilight back on the field, whether it’s Fuli or Rainbow she would always manage to outsmart them no matter how fast they are and managed to keep it a close game tying it every time.

Yet every time Kion tries to put up some good moves, his opponents both manage to steal the ball every time and manages to kick the ball into the net where Twilight would least expect it before it all came down to the last play with the score tied 4-4.

Kion managed to run the ball past Fuli and looked prime for a game winning kick before he accidentally lost his footing and lost control of the ball before it rolled toward Rainbow Dash waiting for it. Now with the game under her control now she swung her biggest kick on the ball high up in the air to the point where Twilight couldn’t reach that high to prevent it from going through the net. With that shot, that was game, Rainbow and Fuli win 5-4.

While Rainbow Dash jumps and down victoriously before running over to high five her teammate, Kion on the other hand is catching his breath and lying on the field in defeat while Twilight walks around with her hands on her knees feeling like she got a workout out of it yet feeling out-classed by a superior team.

“That’s game.” Rainbow told the two as she faced over them with the others approaching them.

“Oh, so close!”

“So breath-taking!”

“I don’t think I’ve seen any pair go toe to toe with the best of the best before.”

Bunga, Ono, and Beshte all commented in their efforts to cheer them (especially Kion) up after coming up so close yet so short.

“Wow! I really thought you were going to pull it off there in the end!” Rarity said in her efforts to join in to no avail as Kion is still feeling a little stung by the outcome.

“So what’s the plan?” Fuli asked both Kion and Twilight them while knelling down to the former’s eye level to help him on her feet. “How can we help you be prince and princess instead of Sunset Shimmer?”

“But...we... lost!” Kion exclaimed unable to comprehend why they are still going to help them.

“Of course you lost. I'm awesome! We’re awesome at sports!” Rainbow stated while turning to Fuli. “Especially when we work together! But point being, we’re not gonna help just anybody try and beat Sunset Shimmer. The Fall Formal Prince and Princess should be someone with heart and determination. You two proved us that you've got 'em both!”

“Now get on over here before I change my mind!” Fuli told them with open arms ready for them to hug it out much like the cheetah back home.

Like human like cheetah, now is the rare exception to where she’ll allow hugs for special friends they hold dear to and both Kion and Twilight felt they had to make good on her offer since they both really earned it.

Kion smiled hearing that while the two both each give him and Twilight elbow nudges to her shoulder as the whole group cheers as they all hug it out with Fuli hugging Kion and Rainbow hugging Twilight while the rest of their friends cheer that they have everyone on board now ready to take down Sunset Shimmer.

Speaking of said person, she along with her lackeys were secretly spying on their conversation while secretly video-taping them playing soccer while evilly smiling that she now has a new plan to care of her in order to halt their bids for the crowns.

Author's Note:

Not much I need to explain outside of this recap but...

Here we have a new day in Canterlot High where Sunset has resorted to making a viral video of her opponents to make it look they are not fit to become Prince and Princess of Fall Formal.

After a brief episode of laying low, the visiting group comes to meet both Rarity and Ono and find out they have a fractured friendship thanks to Sunset's machinations where it took a quick thinking realization for the five to patch things up.

From there they meet with both Fuli and Rainbow Dash where they both face off against Twilight and Kion in a quick soccer match-up.

While Twilight has managed to put her smarts to her advantage even that along with Kion's own athleticism are both still no match for the super speedy duo. But since they were both looking for the true qualities of what a true prince and princess should have, they were both more than happy to help them out. And with the whole Lion and Pony Guard together, they now have a shot in helping dethrone Sunset.

But she's not done yet as she is still having pictures of them taken without either of them realizing it.

Next up the Lion and Pony Guard will be figuring out their next move along with a new plan of their own to counter the effect's of Sunset's underhanded tactics.