• Member Since 20th Aug, 2021
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

False Door

If you like feeling awful, you've come to the right place.

Comments ( 12 )

Limestone's really had it the worst. She's the oldest child, so by default she's been the one tasked with carrying on the family legacy whether she wants to or not.

I never realized just how much I wanted a Limestone Pie story until now. It gives me some good ideas

Fun fact limestone pie is my favorite pie sister. If I were a pony I'd be into her

Poor Limey...great story though!

Wish more could have been fleshed out to see the future of their relationship(s)! Nice piece.

Short and sweet. Always love a well-written Limestone, and the image of Marble and Limestone dodging each other's words was very vivid. Great work!

After rereading, I’m trying to think of male (or female, depending on the headcanon for Limestone’s future) characters who don’t scare easily…

Maybe she should date Greta, or Gimme Moore from Griffonstone. Or, heck, even Gilda… or Gabby.

Just give Limestone happiness in the dating game. She needs it. The girlboss-malewife dynamic must pan out on the rock farm.:pinkiesad2:


I feel like Limestone/Gabby would be the grumpy/sunshine dynamic everyone loves.

Limestone x Gabby, Limestone x Party Favor… any character that’s Pinkie-esque (but still as their own character) would make a pretty awesome grumpy/sunshine pairing.

There's too little stories with Limestone.
She's my top 1 pony, I felt her character since day one she appeared.
I like to think she was the first child and therefore took over the farm but never got the chance for education (Maud) getting away on their own (Pinkie) or take their time to figure things out (Marble)
I imagine the mixture of stubborn proudness at leading the farm, a bit of jealousy at her sisters, bits of resentment at her parents for needing help, and the need to be strong to hold things together. But over all of that, absolute love for her family.
For her, finding a loving match would be nearly impossible, mainly because she would convince herself nobody would like to live with her, or nobody would love who she is because of her temper, but in the end she would also crave for someone close to her.
The best way this situation would be resolved, if for her family to take over for a while and force Limestone to take some vacations and let her brain stop the need to be in charge for a while.

(I have ideas for a story, maybe someday I'll manage. ^^)

This was a nice read for all break at work.

Limestone deserved her own episode. I wanted to see all those things fleshed out. I guess that's why we have fanfiction...

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