• Member Since 31st Mar, 2021
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The Ancestor

Rus | Man is the warmest place to hide.



A small inconsistency leads two ordinary Foundation employees on a breadcrumb trail that would shake the world they knew to the core.

And that's saying something, concidering their line of work.

Set after first EQG movie, obvious SCP crossover.

Featured on 16/06/2022, 07/07/2022, 23/10/2022, 30/10/2022, 9/11/2022, 23/11/22

Chapters (13)
Comments ( 114 )

The foundation has come a knockin.

Not quite yet, but definently in the near future!:raritywink:

It’s gonna be interesting to see how things are gonna go from here. I wonder if this is gonna be like a 1322 situation if they discover the Mirror. Might also be some conflict with Sunset Shimmer. I’m not sure how toned down the foundation is in this universe but I doubt they’d be very willing to overlook what she did.

MGR:R, hell yeah 🧀🐀

Huh, not the first time something has been completely scrubbed from the records of the Foundation's database, or their own memories. Remember, at one point no one working in the Foundation could retain information on the area of the North American Continent that is known as the Yellowstone National Park. This despite several members having visited in their youth/pre-Foundation days, even while parts of other organizations. It took a trip to an alternate space wherein the park existed as well, and a doctor being deposited to allow them to retain that information, and break the loop...reasons for this are speculated about, but, you know the O5, they don't like to talk.

That being said, this might be a case of containing the entire local area. A few good edits to the internet, a couple of purchases around the edge of town, and some amnestics, Class 8s, in the water supply, and it would be possible to make people keep to their own, and not try to leave. After all, if the locals have already been affected by the anomalous portal and its 'leakage' the best idea is to isolate everything, until long term effects of the interaction can be determined. That will take at least 2-5 generations observed. Standard Procedure would be to purchase either a lot or a large building that is not being used, and setup an MTF barracks and observation post. I'd recommend some Lambda-5 personnel. The White Rabbits could be deployed on both sides, after all, and their survival rate's gotten higher in the last few years. An entire 42% even, one of the better MTFs of late.



"Due to the anti-memetic nature of the anomaly, little containment measures are required on the behalf of the Foundation. Foundation Web-Crawler AI "Gaslight" is to monitor social media for any presense of SCP-4004-2, launching disinformation campaigns against these individuals.

MTF Epsilon-7 "The Forget-Me-Nots" is to impede the development and distribution of mnestics among the civilian population."

Thanks for your comment, it was very fun to read, as well as very helpful. Glad to see another Foundation lover on this site!:twilightsmile:

Wallflowers garden decoration is modifying the memetic Hulme values?

The sirens location is reinforcing the magical feedback of all the prior castings used to counteract them through history?

Pinkie Pie has already had words with the O(x) members, being internally labled as O(P)? :pinkiehappy:

Pinkie lets the Foundation keep an eye on Gummy?:rainbowderp:

The Hulme meter didnt crawl off and cry to itself in a corner when meeting Pinkie directly, because its not capable of handling irreality values of that magnitude unless directly powered? :pinkiegasp:

I am loving this story so far! I personally suggest telling events through characters rather than reports and logs, it sorta takes away from the flow. Unless of course there is a bigger plan that I haven't seen yet! Anywho, can't wait for the next chapter!

"20$, please!" She smiled

typically the dollar sign goes before the number, like “$20” or you can go “20 dollars” and she shouldn’t be capitalized after a quotation mark unless it’s a deity.

Enjoying this so far!

I intend the documentation files to be rather sparse throughout the story, the main 'plot' of the story will be told from the perspective of Al/Danny/Main 7.

Thanks for your kind words!

Thanks, fixed.

unless it’s a deity

We are talking about Pinkie here...

I can't for the life of me write Applejacks accent correctly. It either gets too redneck-y, or too normal.

There is this blog post of writing about the accent. I personally agree with it, makes it easier to read the story, but I don‘t mind if someone spells her accent out.

Now about the story: Excellent premise, I like the creative idea of the people not from Canterlot dismissing all proofs of the magic and how two Foundation workers are researching what is going on, and it‘s also well written.

Looking forward on how it‘ll continue

That post is actually very helpful, methinks I'll ditch the accent entirely in later chapters.

Thanks for the kind words, glad you like the story!

Gods, idiots like this are why I left the Hand behind. I mean, you think it's going to be all X-Men and shit, and you even get paired up with a woman who's one part Batman, and the rest is 'I'm able to transforming into a giant snake'. But then they get you spotted all the time. Mind, that time she went hand to hand with a Cogsworth Orthodox Paladin(The ones with the gear power armor junk), and not only threw him through a wall but then ate him, was kinda cool. But then we're in town to ask about something weird at the local lake, something about bodies in the water, and she blows our cover in six seconds by swallowing a hotdog whole.

The Foundation usually trains people better, and I got this really cool gun that's basically the Caster Gun from Outlaw Star. I've never had occasion to use it, since we typically get in, get out, and then leave with no one being the wiser. I do not envy this unit, since they're supposed to be setting up observation stuff, not walking up to the target and outing themselves.

Still, they can make this work. Sure, the target's on high alert, but then they can play it off as a paranoia thing. A good cover story, something about geologists or just general tech stuff, and they can say they're on short term assignment going long term over a few months. Good stuff.

well, as far as applejack's accent goes, I'd say you should probably err on the side of 'normal'. Some people say you shouldn't write in accent at all... but I'm not one of those people. :twilightsmile:

This is so good, I can't wait for more:pinkiehappy:

Glad to see you're enjoying the story!

I can't wait for more

I'll try not to disappear for three months before posting the next chapter :twilightsheepish:

Dannys Kant sensor keeps displaying Cupcakes and Party occasionally and randomly? :pinkiehappy:

Even though its a basic LED digit diisplay? :pinkiecrazy:

It has come! The next chapter! Wohoo! :pinkiegasp:

O5 Command has authorised a full lockdown of Canterolt City. You are to establish and take command of a temporary Site on the premices. For further details regroup with reinforcements at 497 North Parker Drive.

Oh boy, full lockdown of Canterlot City. Let's see if they keep doing it or release it once they figured out the reasons/causes.

Looking forward to the next chapters! :twilightsmile:

Glad to see people are excited to see this, I swear one day I'll try to stick to some semblance of an update schedule.:twilightsheepish:

Oh boy, full lockdown of Canterlot City. Let's see if they keep doing it or release it once they figured out the reasons/causes.

Despite these restrictions Pinkie will somehow have enough imported supplies to last Sugarcube corner indefinently. Nobody knows how she keeps getting thesse packages past the lockdown. Investigation is still ongoing.

For real though, I've got some big things planned in the next, say 3-4 chapters, so stay tuned for that!

Spicy Pizza?

Those poor sods equipment just wont know whats happening every time Pinkie comes round to check the New Management at her favourite pizza place? :pinkiegasp:

Another chapter so soon!?:pinkiegasp:
I didn't expect that :pinkiehappy:

Neither did I, guess life's full of surprises!

Classic Foundation obsession in naming they fronts that can always be short with SCP.


"That portal has been open for a long, long time. Think thousands of years old, perhaps even older. Can you imagine what kind of things could've crawled out of there in that time?" He shook his head, Alex's grip on him weakening as the man mulled over Danny's words.

You know I like to think the Sirens may have accidentally started to some wars and inspired tyrannies, along with rebellions, as part of they exile on Earth and may have been the ones that strted the myth of mermaids.

The SCP Foundation... There's something I never thought I would hear about again.

That's what three powerful individuals can do when given carte blanche in an alien world devoid of magic.

And how many artifacts do you think were deposited through the portal over the ages? What effect could they have on the world? EQG has some major differences when compared to real world, after all.

Guess you'll have to wait to find out:rainbowwild:

Honestly, the implications of some of the SCPs we know of already having come through the portal after being tossed out by Star Swirl makes some sense.

From: burningmemory@foundation.org 19.09.2016 To: damniel@foundation.org Subject: Re:Universal Overlap

Nice! Finally going to get some help from HQ. I also wonder if only the mane six have higher jume levels, or if people like Celestia also have Increased levels.

Woah. 😯 I wasn’t expecting things to ramp up that quickly.

Also, are our boys big shots now? They get their own temporary site, is that much of a leap from their ranks before?

I’m very happy this story hasn’t died out yet. It’s been very fun seeing things play out, and I love to see more SCP crossovers.

Great story :)

The unicorn-turned human stepped into the chilly morning air, a lungful of relatively smog-free oxygen breathing hope for a better day into her.

The door shut behind her with a quet thid, the bacon haired girl walking into the sunrise.

It's kind of a Lavender Unicorn Syndrome, isn't it? :twilightsheepish:

"The Internet can't be down for everyone at school, it's probably maintanance day, or a screw up on the provider's side."

Looks like we both have the same detail when Canterlot City gets contained :ajsmug:

"E-yep, some folks here say they've been tryin' to get out of the city, driving around from highway to highway, but everythin's jam packed-." The sound cut out for a moment at the tail end of her sentence, not easing Sunset's worries.

"AJ? Can you repeat that? Something's wrong with the reception."

And here is the "not getting out of the city" and phone calls part :rainbowderp:

You can trust Spicy Crust!

The vegan tomatoes are definitely vegan, it's in the name!

I have no idea how I missed the other chapters. I mean, I kind of know, I put them on "Read it Later" and not "Tracking" by accident, but luckily I saw your story in the featured tab.

Sunset's going to kill me.

Don't worry, she won't. She'll just burn down everything you love and care for :rainbowderp:

What if the Elements replaced something?

I mean, it's too early for me to tell, but I hope that none of us got the same idea in what is being replaced. :twilightoops:

This starts to get epic, excited for the next chapters! :twilightsmile:


It's kind of a Lavender Unicorn Syndrome, isn't it?

In my restless dreams, I see that pony.

Lavender Unicorn.

Guilty as charged.:twilightsheepish:

English is friggin' hard, and I'm friggin' stupid. Caught myself talking to myself in le head in English more than my first language lately. Made me chuckle.

Looks like we both have the same detail when Canterlot City gets contained


And here is the "not getting out of the city" and phone calls part


It just felt more natural to introduce the lockdown this way.

I have no idea how I missed the other chapters. I mean, I kind of know, I put them on "Read it Later" and not "Tracking" by accident, but luckily I saw your story in the featured tab.

Yay, the featured tab is useful for once!:pinkiehappy:


Don't worry, she won't. She'll just burn down everything you love and care for

At least she won't die, nothing worse than that, right? :twilightsmile:

I mean, it's too early for me to tell, but I hope that none of us got the same idea in what is being replaced

My money's on the liver, give or take a few blood vessels.

Glad to hear you're excited, hope I won't disappoint!

A really good episode though the conversation with the woman was really weird like, suddenly talking to some random woman you don't know?

She was talking smack about Sunset, and AJ's not one to stand someone shit-talking her friends.

I swear it made sense in my head:twilightsheepish:

I recommend using a spelling checker :moustache:

A fown etched itself into Danny's features as he ran the information through his head. "Good job, Al, I'll report to Memory, see if he can hurry those reinforcements up. Lord knows we don't need any more trouble coming our way."

Murphy call in Aisle 3, 14, Freezers, Butchers, Playpen and Toilets.:rainbowderp:

Cant call out? see that dot moving? thats the ISS. See this grreen laser pointer, Morse towards it and the streaming camera in the Cupola will be picked up by someones automatic pattern recognition scanner. As for return call? Thats what helicopters and Cruise Mail missiles are for.:pinkiecrazy:

My brain is too smooth to understand even half of this

"There's not much magic this side of the portal." She shrugged. "With all of them on one side, they'd run dry by just staying alive." She cleared her throat. "Maybe they can't even guarantee that."

Can’t tell if this means that some/most/all of the SCPs didn’t originate from the Equestrians yeeting undesirables through the portal, or if Sunset is just wrong about them ‘running dry’ and or dying. I’m assuming running dry means something like losing their anomalous/magical abilities, but obviously if the SCP foundation is around that either didn’t happen or they were just weakened.

I wonder how the Foundation would feel if the cause for all their problems was this one civilization dumping things into their world without a care for what they do afterwards. Do you think they’d hold a grudge? Regardless, this is a good chapter :)


There is a good chunk of anomalies that come from other universes, at best they would try to ask Equestria to close or stop using the portal and ask a list of all the creatures that were send to Earth.

Sunset really should keep asking what the Element done to her since is indicate that her transformation was extremely painful and was changed in to a demon. A thing that was made to keep harmony drove someone insane, that's a cause for concern.

"Sure, Director Miller." Alex said with a roll of his eyes, crossing his arms on his chest. "Apparently, Shimmer's people ised the portal as a prison for powerful magical creatures, to powerful to kill or contain." Anticipating Danny's question, he continued. "Apparently there's not enough magic to sustain them, so worst case scenario, they're powerless."

It should be best case scenario they are powerless, worst case scenario they are not powerless and are causing havoc across the world.


It should be best case scenario they are powerless, worst case scenario they are not powerless and are causing havoc across the world.

Yeah, that definently sounds better than whatever I meant to say. Fixed.


I wonder how the Foundation would feel if the cause for all their problems was this one civilization dumping things into their world without a care for what they do afterwards. Do you think they’d hold a grudge? Regardless, this is a good chapter :)

Even a single SCP can be a major pain in the rear depending on its properties, guess what happens when that object can think, make plans, hold grudges e.t.c. ...

Guess the Equestrians should've disposed of their stuff more carefully?:duck:

woooAAAH IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW :pinkiegasp:

No one remembers is an anti-meme at work

Destroying the mirror aint a good idea if its a non null linked Alcubierre wormhole. If it takes so much energy to open once every 30 moons, and it did so to the closest matching reality when it was formed, then it couldve been draining energies all the time its existed while the realities have continued to seperate. Triggering it now, not even worse case, would be like converting one human body mass to energy. Equivalent to the Full Power Tsar Bomb? The actual energy release, youd hope the magical vectorisation didnt lead to an autocatalysing vaccuum collapse that could propagate back up the temporal vector of the link as well. And then all sorts of nasty things could start happening. :twilightoops:

Aftre all, this is at least one set of realities that has 628 and Pinkie.:pinkiegasp:

Could be any one from Canterlot with a greater hume level has a pony counterpart. Humes might be related to the majical ability of the counter part as well, meaning Twilight, Celestia and Luna would have very big hume levels, along with the elements of harmony. It could be h citizens of Canterlot are more real that the city itself is.

The. Number of fics where Sunset beats up Star Swirl? Seriously due liked to banish things didn't he?

I kind of forgot that we're having a Sunset here who is dealing with guilt of what she did… and the book thing of course.

This world isn't completely devoid of magic, as it turned out. I noticed the ambient magic field way back when I first crossed the mirror, but without a conduit to push it through, it felt like trying to withdraw bits from your bank account but forgetting your password.

I haven't felt it once since the fall formal. I chalk it up to seal team six using up the field around here, mainly because I'm not too fond of other explanations.

Hm. Reality Anchors? :pinkiecrazy:

But interesting detail. Not Equestrian magic… unless Sunset felt corrupted magic around her. Let's see what it will be.

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