• Published 25th Dec 2021
  • 2,213 Views, 6 Comments

Fallen: Rebirth Among Elysium. - Neutral Boy

When pony invaders finally have a chance against the human, Celestia's plan has failed, thanks to a certain trickster. After the invaders were banished, they must now seek redemption and work together to face against an ever greater threat.

  • ...

Prologue: The end of the tyrant's reign.

Fluttershy feels sadness, watching the machine’s power is halfway there using the Elements of Harmony.

‘This isn’t right girls. Why can’t any of you for once listen to me?’ Her mind says, glancing at each of them.

A lot of thoughts back then have flown through the young yellow pegasus’s mind.

From her fillyhood to earning her cutiemark. Making five best friends that changed her life. Being an Element Bearer of Kindness. Learning friendship along the way with writing to the princess. Facing enemies alongside her friends working together. Gained a draconequss friend by showing him the positive side of Harmony. All the way toward Equestria contacted with Earth now turned into a bloodshed war, thanks to her own former princess who started it, leading to many thousands of deaths on both sides.

She had been so foolish into following the princess that she didn’t think something was wrong.

When she got paid a visit to the traitor unicorn Lyra and her group, she told Fluttershy the real dark truth about the Conversion Bureau plan and the potions Celestia created to turn every human into newfoals.

Thinking back on it, Fluttershy did have many doubts broken into pieces when she noticed the signs of Celestia’s secret plans. Although, she felt sadder of looking back at many bodies of deceased human families, all young and old who didn’t want to be changed by force from Equestria.

Then there’s the faces of newfoals of former humans she saw. Their twisted faces, they didn’t feel right to Fluttershy, whether they were either alive or dead. It can never go away inside her nightmares, no matter how many times she has tried to sleep it off.

In those moments, she realized this isn’t the peaceful Equestria she once remembered. Only it’s way worse of corrupted dark chaos and uneasy whenever she passed by every pony. Many of them also lost family members and somepony special. Including Celestia and Twilight who has lost Shining Armor, Luna, Cadence, and Flurry Heart.

Although, they weren’t the only ones who lost them. Fluttershy’s four friends Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie also lost somepony and family members they hold dear as well.

This war was too much for her to handle and she wanted to defect, but it left an unforeseen consequence.

In her desperate tempt of escape, she has tragically lost her friend Discord who protected her from the assault attack. Despite at first of being enemies, she really did care for him as a true friend. She couldn’t even imagine of losing him, but this moment has broken her heart and made her cry in sorrow.

Her draconequess trickster friend, slain by Celestia’s forces who hasn’t shown no mercy nor respect to him.

Unfortunately, she got captured by her own friends and is now a prisoner, along with Martin.

In her dungeon times, she is visit by Celestia who wanted to persuade her. If Fluttershy and her friends can use the Elements of Harmony to be used against humanity’s invasion, then she and her boyfriend is freed to go with crimes pardoned away.

Fluttershy doesn’t trust her words and pokes her buttons of nerves at being a failed ruler and lying to every pony.

Unamused by the traitorous filthy mare, Celestia bring in Twilight’s friends to see if that can change her mind.

While Fluttershy tries to forget that and wanted to have her former friends defect against Celestia, neither one of them listen to her. Save for Pinkie Pie and Rarity who did with Fluttershy, both having some doubts of Celestia’s ruling and why it’s her fault.

Though she did get a visit from Spike and they have a private talk about what’s been going on behind the war. Getting some second thoughts, Spike thanked Fluttershy and told her he’ll be back to get her out with some reinforcements.

After the second plan failed, Princess Celestia gave the element of kindness an ultimatum.

1: Use her Element against humanity. 2: Fluttershy watches her ape lover executed or turned into a newfoal.

Not wanting her human lover to suffer anymore, she begrudgingly accepts of using her element.

Now, here she is, forced to use her element against the human enemies she's allied with.

She just hopes that Spike took the letter to the resistance on time and hurry back before it’s too late.

‘Come on Spike, please don’t let me down. I need you, Lyra, and everyone else to help us break free.’

She silently prayed as the machine is getting closes to completion.

However. . .


Her eyes widen of hearing someone’s voice and she looked around, noticing that time seems to stop.

‘W-Who said my name? Hello?’

“I cannot believe that sunbutt would stoop this low of hurting your innocent heart, even after my death.”

Fluttershy then sees a fog appearing with a long, tall, figure inside of it.

“Missed me butters?”

Recognizing the voice, her tears were flowing down her cheeks.

‘D-D-Discord? I don’t believe it, y-you were dead months ago. How are you. . .’

“Yes, I’m still dead and it’s good to see you again. Look, as much as I would like to know more on what you were doing, we don’t have much time to talk in the times of crisis. There’s something important that I need you to do.”

‘C-Crisis, what do you mean Discord? What’s wrong with you?’

Discord sighs in sadness and continues to talk with her.

“Flutters, after my death, I sensed something dark and ominous across the stars ever since Celestia teleported Equestria to Earth. At first, I tried to ignore it, but this presence began to grow in time and now it notices on what Celestia is trying to do without her subjects noticing on her plans. Please, Fluttershy, I need you to shut down the machine or else all is lost.”

{Meanwhile, outside of the Equestria territory. . .}

In the seas, multiple battleships, aircraft carriers, and submarines are seen heading toward the barrier.

On the aircraft carrier called the Brachial, Naval Captain Wilson Carver is leading the ships.

He watches from outside on top to see the barrier Celestia has set up is still holding.

"Our attacks aren't enough the break that damn magic barrier down. Tch! Stubborn ass would rather be a coward to shield her beloved corrupted subjects than having the balls to waving the white flag for surrender on admitting defeat, knowing her own forces are outgunned and outmatched." Captain Wilson murmurs.

His attendant, Vartan Rouge, runs up to him with a set of report papers.

"Captain Wilson, sir."

"Vartan, any news on what's happening around the world?"

"Yes captain, the good news is Celestia's ground & air forces is losing territories and we've manage to round up the captured sun loyalists. Bad news is the ESS has manage to escape capture, including BonBon, Lightning Dust, Limestone, and the rest of her crew. The reports of the newfoals however, well it seems something is off with them."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, the reports Liutenant Dennis filed to us were the newfoals have somehow snapped and are going crazy. Apparently, the solar guards tried to detain them, but it backfired and the newfoals are killing off Celestia's forces. He also said they would have to put each of them unconscious or killed at the brains. Either way, if we don't end this war soon and apprehend their leader at Canterlot or kill her, it's going to cause more problems."


Wilson and Vartan turn to see pilot Enrico running up to them and stopped, catching his breath.

"It's Lyra Heartstrings, she wants to talk with you Captain Wilson."

Wilson hums and give the papers back to Vartan.

"Tell Dennis that we're close at the Canterlot borders to end this war for good. Keep the captured newfoals and guards separate, search the areas on where the ESS are at. Capture them and if they prove to be resistant, knock them out cold with stun rounds or physical combat."

"Yes sir."

While Vatran informs the command to Dennis, Wilson and Enrico walk over to the center middle ship.

"Any reason on why Lyra wanted a talk?"

"Not sure captain, but this seems very important to hear the info."

"Well either way, we're about to find out now."

The two guys made it and they saw Lyra holding her head by the Helicopter while Spike comforts her.

"Ms. Lyra Heartstrings?"

She hears the captain speaking to her and turns her head.

"You feeling okay miss?"

"No not really, I've been getting some headaches from my horn recently."

Spike then chimed in the conversation.

"Ever since Lyra got attacked by a crazy newfoal, she's been having trouble of sleeping. She told me that her headaches and sleep has something to do with what's causing the problems with the newfoals acting up in as you say, berserk states."

Captain Wilson glances at the barrier behind before asking her a question.

"Elaborate further Lyra, does this connect to Celestia's potion's side effects and the barrier?"

"Possibly, but it's not just those ones. When I got knocked out by a newfoal pegasus, something has changed in my eyes. Every time I saw a newfoal slowly go insane and attack our enemies, I notice the invisible magic on their bodies seem to float away to somewhere else. By my calculations and the direction of the invisible magic, they're headed to Canterlot on the other side of the barrier."

Captain Wilson rubs his chin in thought.

"That would explain the strange behavior of the humans turned newfoals."

"Captain Wilson, whatever's going on in Canterlot, this could be bad for us. If we don't rescue Fluttershy and Martin in time, then I fear they have been sacrificed by Celestia's new project and she'll target us next."

Wilson bites his lip, taking off his hat and scratches his head before putting it back on.

"Alright, but how can we get past the bitch's annoying barrier? Our current weapons have no effect."

"Simple really, I have some Thalmann Generator upgrade prototypes to use. These ones our scientists developed can create an electromagnetic pulse on the Generator to blast the small radius of the barrier without disabling your human aircrafts, vehicles, and sea ships. It can let us pass in easily before the barrier repairs itself in 48 minutes."

Captain Wilson nodded and turns to his pilot Enrico.

"Your orders sir?" Enrico asked, standing attention to him.

"Enrico, you are to lead this dangerous mission inside Canterlot's defenses. Take 9 ground squadrons and 15 tanks to the helipad transports for Lyra and Spike's protection. Back them up with 16 helicopters, 12 jet assault planes, and 4 thunderbolts. Once you get inside the barrier's hole, I'll order a couple of bombardments from my ships & submarines to attack her forces' defense, making them in disarray while our ground forces land and you cover the skies for them. Set the weapons to stuns. If any of them and Celestia aren't cooperative in surrendering, knock them out or light the bastards up. Any questions?"

"No sir!"

"Good, then get everyone to gear up in 16 minutes. It's time to end this war caused by the foolish false princess. Make her remember of regret to never fuck with humanity's will and spirit, let the cold-hearted bitch cower in fear of Earth's greatest creations."

Enrico salutes to him and goes to gather any forces into combat at the destination in Canterlot.

When Wilson watches him go, he turns to both Lyra and Spike.

"Good luck out there you two, make sure to come back safely with the survivors."

"Don't worry captain, I won't go down that easily." Lyra rubs her head and smiles to him.

"We won't let you down sir." Spike saluting as a true dragon soldier.


As their conversations end, the captain's ship is blown by the loud whistle horn at the station.

"All hands to battle stations! I repeat; All hands to battle stations! This is not a drill!"

Fluttershy heard her friend’s nervousness and thinks he’s telling the truth.

Are you sure Discord?’

“Sadly yes, not only is that possible threat across the stars is sensing the elements, but also the newfoals as well. You have to stop the machine from continuing on gaining the powers from the elements and turn every newfoals back into humans.”

‘B-But how can I stop it? Neither of my former friends won’t listen to me. No matter on what I say to them when they are too loyal on Celestia who they obviously listen to her instead of the one friend who they have known since we've met in Ponyville. Plus, even if I try to stop my element, Celestia will order her guards to execute Martin or turn him into a mindless, obediant, newfoal. I don’t know what to do Discord, I'm out of ideal options.’

Her friend Discord grumbles in fume, sighing as he thinks to himself for any ideas to stop it.

A moment later, a bold gambling idea occurred in his mind and he spoke to her.

"I've gotten a bold idea Fluttershy, but it's a gamble."

'Idea? Please tell me it won't kill mine and my former friends.'

"No it won't my friend, it's my final act as a changed spirit of chaos and disharmony. I may have failed to stop Celestia from teleporting Equestria and her subjects to Earth, but I'm not going to let her darkest past destroy all of Earth's Humanity and Equestria's ponies alike. Fluttershy, no matter on what happens later on, know that I'll always love you as a true friend to me. As long as you live freely and positive, hope will still burn brighter than Celestia's fat ass on her delusional throne."

Fluttershy lightly chuckled at the last part and smiles, missing his humor.

Though tears were flowing down her cheeks as this may be the last she'll see him.

'Thank you Discord, I'm still so sorry that you have died. I just wished that I could've prevented that outcome.'

"There's no need to apologize Fluttershy, my times with you have always been the greatest moments of my lifetime. Yes, it's true that my time would come since I'm getting much older. Yet, in my times of watching Celestia, I have seen her doing several times of dark magic without negative consequences. So now, I think it's about time that karma catches up on her life. Way more worse than what she has done of slaying all life within her glory and name."

Discord closes his eyes, channeling his chaos magic and using them to connect with each elements telepathically.

"Hear me, oh great Harmony who has created the Tree of Harmony. I am Discord, spirit of Chaos and Disharmony."

Each of the bearer's elements heard him as he continues his speech.

"The lands of Equestria's peace is in disarray. The one who has wielded you once, Princess Celestia, is responsible for teleporting Equestria to Earth, leaving everyone else to die. Her conversion war she herself has started, led to many deaths of humans and her subjects because of the fear and paranoia, she couldn't let go of her past. Celestia and her pawn puppet bearers are to create something worse and I fear on what happens next should the presence from across the stars comes here when the machine is complete. So now, I ask you of my last request and a true friend to my dear Fluttershy of kindness."

Each element turns white, asking him of what his request is.

"My request for you is before you cut off the present bearers' ties with Harmony, help restore their minds and body away from Celestia's tainted lies and orders. Make them remember on what peaceful lives they have lived long before the bloodshed war. Let then know the truth on what Fluttershy has said true, what Celestia has done and for executing the innocence who tried to speak out and defect against her dark order. There will be severe consequences for Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie, but I know they'll seek redemption in time. Despite on what she has done in the war, my dearest Fluttershy is already starting her redemption on the road."

The elements glow in response to him in red lights as he nodded.

"I know, which is why there's no turning back. The current bearers, Celestia, and her subjects need to be punished for all of the multiple crimes of law and defying the nature of Equestria's Order and Harmony. The looming threat will arrive, but I'm hoping to my very heart the former bearers will atone and amend for their mistakes. One day, they can confront the greater threat somewhere else without the guidance of Celestia. This is my last request to you, oh great Harmony. May the coexistence of humans and ponies live on for the future, for learning friendship and heal from the mistakes in the war."

Each of the elements brighten in yellow light, granting his request as they begin to work on undoing the strings.

When everything began to feel whited out, Fluttershy sees her friend and telling his last words to her.

"Farewell Fluttershy, tell Lyra Heartstrings, Spike, and Martin for me that I said hi. As for sunbutt however, well, I'll be waiting for her in the deepest pits of Tartarus. I'm going to give her a taste of her own medicine. An eye for an eye, a heart for a heart. That, is a Pinkie Promise in Pinkie Pie's words. . ."

As everything is flowing forward to normal, the machine starts to malfunction along with the elements.

Princess Celestia notice the machine acting up and began to affect the elements' powers.

"What is happening with the elements?" Celestia wonders.

"Twilight, what's going on? I thought that this thing should work with you and-"

She didn't had enough time to question it as the machine is growing unstable. Each of the elements having a balance is looping around and going out of control. Neither of the bearers except for kindness, doesn't know on what's happening as all six of them suddenly felt a great pain from their own elements.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" All six of the mares shouted from their lungs.








The five mares slowly knew on what they have heard from the traitorous friend. Only, they didn't have to talk anymore as the machine grew more unstable and it blows up, flinging the six mares away and there elements away from them.

Celestia and her subjects were also flung back when they didn't have enough magic to shield from the blast.

It has destroyed Canterlot's windows, furnitures, some weak walls, and the throne room's glass wall history.

The very throne room glass walls history of ponies defeating villains as each walls shatter into pieces.

What neither of ponies know when they're gone unconscious is that the elements were cracked. All of them turned in dark colors before floating upwards as the unknown force have absorbed the broken machine's magic to create a portal.

In her head, Princess Twilight felt like she had too much to drink. Only it grows worse when having a bad breakup.

Her eyes were groggily upon waking up and having a hard time of hearing well.

"Ugh, w-what happened?" Twilight whispers.

She slowly got up and walks to a trail of dirt while watching every guards outside yelling in panic.

'There's too many of them!'

'How did they get through the barrier?!'

'We need back up! We need the ele-AAAHHHH-!!!'

'I want to go home! I want to go home!'

'Princess Celestia! Princess Twilight! HELP US!'

Twilight ignores them as she kept walking.

Eventually, she makes it to where she's at. Her eyes were focused on a yellow mare who wasn't moving. Recognizing on who it was, she walks over to see her former friend Fluttershy who's not waking up.

"Damn it. . . . .Fluttershy. . . . . . . . . .why, did you have to ruin the one chance to let us go home?"

"You stupid, no good, flying coward. . ."

"I. . . . .I-I. . . . ."

When Twilight raised a hoof to smack her friend's face, she pauses. Her thoughts replaying the memories.

The memories that she has forgotten from over 15 years ago of the times with her friends.

"W-What, is this?"

Her flashbacks when she hatched Spike in her exam. Everything towards her arrival in Ponyville, awakening the elements, stopping Nightmare Moon, writing & learning friendship lessons, making Zecora feel welcomed, stopping Discord, foiling Queen Chrysalis's plans, and so on. All the ones Twilight has remember from growing up as a book nerd, to a princess of friendship and magic.

The friends she has made back in Ponyville. She can tell the positive and happiness on their faces. No matter if they were in disagreements or soured moments, they would always make amends and stick with each other as good. Then came the day when Equestria is teleported to Earth.

At first it seemed great, but the peace went down to the waterfall when her own mentor declared war on Humanity for being evil and wanting to convert them into ponies without consent or will. The dark moments came for her and her mentor when they have lost Celestia's sister, Twilight's brother Shining Armor, her sister-in-law Cadence, her niece Flurry Heart, Discord, and many losses during the war.

Twilight lowers her hoof and looks down at the traitor, yet something else enters her memories.

She holds her head in pain as she remembered her last conversation with Fluttershy in the dungeon.

"Twilight, who has been controlling the sun and moon since we've left our world years ago?"

Those words to her in the dungeon. In their conversations, Fluttershy has said to her, they were all true.

"If we were here with the Princesses, then that means. . ."

She froze when another memory occurred, being angry with her mentor before everything went white.

"My mentor. . . . . she erased that memory after Fluttershy told me the truth. Why did she. . ."

Finally, the illusion shattered in her mind, along with the memory wipe spell. She remembers the times of her own mentor lying to her and of her subjects, including the times when she and her friends changed. Being the mindless puppets to the tyrant who started this war.

Her tears were flowing down her cheeks as she cradles her yellow friend's head in her hooves.

"O-Oh no. No. . . no no no. . . . . what have I done?"

The time when Fluttershy sided with the human race, Twilight and her friends became much colder and darker.

"I-It's all our faults. . ."

Discord's body remaining emotionless when Celestia's forces killed him and Fluttershy broken down crying.

"I'm sorry. . . . . I'm so sorry. . . . wake up. . . .please wake up. . . . . . ."

She remembers Fluttershy captured by Rainbow Dash, her yellow friend's body getting skinny by a lack of food & drinks. Her innocent body all wounded by the war, the pony guards, and her two friends, Applejack and Rainbow.

"T-This wasn't your fault F-Fluttershy. I s-s-should've never have became cold to you when you've lost Discord. I-I became a blinded filly w-who left behind her friends. I w-would've stuck by your side against the wrongful order, e-even my own mentor. Oh gods, w-why did I choose to stay beside some pony? Who wouldn't even talk about her past?"

Twilight's tears landed on Fluttershy's fur. Her face rubbing her friend's cheek.

U-Unless she lied to every. . . . ."

She froze in shock, thinking back if Celestia got everyone out back home, only it dawned her the dark truth.

". . . She wasn't going to care if everyone at our home would die. She would rather let her own subject pony species live on than the other species wanting to live, but they didn't get the chance to. My own mentor never gave out any letters to there leaders. Not even the enemies she has made. Meaning that Spike is the last of the dragon kind. Zecora, Gilda, her Griffons, Little Strongheart, her Buffalo, Chrysalis, her Changelings, Tirek, the Yaks, Kirins, Zebras, Dragons, Minotaurs, Breezies, Cows, Diamond Dogs, they're all dead."

She glances up to see Celestia getting up off the ground, realizing her own mentor is the real enemy all along.

"Celestia is responsible for all of this mess in the first place. Our home back then are long gone, my family killed, Luna killed, Wonderbolts killed, Discord killed, my friends no longer in together, and now my friend who wasn't a traitor back, is now dead. My own mentor, has destroyed all of Equestria's future, including my own as well."

"Princess Twilight?"

She saw two of Celestia's guards in front of her.

"Please step aside, we need to arrest the traitor for-"

The guards were interrupted when their throats were squeezed by Twilight's magic activated.

Each of them were scared when they see her look at them.


Without any warning, Twilight flung the two guards away towards Celestia to the walls, startling her.

Twilight puts her friend's head back down and glares at her own mentor.

"I Pinkie Promise Fluttershy, I won't let my former mentor go unpunished for her crimes when she let's her past still linger in the present future. I'll make sure she regrets all of her wrongful decisions and starting a war, leading to my many deaths on her own hooves."

While she walks toward her former mentor, her four friends were stirring in awake, but not moving.

Although, they can hear from their ears to know what's going on.

"T-Twilight? What did you-"

"I remember you bitch."

Celestia pauses, knowing her own student's tone has shifted and clearly angry.

"Twi, I-I don't know what you mea-"

"You had the audacity, the nerve, to put a memory-wipe spell on your own student from the truth I learned."

Celestia is in shock of surprise, how did the spell wore off?

"T-The spell broke?"

"Yes, thanks to Fluttershy's deceased trickster friend, Discord."

She gritted her teeth, but is sweating now that her student is freed and very pissed off today.

"L-Look Twilight, my fai-"

She got interrupted when Twilight punched her in the face.

"I'm no longer your faithful student. You've lost me when you put that spell on me like a coward. Even before that, you've sent my brother, sister, and niece to their deaths."

". . . A-Aright, but it was a small mistake and it was the only way to-"

Celestia is grabbed by the throat and Twilight's eye twitching.


She then flies upwards carries Celestia as she slams her mentors body on the ground.

Not satisfied enough, Twilight drags Celestia's body and punches her stomach to a wall.


Her four friends were shocked in awe, knowing the truth as they continue listening.

The white alicorn princess gasps and couldn't move from many of the damages she has taken.

She coughs up some blood and sees her student in front of her looking downwards, glaring at her.


Celestia grew silent, her own guards around in pause, also shocked of this revealing news.

Twilight catches her breath from yelling and gives another question to her.

"Did you also lied about our elements wanting to shield our land when you've had other plans with it?"

Celestia hesitated, knowing that her own students revealed everything.

". . . N-No, I haven't l-"

Celestia didn't react in time as the magic blast from Twilight hit her stomach again, but much more painful.

She reels back on the ground, gasping for air as her student walks toward her.

"You've made all of our lives a living Tartarus. I've abandoned my own friends who I've disowned so that I would stay loyal to you as a student. I trusted you. Luna trusted you. Even my brother, sister, and niece trusted you. My friends as well trusted you. All of your subjects and government trusted you for a better land of peace and Harmony."

Twilight gritted her teeth and her tears were still flowing down her cheeks.

"Look around you Celestia, you've changed all of our lives forever from the war you have started on your own bloody hooves. No one else is to be blamed, but yourself. Our peaceful lives is over, the ones that we knew are long dead. Your blood sister gone, my brother gone, my sister gone, my niece gone, my draconequss friend gone, even my friend Fluttershy is gone who me and my friends abandoned to stay loyal only to you. Now, I've lost my trust and loyalty in you. Because of you and our elements no longer tied to mine, I'm no longer siding with a traitorous scum like you anymore. Equestria has been long dead the moment when you teleported every pony and left everyone to die back in our world."

Twilight takes off her crown and shatters it into pieces before turning away to go comfort her dead friend.

"As far as I'm concerned, I quit on being a princess and pawn puppet to you any longer. You know, I use to look up to you as my hero, but not anymore. You're no longer the kind mentor and mother figure that I once knew back then. Which means, your dead to me."

Watching Twilight go and comfort her dead friend, Celestia bites her lips and showing some tears.

She didn't want to believe it to be a bad dream, but it's not and now, she has lost her valuable-

No, her own two treasured student daughters. Sunset and Twilight.

She alone is responsible for sending her student to a death place and the other, a pawn puppet killer.

Looking around, her own solar guards heard everything and threw their weapons & uniforms away.

All of them disgusted by what her actions had caused them to do. Obeying and kill for her name.

Even some of them broken down crying realizing on what they had done.

Words and swears were called and Celestia could only lower her head down in shame.

Her own foolish actions and decisions led to many deaths, all because she couldn't move on from her past.

"I. . . . . I-I didn't. . . . . . I-I wanted to-"

"Do what, create more problems from your troubling past, SUNNYVALE?"

Suddenly, every pony froze in shock from this new voice heard in their ears.

All of them slowly turn their heads up above the ceiling walls spotting a portal.

The large portal from the shattered dark elements expanded, revealing something come through it.

Unlike the human soldiers ponies have faced, they have never seen this weird human one.

Only, this figure seem dark & ominous with different wings on it's back.

"It's so nice to see you for the first time, Sunnyvale."

Author's Note:

This one I got permission from Rated Ponystar for the sequel of Fallen. If any hasn't read Fallen, please do so. That way you won't miss out on what you have read. This idea I had in my mind since I did think about the Elysium part a few times. Not going to spoil it on what it was, but I'm sure that many are perhaps interested when more chapters are going to fill in soon, much to your liking.

Let me know on what do you think and Merry Christmas everyone.

Comments ( 6 )

Just hope that Celestia suffers and finally die. NO redemption whatsoever!

Okay, quick question: It's been mentioned in the latter part of this chapter that Flutters is dead.
How can that be when Discord told her that neither she nor the girls would die?
So I'm wondering if she's REALLY dead, or just unconscious.
I'm hoping it's the latter, if only for Martin and the girls' sakes.

Looking forward to the next chapter, and what's gonna happen going forward.

This is an interesting start. I wonder whither it will go.

Will this ever be continued?

11561082 I'm hoping so, but I guess that we'll just have to wait and see.

Where does trixie fit in all this?

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