• Published 25th Jan 2022
  • 7,809 Views, 361 Comments

My Little Pony: No Way Home - Battwell

When Twilight Sparkle completed Star swirl’s spell, she unknowingly brought visitors to Equestria.

  • ...

There's Gonna Be Carnage

Venom leapt from tree branch to tree branch, trying to find a way out of the Everfree Forest. He encountered many creatures as he trekked through the forest. Manticore's, Timberwolves, which he tore through with ease. But he kind of wished that they provided more of a challenge, but he didn't complain, it gave him something to do.

"Jesus Christ, how big is this forest? It feels like we've been moving through it for hours!" Eddie complained in annoyance.

Venom shook his head, "Well, I don't know about you, but I'm having the time of my life!"

Eddie proceeded to roll his eyes, "That's because you get to fight these weird ass creatures we keep running into."

"Eddie, you need to learn how to have fun!"

"We're stuck in a forest, filled with fantasy creatures I might add, and we have no clue as to where we are. So excuse me for not being in the best mood," Eddie replied sarcastically.

"Oh, stop being such a little bitch!"

Eddie rolled his eyes once again, "Whatever, dick head."

"Eddie, relax. With the Lethal Protector roaming around this forest, nothing is gonna come near us!"

Eddie, much to Venom's confusion, then proceeded to burst into laughter.


"That is such a shit name," Eddie said while laughing.


"It is."

"IS NOT!!!"

"Is too."


"That doesn't even make sense, dumbass!"


As Venom leapt onto the next tree branch, he put too much weight on the branch, causing it to snap. Venom then fell and landed on his back.

"The Lethal Protector everybody!"

Venom groaned as he got back to his feet, "Eddie. Shut up."

As Venom got back up to his feet, he noticed a clearing up ahead. Curious, he walked towards it and moved the tree branches blocking his view. Venom grinned as he saw a town on the other side of the clearing.

"There. We're out of the forest. Happy?" Venom asked Eddie sarcastically.

"Okay, great. Now we can see where the hell we are," Eddie replied.

"Best we stick to the shadows. Don't want any unwanted attention drawn to us."

"Good idea."

Venom nodded as he leapt into the air, heading towards the nearby town, Ponyville.

Venom stuck to the plan as he kept in the shadows, avoiding anyone spotting him. As they got a look around, they noticed the populace of this town wasn't human.

They were ponies.

Turns out that flying Pegasus they saw earlier wasn't native to the forest they woke up in. They were everywhere.

"Eddie. I don't think we're in Kansas anymore," Venom quipped.

Eddie groaned, "You did not just say that joke."

As Venom chuckled, he and Eddie both noticed what appeared to be a schoolhouse nearby. Venom, moving carefully, decided to check it out. They eventually made it to the roof of the schoolhouse, where luckily, no one was around to see them. The only ponies present were four fillies, who were standing in front of the schoolhouse. Venom noticed that three of them looked like they were being bullied by the one wearing the tiara.

Venom frowned, "I hate bullies."

"Me too," Eddie replied.

Venom then suddenly grinned, "I have an idea."

Meanwhile, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were being picked on by Diamond Tiara. Which was a normal occurrence for them.

"Leave us alone, Diamond Tiara," Sweetie Belle said to the bully.

Tiara scoffed, "Oh? And what will happen if I don't, Blank Flanks?!"

Suddenly, a giant thump was heard from behind her. Something landed, something big. Tiara noticed the CMC, they looked scared, but not of her. She turned around and saw Venom, smiling down at her. As she stepped back, Venom stepped forward.

"You go near them again. In fact, you go anywhere in this town, praying on innocent ponies, we will find you and eat your forelegs and then your hindlegs, and then we will eat your face right off your head, do you understand?" Tiara looked terrified, but Venom continued, "Yes, so you will be this legless, faceless thing, won't you? Rolling down the street. Like a turd in the wind. Do you feel me?"

The bully nodded as Venom leaned close to her face.

"Good. Now.....GET LOST!" Venom shouted as the scared filly ran away screaming.

The CMC turned to Venom, who gave them a small salute with his hand. Before they could say anything, Venom leapt into the air and returned to the shadows.

The CMC turned to each other.

"That", Applebloom started.

"Was", Sweetie continued.

"AWESOME!!!" Scootaloo finished.

Meanwhile, in the Town Square. Cletus Cassidy was walking through town, giving everypony he passed a creepy and twisted smile. Some ponies stared, while others ran away in fear. Either way, Cletus was relishing it. His attention was suddenly drawn to a screaming filly wearing a tiara.


Cletus then had a thought. There was only one thing that he knew would do that. But it couldn't be possible. Cletus killed Eddie Brock and Venom. So whoever this was couldn't have been them. But that didn't matter. Cletus smiled as a red tendril slowly made its way out of his back.

The tendril then shot forward and destroyed the Town Square statue.

Venom leapt onto the branch of a tree, feeling pretty proud of himself for standing up for those fillies. He watched the small little town, feeling at peace. He wasn't the only one as Eddie felt somewhat calmer, although he still wants to find a way home.

"Peaceful, isn't it?" Eddie asked Venom.

Venom nodded, "It is."

They were silent for a moment, just taking it all in.

Venom then broke the silence, "You still have feelings for Anne, don't you?"

Eddie sighed, "It doesn't matter anyway. She's getting married, she's with Dan. She's happy. That's really all that matters."

Things were silent again. It was so silent that the wind's breeze could be heard.

"What do we do now?"

Eddie didn't have an answer for that. He had no idea where they were and had no way of getting back home. They were stuck.

"Bud, I think we're pretty screwed."

Suddenly, the two heard a scream. Then another one, and more and more. There was a collection of screams coming from the Town Square.

Venom grinned, "Finally! Things were getting too depressing for my tastes!"

Venom then jumped off of the tree branch and leapt from building to building towards the Town Square.

Ponies were running. Buildings were attacked. The Town Square was in complete carnage.

A pony was suddenly grabbed by a red tendril and pulled towards the red monster attacking the Town Square. Once close enough, the monster known as Carnage grabbed the pony by the throat and held him close to his face. Carnage opened his mouth, showing off his long tongue and razor sharp teeth.

The pony didn't have anytime to react as Carnage bit his head clean off without difficulty. Carnage tossed the body aside as he roared into the sky, causing the remaining ponies to run away in complete and utter terror. Carnage shot two tendrils out of his back and grabbed two ponies behind him. He then snapped their necks instantly, once again tossing the bodies aside.

Carnage then walked forward at a menacing pace. His hand transforming into an axe as ponies ran for their lives. He then extended his arm as he swung, decapitating the ponies running in front of him. His hand transformed to normal as he roared.

It was then that Venom leapt from a rooftop and landed in the Town Square. He then saw all of the bodies. All of the dead ponies. Venom clenched his fist and snarled as he turned to see who did this. Once they saw Carnage, Venom slumped.

"You've gotta be shitting me."

"You've gotta be shitting me."

Carnage then turned around, taking notice of Venom. His eyes widened in confusion, which then turned to anger.


Carnage then peeled back into Cletus' skin as he walked forward, Venom doing the same. The last piece of Carnage went back inside of Cletus' skin as he smirked at Eddie.

"Well, well, well. Ain't this a reunion!!! You know, I'm surprised to see you again, considering last time I saw you, I ripped your heart out of your body!" Cletus shouted at Eddie.

"I was about to say the same thing to you! Since, you know, Venom bit your head off!" Eddie replied.

"Tasted amazing by the way!" Venom inputted inside Eddie's head.

Cletus spread his arms out, "Well ain't that a coinkydink? I don't exactly know what the hell is going on or where the hell I am, but right now, I'm having the time of my life!"

"By killing people?!"

Cletus shrugged, "I told you. I'm a killer. With or without the monster, Eddie," they both stared at each other before Cletus chuckled, "You know, I'm thankful. You wanna know why?"

Eddie sighed as walked forward, "Alright, I'll bite. Why?"

Cletus then pointed at Eddie, "I'm thankful, Eddie. Because I get another opportunity to kick your ass again. I don't know how or why your still alive. But screw it! I get the chance to kill ya again!"

Eddie frowned, "You're gonna try," Eddie then noticed something, "Hey, I noticed your little girlfriend isn't with you."

Cletus then stopped smiling and gritted his teeth as he tightened his fists, "She's dead, because of you. Crushed underneath a church bell. But don't worry. I'll make your death nice and slow."

Eddie rolled his eyes, "And you say your not crazy."

Cletus shook his head, "I'm not a crazy man, Eddie. But I am a vengeful one," Cletus exhaled as he smiled again, "But believe me when I say. That there's gonna be carnage......so much carnage. Because after I kill you...."

Carnage then took over as Cletus was absorbed by the red symbiote, red tendril protruding from his back as he smiled.

"I'm going to kill every. last. horse in this town. The streets will be flooded with blood. STARTING WITH YOURS, FATHER!!!"

Eddie was then absorbed by the symbiote as Venom took over, licking his teeth in anticipation, "Ready for round 2, bitch?!"

Carnage roared as he charged forward towards Venom. Venom doing the same. The two Symbiotes met each other in the middle, Venom tackling Carnage to the ground. Venom began delivering punch after punch to Carnage's face. Carnage then shot a tendril from his torso, launching Venom into the air and landing on a nearby house. As Carnage got back up, Venom charged out of the house, Carnage roared as he shot red spike projectiles from the tendrils on his back.

Venom dodged left and right as the projectiles passed him. He continued forward until he launched himself into the air and prepared to punch Carnage in the face.....only to be grabbed by two red tendrils and slammed into the ground. Venom barely had time to recover as Carnage swung him around until he let him go, sending Venom into the wall of a building behind him.

Carnage then charged forward, running like a wild animal until leaping towards Venom, claws ready. Venom was ready however, as he uppercut Carnage in the chin when he got close enough. Venom quickly grabbed Carnage's legs while he was in the air and slammed him on the ground. He then lifted the red beast into the air and slammed him once more. Venom then swung Carnage around and tossed him into the air.

As Carnage flew through the air, multiple tendrils shot out from his person, each of them planting themselves on the ground as multiple arms protruded from Carnage himself. Each hand a different weapon of sorts. Carnage roared as he shot forward towards Venom.

Venom jumped into the air and shoulder charged Carnage in his torso, sending them both to the floor. As they both got up, Carnage shot forward a tendril and stabbed Venom in the back, causing the Symbiote to cry out in pain. Before Venom could do anything, Carnage pulled Venom towards him and slashed at his face with his claws.

He then slammed his father to the ground and stomped on his chest with his foot. Venom grabbed onto Carnage's leg and flipped him off of him. As Venom got up, Carnage shot forward multiple tendrils, each of them stabbing Venom in various parts of his body. Carnage then raised Venom into the air and sent him flying through the air. Venom then landed harshly on the ground.

"He's tougher than last time."

Venom groaned as he got back up. He then saw Carnage walking toward him menacingly.

"Eddie. They're symbiotic. They're in synch."

"So are we."

Venom got back up as Carnage leaped through the air and tackled Venom to the ground. He then proceeded to bite Venom in the shoulder, taking a chunk out of it. Venom roared in pain as he punched Carnage off of him, his shoulder healing instantly.

Carnage's hands then turned into axe's as he ran forward towards his father. Venom ran forward and ducked under a swing from Carnage, taking the opportunity to slash at his side, causing the monster to roar in pain. But before Venom could get another hit in, Carnage quickly turned around and stabbed Venom in the torso.

He then raised Venom into the air and punched him a few meters away. As Venom struggled to get back up, Carnage walked over to Venom, smiling as his tendrils extended in length.

"Father. There can only be one. And you have to die."

"Get up, Venom! GET UP!" Eddie shouted in alarm.

However, Venom couldn't muster the strength to get back up, "I.....can't."

As Carnage loomed over the wounded Venom, he raised his axe into the air and prepared to finish him off. But suddenly, somepony threw a candle light at the red monster's back, setting him ablaze. Carnage screamed and roared in complete agony.

Venom looked confused but looked behind Carnage to see the CMC standing there, cheering Venom on. They threw the candle light. They gave him this opportunity. And he wasn't going to waste it.

Venom roared and charged forward, tackling Carnage to the ground. Venom then proceeded to tear at the red Symbiote, tearing pieces of the Symbiote off with his hands. Carnage roared as he shot forward three tendrils, knocking Venom off of him.

Carnage got back up, but he was severely weakened. The Symbiote was struggling to heal due to the fire. Carnage knew that if he wanted to kill Venom, he wouldn't be able to do it today.

"We're not done, father!"

Carnage roared as he leapt into the air and bounced off of multiple rooftops, making his way back to the Everfree Forest.

(End song)

Venom began to give chase, but not before turning to the CMC.

"Hmm. Cool kids."

Venom then leapt into the air and began to give chase to Carnage.

As he landed on a roof, Eddie said, "Hey? What's our chances of surviving another encounter with him?"

Venom thought for a moment, "Hmm. Pretty much. Zero."

"Oh, fuck it. Let's kill him properly this time."

Venom then leapt into the air and went into the Everfree. He wasn't going to let Carnage get away. He was going to pay for the lives he's taken.

Venom was gonna make sure of it.

Author's Note:

Added a Gore tag.

Because... you know.
