• Member Since 15th Jul, 2016
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago


The Golden Crane flies for Tarmon Gai'don.


Continuing to throw regular parties during a national lockdown is bad. It’s considerably worse when you’re the prime minister.

Proofread by Amber Dread.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 34 )

This really hit home. An excellent examination of current events through the lense of ponies.

Thanks! And thanks for commenting, I doubt a satire of British politics will appeal to many, so I appreciate it!

it truely is the dark timeline if pinkie can reasonably be likend to the discount donald trump

This story is definitely very unfair to Pinkie Pie. She can be oblivious, but never like this. Thanks for the comment!

I've seen stories where Celestia is used as a Trump expy, so being used as a Boris Johnson expy isn't all that bad in the scheme of things.

If this story is supposed to be fun cartoon escapism, it isn't working very well. :twilightsheepish:

Fun? Sure! Cartoonish? Arguably so. But then, so is Boris. Escapism? Far too realistic. :twilightoops:

Edit: I would also like to mention that I see material which in some other stories (by some other people?) would be fill-in-the-blank-get-to-where-we-need-to-be filler, that in this story strikes me as very effective and well-done. Even the simple business of getting to Pinkie's office, and greeting her.

To be honest I'd prefer not to dwell on any Trump comparisons, not here. I know the site has a substantial Trump fanbase (while I really can't imagine there are many Tories here) and I'd prefer not to needlessly antagonise anyone. So for now all I'll say is that the scandal this story focuses on is one that Trump largely avoided.

Boris can't keep his story straight. Pinkie can.

That's the clear difference.

The UK's fucked as it is with Boris still in charge. They should get that Labor guy Keir Starmer in charge to replace him.

I think that's a very fair point. I didn't think there'd be many people here too bothered by that particular political figure being insulted. But I did think some might be put out by the general bringing of politics into the escapist place. And that did give me some pause, but the idea of a certain pony being behind all the Downing Street parties felt like something I just couldn't not write.

Regarding the edit, thank you! I've been watching far too much Aaron Sorkin recently, who popularised the walk and talk style in a political context. As a concept, it introduces the audience to the situation, it shows how everything physically connects together, it makes setup interesting and relevant, and it gives the impression that political life at the top is so busy that even time spent walking room to room has to be focused on impromptu meetings and policy discussions. I appreciate the positive appraisal of the mechanics :twilightsmile:

I didn't mean it to criticize your story! I only meant to criticize the real world. :pinkiesad2:

It's all cool, I got what you meant :twilightsmile:

The what minister!?

I bet Pinkie's parties are so wild the attendees need to launch an enquiry to figure out whether or not they actually happened afterwards.

Ripped from today's headlines!

Pinkie's parties are so wild they need to launch an enquiry to hush the whole thing up.

I must say I am deeply, deeply disturbed and offended by how this story blatantly misinterprets and mischaracterizes the real events it references.

This Prime Minister threw parties because of her own obsession, obliviousness and a misguided-but-nonetheless-well-meaning desire to make people happier. That's not nearly despicable enough to cover the reality - they did it just cause they didn't give a flying fizzwidget about the rules they set and pay lip service to.

Regardless, this was... well, not fun exactly, but at least fairly incisive. And I can't help but think it says something when both readers and writer acknowledge that a character notable for being a little oblivious and irresponsible wouldn't be nearly so bad... as to do the thing our real life leaders did. I'm not sure what exactly it says and I suspect I'm better off not knowing, if only for my own sanity.

The other one was when Eduard Khil died. Troll In Peace, my man.


You'd think Pinkie Pie would be a better choice than most politicians.
Jokes aside, ouch. And I thought we were dealing with stupid leaders here in the US. Granted, our last president was even dumber than that, but still.

"ORDAAAAAH!"- John Bercow.

“And it’s brought you a fuel crisis, a driver crisis, a care workers crisis, a hospitality staff crisis, and you needed a special deal just to get food for Hearth’s Warming. And that’s just the last six months.” She could feel her eyebrows making her position clear all by themselves, too. “Your hospitals, in this pandemic, really could have used the £350 million a week you promised them Wrexit would bring and then basically never mentioned again. And then there’s the border protocol…”

And since this was written food and petrol prices going through the roof.

I was going to reply with a list of 'and this, and this, and this,' but it's too long and I think I forgot a lot.

The question Rarity should have asked, I now realise, is what exactly it would take to make Pinkie feel she ought to step down. What would she recognise as a sign of having gone too far, and how much further off is it than where she is now?

If events going on in Parliament as we speak are anything to go by, nothing.

Edit: Well, this comment aged poorly.

I guess we should have known the final act would be a last U-turn.

I've only just discovered this, but it's made me half want to laugh and half want to scream. Laugh because of the ponies and the way the story is presented; scream because I'm British, a less sugarcoated version of this story actually happened, and members of my family voted for that person. :pinkiecrazy:

Probably better to be discovering it now, at least most of those involved aren't in government anymore. The inquiries and commissions have found Boris guilty of at least a few things, even if a 90-day suspension is like being given a parking ticket for stealing the crown jewels, and Nadine Dorries is starting a new career as a self-help guide on How To Have No Shame.

Look at it this way: Partygate was the first time Boris' approval rating dipped below 50%. All the lying, cheating, profiteering, sheer incompetence and repeated insistence that everything was fine didn't manage it, but the parties finally did. If this is what it took, so be it.

True. I have to admit, although I hate politics, it's nice to be reminded of the facts surrounding different political events in small, ponified chunks, and to not have to hear a twisted version of the truth from a Shapiro-worshipping relative of mine. Enjoy the follow and the favourite. :twilightsmile:

I apologise for not replying to this at the time, but I just wanted to say that I agree with every word you said, and am grateful you said it :twilightsmile:

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