• Published 4th Feb 2022
  • 383 Views, 12 Comments

Star of the Sea - JNKing

Star Wing of 'Survival of the Wolves' meets Archduke Razor Tail of 'High Seas of Adventure'

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Chapter 3: Imperator's Grave

Razor and Night Fire walked along a well used path before coming out into what the former called “The Coves.”

“Coves?” Night Fire asked, glancing around in intrigue.

“The Coves are the heart of Imperator’s Grave,” Razor explained. “And where the vast majority of the inhabitants lived.”

Night looked around in wonder at the area of twisting waterways, docks and buildings that were filled to the brim with homes and businesses ranging from small family owned shops to large pups and tavern and everything in between with winding streets of cobblestone all over the place.

Night noticed that the buildings were all made out of three things: rock, bones of various sizes, and ship hulls. Banners and flags of many different styles and designs hung all over the buildings with rope and chains strung in between them, from which lanterns of many designs and other items hung. As Night Fire gazed around in awe, she noticed that among the flying creatures she was familiar with, like pegasus ponies, griffins and dragons, She also saw what she could only describe as large wyverns: navy blue in color and looked as one would expect a wyvern adapted to life in the sea. Many were sleeping soundly, a few even lightly swaying to the shanties that filled the air, while others were awake and flying about. Night saw what she guessed was a mother bringing a mouth-full of fish over to a nest on top of one of the buildings, a nest made of large rib bones, old cotton sails, and ship planks. The wyvern opened her mouth and dropped the fish she had been carrying into the nest where Night saw baby wyverns happily start eating. One got too close to the edge and tumbled out, only for a passing pegasus stallion to catch it and gently place it back in the nest, the mother giving him a soft nuzzle as thanks.

“Oh, my Faust!” Night whispered in glee. “Are those Sea Dragons?!”

“Sea Wyverns, actually,” Razor replied. “A type of super predator that usually lives in deep waters hunting large masses of fish and large crabs and lobsters. The ones around here call Imperator’s Grave their home and nesting ground. They’re used to the inhabitants that have lived here for many generations and as such peacefully coexist with them, part of which you just saw.”

“WOW!” Night squeaked, practically dancing on the spot in glee. “I love dragons so much! Getting to see one now…” She giggled like a filly on Hearth’s Warming Eve.

“Remember, Night,” Razor noted with a light-hearted chuckle. “It’s Sea Wyverns.”

“Right-sure,” Night said, though her eyes remained on the nest of tiny sea wyverns, her electric green orbs sparkling with joy. “Sea dragons…” she whispered as she walked after Razor.

As they continued down the street, Night got a curious look in her eye. “So… I get that it’s probably been like this for a time, but… who came up with the name? Imperator’s Grave?”

“Well,” Razor replied. “Let me give you a little history lesson: While no one knows the exact date and time, it is known that long ago, long before even the first Hearths Warming at around a thousand years at least, an individual known simply as “The Imperator” traveled the then uncharted Sea of Legends with his crew, seeking fame and fortune. One dark, still night, the Imperator had a dream; one of a place where he would find what he sought. He searched for weeks before he found that place: a massive archipelago of towering cliffs, rock formations of all types, shapes and sizes, several inlets, many long abandoned structures of a lost civilization, and vest cave networks with many islands both large and small surrounding the archipelago. The Imperator realized that this place could become something grand so he and his crew built what would be the very first port in the Sea of Legends, peacefully coexisting with the native Zebra Tribe after he freed them from the Leviathan that had enslaved them. As the years passed the Imperator would eventually leave the land of the living behind, passing on with a proud and happy smile on his face and surrounded by the vast wealth he had gathered over his long life. The archipelago, which would become known as “Imperator’s Grave”, would grow into what it is today: A towering, sprawling, and thriving city built of rock, shipwrecks and bones of sea creatures where those swept up by the tides would find a safe haven and a place to start over.``

Night gazed around at the site. “A place to start over…” she murmured. “That’s something I need now more than ever…”

“Now let’s visit one of my favorite places.” Razor said as he lead Night onwards. As they walked, Razor pointed out the various locations such as the “Kraken’s Pit”, a series of nine large open-air pits close to the center of Imperator’s Grave that reached below sea level, some up to a mile deep, with roaring waterfalls along the edges of each pit. Throughout each one was a network of chain and rope that resembled a spider web with multiple structures hanging down from random points with net-enclosed rope bridges connecting each of the buildings to each other and the pathways along the edges of the pits.

Night watched the waterfalls as they carried water down into the pit. “I’m guessing people around here don’t have much problem with noise, eh?” she quipped.

Razor chuckled. “Sound-dampening spells ensure the noise isn’t a problem.” He indicated the structures. “This is where those with little to no coin live,” Razor explained. “In homes made of the captain’s quarters of small ships like sloops and the skulls of large sea creatures suspended above the white waters below by those thick chains and rope that was kept safe though dedicated maintenance crews.” He shrugged. “It may be the closest thing to “slums” in Imperator Graves, but the housing of the Kraken’s Pits are free of charge and the houses can comfortably hold one to a small family of five.” He grinned. “Plus the white waters below make for excellent fishing.”

Almost on cue, Night noticed a small group hauling what looked like a very large lobster mixed with a shrimp covered in heavy grey chitin plates.

“Dang!” Night said, pointing to the creature. “Looks like a lobster and a shrimp went down to Funky Town!” That caused Razor to snort as he tried to keep from laughing while those in earshot had directions ranging from snorting to laughing.

“That, Night Fire, is a ‘Salt Lobster.’ Ugly as sin yes, but they’re very good eating, especially with rum. The meat from Salt Lobsters is in high demand around the Sea of Legends, but the creatures are very dangerous to hunt and many a would-be hunter has fallen to their claws.”

Night eyed it’s large crab-like claws, and shuddered. “No kidding. I wouldn’t want to be pinched by those.” Her ears perked. “Do you guys still have that holiday where you get pinched if you’re not wearing green? Because I’m pretty sure everyone would be wearing green around something with pinchers like that.”

Razor couldn’t help but laugh at that. “Keep making quips and jokes like that, Night and you’ll bond with the Dragon’s crew in no time.” He finished with a toothy smile. “But to answer your question: yes, that holiday is still around.”

"Ah, good." She smiled at his compliment. “Can't help with the jokes, by the way,” she added. “Other ponies - at least the younger ones - tolerated me a lot more when I cracked jokes or made them laugh. A funny Moon Spawn is more fun than a broody Moon Spawn, as they said.”

Razor nodded, agreeing with her.

Soon he led her to a fifteen-story building that to Night resembled a hotel or perhaps a breached cruise ship. Above the entrance was a large sign with the words “Sea Oasis” on the face.

Night tilted her head. “How can an oasis be in an ocean? Oases are spots of water in deserts, but seas are nothing but water. So… is it fresh water, or… I'm overthinking it, aren’t I?” She turned to Razor, who gave her a toothy smile.

“This here, Night, is the Sea Oasis Tavern. The largest of its kind on Imperator’s Grave and the most popular. First built by the Imperator it has become the favorite hang-out of many a pirate, including many legendary ones.”

“Legends? Stories?”

Night eagerly followed him through the doors, letting the sounds and smells inside flow over her like a rogue wave. Chatter and songs filled her ears as her nose picked up the scent of rum and cooking, the latter of which caused her to start drooling slightly as her stomach growled, much to Razor’s amusement. As they entered the building, Night took a look around: Unlike most buildings Night knew of, the interior of the Sea Oasis was rather open with only a small amount of walls here and there, in place of walls were pillars of various sizes made of metal, wood, and bone. It reminded Night of a library, only instead of shelves filled with books, there were platforms with bridges and walkways where the customers sat, ate, and drank. Even though Night Fire wasn’t a changeling, she could still feel the sheer positive emotion that hung in the air; far different from the dinners she once had with her mother among the nobles and what Night would call “False Emotions”. While those had always been stuffy affairs with more than a few glares at best sent her and Luna’s way, here she knew that it was all genuine: The various creatures talked and laughed with joy, happily feasting and drinking without a care. While much different than what Star was used to, she couldn’t deny that she found this to be much better.

Several of the customers noticed Razor and greeted him warmly as he returned the greetings, even ruffling the mane of a young Colt and saying that he’d grown so much, the colt laughing happily in response. Some thestrals came up to Razor and chatted for a minute before one of them noticed Night Fire standing next to him.

“Who’s this dragoness, Razor? She doesn’t look like yours.” He asked as he leaned his head up to get a better look.

Razor gave a sly smile and leaned over to Night Fire, whispering to her.

“I know you said other’s shouldn’t know about you yet, but trust me; these folks can be trusted. You’re among friends.”

Night Fire thought for a minute, but the temptation of meeting her own kind was overwhelming, and she nodded. Razor gave her smile and turned back to the thestrals.

“Well my friends, would you believe…”

Behind him, Night Fire let her spell reverse; flames crackled and smoked around her, exposing her horn, her ruffled white mane, and soon enough, her young filly body. She grinned as the light from the last few sparks of her lowered spell shined off the shocked thestrals’ eyes.

“A long lost Princess of Equestria?” Razor finished with a grin.

Jaws didn’t just hit the floor, they went through it as things went dead silent all around, at the sight of a Princess many thought was gone for good. One of the thestrals, a winged mare, found her voice first.

“Pr-Princess Star Wing?! Is that really you?”

Star smiled. “In the flesh.” She glanced down. “I’d say what’s left of it, but… there’s quite a bit left.”

Another thestral - a cave stallion - spoke next.

“Everyone thought that after you fled into the Everfree that you were…” He trailed off.

“It seems reports surrounding my death were... greatly exaggerated.” She quipped, causing many outbursts of laughter to sound out around the Sea Oasis.

“So it would seem,” the thestral mare said, before a curious look came over her face. “I have to ask though: How did you end up with Razor? Not that you couldn’t have picked a better creature as a protector. If he’s looking after you, you have nothing to worry about.”

“That’s good, because I was already at my worrying capacity,” Star replied.

Jumping onto a table, Star dramatically recounted her story; from Flash Magnus helping her escape to her angrily challenging the storm, leading to her being tossed into the sea. After guessing how her backfiring magic put her into a cryo-induced coma inside a magically sealed sphere of ice, Razor picked up the story, explaining how they’d been salvaging the wreck of a Northern Trade Union Bulk Merchant that had gone down during a storm the night before when the team had found Star in that ice sphere and brought her to the Dragon, where they had unfrozen Star and in short, she had joined the Outcasts.

“After all,” Star concluded. “Where else was I going to go? It’s not like Equestria wanted me.” She glanced around. “I’m pretty sure getting chased off into the sea is a good indicator that you’re not wanted, right?”

She managed to sound like she was joking, but around her the various creatures gave Star looks of understanding; many of those in the Sea Oasis could never return to their homelands for one reason or another.

“But enough about me,” Star insisted. “What about the rest of you?” She walked down the length of the table. “Captain Razor told me that this was the dwelling place for living legends of the seas. What stories and fables have I missed out on while I was sleeping? What great deeds have you all accomplished?”

Razor had a large smile on his face as Star began to hear just some of the many tales those on Imperator’s Grave had to tell, from what he could see it seemed that she was in her element: Her joy was as clear as a cloudless day as the customers around her told her their stories, though they were careful to leave out any details that she didn’t need to hear at her age. Despite being technically over a thousand years old she was still a filly thanks to being frozen for such a long time.

His smile fell. In a way, Star had avoided a fate worse than death. She was asleep for that entire time and that had been a good thing. Razor knew all too well what it was like to be in a tight, dark place for a long time. Only those he deeply trusted, like his Head Officers, knew his true story: Razor had been born to a loving mother in the form of a Pegasus Mare by the name of Silver Winds, in fact he was the splitting image of her by having the same mane and coat colors. The only color different was that her eyes had been emerald green while his were red.

His father… to put it simply, was so rotten to the core that not even the creatures in the Kirin Mountains would so much as lay the tip of their tongues on his corpse. And that’s saying a lot. Razor’s father was an Earth Pony who had dealt in things not even the worst nobles in Canterlot would dare touch with a thirty-one foot pole, including several acts of high treason which Razor knew was one of the only crimes to still carry the death penalty. The only reason Celestia hadn’t “taken care” of him yet (and not for a lack of trying) was because he was very, very good at covering his tracks and rarely stayed in Canterlot at all. The worst of his crimes was what he had done to Razor and Silver Winds.

Razor’s birth hadn’t been… consensual on Silver Winds’ part, and Razor hadn’t been the only one. He had learned that he actually had a younger brother, who was no longer among the living thanks to their father abandoning him to a rival. Razor hadn’t found much left, but gave what he did find a proper burial and hoped his brother was at peace. As for Razor himself: When he was five years Razor had been thrown into a small cupboard and pretty much abandoned to die as his “father” only saw him as something less than a living creature and cast Silver Winds to the waves in a place called “The Lost Tombs”. Seven long years Razor had suffered in that place until he finally broke free, seven years of his life lost, his foalhood that he’d never get back.

He slowly and carefully let out a sigh that no one noticed, he remembered the escape before falling into the sea, then waking up at a place called “Ironclad’s Rest”: A massive ship graveyard very deep in the Sea of Legends, the place where the Outcasts of the Abyss were born.

The place where he met the love of his life: Atlas Moth.

While Razor’s father was still around, Razor and the Outcasts had vowed that they’d catch him one day. He had managed, if just barely, to evade the Outcasts’ claws several times but both he and Razor knew his luck was running out. And soon, Razor would see that his father was put in an unmarked grave and forgotten.

While he’d never found any proof, Razor was sure that his father was part of the NTU.

And as far as Razor was concerned, the only thing he had gotten from his father was the red eye color, and even then those that had encountered his father had said, even if they were unaware of the relation, that Razor’s eyes were much nicer to look at.

Giving his head a small shake he looked back at Star, smiling again as the filly listened with undivided attention to the various tales she was told. In a way, he saw himself in her: A lost soul that had been shunned and forgotten, much like so many of the Outcasts.

Razor gained a determined feeling in his chest as his thoughts started talking.

‘Star Wing, you and I are more alike than you think. While I may not know the full story behind your pain, this I do vow: I will give you the life that you were wrongly denied so long ago; a life where you’ll be loved for who you are, a life where you are loved by those around you, a life where you will grow into one that touched many hearts.

A life where you’ll be the hero you always wanted to be, and the Outcasts will be with you the whole way Star. You may not know it yet, Star, but you found a true family with the Outcasts. I know that Atlas, Snowy, and Zenith will be better aunts to you than Celestia ever was.

Those fools in Equestria so long ago were blind to your potential Star, but I’m not, and you have plenty of it Star.

You have my word not as a Pirate, but as a Kirin. And we Kirin take giving our word very seriously.’

As Razor came out of his thoughts he noticed none other than one of his old mentors sauntering up to the Filly, he chuckled. ‘This is going to be interesting.’

Star was having the time of her life, listening to the various stories those around her had to tell. She turned around as the next one, stopping and looking up in awe at the pirate that had stepped up to her.

He was a tall Earth Pony Stallion with a brown coat and a long and thick graying black mane, beard and tail, all three of which had slow-burning cannon fuses tied into them. He wore a tricorne hat with a cluster of white feathers off to one side, a coat, waistcoat, shirt, pants, and boots, all in black.

Star sat there in awe; while she didn’t know this pirate, he gave off the vibe of a figure of legend that sparked her curiosity. For a moment, she was silent, before pointing to the cannon fuses tied into his beard.

“That… is freaking awesome,” she commented.

The pirate chuckled light-heartily at Star’s quip as he sat down.

“Well lass,” He began, his voice aged yet carrying a wise tone of one who had seen it all, done it all, and survived. “I will admit: Never thought in me remaining days I’d see another legend come to life.”

Star chuckled, raising an eyebrow in disbelief. “Another legend?”

“Well lass; by legend I mean a young Princess thought lost so long ago, yet she is here before us alive and well.”

Her laugh had a shakiness to it. “Seems a bit far-fetched, I mean… I didn’t really get to do anything legendary. Not for lack of trying, of course, but...”

The Pirate chuckled. “Perhaps not, but you were the very first alicorn to be born after all.” He frowned slightly, “And the poor treatment you were given is also well known here. Razor wasn’t kidding lass: you’re among friends here. After all: Many of us have a deeply rooted hatred towards most nobles for those reasons, a number having the dishonor of experiencing it first hoof.” He then cleared his throat. “But forgive my manners, lass, I’m Blackmane: Former Pirate Lord and one of the most well known and feared pirates to sail the seas, though I’m quite old now and have long left my sailing days behind me. I’m also one of your good captain’s mentors.”

Star looked at Razor who confirmed it with a nod of his head as Blackmane continued, telling Star a few of his own tales. Her eyes were wide with awe as Blackmane retold his exploits as a pirate; how he was the scourge of the Sea of Legends and feared for his prowess in combat.

“How did Razor luck out with a mentor like you?” Star whispered eagerly.

Blackmane noticed that Razor was called over by an Earth Pony Stallion named Rook, one of the Outcast’s Recruiters, and smiled as he turned back to Star.

“Well Lass, I met Razor when he was only a teen: At the time a meeting between the various Pirate Lords, known as a “Brethren Court”, was being held. You see Lass; a Brethren Court is only called when events that affect all Pirates come into play. In our case a dangerous Pirate Hunter had been roaming the seas, killing any and all Pirates he came across. It had gotten so bad that the Court was called, which is where I met Razor. The meeting didn’t really get far because at the time most of the Pirate Lords were… what’s the word… full of themselves. Their “plan” was to surround the Pirate Hunter in an ambush and blast his ship until it was nothing but splinters. However while the other Lords were arguing on who would lead the fleet, I noticed this teenage Pegasus-born Western Kirin studying the map closely so I asked what he was doing. I startled him as he jumped a bit, but he started explaining before the other Lords cut him off saying they didn’t need advice from a kid, except for one: Lady Silver Sword.”

Blackmane smiled fondly.

“Of all the Pirate Lords at the time, Lady Silver Sword was the best of them. She had built an empire from scratch right out of Imperator’s Grave, though the Pirate Hunter had caused it to collapse and she wanted revenge. Despite being one of the most dangerous Pirate Lords of her time, she was also a very friendly and even motherly sort who valued her crew and was as loyal to them as they were to her. You would have loved her Star, she had many a tale to tell.”

He frowned and shook his head. “Sady, she’s no longer among us. She was killed in that battle.”

Star frowned, looking down. “I’m sorry,” she said. “She sounds like a great mare.”

“She was; her death was mourned by many. Silver Sword silenced the other Lords,” Blackmane continued, “As her wraith was highly feared, and she gently spoke to Razor, asking him to say his piece. Razor explained that from what he’d heard and read up to that point, he’d come to believe that the Hunter’s ship was an “Armored Ship.”

Star’s ears perked. “Armored Ship? Like a ship that’s… a knight?”

“Not quite lass, though a good guess. Ships like Frigates, Sloops, and so forth that have been built with a special kind of armor that all but renders them, or the hulls at least, immune to cannonballs though shells will still get through. Razor explained that if the Hunter’s ship was armored then surrounding it would be a death wish, so he proposed another idea: Close to the place where the ambush was to take place was a narrow channel. Razor’s idea was to use our fastest ship to lure the Hunter into the channel, and once in place pirates armed with muskets would spring up and fire barrages into the main deck while those able to breath underwater would climb in through the open gun ports on the lowest gun deck. Both Silver Sword and I realized it was a perfect plan, but the other Lords refused to listen and went ahead with their plan.”

Blackmane facehoofed, while Star winced.

“I’m guessing the other Lords paid for that,” Star mused.

“Did they ever, as it turned out; Razor’s guess was right on the mark, the Hunter’s ship was an Armored Ship and he slaughtered us. Quickly the only ones left were me and Silver Sword, and she was fatally wounded after a shot exploded next to the helm. That was when Razor came in. After he had put forth his plan, Silver Sword saw potential in the lad and brought him aboard her ship with his friends, one of whom you’ve likely met already, with the intention of mentoring him afterwards. I was already an old Pirate by this point and had been thinking of retiring, and I too saw potential in the lad. Razor went up to where Silver Sword was lying and they exchanged some words. I was too far to hear what they were saying, but I saw her lift her hat off her head and place it on Razor’s head.”

Star looked for Razor Tail, specifically his hat. “So that’s where he got that from…” she mused.

“Razor has modified it over his life as a Pirate Lord, but it is one of his most treasured items. After Silver Sword gave him her hat, he then took the helm of her ship and moved towards the channel, and I knew immediately what he was planning, and as I was closer I told my crew to set up our ambush. To make a long story short: We won thanks to that plan. The Pirate Hunter followed Razor right into the channel and was one of the first to fall.”

A proud smile appeared on Blackmane’s face. “That was Razor’s very first ship capture.”

Star smiled. “Sounds like a mission for the story-books.”

“Afterwards I boarded Silver Sword’s ship to find her on her last legs, her wounds were too severe. Razor sat down next to her, and she gently reached up to rub his cheek. She then passed her Piece of Eight to him, making him the next Pirate Lord in her stead, and told him he would make a great Pirate Lord before she closed her eyes for the final time. I started teaching the lad everything I knew, for I knew Silver Sword was right.”

He looked over as Razor finished talking to Rook and was making his way over to them.

“And she was indeed right; Razor’s lived up to our expectations and more.”

Razor reached them and placed a hand on Star’s shoulder, having heard the last bit of the story.

Star smiled up at him, placing her own hoof on his hand. With a story like that, she knew she was going to have quite a lot to live up to.

‘But I’m ready for it,’ she insisted to herself, hoping her thoughts reached Razor through her smile. ‘I promise you, Captain, I’m going to prove myself to you. I’m not sure how, I’m not sure when. But if you could do that… so can I.

I just need the right opportunity.’


As Star listened to the various tales and stories the members of the Oasis had to share, no one noticed a particular pirate who's sunken hazel eyes watched Star with an intrigued grin.

This pirate was built like a minotaur, with curled ram horns that nestled a black mohawk between them. His tail was oddly long for a minotaur, and wagged like a chimpanzee. A bright yellow, skull-patterned shirt decorated his compact and wirey upper body, and camouflage trousers covered his goat-like legs. However, his most striking feature was a scar that stretched from his right lower lip to his right upper ear, twisting his entire face into a lopsided Glasgow grin. A grin that only widened as he stood up and made his way out of the tavern.

As he left, two other pirates noticed him leaving and followed - one was a yellow dragoness with powerful back legs and a beak-like snout. She wore no clothing, her body shrouded instead by dancing flames. The other was a bright blue sea serpent, almost like a sea or shark pony, but with no sign of pony heritage in his scaley face. His bandana and harnesses were soaked, water falling from his body, yet following after him as he walked like quicksilver. The two fell in line behind the pirate, as he made his way back to the Coves.

"What's de plan, Capt'n Luco?" the sea serpent asked.

"She's with Archduke Razor Tail," the dragoness pointed out. "Attacking him would be suicide."

"Correct, Blazy," Captain Luco replied, his lopsided grin not faded. "Additionally, she’s only a filly. Trying to hurt her now poses no challenge. No true battle. And it’s never the victory that matters; it’s the fight.” He turned away from the tavern. “Leave her be for now; the Sea of Legends will have plenty to challenge her and help her grow before we need to step in.”

“Like the Northern Trade Union?” Blazy growled.

Luco’s eyes sparkled. “Hm…” he mused, an idea possibly growing in his twisted mind.