• Published 27th Mar 2022
  • 4,218 Views, 137 Comments

Ultimate Spiders and Magic: Episode III "Genetic Conscription" - Maximus_Reborn

Spider-Man and Wolverine are forced to team up against the Unstoppable Juggernaut in order to protect a young mutant named Eris as her X-gene activates.

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Ch. 3: Strange Times

Chapter Three “Strange Times”

“Just once I’d like for something to go off without a hitch,” Spider-Man whispered, leaping high into the air as Juggernaut smashed the ground where he previously stood with a stomp. A shockwave erupted, causing a dust cloud to spread from the impact. Landing next to Wolverine, Spider-Man huffed with a furrowed gaze. “What’s this guy’s deal? Why’s he after Eris?”

Logan rolled his eyes, scoffing. “What? Fury didn’t brief you about it?”

Just as Peter readied himself to respond, Juggernaut ripped a lamp post from the concrete before wielding the item like a club. He swung wildly, prompting Spider-Man to leap over the attack while Logan rolled underneath. Eris watched with her mouth agape, yelping as Peter scooped her into his arms bridal style, and the young man leapt across the field, eventually dropping the girl onto her feet near the parking lot. Wolverine leapt onto Juggernaut, swiftly climbing onto his shoulders.

However, as Logan unsheathed his claws and lifted them high overhead, Juggernaut dropped the lamp post before reaching his hand back. He grabbed hold of Wolverine by the collar before slamming him into the earth. Tremors coursed through the ground, while cracks spread across the field. Logan groaned, glancing up as Juggernaut lifted his foot, but two strands of webbing shot out, latching onto his attacker’s chest. Spider-Man strained, attempting to pull the massive man from his position, and his feet ruptured through the ground, sinking as neither budged. Juggernaut smirked, grabbing hold of the strands with a single hand.

With a swift jerk of the wrist, Peter was snatched from his stance and flew helplessly, all while a large chunk of the earth remained stuck to his feet. Juggernaut merely followed by lowering his shoulder, causing Spider-Man to crash into him like a wall. As both Peter and Logan lay prone, the Juggernaut lifted them both from the ground before chucking them high into the air towards the parking lot. Wolverine and Spider-Man crashed into the roof of a car, causing the vehicle to fold under their combined weight. Eris ran to their position as they stirred, each groaning while Juggernaut smirked.

“This isn’t working,” Spider-Man mumbled, shaking the cobwebs from his cranium while standing from the wreckage.

Wolverine growled, pausing to pull a stray piece of shrapnel from his shoulder. “Yeah, no $%6*.”

Eris winced, staring at the gaping wound. “Are you okay? You should get that looked…” she trailed off, blinking as Logan’s shoulder mended itself shut. Slack-jawed, the girl raised a finger, before simply shaking her head dismissively, “Never mind.”

“You’re out of your league, shortstack. You need your whole team to stand a chance against me. Go crawl back to my little brother, before you really get hurt,” Juggernaut spat, clenching his massive hands into fists.

“We can’t fight him here,” Peter declared, sharing a glance with the pair. “We’re too close to the school, and he’s already leveling the football field. The last thing we need is for this human wrecking ball to bulldoze any of the students. We need to fall back and come up with a plan.”

Wolverine frowned, stealing a glance at Canterlot High before nodding. “That’s the one smart thing you’ve said today, bub.” He sheathed his claws back into his arms before straightening his posture. “Any bright ideas?”

Spider-Man glanced at his wrist, adjusting the knob over the web-shooter. “Just one. Follow my lead.”

The Juggernaut leapt high into the air, forcing Logan to throw Eris over his shoulder, and everyone jumped to the side, narrowly avoiding him as he crashed through the car. An explosion erupted from the vehicle, while a cloud of smoke spread throughout the vicinity. Spider-Man held out an arm before shooting a massive ball of webbing, the gossamer spiraling across the vicinity with the intensity of a bullet. It collided with the Juggernaut’s helmet, covering the entirety of his face and head.

He clamored about, clutching at the sticky substance, but much of it had filled the inside of his armored head guard as it did the out. For what felt like minutes of struggling, the man managed to pry the webbing free from his face. However, he alternated his gaze about rapidly, failing to locate any of the trio. Gritting his teeth to the core, Juggernaut slid a massive hand under the nearest car before hurling the vehicle high into the sky. He released a roar while the car soared, eventually crashing into the side of a building several blocks away.

Meanwhile, underneath the streets of the city, Spider-Man, Eris, and Logan traversed through the sewers before pausing. The girl collapsed to her knees, placing a hand over her tightened chest. Logan held a stern gaze at the ceiling, holding fast as Juggernaut’s footsteps stomped away at the pavements and sent tremors through the area. Eventually, the tremors headed upward, lessening in the immediate vicinity.

The buzzing within Peter’s cranium also ceased, albeit momentarily. “Okay. I think we’re in the clear,” he murmured, shaking his head before chuckling weakly. Holding his wrist up, Spider-Man’s bug-like lenses narrowed on the device placed over it. “So that was the impact webbing. I’ll have to thank Doc for the upgrade.”

Logan frowned, walking to the girl with his hand extended. “You okay, kid?”

Eris nodded, accepting the gesture, but her concern steadily dissipated, allowing a smile to form on her face. “I mean, I should be worried. Everything is falling apart. I have a large maniac chasing me, and you two are fighting over me. For some reason, I’m having fun.”

Bemused, Logan grumbled under his breath while stretching out his neck. “Glad someone is.”

The girl’s fanged smile widened before it faded, and her crimson gaze fell to the side. “I just wish you two didn’t have to be in danger because of it.”

“It’s okay. We’ll get through it,” Spider-Man reassured, placing both hands over his hips.

Logan scoffed, folding his arms. “I still ain’t forgot that you’re working with Fury. What makes you think anything’s changed?”

“You can’t be serious right now. We both just got tossed like someone’s salad, and you’re still distrusting me? I don’t know what your problem with Fury is, but we don’t have time for it,” Spider-Man huffed, exasperated before shifting his gaze, “Now that you mention it though, I had no idea he placed a tracker in my suit. I should have guessed there’d be a string attached when he gave this to me.”

Chuckling under his breath, Wolverine smirked. “He’s got so many strings on you that he could put on a puppet show. You’ll learn that Fury always keeps his secrets.”

Spider-Man’s masked eyes narrowed. “I’m not a fan of this one. If you’ll trust me, I can find and disable the tracker. In return, I want to know why you don’t trust Fury or SHIELD. You clearly have a history, and we aren’t going to be able to protect Eris if we’re at each other’s throats.”

His shoulders lowered, as if relaxing, before Logan furrowed his brow. “Okay. I’ll bite. Get rid of the tracker, and we’ll talk.” His claws suddenly shot from his knuckles with a snikt, and Wolverine walked up to Spider-Man, holding them mere inches away from his face. “You try anything funny, and I’ll show you how sharp I can be.”

Exasperated, Peter nonchalantly reached out and grabbed the tip of one of the claws before lowering it slowly. “I can tell you’re a lot of fun at parties.”

Eris rose in between both men, placing her hands over their chest before easing them away. “Okay! Now that you boys are done trying to kill each other, how about we properly introduce ourselves? I’m Eris, and this is Logan,” she sweetly stated, sharing a glance with Wolverine as he rolled his eyes. As if a realization came to mind, she grabbed Logan’s arms before analyzing the hole in his jacket near his shoulder. “I know I saw a piece of metal embedded in your shoulder, but I’m not seeing any blood. Are you hurt?” Her attire morphed in a flash of light, matching that of a nurse’s uniform. “Do we need to take you to a doctor?”

Slow to respond, Logan shared a glance with the girl. “I heal. That’s my power.”

“Oh, good,” Eris grinned, unaware as her prior clothing materialized back over her frame. Leaning forward until her face was inches from Spider-Man’s, the girl furrowed her brow while holding a finger against her lower lip. “What about you? Who are you? I’ve only heard of you from the podcasts. Are you a mutant, too?”

“I’m, uh, your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man,” he replied, scratching the back of his head, “I’m more of a mutate than a mutant. I got bit by a spider, and this happened.”

Frowning, Eris shook her head. “No, I mean who are you really? You said my name before I told you it. Do you know me somehow?”

Spider-Man raised his hands defensively. “I can’t tell you that. It defeats the whole purpose of the whole secret identity thing.”

Arching a brow, Eris stared intently at Spider-Man while tilting her head to the side. Clear sparkling energy briefly enveloped her hand before doing the same to Peter’s head. In a flash, Spider-Man’s mask vanished from sight before materializing into existence in the girl’s hand.

Peter clutched at his face in disbelief, resisting the urge to scream. “Oh, come on! That’s illegal!”

Eris alternated her gaze between the mask in hand and the young man’s face. “Is that how it works? I just think, and it happens?”

Once Peter snatched the mask from her grasp, he proceeded to put it back over his face, all while cursing under his breath. “I don’t believe this. You’re like the fifth person to find out that I’m Peter Parker.”

Wolverine blankly stared at the young man. “We didn’t know your name. Now, we do.” An awkward silence filled the vicinity as both Eris and Logan simply stared at Spider-Man for what felt like an eternity. Wolverine eventually crossed his arms. “You’ve got to be kidding me. You’re just a kid. No wonder you suck at keeping your identity a secret.”

“Hey! I’m almost old enough to drive,” Spider-Man declared, pointing a thumb at his chest

“Almost? That means you’re my age. You go to Canterlot High, too? It explains why you were in the neighborhood,” Eris lightly questioned, brushing a hand through her long white and black hair, “I must say that you’re far cuter than I’d thought you’d be. I’m pleasantly surprised. I was afraid you’d look like an actual spider. Peter, was it?”

Sniffing the air, Logan frowned before rolling his eyes. “Damn teenagers. I can literally smell your hormones.” Wolverine let out a desolate groan, holding a hand over his forehead. “What the hell have I gotten myself into?” Shaking his head, Logan lifted his gaze. “Anyway. We’re wasting time. Let’s get that tracker off of you, so we can talk.”

Nodding, Spider-Man pointed skyward. “All right. I know the perfect place where we can lay low. Let’s go.”

Back within the halls of the school, several students conversed about recent events, while local law enforcement surveyed the damage done to the football field. Meanwhile, a pair of janitors stood away from the public. One with a head full of gray hair and glasses sorted through a cart, organizing several cleaning supplies. Meanwhile, the other sported snow-white hairstyle and a goatee, narrowing his red eyes on the phone in his hand.

“Try to relax, Seth. I’m sure Eris is fine,” the first man calmly assured, pausing to fill a spray bottle with disinfectant.

Seth inhaled deeply before sighing. “I wish I shared your endless optimism, Stan.” He continued pecking away at the phone’s screen, frowning. “I just know that girl has gotten herself into trouble again.”

Chuckling, Stan smirked. “She’s a chip off the old block and a teenager. I’m sure she’s just like how you were at her age. Best thing you can do is let her spread her wings and give her help if she needs it. Otherwise, you run the risk of smothering her.”

“It’s not just that, my friend. I fear puberty is striking her in more ways than one. I knew this day was coming, but I still feel unprepared,” Seth whispered, his eyes softening.

Stan placed a hand over Seth’s shoulder. “Congratulations. You are truly a father.” Both men shared a smile before Stan eased back, pushing his cart down the hall. “I’ll cover the east hall. See you at the end of our shift.”

Seth gestured a wave to his cohort, managing a brief smile. Just as he readied himself to depart, a portal spiraled into existence mere inches away from his position. Seth’s yellow eyes widened, as a man clad in a blue warlock garb walked through the opening, his crimson cape whipping mildly by the breeze. The energies emitting from the portal dissipated before the opening closed, and both men stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity.

“Discord,” he muttered, eyeing the man sternly before scoffing, “Yeah. You certainly look like a Discord.”

Seth cleared his throat, brushing the wrinkles from his janitor’s uniform. “I haven’t heard that name in over a millennia,” He paused, pulling at his goatee, “Who are you? A fan?”

The man huffed, folding his arms. “I am the master of the mystic arts and Sorcerer Supreme, Doctor Strange. I believe you and my master are acquainted.”

Seth’s expression paled as a bead of sweat trickled down the side of his head. “The Eye of Agamotto. I knew your incantations felt familiar. So, you’re the Ancient One’s successor. How’d you find me?”

“I’ve kept tabs on you,” Doctor Strange declared, waving a hand slowly. Suddenly, the environment surrounding them morphed, shifting into that of a desert. Both men glanced to the side as a younger version of Discord walked across the sands, wearing a small apron. Strange narrowed his gaze. “You’re one of the oldest mutants in existence. Second only to Apocalypse. Your true name is Suetekh, and your followers referred to you as the God of Chaos.”

Discord smiled, straightening his posture. “Please, I prefer Seth. It rolls off the tongue easier. Discord will also suffice.”

“Chaos magic is dangerous. If allowed to run amok, it can throw all realms into disarray and destroy the multiverse,” Doctor Strange replied, folding his arms. “Which is why my master intervened.”

The environment dissipated, brightening before taking new form. Suddenly, a woman with fair skin garbed in long robes and a hood stood before Discord. “Stand down, Suetekh.”

“This old song and dance? Surely, you can do better,” Suetekh arrogantly stated, lifting his hand slowly.

The woman stood steadfast, taking a defensive stance while a magical circle materialized into existence over the palm of her hand. “Repetition is the key to improvement. I had hoped you would have learned that by now.”

The man snapped his fingers, causing the clouds above to blacken. Lightning crackled across the sky while the winds blew asunder, sending much of the sand in the desert airborne. The realm shifted, with the world and clouds spiraling into a conjoined vortex.

The woman slammed her glowing palms together, causing all effects of the brewing storm to dissolve instantly. The world itself snapped back into place instantaneously. Discord’s eyes shot open as the woman sped towards him, slamming her palm into his chest. An astral projection ejected from his body, floating helplessly as his physical form collapsed. The image steadily diminished, leaving Seth to stare at Strange with a widened gaze.

“Tales of your bouts with the Ancient One are well documented. She couldn’t destroy you, but she settled for the next best thing: banishment into the Crimson Circle of Cyttorak,” Doctor Strange stated, frowning.

Seth shuddered involuntarily. “Indeed. She locked me up and threw away the key. Yet, as merciless as she was, there was still kindness in her. There was a long rehabilitation period, but I finally was given my freedom thirty years ago.”

“Then, you know why I’m here,” Strange coldly warned, placing his hands together before raising them defensively. Magical circles hovered over his palms. “You vowed to never use your chaotic magic under any circumstance and broke the agreement. Old habits die hard, I suppose. So, it’s time you were put back in limbo for another three thousand years.”

Faster than he could react, Discord’s hands clamped together before magical energies snaked around his limbs. “Now, hold on a second!” he exclaimed, straining as the same energies looped across his ankles. He shook his head. “I did not break the vow! I swear to you!”

“Then, why is there a massive spike of chaotic magic in the air?” Doctor Strange questioned, lifting a finger.

“It’s my daughter, Eris!” Discord blurted out, holding his gaze at the man. He lowered his gaze momentarily. “Just a few weeks ago, her powers began to activate. I’ve shielded her as best as I can from having outbursts, but her power is far greater than I anticipated it to be. She’s lost control recently. I’m doing what I can to help her learn how to practice restraint. It’s been challenging, to say the least.”

Doctor Strange stared at Seth with a firm gaze. “That girl can literally flip the world onto its head if she isn’t careful.” He paused, holding out a glowing hand, and a portal opened underneath Discord’s body. Screaming as he dropped, Seth fell into an endless abyss, while Strange levitated next to him. “I don’t fault you for trying your best as a father, but this is bigger than you. I’ll take care of it myself. Stay here.”

“Wait! Please don’t hurt my daughter! She hasn’t done anything wrong!” Discord yelled, spiraling helplessly as he continued to plummet, “Give me time! I can teach her!”

“Maybe not intentionally, but she’s a ticking time bomb. It’s too late to go about this lightly,” Doctor Strange huffed, flying through the portal. He looked back, closing the opening before walking through the nearest door. “I’ll do what I must for the sake of the world.”

To be continued…