• Published 23rd Feb 2022
  • 3,572 Views, 122 Comments

What If The Shredder Was In MLP: Season 9? - Battwell

The evil Grogar has unleashed four of the Mane Six’s greatest threats! Although one of them will be Equestria’s undoing.

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Beginning Of The End (Part 2)

Once Grogar stepped out of the shadows, both Tirek and Chrysalis gasped in shock. They had heard the stories, but to actually meet him, was a shock to the both of them.

"The Grogar?" Chrysalis asked.

Sombra transformed into his Shadow Form and joined the others on the ground. Tirek and the other villains walked forward towards Grogar, except for Ch'rell, who was still struggling against his bindings.

"I thought that you were a legend!" Tirek stated.

"I've heard of you." Sombra added.

As Grogar walked around the table in the center of the cavern he said, "I assure you, I am very real. And you have all been brought here as part of my plan to rid Equestria of Twilight Sparkle and her friends once and for all."

Ch'rell scoffed at the Ram, "I do not know who you are and I do not care! You shall release me and I shall grant you a quick and painless demise."

Grogar turned to the Utrom and frowned, "You don't seem to be in a position to demand anything, Ch'rell."

Ch'rell growled in anger, "You dare talk down to me! I am The Shredder!"

Grogar rolled his eyes, "Yes, yes. I am aware."

Cozy Glow then decided to speak up, "I am so sorry, but the name 'Grofar'? It just doesn't ring any bells."

Grogar slammed his hooves on the table in frustration, "Grogar! I have been away too long if my name no longer strikes fear into the heart of one so tiny. Perhaps a demonstration of power is in order?"

Suddenly, the orbs on Grogar's neck-piece began to glow. The Ram then placed a hoof on the center of the piece. As he pulled his hoof away, a yellow orb formed in his hoof. He held it as he leaned forward and blew the orb towards Tirek, who took it in his hands and gobbled it up.

Tirek then began to transform as the magic gave him more power, making him stronger.

He looked at his biceps before kissing them. He then explained, "Grogar is ancient and extremely powerful. The land that would become Equestria was a mere collection of farms and pastures until he declared himself emperor of all he saw. I remember hearing tales of his tyranny when I was young."

"I have also heard of the first Emperor of Equestria. The "Father of Monsters". Sombra added.

"I gave life to the foulest of creatures and allowed them to run wild, taking what they wanted and destroying the rest." He said as the crystal orb on the table began to show images of his reign, "My reign was a glorious, fear-soaked epoch of darkness in Equestria."

"Ha! Until Gusty the Great rose up and banished you." Chrysalis interrupted.

"That fool believed taking my bell would defeat me! But she only weakened me temporarily." Grogar replied.


They all turned to Ch'rell, who was laughing in amusement.

The Utrom smiled, "I find it quite amusing that you believe your reign was something to be praised for."

Grogar frowned as he took a step toward Ch'rell, "What are you implying?"

"I imply nothing! I state fact! You are not an emperor! You are a fool!"

"Careful, Ch'rell. I have the power to reseal you back in stone."

Ch'rell frowned, "You talk as if I'll give you the chance."

"Enough! You shall show respect to your superior!" Grogar demanded.

"Hahahaha! Superior? I am a destroyer of worlds! You are nothing but a foolish mammal!"

"Silence!" The Ram turned and walked up the walkway leading to the highest point in the cavern, "I've spent millennia gathering power, biding my time, waiting for the perfect opportunity to seize control of Equestria! And watching all of you. I've seen each of your humiliating defeats at the hooves of six puny ponies. And do you know why they've always bested you?"

"Because they cheat!" Chrysalis exclaimed.

Tirek folded his arms as he grumbled, "Because they are annoyingly lucky."

"I'm just a kid, so..." Cozy added.

"It is because they work together. Where one is weak, another is strong, and thus unified, they are a formidable force! But we shall use their own strategy to defeat them."

"What are you suggesting?" Chrysalis asked.

Grogar jumped onto the table below and got in Chrysalis' face, "I suggest nothing. I demand that you join me, and together, Equestria will be ours!"

Ch'rell growled, "You dare make demands of me?! The Shredder doesn't work with anyone!"

"The slug has the right idea! I don't do "ours". I only do mine." Sombra then turned into mist and appeared on the table with Grogar, "I will take back the Crystal Empire on my own, and I will destroy any pony who gets in my way!"

Grogar smirked, "Such confidence. Go! Try to take back your kingdom. I shall send you there myself. If you prevail, you may keep it. But when you fail, you will submit to me!"

"And if I refuse this deal?" Sombra asked.

"Then I shall return you to the darkness from which you were summoned." Grogar replied.

"Fine! But this is a waste of time, as I will crush those who defy me. I will defeat all who get in my way! I'm—"

As Sombra went on, Grogar got annoyed and used a teleportation spell to not only get the Dark King out of there, but to shut him up as well. Grogar sighed as he began to walk out, casting a spell that freed Ch'rell from his bindings. As the Utrom fell to the floor, he growled at the Ram.

"I advise the rest of you to prepare to work together!" Grogar commanded as he left.

Ch'rell got back to his tentacles as he snarled at the Ram. As Tirek and Chrysalis looked at one another, Cozy flew up in between them, "Well, working together sounds an awful lot like making friends, so... you three are in luck, because I know all about that!"

"BE SILENT!" Ch'rell commanded.

The filly immediately shut up as she hid behind Tirek.

Ch'rell walked forward, "I refuse to play any role in this mockery!"

"Well it appears that you don't have a choice. Grogar is far more powerful than any of us." Tirek said to the Utrom.

"Foolish worm! He is NOTHING compared to me!"

Chrysalis scoffed, "And what exactly have you done to be recruited here, slug!"

Ch'rell closed his eyes and chuckled evilly, "I did the one thing you fools have never done!" He opened his eyes as he smiled, "I broke Twilight Sparkle."

Tirek cocked an eyebrow, "How so?"

"I made her question everything she had ever known. I made her question her morals, her beliefs! As she was close to saving that fool, Tempest Shadow, I killed her that traitor right in front of her!"

Cozy's eyes widened, "K-Killed?"

Ch'rell smiled, "Yes. And I shall do the same to that worthless mare! Twilight Sparkle denied me of my revenge! Now, I shall make her suffer! None shall stand against The Shredder and live! All I need is my armor and then she shall pay!"

Cozy looked a little awkward before saying, "Well..... It looks like we'll be here a while. How about a team building exercise?"

While Tirek and Chrysalis groaned, Ch'rell raised a brow, "You cannot be serious?"

"She is." Tirek deadpanned.



Ch'rell was humiliated. He was currently standing on the table, to reach the other villain's height, joined in a circle as Cozy held his tentacle with her hoof. The other villains rolling their eyes as they too were holding hands/hooves.

"Now I'll say something nice about.......Utroms? I think that's it. Ch'rell, you say something nice about centaurs. Tirek, you say something nice about changelings. And Chrysalis, you say something nice about ponies!"

"NEVER!!!" Both Ch'rell and Chrysalis yelled in unison.

Suddenly, they all turned as they heard the hoof steps of Grogar, who had returned to the cavern with an unhappy look on his face.

"Let us hope the four of you will be enough for my plans." Grogar stated to the villains.

The villains let go of each others hooves/hands/tentacles and turned to Grogar.

"And what of King Sombra?" Chrysalis asked.

"Did he succeed?" Tirek added.

Grogar laughed at the question as he walked to the crystal orb and showed the villains Sombra's defeat at the hooves of Twilight and her friends, "I'd say he gambled and lost! But at least he can serve as a warning to those who doubt continuing with my plans. Unless any of you have doubts."

"Uh, not I." Tirek said nervously.

"Nope!" Chrysalis added quickly.

"I'm good!" Cozy finished.

Grogar turned to Ch'rell, who growled at the Ram. Grogar rolled his eyes, clearly underestimating the Utrom.

"Then we shall join forces and work together to bring Equestria to its knees!" Grogar then laughed evilly as Tirek, Cozy, and Chrysalis joined in, although they laughed nervously, hoping not to peeve off the Ram.

As they all laughed, Ch'rell sneaked away and smiled.

(Play from 1:30 to 1:55)

"That foolish Ram underestimates me. Excellent. It will be the last mistake he shall EVER make! And those other fools could be of some use to me. But once everything falls into place, I will destroy them all! HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Author's Note:

Just like The Movie, this will mainly focus on Ch'rell while the rest of the season goes by.

But there will be scenes of Twilight and the others, talking about how different she has become.

Up next is Frenemies!