• Published 20th Feb 2022
  • 5,364 Views, 69 Comments

Always By Your Side - Spinner of Tales

You didn't ask to fall for your best friend. Even so, familiar feelings begin to gnaw at you.

  • ...

6) An Evening In Camp

Author's Note:

Sorry this one took so long, guys. Personal issues kept me really busy. Love you all, and I hope you enjoy!



As you and Twilight made your way down a ragged, muddy, and rocky road, you were beginning to realize just how quiet your travels thus far had been. Not silent, of course - Twilight had been more than a chatterbox, but at least she hadn’t been loud about it. Your present company had so far been… more animated, to say the least. Such as it was in a company of soldiers, human or equine, you supposed.

The leader of this company, the unicorn Shining Armor, didn’t seem to mind the rowdiness. According to him, the ponies in his group were on their way back to camp from four days of patrolling the cliffs and crags of the region. All of them were looking forward to having time off, and the group’s commander was more than happy to allow them to ‘kick off their horseshoes a little early’ as he had put it.

Thus, so it was that you and Twilight found yourselves marching at the head of a column of rowdy ponies, traveling through a narrow pass toward the distant sound of an army encampment. Twilight and Shining, who was her older sibling if your memory served, were happily chatting while you kept a few paces behind them. Occasionally, the stallion would turn his head and peek at you, and you had a sneaking suspicion that Twilight was talking about you. Hopefully, she wasn’t telling him anything too embarrassing.

Shining Armor. Twilight had told you about him in passing some time ago. The stallion was a legend among his troops, a hero to the common ponies, and a near demigod in the eyes of the royal guards he commanded. At least, that’s how Twilight told it. You wondered if all of the Sparkle clan were nearly as accomplished as Twilight and her ‘BBBFF’. Was Twilight’s mom a hero too? Or her dad? For a moment, you wondered if they would approve of you if you asked them for their permission to court Twilight, assuming ponies even did that kind of thing. Somehow, you had a feeling in the lowest chasm of your stomach that they wouldn’t, especially if they were as noble and and as famous as the bookish little alicorn. Who were you in comparison to her? Some alien nobody come to their world by an accident. You only hoped Twilight’s sense of openness and tolerance were manners taught to her by her parents, not ones that were forged in against their wishes.

Shaking the melancholic thoughts of inadequacy from your head, you pressed on. It didn’t take long for the company to reach a large clearing where several tents had been set up. Shining’s encampment, surely. Dozens of ponies milled about, some wore armor, many more did not. Staffers, cooks, cleaners, all of the many roles needed to keep an army supplied and on the march. Many of them cheered Shining as he trotted past, and more than a few bowed, surprised, in the presence of Twilight, causing her to smile and blush in that way that sent your heart fluttering. As if she could sense you, the mare glanced back, and you quickly turned away, rubbing the back of your neck in embarrassment.

Several of the ponies in camp seemed taken aback by your presence. No doubt they weren’t used to seeing large, hairless bipeds in the company of their commander and a princess. You heard whispers among them: one wondered if you were a prisoner. A second said that perhaps you were a member of some new tribe the company had come across, previously hidden away in a cave somewhere. No matter their opinion, most of them snapped their muzzles shut the moment you looked at them. Their smiles disappeared, and though they put on a brave face, you could see the shimmer of fear in their eyes. You were new, unique, and they were scared of you. Out here, in the wilderness, beyond the calming magic of the princesses, they were steeled against anything that could endanger their mission or their prince. You wouldn’t hold that against them, and you also hoped you’d be able to convince them of your friendliness soon enough. Even if you couldn’t, surely Twilight could.

Shining led you through the maze of canvas to a tent a little larger than the rest. “I think I can put you in here, human,” he said. “I know it’s a little small, sorry I don’t have anything closer to your size.”

You shrugged. “It’s okay. I mean, I’m a little spoiled from having lived in Twilight’s palace for so long, but I can make do. I don’t have any problems getting cozy!”

The stallion chuckled. “You’d sure be at home in the royal army. At least you won’t have to bunk like a soldier!” Using his magic, he pulled open the flap and led you and Twilight inside. Small as it was, it still had a modest bed and desk, a bookcase, and a trunk for your possessions. “You should have enough space to put your hooves - er, your feet up, if you want,” Shining offered. “Twily, I’ll have you set up in a royal tent nearer the command post.”

“Thanks, it’ll be nice to be out of the elements for an evening,” you said, inclining your head in respect. Shining nodded, and then, in the silence, you heard a dread rumble in the deepest reaches of your tummy. Twilight giggled as you blushed, and Shining gave you a warm chuckle.

“Hungry?” He asked. You nodded sheepishly. “There’s always some porridge or soup in the mess, but…” he looked over at Twilight, and then back to you. “The officer’s dinner is in a few. I was going to show Twily to her tent and then to supper. As her companion, you’d be more than welcome to join us!”

Of course, you didn’t want to impose, but thoughts of fine royal food quickly beat out any desire you might have had for porridge or soup, and you smiled warmly. “That’d be amazing, thank you!”

Shining clapped his hooves. “Huzzah! I’ll have them set a spare place for you. In the meantime, though, Twilie, do you want to see your tent?”

The alicorn agreed, and as the two of them made their way out of your small dwelling, she stopped a moment and looked back at you. The two of you shared a quick, warm smile, and then she was gone. You very quickly became aware of the sudden loneliness about the place. Even when she had been silent, you had always been aware of Twilight’s presence, like a warm blanket around your shoulders. Now, however, it was cold, and lonely, and you had to beat back the desire to go and find her at once. You were a grown man, god damn it, you were more than capable of spending an hour or so on your own!

A whole hour alone before supper. Well, at least you had something to do, you thought as you leaned down and examined the books that had been provided for you. No doubt Twilight had read (and memorized) them all. Your eyes settled on one, a hardcover copy of Abraxius the Bold’s Wars and Conquests and you pulled it, flopping down on the bed and snuggling up to read.

As it turned out, Abraxius the Bold had been a fairly boring pony. His so-called Wars and Conquests had been little more than minor skirmishes and unimpressive proxy wars against barbarian tribes over the smallest and most trivial of matters. As you trudged through the events of Paso Fino’s rebellion, you could feel your eyelids becoming heavier, and eventually they seemed to weigh almost as much as the tome in your hands.

Sighing, you leaned back and rolled over to your side, grabbing one of the pillows on your bed and hugging it to your chest. Your thoughts slowed, and sleep tugged at the recesses of your mind. Seconds became longer, slower, and as you leaned your head in, and in your mind, the pillow slowly took the shape of a pretty purple pony. You smiled, and it was almost as if you could feel the love you held for Twilight coursing through your veins. You could almost see her lidded eyes gazing back at you, could almost hear her whispering how much she loved you, could almost feel, no, you could feel as she leaned in and pressed her warm, adorable lips to yours, and…

A shock of adrenaline coursed through your body, and your eyes shot open as a sudden burst of wind seemed to rush through the tent, tearing the flap open and sending the dozen or so tomes on the bookcase flying to the floor, their pages flapping in the sudden explosion of air that had already disappeared as soon as it had arrived, leaving the tent as calm as it had been just seconds ago.

What the hell was that? You thought, jumping to your feet. For a moment, you had been inclined to believe it was some kind of dream, maybe a waking dream as you hadn’t been fully asleep, but the books scattered among the floor had quickly dispelled that illusion. You reached down to pick one up, only to find your hand uncontrollably shaking, covered in sweat. It must be the adrenaline, you reasoned. You grasped your hand, forcing it to be still, though you were aware of a unique tingle that took some time to dissipate.

Maybe you could ask Twilight? If anyone could figure it out, she could. Or, failing that, surely there was a medic in camp who could help.

Gingerly, you got out of bed and stepped through the flap of your tent, and were met by the crisp evening breeze. Several ponies were milling about. You could see unicorns carrying large barrels in their magic, and pegasi flying through the air, no doubt looking for any signs of trouble. All of the various pony races working in harmony, even out here beyond the magic of the princesses… it brought a smile to your face.

Gradually, you made your way through the maze of dwellings to the large tent in the middle of the camp. Two ponies stood guard at the large awning leading inside. Thankfully, they seemed to recognize you, and stepped aside as you approached, allowing you in. The air was warmer, and you were surprised to see a full dinner table being set by serving ponies. There were breads and salads, some form of mashed potatoes, and several chalices full of wine. Also, several bowls full of what looked to be flowers and grasses. You were very glad you wouldn’t be forced to eat daffodils. Bright banners hung along the walls, and there were even a couple of chairs in the corner, upon which sat Shining Armor and a second pony you didn’t recognize, a pink-colored mare. She was an alicorn like Twilight, but a little taller and leaner, and dressed in fine regalia. A princess? That explained the luxury, then.Suddenly, you remembered. This must be Princess Cadance, Shining’s spouse!

“Hey, there you are!” The stallion called, rising from his chair. “The human who saved my Twilie’s flank from a Timberwolf attack!” You tried to correct him, but it seemed he didn’t want to let you get a word in edgewise. “She told me all about your battle. Pretty brave, holding your own against such a beast, and unarmed too! I see why she speaks so highly of you!”

You could feel the color rushing to your cheeks. Twilight… had told Shining that you had been the one to save her? Why? Unless… was she trying to make you look good for her family? “Ahhah, yeah…” you chuckled, rubbing the back of your neck. “It was a heck of a fight, I guess.”

Shining grinned back at you. “No doubt. Timberwolves aren’t an easy foe to beat. They’ve got thick armor, sharp fangs, and…” He paused for a moment as the pink princess next to him cleared her throat. “Oh, I’m sorry! This is Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. She’s been hoping to meet you ever since Twilight originally told her about you!”

You bowed your head in reverence. “Princess Cadenza,” you offered your hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Likewise,” she said, smiling. “Though please, just call me Cadance. Any friend of Twilight is a friend of mine!”

In that moment, a third voice joined in. “Cadance!” Twilight called out, and a purple blur seemed to rush in from behind you, pushing you aside as the younger alicorn made her way toward the elder. The two shared a goofy little dance, singing about ladybugs and clopping hooves, and you blushed fiercely as she and Cadance spun around and shook their rumps. Hopefully Twilight didn’t see you peeking.

“So!” Shining exclaimed, leading you, Twilight, and Princess Cadance over to the large wooden table, where a large feast had been laid out for the four of you. “Twilight told me earlier; you’re looking for King Grover’s lost library?” He chuckled. Magenta magic surrounded a large chalice, and Shining took a gulp of the contents therein. “Should have known my Twilie would risk life and limb if lost books were involved!”

The purple mare tried and failed to hide her blush behind her own cup, causing unicorn to chuckle.

As you and Shining and Twilight and Cadance chatted through supper, about your quest, about living in Ponyville, and about the distant world that had once been your home, the odd occurrence from your tent earlier began to fade from your memory. You’d ask Twilight tonight, sure, but for now, you were content to hear Shining sharing tales from when he and Twilie were foals; about all the mischief they’d gotten up to, and all of the times Twilight had gotten lost in the Royal Libraries searching for new and more challenging books to read.

Every time Shining would reveal an embarrassing memory, Twilight would blush and sink lower and lower in her seat, ears flicking back in the most Fluttershy-esque way, and you couldn’t help but be mesmerized by how adorable she looked.

For her part, Cadance seemed to be enjoying the trip down memory lane as well, chiming in from time to time about the great times she had foalsitting the young Twilight when she had been a mere unicorn. Still, there were times when she’d pause - just for a moment, usually following an adorable tale from Twilight’s foalhood - to glance over at you, almost as if she were reading you, only to look away just as quickly. Not that you minded; Cadance wasn’t really creeping you out, but you couldn’t help but wonder what she was thinking about, or perhaps you wondered what she thought you were thinking about. It was an odd thought to have, and it didn’t make much sense to you. For a while, you swore you could see through her eyes, almost as if she were reading you like a book, observing every little move you made.

Nevemind, you thought. It was creepy.

For an hour or more, the four of you kept at it. Shining told you about his years as a foal growing up around Twilight. Cadance told you more about sitting for the young mare. You shared some distant memories of your own of growing up in middle class suburbia, what the human world was like and how different Equestria was to the old world you knew, but how glad you were to have found your way to it, and to Twilight. She had blushed at that, and had waved a hoof off at you and had told you how happy she was to have such a good friend. Cadance had glanced at Twilight then in the same way she had previously observed you, and you wondered what was going on in that pretty pink head of hers.

Eventually though, the food was finished and the table was cleared, and Cadance went off to do… some princessy thing, you couldn’t really recall what. Shining had wandered off as well, and you had decided to walk Twilight back to her own tent, an offer she had happily accepted. Now, walking down a small alleyway between tents, was as good a time as any to ask about what had happened earlier.

“Hey, ‘Twi?” You inquired. “When I was in my tent earlier, I had a… well, a weird experience.”

“Oh?” The alicorn’s ears perked.

“Yeah. I was reading a book. Something boring, I can’t really remember what, and I was kind of falling asleep.” You chuckled a little as Twilight looked up at you, a playful sense of shock on her face. “Hey, they can’t all be page turners!” You nudged her, and your heart fluttered at the small giggle she gave you. “Anyway, I was just about to fall asleep, and… and I dunno, there was this big gust of wind, only it was from inside my tent, and it woke me right back up! And I was shaking, too, I… I can’t explain it.”

“Hm,” Twilight furled her brow. “It could’ve been just a dream.”

You shook your head. “There were books thrown all over. Whatever happened, it was as real as real gets.”

“Well, if you were a unicorn, I’d say it could have been an uncontrolled magical discharge. That happens when a unicorn is originally learning how to channel his or her magic. I’d say that, but, y’know…” she looked up and down your body. “Unless you’re hiding a horn under your mane, I don’t think that’s what happened.”

You sighed. “Maybe it was just… well, maybe it was just the wind. Some sudden low pressure front localized in my tent. In a land of magic and talking horsies, I’m sure weirder things have happened.”

Twilight giggled again, and the two of you went on strolling through the camp. It was far more quiet now that the sun had set, and aside from the occasional guardpony or servant flying overhead, you were alone as you made your way to the royal guest’s tent. Finally, at the top of a small hill overlooking a few smaller dwellings, you came to Twilight’s own.

“Hey,” Twilight said, a hoof pawing at the ground. Her ears were splayed back against her head, and you could see a fierce blush on her cheeks. She looked up at you, eyes radiant in the moonlight. “I - um - I was thinking. I-If you had an unexplained e-experience in your tent, it’s possible that it could happen again. I-it could be magical, maybe a leyline or an arcane fissure underground that caused it, and, well, it wouldn’t really be safe for you, I don’t think, to sleep there. So, do you think you might want to…” her voice trailed off, and you could tell she was anxious. “Do you want to spend the night in my tent?”

Your eyes widened. Was she seriously asking you to… “Oh, no!” Twilight gasped. “Nonono, not like that! I merely meant that we could snuggle, and my magic would keep you safe, just because we might be dealing with an unexplained magical phenomena that could pose a danger to you, and you’d be better off in my tent because I can cast a ward spell that would make sure nothing bad happens to you!”

Quickly, you put a hand up to shush Twilight. “Ah,” you chuckled nervously, your own blush mirroring the alicorn’s. “You… you want to snuggle? How’s that supposed to keep me safe?”

“Ohhh…” she groaned. “Well, maybe… we wouldn’t have to snuggle, but I just… I mean… the last few days when we’ve camped for the night, I’ve kind of liked it, and I guess I’ve just… gotten used to it, and…”

The thumping of your heart drowned out the rest of Twilight’s panicking speech. She… enjoyed snuggling you? Memories of warm downy wings wrapped around you and alicorn floof against your cheek flooded your mind; the scent of Twilight’s fur as you fell asleep and the calming beat of her heart serving as a lullaby, and… and she had liked it as much as you had? “I think…” you began, though you suddenly coughed as a lump had formed in your throat. “I think I’d like to snuggle you, Twilight.” You couldn’t help but grin as the alicorn’s ears flattened against her head, and a fierce blush tinged her cheeks. “To be honest, I’ve gotten used to it too.”

Enormous purple eyes looked up at you. Then, a smile. Wordlessly, Twilight used her magic to pull aside the flap of the tent, and an arcane pressure against your back commanded you to follow.

The tent was far more spacious than yours. A large, circular bed sat in the middle, covered in plush pillows and what looked to be sheets of silk. Around it, candles of various sizes sat on tables, giving off a shimmering glow that suggested a form of enchantment. Books littered the space; no doubt your adorable little companion had spent the hour before supper reading anything she could get her hands (well, her hooves) on.

Twilight’s wings flapped as she jumped on top of the bed, pulling the covers aside just long enough to slip inside, before she turned to you. “You coming?” She asked. You nodded, slipping out of your boots and gloves and shrugging off the cloak you had gotten used to. You were beginning to feel exposed, though Twilight’s wide gaze and happy grin warmed you to your core, even as a sudden breeze swept through the tent and sent a chill and a shiver through your body. Wordlessly, you sat down and wrapped the covers around you, and you tensed for a moment as a purple hoof wrapped around your chest and pulled you closer.

“Thank you,” Twilight whispered. “For agreeing to this. I don’t know if you know this, but… ponies are naturally a social species.” You rolled over, and saw the alicorn smiling at you. “We… we like to snuggle and be close to our friends, and… well, aside from the girls, I haven’t really been able to snuggle anypony else for a long time, so…” she trailed off, her eyes looking off unfocused somewhere in the corner of the tent. “You’re… you’re really comfy,” she finally said. “I mean you don’t have fluff like a pegasus, or the muscle of an earth pony, but you’re still… just so pleasant to hold!”

You chuckled. “If you call me plump, we’re going to have a problem. But… thanks. You’re, uh, nice to hold too. Very fluffy and warm, and I really, well, I really just enjoy falling asleep next to you.”

“Maybe we can have a sleepover or two once we get back to Ponyville,” Twilight said, and your heart fluttered at the idea of making this a regular occurrence. Even if you never told her your true feelings, that would easily suffice.

Twilight gave off a small, adorable yawn, and her eyes fluttered closed. “Good night,” she whispered. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

Gingerly, you brought your hand up to your chest, finding her hoof and taking it in your grasp. Thankfully, she didn’t pull away, and as your consciousness faded away, you gave it a small squeeze, relishing in the feeling of having the pony you adored close at hand.

In response, she pulled you just a little closer, and set her muzzle against the back of your neck, and you swore you could feel the faint pressure of a kiss against your skin as you fell asleep, just as you had on the trail.

Tomorrow, you decided.

You would tell her tomorrow.

Comments ( 23 )

Let's hope her brother doesn't walk in in the morning

That would be awkward

For her part, Cadance seemed to be enjoying the trip down memory lane as well, chiming in from time to time about the great times she had foalsitting the young Twilight when she had been a mere unicorn. Still, there were times when she’d pause - just for a moment, usually following an adorable tale from Twilight’s foalhood - to glance over at you, almost as if she were reading you, only to look away just as quickly. Not that you minded; Cadance wasn’t really creeping you out, but you couldn’t help but wonder what she was thinking about, or perhaps you wondered what she thought you were thinking about. It was an odd thought to have, and it didn’t make much sense to you. For a while, you swore you could see through her eyes, almost as if she were reading you like a book, observing every little move you made.

Wait I though she was a Pegasus before she got turned into an alicorn?!

For an hour or more, the four of you kept at it. Shining told you about his years as a foal growing up around Twilight. Cadance told you more about sitting for the young mare. You shared some distant memories of your own of growing up in middle class suburbia, what the human world was like and how different Equestria was to the old world you knew, but how glad you were to have found your way to it, and to Twilight. She had blushed at that, and had waved a hoof off at you and had told you how happy she was to have such a good friend. Cadance had glanced at Twilight then in the same way she had previously observed you, and you wondered what was going on in that pretty pink head of hers.

Meanwhile inside her head…

You get shipped, and you get shipped, everybody gets shipped

Twilight’s wings flapped as she jumped on top of the bed, pulling the covers aside just long enough to slip inside, before she turned to you. “You coming?” She asked.

Insert sex joke here

I do believe the "mere unicorn" section is in reference to Twilight, not Cadance.

You are correct. Sorry if I was a little unclear there :)

So glad you're continuing this!

To be honest here, I don't know how, but this story -even though it was already on my list of all time favorites,- does get better chapter by chapter, a really big thank you for that Spinner.

I know this longing and perseverance for THE affection can't go on forever without one or the other 'spilling the beans', but this is just too cute and adorable, so I'm really looking forward to see more!
Thank you again! :)

AAAAAAAAAAAA I LOVED THIS CHAPTER. Also yea Cadence being the princess of love and all fully knows that those two like each other. There’s no way she hadn’t figured that out

Do a song next chapter.


Thank you all so much <3 Your kind words mean a lot to me! I'm sorry it's been so slow updating. Dealing with a little burnout and some mental health issues at the moment, but I will keep going for you guys! I promise!

Maybe something from Gilbert & Sullivan

Comment posted by pokemaster deleted Aug 9th, 2022
Comment posted by pokemaster deleted Jul 21st, 2022

I know that you're not under any kind of obligation to publish chapters regularly, but I hope that you keep up the story. Looking forward to see more!

Excellent work. Believable, but with regular bouts of well-timed comedy. A joy to read until this point.

I was wondering, how big are ponies compared to humans in this fanfiction? A lot of authors never really specify the size difference in HIEs.

Come back to us 😭

Will he ever get to tell Twilight how he really feels?! Or will his feelings be lost to the sands of time! Find out NEXT TIME on ALWAYS. BY. YOUR SIDE!! .......maybe 😏

It's been a few months since I last wrote in here and while I was hopeful that I will not 'need' to write this down- deleted a message like this a few times as well- hoping every day that the next day and time there is going to be a change in terms of the general situation this magnificent story seems to halt.

First of all, I really hope you are okay Spinner, Life comes first obviously and yes, I believe you would have updated this one already, if you had the time, but still not knowing what's going on always causing reason for concern.

Hopefully it's not the case and simply you have been very busy with life and everything else, but I really hope we can hear about you soon...

I would like to mention it as well just to make sure really- but you probably know or expect it in some ways but I know for a fact that there are more than a few of us out there that are waiting patiently for this story to be back on track after that unbelievable good start and last few chapters, so don't think that we have already given up on this, because we didn't and I for one can not wait to see what's going to happen next.

This story is just tooooo cute to end like this after this great build up, so please if you can, don't leave as hanging in there. :twilightsmile:

Hi, will you continue with this story? the truth is that I like it a lot.

First of all, I really hope you are okay Spinner, Life comes first obviously and yes, I believe you would have updated this one already, if you had the time, but still not knowing what's going on always causing reason for concern.

I agree, your healt comes first no matter what! And even though it has been more than a year, we're still waiting you patiently. :twilightblush: Hope to see you again in next chapter! I really wonder how it'll be end (please be together please be together please be together please be together)

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