• Published 18th Feb 2022
  • 706 Views, 76 Comments

Neo-Equestrian Obstetrics - Kassaz

Amongst her other plans, Aryanne finds herself participating in some neo-Equestrian obstetrics.

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Chapter 1

Luna’s moon finished its journey to the West, out of view, making way for its solar counterpart in Celestia’s sun to dawn a new day on Equestria. Slowly, the gentle rays of light crept up on homes and through windows, stirring the ponies inside to wakefulness. Some ponies smiled, some frowned, some jumped out of bed, and yet others did their best to return to the realm of dreams. The ponies leisurely started their days, stovetop presses were primed with coffee, fillies and colts were awoken, and the little village of Ponyville started to bustle in tune with the other villages scattered over their peaceful world.

In one bed, in that little village of Ponyville, there were two lumps under the covers. The lumps weren’t lovers side-by-side, but they were a family. That lump lying higher, on a pillow, began to move, and the covers receded to reveal a mare with a white coat, blonde mane, and beautiful blue eyes, albeit bloodshot in the moment. Her name was Aryanne. Her neck twisted, wondering why the bed was colder than it should be, looking for her stallion, and fear set in when he wasn’t there. Now fully awake, she remembered that he was out on a campaign in the badlands and wouldn’t yet return for several more days. No longer was there reason to stay snuggled under the blankets, and a powerful rear kick cleanly sent them off her form, revealing that lower lump, her belly swollen with foal. Her cutie-mark was now visible, a pink heart with an odd swirl of a symbol on it, common to her family and a few others, but otherwise unknown. She preferred to think it represented good fortune, family, and pride in one’s nation. Her friends sometimes called it “the windmill of friendship”, and she liked that interpretation as well.

The lower lump radiated heat from the core of her being, and she smiled as she watched it rise and fall with her breathing, thoughts of what adorable colt or filly, and then proper stallion or mare, the foal inside would become raced through her mind. Did she bear a future stallion, brave like her husband, or a filly she would raise into a mare like herself; which half of love did she currently hold inside of her? These thoughts were made less romantic when she unceremoniously squished her belly, rolling over to stand up on the bed.

Her hindleg left the mattress and blindly tried to find flooring, and she found herself straddling the mattress, with her large middle making further movement difficult. She sucked in, planted a forehoof for leverage, and swung her other hindleg off. She started breathing again, now standing on her hindlegs, with her belly keeping her at the mattress and her forelegs hovering above it. Aryanne was a mare who had seen dragons, hydras, Cloudsdale, and it was nearly impossible to not catch glimpses of the gorgeous mountain city that was Canterlot; all of these creatures and places had their awesome sizes in common. It always befuddled the mare how her belly could somehow inspire that same equine feeling, when she knew full well it was actually quite small, albeit a big small. She supposed having her most personal spaces inhabited would do that. Errant reflection finished, she arched her back to get a rearing stance, and held it for the few seconds necessary to walk backwards and land on all four hooves with a bounce.

Soon enough she wouldn’t be carrying this foal inside of her, but on top of her. She grinned again and put a hoof on her dome. Her bedside antics hadn’t awoken the little one, so there was naught but a gentle stirring for now, but that would change soon. Somewhat solitary, scanning shelf, she saw the article of clothing she needed to wear if she were to leave the house, a bra, lest she leave puddles of milk for some cats to drink. No, that milk was for her foals only, sans some sexy sire shenanigans.

She bit the bra and sauntered over to set it on the wall, slinging it over a hook. Then she spun around to awkwardly thread a hindleg through the correct hole, followed by its twin to its twin. Now she was a still somewhat sleepy, pretty pregnant pony, bound by bra to the wall. Remembering previous times, she craned her neck to ensure she moved her poor tail down and out of the way. Knowing this was the easiest time for an Earth pony to adjust her clothing, she wiggled around until the bra didn’t irritate any nooks or crannies, folded any fur, or ruffled any of her rear.

All of the wiggling her rear began to remind her of the foal’s conception, and she was beginning to feel arousal build between her and the wall, but a proper mare didn’t start the day this way. She planted her forehooves firmly onto the floor, and bounced her behind, needing a few tries, to free the bra from hook and rest it on her rear end with an audible snap that helped further waken the mare.

Her stomach growled, provoking her progeny to prodding, perhaps playfully, she preferred to ponder, prodding in-turn to placate. She left the bedroom for the den, and there for a door to the outside. It was important for Equestrians to have their own gardens they could eat from. Generosity was an element of harmony, but ponies such as her also thought it could be most generous at times to avoid needing generosity in the first place, and if most everypony didn’t need it, that helped free it for those who truly did. Her eyes scanned the meticulously-arranged garden, settling on a carrot that looked particularly good to her that morning. Another growl, another kick, and another assuaging led her to chide herself. “Keep calm so I can carry on, little foal. I’m preparing our breakfast.”

Bending down to grab the carrot in her mouth, she pulled back, to more resistance than she’d expected. A hindleg not planted firmly enough slipped, and she landed on rump, bump on lap, and carrot in mouth. Love is war, and her little prisoner didn’t care for the sudden change of the world, with a hoofprint briefly becoming visible on the crest of her belly. A forehoof gently rubbed the bump into submission, and her gentle humming slowly lulled the foal back to stillness. She marveled at it again; sometimes it seemed like she was looking at part of a face, in herself, with her hindlegs making ears; she giggled at the silly thought.

A mare at her stage needs a wide berth to stand back up, which was of course easy to get in her garden. She needed to lean back and use momentum to get her forelegs on the ground easily. Again, her belly visibly shifted and changed shape with her change in orientation, no longer pressed so far out in front, but returned to sitting deeper inside and spreading out from her sides. With everything settled in, she felt the foal’s head resting too near to her bladder; looking around to verify nopony would see her, she oriented her body before relieving herself, legs spread. She could feel the foal’s head gain plenty of room, sighing the entire time. Looking around once more, it didn’t seem anypony saw her, not that it was strictly improper, but it’s when ponies rose above horses by gaining magic and learning how to use tools that they were to do away with the more egregious horsing around.

Her stomach protested again, and she decided not to cook anything fancy, opting to instead make some biscuits, clean the carrot, and eat them with some other fresh vegetables. Fortunately, there was enough leftover dough in her refrigerator for half a dozen. Letting her belly sway underneath, her forebody rested on the counter. She plopped the dough directly on the counter and started dividing it onto a skillet by hoof. Then, a generous layer of butter was slathered on. When finished, she dropped back down to put the skillet in the oven, but the sudden movement had her wait a moment for calm. “Calm down, little one, so I can put them in the oven.”

In sum, it was an uneventful breakfast and, in looking at a note she’d left for herself, she had plans for the day, at least.

That proud, particular, pregnant pony pranced through Ponyville’s pathways, as best a pregnant pony could, anyway. The dirt pathways of the small village were almost always pleasant to tread, allowing her to see the bustling of her fellow ponies going about their daily lives, taking care of their foals, and holding foals yet-to-be, as she was. This was a strong Equestrian village, and many like it made a strong Equestrian nation. The sun now shone much higher in the sky, and brought with it the heat. Far be it from ponies in the hoof an angry Celestia, it was merely the solar monarch in tandem with the weather teams of the nation beginning their preparations for summer, to bring the heat necessary for the transitions of life which depended on the season.

Whether weathering the weather would be worth this weather was something she’d rather not weather the weather to know, but she’d promised, and a dam does her damnedest to keep her promises. What she saw wasn’t so inspiring. What she knew was a dam worked hard to carry her burden and worked hard to the day she foaled, and if she had any complaints, she kept them to herself. She was standing in row with some other gravid dams of the village in some neo-Equestrian exercising ritual she didn’t fully understand. Why, several of the mares were even wearing leotards; they walked through the village dressed like that!

A fellow Earth pony mare was at the head of this herd, also pregnant, and had the decency to be naked for the event. The mare had a white coat, blue and pink mane, and her cutie-mark was a bun in an oven; Aryanne decided this would perhaps be a respectable event, deferring to the cutie-mark and burying her doubt, for now. Apparently, this was a pregnancy exercising meeting, with the goal being to help dams relax. She began to drop her saddlebags, when they were covered in a magical glow and gently lowered for her. She saw it was a unicorn helping some of the others, and Aryanne gave her a smile in appreciation.

The first exercise was sustained rearing, with the goal of working the barrel and flank. What a strange thing to do; acrobatics had never appealed to her on a personal level, and it would be even harder gravid so, but she wasn’t going to be the one standing out. Following the mare’s instructions, she took a deep breath; dug in her hindhooves, spaced apart rather than side-by-side; and pushed hard with forelegs. She found it less difficult to stay that way than expected, but could already begin to feel her muscles ache. Her wide womb, already hard as a rock, was tightened considerably, and she felt her foal kick at her from being sucked inside by the contraction of muscles. Her hindlegs felt fine compared to her flank, which seemed to hold all of the stress that wasn’t in her middle. It wasn’t even a minute before they lowered back down, some more gently than others, and rested before starting to rear again.

After rearing came “poga”, or whatever it was called. Compared to the rearing, it seemed simple; they were simply going to stretch out, whilst balancing, and perform some breathing exercises. The mare at the head was going through some poses they could copy, and she saw some variations between the tribes. Some pegasi balanced solely on their forelegs, using their wingspan in lieu of legs to balance themselves, and Aryanne noticed at least one with her teats sagging, parted by belly, and leaving a small line of milk leaking down from one. A few unicorns were balancing on just one leg, using magic to hold themselves upright. No matter, she would use the Earth pony pose, using diagonal legs.

Her right foreleg stretched out straight from her form, pointing towards the sky, and her left hindleg stretched aimlessly behind her. As she was one of the last mares to pose, it was seconds before the mare at the head instructed them on how to breathe.

Aryanne slowly breathed in as much as she could, and then slowly let it leave her; she could feel her joints stretch out, just a tad. Unbeknownst to her and some of the other mares, they were still holding little bundles of stress in their bellies, but the head mare noticed, and explained to them how to simply close their eyes and try to stop thinking about whatever was bothering them in life, and to let that stress leave them as well.

Aryanne closed her eyes and thought of her husband. She was worried that he was okay, that he would return in time for the foaling, that he would return at all. She grit her teeth. No, he was simply working with the guard to build a small settlement near the border, and so slightly expand Equestria’s territory; he would return. She thought about him holding their foal, and about making the next, and her belly loosened to hang more freely beneath her, as it slowly did for several of the other mares. Of course, her brood brought back her immediate focus with a kick to her most private parts. “Calm down, little one, mommy is just trying to relax.” One kick felt as if it hit the apex of her belly from the inside, and she felt some pain she’d not felt before, albeit minor. She stopped to dive her head between legs and inspect what pain her progeny had produced. “Oh, I’m an outie now.”

After that came the most preposterous exercise, they were expected to lie on their backs and jut their bellies up. Aryanne snorted, but she’d come this far, and cutie-marks didn’t lie, so she again cast aside her doubt and trusted the expertise of the mare at the head, who she’d by now recalled as the town’s surrogate and primary midwife. It was a respectable job, doing such a marely task only a marely mare can make do, and, if anypony, she probably knew what she was talking about when it came to relieving back pain.

Aryanne knelt with the others to then fall to her side, and then struggled to use her legs to rotate herself onto her back. It was impossible to see the mare giving the instructions now, instead seeing an upside-down world of heavy bellies and legs surrounding her, but she followed the instructions and watched as the pose propagated throughout the herd. She sucked in air, clenched her rear, and slowly managed to curve her spine outwards, watching the crest of her belly transition from merely blocking her view of most things, to overwhelming her vision. As her belly reached its apogee, she actually found it rather easy to hold the position. It truly was relaxing in its own way, she could feel it doing something to her back. It felt her foal was still cradled by her inner nooks and crannies, but at the same time they felt less concave, and it almost felt like the foal was balancing on her, rather than within her.

Aryanne wasn’t aware the surrogate was walking through the crowds until she’d reached her. The first thing she noticed about the mare from this angle was how large she was in comparison; surely she was gestating gemini. “Mind if I give you a quick check-up as part of the meeting, sweetheart?” Aryanne didn’t mind. The mare Aryanne now knew as Bundle Joy, placed a forehoof at the top of her swell and started pressing in lightly. Aryanne rolled her eyes at hearing if the foal was in line with her spine, it was probably a filly, and if wide with her womb, likely a colt, but let the mare feel her up anyway. The mare reached over middle and pressed in lightly, slowly dragging her hoof to the other end; then she gently placed her hoof at the point where her burden now jutted out from her body, and dragged it down the middle to the other side. The mare made no effort to avoid Aryanne’s navel, and the odd sensation of hoof on the delicate region had her shudder, almost falling over; fortuitously or not, Bundle Joy pressed in a tad deeper to help steady her before removing her hoof. Then she continued poking and prodding in the far half of her belly, spending some extra time feeling around more deeply there. “Well congratulations, it seems there’s a little filly sleeping in here, and she’s already facing her entrance into the world!”

What a thought, that Aryanne’s exit would be her daughter’s entrance, not that this mare really knew it was a filly. Still, she couldn’t help but smile at the mare, despite not really wanting to.

Soon enough the event was over; Aryanne was ready to leave immediately for other things, but a thoughtful pegasus had taken the time to fly a cloud over and kick some rain out of it, which the other mares were walking through to cool down. She’d dry off in minutes with this heat, so she gladly took a walk through with the others. Her largest regret was there didn’t seem to be anything an Earth pony could do to help in-turn, but the instructor had been an Earth pony, so she supposed it truly was an all-Equestrian affair.

Aryanne could be obstinate all she wanted, but had to admit to herself that the experience had left her feeling better than before. She more easily made the trek to her sister’s house, and pushed the door open to be greeted by several of her nieces and nephews, who barrelled towards her from their spying spot at the windowsill. Being heavily pregnant and swarmed by knee-high young made it difficult to carefully walk around without stepping on anypony. With sufficient space underneath and behind her, without any ponies in the way, she allowed her hindlegs to collapse and saddlebags to slide off. They clung to her belly well, but a gentle sway freed them, and then got caught on her behind to her chagrin; she wiggled her rear until the cheeky display had the bags parted over her and falling on the ground. She couldn’t help but blush, one of the younger fillies had imitated her. She turned to face her saddlebags to see one of the colts with his head in one side, prying to see what his “Auntie Aryanne” had brought for them. Why, she never treated her elders this way. All of those memories she had of doing just that were just placed there by a rogue agent of the moon; it was a conspiracy!

She gently guided the colt’s head out of her saddlebag and, since she didn’t have much in them today, found it easier to knock the bag over, grab it in her mouth, and dump its contents on the floor. Along with an apple, a water pouch, and a neatly-tied paper bag of shortcake cookies, there fell out an old book; her nod was all the approval the little ones needed to open the bag and start distributing the treats amongst themselves. The mare chuckled, and took the book in mouth, then walking over to plop down on the sofa; she could’ve rested the book on her paunch, but decided to lie on her side to afford her forequarters more room to read the book. The foals gathered around, nibbling on their treats. Before she started, some of the brood noticed something different about her, with one of the fillies realizing and asking about her now convex belly button. The second sphere poking out far to rest on that much larger hadn’t earned much attention from her, and she explained that just happened to some pregnant mares. The little filly asked if hers was going to poke out too, looking down at it as if expecting that to happen any moment, and Aryanne added to that adorable distress by telling her it would, were she lucky.

She turned to “The Princess and the Knight”, that classic tale of a brave knight being saved by a beautiful princess; some say, she told them, that it was a tale of true events. She smiled the entire time she read to them, not just for what she was doing then, but in entertaining the thoughts of having similar experiences with her own foals someday, and them in this crowd with their cousins. She would do her part to make Equestria even stronger and even greater than it already was, and she wouldn’t want it any other way.

Copyright 2020,2022 Kassaz
Verbatim copying and redistribution of this document is permitted.

Author's Note:

Hello. I hope my story was enjoyed. It was slightly shorter than I would’ve preferred, and I had much less time to research the characters, plan, proofread, and edit than I usually do, since I learned about this art pack with merely two days to spare before the deadline. Anyone who has read my other stories should see plenty of my prior work in this. I seriously considered not using my pseudonym for this story, fearing some form of retaliation, but decided against that and to try my best with the time I had. I disagree with Derpibooru’s censorship; all rules a forum has are technically censorship, but it’s important to distinguish rules which are calm, clear, and consistent from those that are varying, vague, and vindictive. If Derpibooru had started out with the recent rules, there wouldn’t have been such an uproar, but pulling the rug out from others once it had a critical mass of users is the main crime here. I don’t want to ramble at the end of my story, so I’ll end by writing I’ll never forget the fun I had with /mlp/, I stand against this censorship, and I love pregnant ponies.

Comments ( 76 )

Oh, sweet God Empress Twilight. Not this thing again.

This put a smile on my face, thank you.

Memes never die, they're merely forgotten.

Oh no...

Anti-censorship, into pregnant ponies, mentions hanging out on /mlp/? I love you, bro :rainbowwild:

Comment posted by Mkchief34 deleted Feb 19th, 2022

You know what would be interesting? A story where Aryanne finds herself in Equestria, and finds everything to be so vastly different from Nazi Germany she literally thinks she's in Hell. A brightly colored, overly sugary sweet Hell that she has no hope of ever escaping from, and wishing it was all fire and brimstone instead, because then it would at least be fitting.

I'll go one step beyond. Anything that has to do with real world politics shouldn't be on this site, regardless of what those politics promote.

This doesn't seem to be that, though. This is like 95 percent cute preggo ponyshit, aside from the coverart and choice of OC. I think at most, the picture icon could be swapped to avoid drama, but I have made at least one controversial cover art shitpost fic in the past, so I don't wanna be a hypocrite about it. As far as internet content goes that involves Aryanne, I've seen much MUCH worse.

I think that Aryanne as an OC was at it's peak pre 2017, when 99.5 percent of the people who drew her were clearly not racists or antisemites. Now it's like maybe 60 or 70 percent and the fun is ruined a little. It was really funny when the gag was that Aryanne was a self hating unicorn supremacist who was an earth pony, and 99 percent of the content wasn't pro anything and was just funnt.

Well then the best course of action is not to cower and retreat in fear from the Nazi Pony like she's capable of causing real world harm that directly impacts others, but rather to double down on the shitpost approach and make anything related to Nazi symbolism come to be regarded as the most pathetic, laughable joke imaginable. Do to the ideology what was done to Slenderman and remove any aspect of power it might've originally had, to the point the swastika gets laughed at.

Ignoring hate doesn't make it go away, it just get stronger. Instead it has to be opposed and mocked and reduced to a pale shadow of its former self, forced to collapse in on itself like a dying star to the point even its own supporters are willing to abandon it because it can no longer provide them with what they want/need.

Pretty good story man, it was a nice slice of life fic that despite the controversial character was short, sweet, simple and wholesome.

I don't know much about the Aryanne controversy or character, but this fic is good, lighthearted, wholesome, and steers away from any ideology.

>Fetish fuel fic has lots of downvotes
>It's Aryanne

SJWs on FimFic are always mad. Faggots on here keep trying to turn this place into Twitter or ReeeesetEra.

To put Aryanne simply, this is her usual style.


She's just fetish fuel and a troll job concocted by the My Little Pony board on 4chan. Nothing actually wrong here, but it enrages the fuck out of social justice moralfags who keep trying to claim a picture like this promotes Nazism, which it doesn't. There's a lot of porn of her, including a lot of "striped" content.

Ah. Thank ya for the answer

In just the same way, my shit gets downvote spammed for having the gall to make the main character trans, so you can cry that people are allowed to downvote crappy nazi impregnation stories.

Well what can you really expect from people who believe rude words and disagreeing with them are the same thing as being physically assaulted? They coined the notion of words being violence. They also coined the notion that silence was violence, meaning that if you don't actively speak out against and protest something, then your silence means you condone what you're not protesting.

Let's just face facts. No matter where you might go, there's assholes to be found everywhere. Sometimes they're hiding under a rock, sometimes they are the rock.

Hey m8 you're only allowed to use the word faggot if you enjoy sucking dicks or taking it up the ass and I don't really picture you enjoying either given our past interactions.

As a bi person, I'll give him the f word pass, printed and laminated, but ONLY if he gives me 100 dollars. I'm sorry. I like money.

I think it's cringe when people downvote a story either way just because the main character is trans or Aryanne or whatever while ignoring any merit of the story. That being said, this Aryanne impreg story is WAY more cringe than anything I ever read that you wrote. I think that downvotes should be about the quality of the story. Look at the Aryanne story with 1000 upvotes from 2014 for example. It's funny and good, so very little downvotes. This Aryanne impreg story right here? This is not like that, so I can see why it's downvoted to shit. I've wrote at least one story in the past with bleh reception that has Aryanne as a character, but I undersrand why they didn't hit and are probably my worst short works on this site.

Fuck I want $100 too.

Can I prostitute myself to you in exchange for the $100 he gives you?


Don't be a bigot.

Comment posted by Bendy deleted Feb 19th, 2022
Wydril #26 · Feb 19th, 2022 · · 3 ·


In just the same way, my shit gets downvote spammed for having the gall to make the main character trans, so you can cry that people are allowed to downvote crappy nazi impregnation stories.

Out of curiosity, I checked to see if what you said was true, as taking people at face value about victimization on the Internet is always a risky move but harassment like that should still be stopped. As it turns out, none of your published stories show any signs of "downvote spamming". In fact, this story has already gotten as many downvotes in five hours as the single lowest up:down ratio story you have received in total over three months. The ratio of 288:56 seems just a little different than 11:51, you have to agree; twenty-six times as different. There's also no sign that any of the downvotes to your story were because of you making your main character trans, and there's not a single comment out of the 312 comments it has arguing that it's okay to hate, silence, or "downvote spam" you or your story for any reason at all.

So no, your "shit" doesn't get "downvote spammed". It's hypocritical and hateful of you to approve of and encourage harassment of authors and stories for any purpose, reason, or excuse. Out of respect for where we are and what MLP is about, try showing some empathy for your fellow human beings.

So sorta like Frieza sitting in the cocoon in his own little slice of hell is essentially what you're saying

Oh yeah, 288:56, only a 20% ratio on a serious story that was not trying to bait people into reading and commenting due to controversy. None of my other stories have that high of a ratio because none of the rest are about an obviously trans MC. Not trying to click bait or troll or do anything other than tell the story of a trans girl, and yet it has a 1:5 ratio of dislikes by people who obviously didn't read the story because they hate seeing trans topics in their stories. The only other story of mine with a 1:5 dislike ratio is a story with 300 views talking about being sad. I've written stories of poorer quality that dozens of comments have told me is poor quality that have twice the upvote ratio, versus this which has not one bad comment on the writing. Obviously something stands out here. I wonder what it is?

You're right though, I should have sympathy for a story that's obviously a troll fic trying to bait people into arguing and get downvotes. Damn, poor me. I should've known better. Cry about your downvoted nazi shit.

Also, here you go, a whole list of comments downvoted for no other reason than they said my character is trans or mentioned something about trans people, whether directly or indirectly. Now you're officially allowed to cry that a story baiting people into downvoting it was downvoted.


It's not even real Nazi shit. That's the beauty of Aryanne. It's a character that's representative of a taboo fetish that even her creators don't take seriously. She's performing wonderfully at her job. Pissing off most everyone and raking in the tears. It's literally the "Here's a Pony, now your day is ruined" meme. :rainbowlaugh: Got harassed out of a Right-winger's discord by posting ponies. Pissed off a bunch of Lefties in another one with Aryanne. She's the best pony shit-post!

For your trans characters\fics, outside social media echo chambers, I'll give a secret. Nobody actually likes trans or LGWhatever people. Watching other media with trans characters, it almost always ends up coming out as "I'm the author's social\political mouthpiece come Mary Sue and you better shut up and listen." From personal experience, the majority of trans folk, people from these "communities", and their fanboys always come off as shrill narcissistic assholes. Many of them usually massive perverts or predators who act like children and scream "I'm such a victim!" whenever someone doesn't pander to them. I really started hating these people when they started demanding respect at the point of a gun saying "use the made up pronoun\identity or else". No, that's the best way to lose respect, and all those people can get fucked with an uncut pineapple. (BTW, the old-school man-hating Feminists and TERFs are going to win in the end. Female privilege and bullying is a very real thing. :rainbowlaugh: Enjoy the sexual civil war!)

My post is a genocide. :sans_undertale:

Honestly, I'd prefer the people that believe in that stuff just go ahead and be banned. Or mocked to hell and back. Because you know they'll start screaming Murder when you make any kind of off-color joke. I've seen these people actually try to logic that a Joke endorses Rape Culture. It's like listening to someone trying to explain how eating meat endorses the Patriarchy and enslaves women. (Not making that last part up either. There's a video of this old vegan Feminist trying to explain it at a university. It was the funniest shit because you can tell everybody in the audience was desperately trying to hold in their laughter.)

So if using words is tied to a group, if I use Nigger Kike Wetback, I can officially call myself a black Jewish Mexican? :rainbowderp:

Wydril #31 · Feb 19th, 2022 · · 2 ·

Emphasis mine.

Oh yeah, 288:56, only a 20% ratio on a serious story that was not trying to bait people into reading and commenting due to controversy. None of my other stories have that high of a ratio because none of the rest are about an obviously trans MC. Not trying to click bait or troll or do anything other than tell the story of a trans girl, and yet it has a 1:5 ratio of dislikes by people who obviously didn't read the story because they hate seeing trans topics in their stories.

As I said, I had already checked to see if what you said was true. That's how I also know that this statement is false as well, in several ways. The first and smallest is of course you using "20%": 56/288 comes out at as 0.19444, 19.4%, which would correctly round down to 19%, but you decided to exaggerate the truth ever so slightly to benefit your claim. As I said, it is the smallest way this statement was false, and I'm all but certain you're going to focus on that one as an excuse to ignore everything else, but it certainly continues a trend! The second and third ways are that Beyond Me features a trans MC and has a ratio of 432:54, (0.125, 12.5%, 13%), and that Looking for Attention features a trans MC and has a ratio of 17:2, (0.11764, 11.7%, 12%). The fourth way is that your story with the highest ratio is actually How She Feels, which does not have any trans characters at all and has a ratio of 21:7, (0.33333, 33.3%, 33%).

It's very interesting how you claim to know exactly what the motivations are of people who've never spoken or commented about them on your stories. It's certainly convenient for you to say that you do; any flaws in writing or plot development or typing style, the usual kinds of reasons authors receive criticism and downvotes on stories, are all swept under the rug of mindless hatred by a faceless, shapeless monster under the bed who slowly downvotes your stories in paradoxical silence based solely on their topic. Well, one out of three stories, supposedly.

The kind of hatred that you're espousing right now, actually, with the exceptions that you're not being silent about it and are including people in its scope. You're openly approving and encouraging its use, not only by yourself but by anyone else who wants to, and you're happy to do so as long as it hurts the right people. Just look at how it's written, and who the characters are! They were practically asking for it, right?

You're right, I should have sympathy for a story that's obviously a troll fic trying to bait people into arguing and get downvotes. Damn, poor me. I should've known better. Cry about your downvoted nazi shit.


Everyone gets downvoted to hell when they write about controversial material. Nazi stories are not the exception. If you expected this story to be anything other than downvoted based on it's subject matter, then you must be the most optimistic person in existence. If you somehow take me (effectively) saying "get over that your nazi trollfic was downvoted to hell" as "please harass the author or downvote the story" then you need to reread the context of what I said or explain to me how you could possibly think I mean that.

Believe me, the people in my comments will tell me if there are flaws in my writing. They'll point out "I hate that you wrote X character this way" or "Celestia and Twilight are OOC" or "You're writing the caricature of a Christian character" or "the plot is paced very poorly and I'm gonna stop reading because your writing is bad". I've received 1k word comments on exactly how my writing is piss poor, and have applied that criticism to future writing. I got not one comment about those things. I was not born yesterday. I can guess where the majority of those dislikes came from.

Looking For Attention has 188 views, not 3k. Also, Asher from Beyond Me is closer to being gender-swapped than trans, as he does not like being a girl in the slightest and in the story condemned trans rights as well as told a trans character off for being trans... 50k words in. It was not obvious what the themes of that story would be for the first 8-9 chapters, and that story is not explicitly about being trans as COOMC is, which you can tell just reading the description of COOMC and the first chapter.

The kind of hatred that you're espousing right now, actually, with the exception that you're not being silent about it. You're openly approving and encouraging its use, not only by yourself but by anyone else who wants to, and you're happy to do so as long as it hurts the right people. Just look at how it's written, and who the characters are! They were practically asking for it, right?

I did not say for people to downvote this story, nor have I myself downvoted it as I haven't read it. I only said cry about it because everyone gets shit on for writing about controversial themes. The difference is this one is being blatant about its controversial themes, so what the fuck do you expect? A parade of upvotes?


It's hypocritical and hateful of you to approve of and encourage harassment of authors and stories for any purpose, reason, or excuse.

I will admit, I glanced over this line in your last reply, but now that I see it, I once again ask where I encouraged the author to be harrassed. I did not do such a thing, nor would I ever do such a thing. How you take me saying "cry about your crappy nazi story being downvoted" as saying, "I not only approve of harassment but actively encourage it" is absolutely outstanding, almost to the point where the only way you could think that would be if you thought that of anyone who had a disagreement with you about your worldview. I thought it would be fairly obvious that the word "cry" was a stand in for saying "get over", but since you didn't know that before, let me make it clear now that that's what that is. It's a wonder how you take that to mean harass the author.

Get over that this story is downvoted. Everyone gets downvoted to hell. This is not the exception. I don't have sympathy though for a story that's so blatantly asking to be downvoted. If you take that as me saying everyone should down vote it and harass the author, then you're a silly individual and you should reread what I said. I called this Nazi shit, but I also called my own shit shit. How you take that to mean anything other than what I directly said is lost on me. Other commenters took my words exactly as intended. How did you miss the mark so badly?

Edit: Funny that you ignored me showing you comments on my story downvoted for no other reason than it mentions or hints about something dealing with being trans.

Wait, isn't this character a Natzi?


Believe me, the people in my comments will tell me if there are flaws in my writing. They'll point out "I hate that you wrote X character this way" or "Celestia and Twilight are OOC" or "You're writing the caricature of a Christian character" or "the plot is paced very poorly and I'm gonna stop reading because your writing is bad". I've received 1k word comments on exactly how my writing is piss poor, and have applied that criticism to future writing. I got not one comment about those things. I was not born yesterday. I can guess where the majority of those dislikes came from.

No, you've decided where they came from so you can claim to be a victim of it. I was not born yesterday either.

Looking For Attention has 188 views, not 3k. Also, Asher from Beyond Me is genderswapped, not trans, and in the story condemned trans rights as well as told a trans character off for being trans... 50k words in. It was not obvious what the themes of that story would be for the first 8-9 chapters, and that story is not explicitly about being trans as COOMC is, which you can tell just reading the description of COOMC and the first chapter.

But one of your comments there describes how the theme was put back on track despite that:

Celestia told Asher before that she thinks a worldgate brought him here and that he's supposed to be a girl because worldgates are never wrong and know the contents of your heart.

Line break. This space intentionally left blank to separate quote boxes.

The kind of hatred that you're espousing right now, actually, with the exception that you're not being silent about it. You're openly approving and encouraging its use, not only by yourself but by anyone else who wants to, and you're happy to do so as long as it hurts the right people. Just look at how it's written, and who the characters are! They were practically asking for it, right?

I did not say for people to downvote this story, nor have I myself downvoted it as I haven't read it. I only said cry about it because everyone gets shit on for writing about controversial themes. The difference is this one is being blatant about its controversial themes, so what the fuck do you expect? A parade of upvotes?

What you said was, "In just the same way, my shit gets downvote spammed for having the gall to make the main character trans, so you can cry that people are allowed to downvote crappy nazi impregnation stories." Emphasis mine. So yes, you did say that, and you justified doing it because you claimed it happened to you, while we've demonstrably proven that nothing like this story's reception happened to you. You simply used the 'right' label for the ends to justify the means.

I told you exactly what I expect. "Out of respect for where we are and what MLP is about, try showing some empathy for your fellow human beings."

Get over that this story is downvoted. Everyone gets downvoted to hell. This is not the exception. I don't have sympathy though for a story that's so blatantly asking to be downvoted. If you take that as me saying everyone should down vote it, then you're a silly individual and you should reread what I said. I called this Nazi shit, but I also called my own shit shit. How you take that to mean anything other than what I directly said is lost on me.

The concern for me has been your action of lying and claiming false victimhood to justify hatred and harassment of others, and the attitude behind those actions. Aside from potentially reaching the arbitrary point where the story has its comments and ratings disabled, the downvotes themselves are quite unimportant compared to the intent.

Edit: Funny that you ignored me showing you comments on my story downvoted for no other reason than it mentions or hints about something dealing with being trans.

That post was not present when I began typing my previous reply, even though from your tone it seems you "guessed" my motivation for me.

Your image was of six comments out of three hundred and twelve, posted over a four day period that is now two-and-a-half months previous. Three of which received two downvotes, one of which received three downvotes, and two of which received four downvotes. All but one of which still had a positive ratio, and none of which had replies stating the reason for those downvotes as such, else you'd have posted those as well. That is your conclusive proof of downvote spamming by people gripped with hatred because your main character was trans? I'm going to quote my first line from this post.

No, you've decided where they came from so you can claim to be a victim of it.


The concern for me has been your action of lying and claiming false victimhood to justify hatred and harassment of others, and the attitude behind those actions.

If you believe I'm lying in my claims and believe I'm looking for victimhood in saying that everyone gets downvoted on their stories and using my story as an example, then there's no conversation that can be had. If you believe that I'm trying to justify people being hated or harassed when I've directly said I'm not, then my words are falling on blind eyes. There's no way I can argue against the ill intent you believe I have or say "I meant X" when you say "you did not mean X". If you believe you know my motivations when I've stated what my motivation was directly, then all I can say is that I hope you don't do the same to others in future disagreements. There's no way to have a conversation if you disbelieve what someone meant when they say otherwise.

That post was not present when I began typing my previous reply, even though from your tone it seems you "guessed" my motivation for me.

You're right. I did guess your motivation. I should not have done that. I apologize.

It's hardly political, though. If it was any other character, everyone would still be wanking to it.

Have you actually read it? :facehoof: Also, as long as something isn't against the rules, it definitely should be here. If we start banning stuff, one day someone may think it's time to ban you.

I must be a curious case, I'm fine with Aryanne fics and I also wrote a trans fic (and I'm slowly writing a sequel). Still, I switched off voting until it fell out of the new column to weed out the mouthbreathing "monke sees girldick, monke clicks downvote" retards. As it turns out, the enraged morons will rather downvote comments on the fic, comments on your page, and any other fic, but won't comment on it. I guess they're too dumb to put a sentence together.
As an aside, 90% of trans stories on this site are crap. Like, it's usually author's self-insert either preaching to the reader or going "woe is me". Most of the authors, when writing a trans character, focus too much on the trans part and not on the character part. If I wanted to look at a boring faggot, I'd get a mirror, tbdesu.

We're on a pony fanfiction site, some level of faggotry is probably required.


I think it's cringe when people downvote a story either way just because the main character is trans or Aryanne or whatever while ignoring any merit of the story

True. I'm getting this a lot because I don't give a shit and write the sickest stuff while trying to maintain some semblance of quality. Still, I'm fine with downvotes. It means my fics worked.

One last thing:

But one of your comments there describes how the theme was put back on track despite that:

Celestia told Asher before that she thinks a worldgate brought him here and that he's supposed to be a girl because worldgates are never wrong and know the contents of your heart.

The comment you're referencing is from the chapter "Raw Nerves", which is 100k words in. The comment itself is referencing events after around the chapter "Flying High", which is 50k words in. As far as I can tell, the first direct mention of dysphoria and being kinder to trans people came about 40k words in. I know the first mention of even LGBT issues didn't come up until "Lofty Dreams And Apparent Holidays", which is about 10k words in, something that took up only 3-4 paragraphs at most.

This is all I have left to say on the matter. I do hope you can change your perspective and not assume ill intent of those who stated directly that they have no such thing and would not do such a thing as say to harass the author. It's a cheap way to win an argument and silence opposing opinions quickly.

I did write a trans story, but I specifically wrote it as just trans and nothing else, because all I saw was people pushing those issues to the side like they didn't exist. In essence, I wrote the trans story I wanted to read but never got to. All I ever saw was gender swap ponies that talk about it for a couple of chapters then never again or stories where it's "suddenly" revealed a character is trans despite expressing no outward signs. It was annoying as heck to me so I took a month to write out a 70k word story on my own that did nothing else but focus on MCs transness. Everything else with trans characters I've seen outside of Homebrew feels like they're either Mary Sue, express hardly any discomfort with their assigned gender, or feels like the caricature of a trans person or what trans people go through.

But yeah. Write something controversial, whether about trans people or nazis, and it's gonna get downvote bombed. It's silly to get upset about it when it happens to literally everything.

Pretty much. Except there wouldn't be any cocoon.

This whole unfolding discussion reminds me a lot of the drama brought up by any story relating to Mare-Do-Well. People either love it or hate it, there's no in between with them.

Ironically it was a Mare-Do-Well story that got me interested enough in the FIM fandom to give it a try.


For your trans characters\fics, outside social media echo chambers, I'll give a secret. Nobody actually likes trans or LGWhatever people.


Nobody wants to say it for fear of being ostracized, but it's true. All the good will that was amassed over time was pissed away within the past 10 years once children were set upon to be propagandized to, and trans people were pushed up by astroturfed corporate-funded campaigns to erase the concept of biological human males and females. Face it. You all overstretched your social power, and you didn't have anything to actually fight for. So new targets at the expense of social harmony had to be invented. The sane people are going back into the closet because they don't want to be associated with the freak show that's become of non-straights.

He's clearly too busy sucking his own dick to successfully pleasure another man

I can no longer comfortably associate with you. Goodbye.


Holy shit. Johnny got a friendship crushed in real time?


Any further thoughts about LGBT folk you wanna share?

Does your large bruised ego need a gentle stroke?

And? You poor baby. You make preggo fetish fics and we only talked once because I said your fics was chronologically fucked.

Do your crumbling relationships need a bad aid?

This is a fiction website. Not Discord.

You hate LGBT people.
You're a cunt.
And when you're old and on your death bed,
You're gonna die a cunt too.

You're the very example why normal people dont like LGBTs or their fanboys. You're an egotistical grandstanding little kid that thinks he's saving people by being a total shit heel on social media. Your lack of self awareness of how you come off is precious.

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