• Member Since 24th Dec, 2020
  • offline last seen Yesterday




It all happened when I met her...

If, in another world, I could possibly be the one to walk you off into the sunset?

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 16 )

great job on story

AMAZINGGGG I have no words!

Thanks so much! :pinkiehappy:

A good one shot romance.

This story sounds like it needs a tragedy/sad tag. Why isn't there one?

Oh well. I'll add it right now, thanks for pointing it out :twilightsheepish:

you should republish this story in valentines day and called it "twilight cucked by her brother"

This was a little wierd... but really fun too.

Liked the premise.

Ngl stupid Rarity made me laugh too.

Weird how? :rainbowhuh: Glad u still found it fun tho

I suppose in the sense of how aggressive Twilight is. She seemed really... Angry? Lol she never got it off her chest either.

I did enjoy it, though.

I suppose she did seem rather passive-aggressive but only because she was upset. I'm glad you enjoyed it though

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