• Member Since 15th Aug, 2020
  • offline last seen May 21st


oh god help they're keeping me in a cage and making me write fanfiction


The End of Harmony, once shrouded in mystery and uncertainty, is at last bought to light through a series of letters discovered in the shattered ruins of a castle long abandoned to the earth.

Yet those letters reveal not just a lost history, but an uncomfortable truth that puts to rest a mythos millennia in the making, to part space for something new.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 29 )

This is just a short little story I knocked out in a few hours for fun, hope it holds up well.

A powerful story; simple yet all the more amazing for it.

"Please. Have you ever seen Sprout's hoofwriting? I could decipher a letter written by an angry manticore with a thorn in its paw." He cleared his throat. "You want me to read it to you?"

Lol I get it that was one of Fluttershy's first test during season 1

Well this should be very interesting and it looks like sunny and hitch found the castle of friendship again it sees Better Days and they went inside the castle and they found a letters which surprisingly those things survive a thousand years but whatever I wonder what it says let's check them out

I guess Applejack and Rainbow are doing okay and I'm surprised that Applejack gave the farm to sugar belle and big mac but at least they're in good hands

Ohh according to Rarities letter whatever they found in the cave it looks like the Pegasus and unicorns are getting a little hostile it with each other especially with the jems oh dear

Oh no apparently what my boss said that the unicorns basically knew about the cave in navigate them warning and that leads up to the death of some of the Wonderbolts now rainbow is pretty Furious now and this probably will break the trust between the tribes

Boy reading these letters is starting to get much much worse according to Pinkie Pie the Pegasus are starting to abandon their home and going somewhere else which that would be the creation of zephyr Heights and starting to have less trust with other tribes and apparently both rainbow and Applejack have heated argument with each other and now no not talking to each other it's getting really bad and it's really making me sad seeing this all happen like that

To be honest this is getting a little depressing but then again I saw sad tag so I should have saw this so according to Fluttershy the Pegasus would not listen for any reasons and apparently Rarity and the other unicorns are going to the everfree forest which that bring us to bridlewood in the future and apparently both of them have the two crystals what we saw in the movie but still it's kind of depressing that the main six are not good term with each other at least some of them at least

Oh man poor Twilight she felt like she felt that she let everybody down the Pegasus and the unicorns and Earth Ponies are going at each other and I think this is even worse back in before Hearts warming eve or worse than season 9 finale when they argue with each other and that's how them magic disappeared it's inside the three crystals so they won't abuse their magic ability against each other but still what a way to end something like that 😭

Ah swear this self-writing quill is playing tricks on me. Well, if it wants to play it that way, fine.

I was confused about what a self-writing quill is, so I searched it. Apparently it's a Harry Potter reference.

Okay so some sort of wealth that's causing the races to try and claim it for themselves, maybe to do with how things were before the unification of the three races?

Ok now as good as the story is which it was definitely pretty good writing there I would not like to think the main problem of the three tribes happened during the main six been alive when this is all happening because it's already been depressing that is happening and I really don't want to print them as the cost of it and I would say it all happened when they were all gone like passed on but as they say not everybody is perfect things will not go as they thought it well sometimes paranoia anger gets the best of us even if we can't change the past we can always look forward in the future again this was a pretty good story keep up the good work and I really hope that's just a theory

Ah hope you and Spike are doing well. Mount Everhoof is bigger than I ever dreamed, but it's mighty cold to hoof! It's always a little lonely, being so far from home, but you know what Rainbow's like,

It's okay, but I think I like it better when Harmony fades after Twilight and the others are gone, not during their own time.

Me too I don't like to assume that everything fell apart during their time

I loved this story, it may have been somewhat short, but it delivered what all fics should on this site. A story. Lots of fics make token efforts at storytelling, and focus on crossovers, epicness, and other such nonsense. In the middle of that chaos of characters and events, the story is lost. Meanwhile this fic is entirely storytelling in its purest form. Writing, from one person to another, the direct interaction of thoughts between characters, and it's heartwarming. The mane six get turned into realistic people as they show that even the paragons of virtue of their world can have flaws. Meanwhile this all happens in the ancient past while still affecting the present. I highly recommend any who tread the comments to read this thing at least once, and to do so quickly instead of stuffing this fic in the dreaded "read it later" folder where stories hang in limbo for years before being experienced.

I rather like the idea of their having failed so comprehensively that they were aware of it.

Well done! Glad to see more headcanon around this!

Everything set in Twilight's time was great. It's a well written and plausible explanation for what happened to the magic.

My only criticism is the talk of history class in the first chapter. I struggle to believe that a society as xenophobic as Sunny's (pre-magic), would teach history accurately enough in schools as to describe Twilight and the Castle of Friendship. I would have guessed the history books taught in school would have little to no detail of the time before Pinkie (or Fluttershy and Rarity in their respective societies).

At least some of the knowledge was preserved somehow, as made obvious from Sunny having the six figurines, but I highly doubt it was taught in schools.

Great story. Each letter feels like they were written in-character and the progression of what happened flowed very naturally, it was really as if the event happened in another story and these were truly letters detailing it.

>their failing so comprehensively
>their failing
My boy, the grass is calling. It needs you to touch it.

What I don’t understand is what were the Wonderbolts doing in the mine in the first place?
It’s like going to an airbase and asking pilots there to go underground and mine something for you.
And their deaths are totally on Rainbow. I mean, she was the commanding officer who thought that it was a great idea to put her aerial acrobats in a mine, and do something they had no experience with.
She should have been court-martialed the moment she got her ass back to the surface.

Comment posted by EvaGardner deleted Mar 22nd, 2022

Oh dear

Rainbow caused a civil war.
So much for the element of Loyalty

How could they have been the ponies responsible for the loss of Harmony? How could Rainbow Dash, the brave Pegasai who never abandoned her friends, have single-hoofedly torn Equestria in two? How could Pinkie Pie, the Element of Laughter, have failed to bring the ponies together again? How could Twilight Sparkle, the wise, even-hoofed and kind-hearted Alicorn she'd all but worshipped as a foal, have let this happen?

She is a stubborn selfish mule

The idea was repugnant, repulsive. It caused her brain to reel in disbelief, that her foalhood heroes had been so ordinary, so mundane and so short-sighted to have allowed all that they had stood for disintegrate into ash over something so trivial as the rights to some magical stones. Shock quickly evaporated to anger. How could she have been so blind as to follow these ponies?

They tried their best.
They tried to fix things but nopony listened

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