• Published 9th May 2022
  • 1,836 Views, 61 Comments

The Next Chapter of our lives! - ScisetShimmerEvan

Graduation is approaching and Sunset has something important to share with her friends while Cinch gets her revenge on the Main 7 with some unexpected help.

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Graduation Approaches (Edited by Echo Breeze) (Updated 1/21/2023)

Hello. My name is Sunset Shimmer. And for those of you who don’t know who I am, let me share with you a recap of my life.

While I may look human, I'm actually a unicorn from an alternate world known as Equestria. I was born and raised there and lived in a small village not far from Canterlot with my family for many years. That, of course, was until I got accepted into Princess Celestia’s school for gifted unicorns when I ended up becoming her student.

During my time at her school, I was one of the best unicorns out there with my magic, impressing my classmates and teachers. And boy did I love it! But then, one day, my life changed forever. Deep within the Canterlot Castle, Princess Celestia showed me a magical mirror that was not only a gate to another world that only opened once every thirty moons for just three days, but could also show visions of the future. And what I saw, was what I thought was a glimpse into my future, of becoming an alicorn! But it was a warning of the dark path I was now trotting down, that would end up leading to the unexpected change that lay ahead in my future.

I was determined from that moment to do everything in my power to become an alicorn, but Princess Celestia knew I wasn’t going to get it. She wanted me to make friends and stop spending all my time alone doing my studies. I didn’t have any friends since I first arrived at Canterlot so she wanted me to make some.

I’d ended up lying to her face that I ended up making 'some' friends, but in reality, I was continuing my studies. I even went as far going to sneak into the restricted section of the Canterlot Library. There, I'd read many books on the magical mirror several times a week. I was learning a lot about the mirror. It fascinated me to continue reading about it until Princess Celestia caught me one night. I was in some serious hot water when I was found in the one place the princess didn't want to find me.

She was very disappointed. Not only that I had been lying to her, going behind her back but going into the restricted section of the library searching for books on the magical mirror.

Because of my foolishness, Princess Celestia did the unthinkable and dismissed me as her student. I’d still be allowed to live in Canterlot if I wanted but I was no longer allowed in the castle. That not only made me want revenge on my former teacher but would also be the reason I’d end up abandoning my studies entirely in Equestria. This led me to go through the mirror to the alternate world called Earth.

During the next two years, while I was in this alternate world, I’d become the queen bee of a local high school, ruin people’s lives, friendships, and relationships. But worst of all, I did just about anything to be crowned a princess during any major event at the school known simply as CHS. I even went as far as to humiliating one of my rivals just to win! And by god, I always ended up victorious.

This would go on until the portal reopened, and I’d go through to steal an element of harmony that would end up leading to my defeat by Princess Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship at the Fall Formal when she showed me a better way with the magic of Friendship.

While I didn’t want to accept it at first it would lead up to a big change in my life. Since then, my life has become so much better compared to my old one back in Equestria.

I go to a great school.

I’m one of their top students.

Got six great friends.

Two loving pets.

A beautiful girlfriend.

And a magical geode that gives me the power to see and read people’s minds and thoughts!

While I have had my rough moments after my redemption such as facing three magical sirens, a rival school, getting trapped in a mirror, a memory wipe crisis, storm magic, a time loop, and almost committing suicide twice, I still managed to get through it thanks to the new family I had found.

I have been very happy with how my life has been ever since I was shown the path of Friendship after my defeat at the Fall Formal. And while I have had many challenges to go through since the day I turned into a terrifying she-demon, another sudden change was about to take shape that I was not prepared for.

It was Monday, in early June of my senior year at CHS. There were just four days left until the big day was here. Graduation day! My friends and I were busy in the gym setting up banners, tables that were gonna be used for food and beverages, and making sure the audio equipment was all working, and testing them to make sure anything needed to be fixed, repaired, or even replaced.

“How’s it going up there Pinkie?”

“Almost done Sunset, this graduation is gonna be a blast!”

“Easy there Pinkie Pie, I don’t want to lose my balance with all the excitement you’re building up!”

“Oops, sorry Applejack.”

“Can someone remind me again why we're doing this instead of using a ladder?”

“Because, Fluttershy, the one we were gonna use, ended up being taken by Ms. Cheerliee. The one in the library had broken recently, and there was only one other ladder in the entire school. That is why we're doing this over borrowing the ladder, as Ms. Cheerliee needs it!”

“Oh, that explains everything now.”

“Just be careful up there girls, I don’t want anyone of you getting hurt before graduation this Fri-”

But just as Sunset was about to mention Friday, she noticed something that caught her eye. Not far from where she was standing on the far side of the school gym one of the tables that were set up had dozens of paint cans all over it. That was when she remembered she tasked Snips and Snails to put them away. They had an art show recently in the gym the week prior and it seemed like they had forgotten to put them away.

“Has anyone seen Snips and Snails? I thought I told them to put these paint cans away half an hour ago?”

“Beats me, Sunset. Let’s hope they’re put away before you know who shows up. The last thing I want is for Principal Celestia to find out, or we're gonna have an upset Principal again.”

“I know, Applejack, I don’t want to see her upset again after that incident a few weeks ago when Micro Chip’s robot got taken over by Equestrian magic. Which as we know, destroyed the side of the gym. Sigh. Let’s just hope that we won’t have to deal with any Equestrian magic for a while. I've had enough of it for a while.”

“I hope so, after what you went through at the Starswirl Festival last month, I’m hoping we don’t have to experience something crazy like that until school’s out for the summer.”

“Don’t worry Fluttershy, this week will be perfectly fine! It's best to not let those thoughts of yours get to your head, giving you nothing but worries.”

“If you say so Pinkie.”

After making sure everyone else was doing okay with the needed work to the gym Sunset went off to find Twilight, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash, to see how things were going for them with their work as she went to go find them.

After checking a few classrooms, Sunset found Rarity in the music room, where she was hard at work putting the final touches on their Graduation gowns.

“How’s the work going Rarity?”

“It’s going splendid Sunset. I’m just about done with them. Once I am, they'll be ready for Friday!”

“That’s great. But where’s Rainbow Dash? I thought she was helping you?”

“She is, she just went out to get me some more supplies I needed and should be back shortly.”

And just seconds later Rainbow Dash zoomed into the music room, appearing out of a cloud of dust with a bag of supplies in hand.

“Here you go, Rarity, here are the supplies you needed.”

“Excellent darling. I can handle the rest from here. So if you don’t mind me, I’m going to get back to work now.”

“Great! I was gonna ask if I can go and help the others in the gym. And it looks like I got my wish! I’ll see you later Rarity. Oh! Hi Sunset.”

“Hey Rainbow.”

And soon, Rainbow Dash left the music room at a slower and steadier pace towards the gym.

With that completed, Sunset went to find where Twilight was and found her in the computer lab. She was working on something important on one of the computers, alongside their formal enemy Wallflower Blush.

After giving her a quick hello, Sunset sat next to Twilight to see what she was working on.

“How’s the speech going?”

“Oh! Hi Sunset, it's just about done. This graduation speech for Friday will be the best one yet. You're gonna love it!”

“I’m glad. Thanks again for doing this for me. While I would have been fine doing it myself, I’m still surprised as ever you offered to do it for me.”

“No worries. It’s the least I can do to help you after our great time at Senior Prom last week.”

“Yeah, and thanks again for helping me get over my thoughts a week ago before prom. I just can’t seem to control them these days. Especially with the big change that we'll soon be graduating from CHS. I never thought this day would come, but I should have seen it coming sooner than later.”

“I did too, but it's all part of life, Sunset. I mean, from what the others have told me, all of them have already been accepted to a college they plan on attending. But at least they won’t be alone. Rarity will be heading to the same one as Applejack, as well as Rainbow and Fluttershy. Which is still something positive least think about. If you know what I’m saying?”

“Speaking of college, have you yet heard anything from Everton lately?”

The moment those words came out of Sunset’s mouth Twilight froze at the mention of Everton. She had forgotten that she wanted to go to Everton once she graduated from CHS. But in reality, she hadn’t even started!

Ever since she transferred to CHS from Crystal Prep Academy, she started thinking less about her future. She was too happy that she had six great friends now and was in a relationship with her first friend she made at CHS Sunset Shimmer. She hadn’t even given it much thought if she still wanted to attend Everton once she graduated from CHS four days from now.

So to not make things worse, she decided to lie to Sunset. Telling her that she indeed had gotten an update to share in regards to Everton.

“I haven’t heard anything from them lately, but I’m hoping to hear back from them soon…”

“That’s great! I hope you get your wish and be heading to your dream college. I’m still not sure if I want to go to college. I haven’t thought of what I even want to major in!”

“Don’t worry yourself, Sunset. I know you’ll figure it all out eventually. These things take time and patience, alright?”

“Thanks, Twilight. I needed that now.”

Twilight smiled back at Sunset before giving her a small kiss on her cheek.

“Now, why don’t we check up on how the others are doing in the gym? I could use a break from editing.”

Sunset nodded back in approval as they made their way to the school gym.

Back at the gym, things weren’t going so well.

After Rainbow Dash had arrived, Applejack needed to go use the bathroom. She had been holding it in for the last hour, leaving Rainbow to take her place holding Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie on her shoulders as they had just a few more banners that needed to be hung up.

While she was athletic and exercised a lot, Rainbow Dash never realized just how exhausting this was. Nor how heavy her friends were just by carrying them on her shoulders.

“Pinkie, please tell me you're almost done. My legs can't take much for of this!”

“It’ll only be another minute Dashy, I’m almost donnnnnne!!!!!”

But it was too late!

Rainbow’s legs gave way, causing the three of them to collapse onto the gym floor below! Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy landed on the hard gym floor and fortunately weren’t seriously hurt. But Pinkie Pie was the unlucky one, landing on the table with the paint cans. When she landed on it, she launched the paint canister towards one of the exits where Sunset and Twilight were just entering.

“Did you hear that Flash and Derpy are dating now?”

“Really? I didn’t know tha-”


The moment Sunset and Twilight heard the warning though, it was too late!


Before they knew it, both girls were splattered from head to toe in the paint, causing not only a big mess to appear but ruining their clothes as well.

After the silence cleared the three girls were shocked to see Sunset and Twilight both covered in paint as the cans had thrown their contents all over them.

The paint had not only ruined both their hair and their clothes but had made a big mess in the process.

Just then, Applejack arrived from the bathroom to see a big mess all over the gym floor.

“What in the Sam hill that happened here?!?!

“It was my fault Applejack. My legs were getting tired from holding Fluttershy and Pinkie up on my shoulders before they gave way! Fluttershy and I were ok, but Pinkie Pie landed on the table with the paint cans. It launched them to where Sunset and Twilight were entering the gym. Which, leads us to where we are now…”

Applejack now felt very angry with Rainbow Dash. She wanted to yell at her so badly for the big mess she had caused but knew that it was all just an accident.

“It’s ok Dash, these things happen. Now, is everyone alright?”

“No, you ruined my leather vest!”

“And this was my favorite skirt!”

“Girls, it was just an accident. Rainbow didn’t do it on purpose!”

Sigh, you’re right Fluttershy. I guess I got too worked up with the paint ruining my attire. I can’t seem to control my thoughts on not wanting anything bad to happen with graduation.”

“And I’m sorry too. I for one have had the same thoughts lately, and couldn’t think of a good way to respond to this happening out of nowhere. So, we're both to blame for this one as well.”

“If Snips and Snails had just put those damn paint cans away, none of this would have happened!”

“Let’s worry about that later Dash, let’s just clean up this mess while Sunset and Twilight get cleaned up.”

They all nodded in agreement. Applejack got started with the cleanup right away while Sunset and Twilight left to go and get cleaned up and changed out of their now-ruined clothes.


“It’s a shame that we can’t go to the girl's locker room. That problem with the water pipes hasn't been fixed up!”

“Leave the arguing for later Twilight, let’s just get back to our apartment and get cleaned up before the paint dries.”

“Couldn’t agree more.”

But unbeknownst to Sunset and Twilight, someone was watching them from the shadows. The mysterious figure had been constantly following them for the last hour, without either of them knowing it.

The mysterious figure continued to follow them as they made their way back to their apartment. The hooded figure was as quiet as possible, so Twilight and Sunset didn’t know they were being followed.

After getting back to their apartment, they each took turns taking showers making sure to get all the paint off of them before changing into a clean set of clothes.

With their current outfits ruined, they both now donned their previous outfits, which they hadn’t worn in a few months.

Sunset was wearing the outfit Twilight remembered her wearing when they first met at the Friendship Games. Comprising of her light blue shirt with the luminous yellow skirt attached to it, dark blue pants, and her black boots. She was wearing her short leather jacket with orange chevrons on, but had decided to wear the one Twilight made her that had the purple streaks in it. And to complete the look, she had her geode around her neck.

While Sunset did like her current outfit comprising of the leather vest, light pink skirt, and orange t-shirt with her cutie mark on it, she always preferred her previous outfit. It was a reminder of her transition from being CHS’s biggest meanie to being the nice, loving, and caring friend she is now.

As for Twilight, she was donning the outfit she wore during the first few months following her transfer to CHS, alongside her geode too, but with two noticeable changes to her appearance.

She had decided to ditch her signature ponytail to just let her hair stay loose and had added a pink hairband to her look.

“I must say, Twilight, you did always look better with your hair down. Not that I’m complaining or anything…”

“You’re good, Sunset. I did always prefer having my hair like this when I was younger. I even have a picture sitting around somewhere of how I looked when I was younger.”

“I’d sure love to see that sometime. I can already imagine how cute my girlfriend probably was when she was younger.”

Sunset then gave off her signature smirk after sharing her compliment with Twilight before letting out a snarky laugh from hearing that comment of hers.

“You sure know how to make me feel better in tough situations like this one, don’t you Sunset?”

“It’s what I do for both my best friend and my girlfriend.”

“And I’d do the same thing for you as well, BGFF.”

The whole apartment soon went all quiet as Sunset and Twilight looked at each other in awe as they both sat down together on their couch.

Sunset began moving closer to Twilight as they put their hands together before blushing bright red at one another. They were feeling like going in for a kiss til they heard a vibrating noise coming from their backpacks, interrupting the moment.

“Oh come on! Can’t we go five minutes without something interrupting our private time?” Twilight replied, now feeling very disappointed.

“What do you expect, Twilight? These things happen whether we like it or not.”

“Fair enough…”

They soon found out that the vibrating noise was coming from their phones, alerting them of a text message from Applejack.

Just got finished cleaning up the mess and putting away the paint cans Snips and Snails were supposed to do. We informed Principal Celestia about it after we finished, and oh boy, she wasn’t pleased about it at all. She'll be making sure to tell those two to visit her when she next sees them. We're heading on home now, we’ll see you both tomorrow.


“Looks like Snips and Snails won’t go without punishment for the accident they caused. Those two sure can be numbskulls at times.”

“Yeah, even when I was still my old self before I accepted friendship, they were very clumsy at times.”

“Good, and now with that out of the way, why don’t we go and started on dinner? I don’t know about you but I’m getting pretty-”

But Twilight was interrupted once again, by yet another vibrating noise.

But this time it wasn’t their phones. It was Sunset’s journal!

“Huh, that’s odd, I wasn’t expecting anything from Princess Twilight this evening?”

“Same here. With my counterpart now the ruler of Equestria I was expecting we wouldn’t be hearing from her for a while with what she has going on with her ha-, I mean hoofs full. No offense Sunset.”

Sunset understood what she meant before giving her the 'none taken' look as she opened up the journal to see what the princess had to say.

“What does it say?”

Sunset froze for a second on what she was reading before sharing it with Sci Twi.

“Princess Twilight says she’s coming over here and will arrive in the next ten minutes!”

“Wait what?! Does she say why?”

“No, she doesn’t. All it says is that she wants me to meet her at CHS over something urgent!”

“Whatever it is, we better get to school right away!”

“You're right, Twilight. It might be serious! We better go now before she gets there. And knowing the Princess, she won’t know where to go outside of CHS without our help.”

And with that, they both made their way to CHS to meet up with Princess Twilight.

After a quick ride behind Sunset’s motorcycle, they arrived at CHS without ease and immediately ran as fast as they could to the portal.

“Well, we're here, now all we have left to do is wait for Princess Twilight to arrive.”

As if on cue, the portal activated, and out stepped Princess Twilight. Who for once, wasn’t struggling with going from equine to bipedal.

“Hello there, Sunset. Other me. It's great to see you both again.”

“It’s good to see you too, Princess Twilight. Why did you want to see me? Is something wrong!?!?”

“I’m not the one who wanted to see you.”

This confused both Sunset and Sci Twi slightly, wondering why they were asked to come here now!

“Then why did you want to meet me here?”

“It's because of him.”

Once again, the portal activated, and this time out stepped a man neither of them recognized.

He had bright red hair, the same skin and eye color as Sunset, clad in a light brown jacket, red shirt, blue pants, black shoes, and a light brown beard.

When he laid his eyes on Sunset after he stepped out of the portal he was in total shock. He slowly approached them as he examined Sunset from head to toe before letting out a gasp.

“Sunset? Could it be? After all these years, how is this even possible?”

“Eh, do I know you? And how do you know my name?”

“Because Sunset, I’m your father!”

Both the Twilights and Sunset let out a gasp after hearing that. Already they were wondering if what this man was sharing with them was indeed true.

“How is this even possible, I thought you wer-”

“Sunset, I know you have a lot of questions but if you can let me-”

Before Sunset's father could finish his explanation, Sunset grabbed ahold of his hand as she began to see his memories. He was surprised at first seeing her doing it as her eyes turned white he decided not to question it and just wait to see what happens next.

After Sunset let go of his arm a tear fell down the side of her face over the memories she had just seen. Was this truly her biological father? Sunset did not know the answer to this as she slowly backed away from him.

“No, there’s no way you’re my father, I lost him and the rest of my family years ago!”

“Sunset, please. I want answers just as much as you do. But if we just let him-”

But Twilight was cut off by Sunset.

“How did you even find him, Twilight? All this is giving me nothing but a splitting headache and dozens of questions flowing through my head!”

Sunset dug her hands right into her hair trying to calm herself down from the panic attack she was now having. She began thinking to herself that she must be in a dream and she has to wake herself up!

“No, this must be a dream, this must be all a dream, and now it's time for me to wake up damn it!”

Sunset proceeded to slap herself, before pinching her arms to wake herself up from this nightmare, but with no success before her father grabbed a hold of her shoulders.

“Sunset, this is not a dream. You saw my memories! And if what you saw was correct, then you shouldn’t have to-”

“Get away from me you freak!!”

Sunset now had tears in her eyes as her father looked at her with worry. He wanted to explain to her that he truly was her father. But all he got back was seeing her run off into CHS behind them.

“Sunset wait!”

“Come back!”

But Sunset was gone in an instant, leaving the two Twilights and her father in silence before they ran after her into CHS.

Twenty minutes had passed since Sunset fled from into CHS and their search began on finding her with little to no luck.

“Where did she go? It’ll take us hours to search for her. Err, this is all your fault! If it weren't because of you we wouldn't be in this situation trying to find her! This is making me nothing but worried sick about where Sunset could've gone!”

Sunset's father could see the panic in Sci Twi’s eyes. Just as he looked at her, he can see the sadness she now had in her eyes.

“You have every right to blame me for this. This is all my fault. I should’ve just told her right at that moment something only the two of us know about. But.. all it did was make her flee from us. Sunset hasn’t seen me in years. She probably doesn’t even recognize me in this body compared to how I was a unicorn. I’m sorry for what I’ve done for you both and for dragging you into this mess. I’m truly sorry...”

Sunset's father felt disappointed in himself for what he had done. He was starting to feel it deep down inside before he felt someone place their hand on his shoulder in comfort. He looked to see it was Princess Twilight. She was looking straight at him with confidence written over her face.

“You're not to blame for this. Sunset has been through a lot since you last saw her when she was a filly. She was alone for many years and thought that everyone in her family she once loved and cared for was gone. Though she does have her friends who care for her now, including me, she overreacted and needs some space to clear her mind.”

“You're right. Thank you, Princess.”

Then an idea came to his mind that could help them find his daughter.

“Wait a second, is there someplace Sunset goes to think? Or to get some peace. A place that means something to her?”

“From the times Sunset and I talked through the journal, she never mentioned something like that to me. And from what the girls have told me, Sunset doesn’t share many of her secrets or where she’d go when she wants to be alone.”

“I wish I knew where, but I don't. I’ve never even been to this place til now.”

That was when Sci Twi remembered something that Sunset once told her that could help them find her.

“I think I might know where she’d be.”

“Really? Where?”

“Sunset told me following her redemption she’d often go to this one spot on campus to get some peace to clear her mind. I think that might just be where she went!”

“Well, lead the way, we don’t have time to lose!”

“Right, let’s go!”

The two Equestrians followed Sci Twi, leading them to the second floor of the building and soon a set of stairs.

“These stairs will lead us to Sunset. Hopefully, she’s there and you’ll be able to talk with her.”

“Alright then, let’s do this!”

And with that, they made their way up the stairs to the school's roof, with the unknown figure continuing to follow behind them, hiding in the shadows whenever they thought they noticed something unusual.

Sci Twi was moving as fast as she could up the stairs to the roof. All she wanted was to find Sunset and hoped that she was alright.

While she still wasn’t one hundred percent sure this indeed was Sunset’s father, if Princess Twilight believed it, then she should too.

“We're coming Sunset. Please be ok.”

To be Continued…

Author's Note:


Art made by Invisible Ink Doodles

Well, we've reached the end of the first chapter of my Eqg finale. I hope you all enjoyed it and will like to see what I have planned for the remainder of my story, and trust me I have several other surprises in store for this eqg finale of mine. This brings me to another important favor I must ask. Now I know that some people have asked me if I think Equestria Girls still has a chance of returning as it didn't get the ending it deserved and that it might still have a chance to return. But my answer of course will always be the same as the chances are slim because 1. G4 is over and we are now at G5. 2. DHX Media which did the animation has since become Wild Brainz. And 3 Hasbro denied the third season, to begin with so it proves that the chances of a proper Eqg finale being made are unlikely please I'm asking you all to not put any comments down below saying that Eqg can be saved as I'm tired of seeing it and it's just a waste of time. Anyway, my goal for this story is to get out 2 chapters a month till it reaches its conclusion in August 2022. Stay tuned for Chapter 2 that'll be written by my good friend 13 Shades of Sunset and until that comes I'll see you all on the flip side. I'm SciSetShimmerEvan signing off! :raritywink: