• Published 9th Apr 2023
  • 258 Views, 22 Comments

The King Of Pizza 2 - KingSombraTheTyrantRuler

  • ...

"I'm gonna dance, dance, dance..."

The King of Pizza 2

Chapter One

"I'm gonna dance, dance, dance..."

It was a cold night, and as everyone shivered beneath their blankets, desperately trying to keep warm, in one house, in the town of Seven Kings, music was blaring while a familiar grey unicorn danced to it with hula-hoops around his hips.

"I'm gonna dance, dance, dance, with my hands, hands, han-"

"Sombra!" yelled a voice from upstairs.

The former King of the Crystal Empire groaned as he paused the video for what he swore had to be the hundredth time. "What the hell is it this time, Esmeralda?!" he all but yelled in exasperation.

Honestly, he couldn't be blamed for getting irritated as for the whole day, the human had seemingly been unwell, and thus, required Sombra to make lunch, wash the dishes, put the dishes away, and so on.

"Put the volume down!"

"No way!"

He could hear footsteps coming from the stairs. "Either you turn it down, or I will," said Esmeralda, the ungrateful human with whom he had been living. Honestly, she should be thankful that he was staying with her rather than going back to his own world.

Though, he must admit that he had no way back, and anyways, the pizza here was one he'd give his whole kingdom for.

As he made no move to do as she requested, Esmeralda walked into the room, picked the remote off the table, and pressed the down button.

Her mouth fell open in shock as she gazed at the numbers. "Sombra… How the- How did you manage to put the volume up to one thousand?!"

"To be honest, I wanted it to go up to one million, but spells only go so far, I guess."

"You know, just because you have magic, it doesn't mean that you have to use it at every possible opportunity. Do you realise how loud that was? I'm surprised our neighbours haven't filed any noise complaints yet."

"Well, that's because I made our house soundproof. No noise will ever leak out again! Hahaha! "

"Show-off. Anyway, you can dance when I go to work. Right now, I need to sleep. "

"Sleep later… I want to dance now. "

She sighed, turned to the stairs and ran up, returning a few seconds later with a pair of headphones, which she plugged into the TV and put on the unicorn's head.

She then unpaused it.


"Ah! Why is it so loud?!" yelled the former King, pulling the headphones off.

"Now do you understand how loud it is for me? Be a good ruler and turn it off so I can rest and go to work tomorrow."

"Ugh… Do you really need to do your job?"

"Sombra, if I don't do my job, we'll run out of money."

"Who needs money?! All I need is to dance, dance, dan-"

"No money means no pizza," states Esmeralda bluntly.

"So what? I don't need pi- Wait, did you just say we'd have no pizza?! "

She nods. "We need money to buy pizza, remember?"

The unicorn's eyes widen, and he throws himself onto his knees. "Then, Esmeralda, I implore you, do as much work as possible, and have all the rest you need! "

He begins pushing her towards the stairs, and tries to pull her up.

At this sudden change of behaviour, the human can't help but laugh. "Sombra, I can walk by mysel-"

"Shh; don't talk. Don't use more energy than necessary," he urges, holding a hoof to his lips. He then goes back down, having failed to pull her up, and looks at her, as if conveying an order with his eyes.

"What? Do I have something on my face?"

"Esme… Come," he says, turning his back towards her.

This action of his only serves to confuse her further. "What do you want me to do?"

He facehooves and points to a framed picture on the wall, which depicts a much younger and smaller Esmeralda sitting on a horse. "Oh, you want to know what that picture is about? Well, when I was a child, I alway-"

"Esmeralda, isn't it obvious? I want you to ride me."

She blushes and turns her face away as it becomes red. "R-r-ride you?!"

" Yes, so you don't lose energy by walking up the stairs. "

"Oh, you meant that type of riding."

" What, you thought I'd offer myself to you just like that? Honestly… "

After that embarrassing misunderstanding, Esmeralda had literally jumped into bed because:

  1. She was very tired, and
  2. She didn't want to face Sombra.

But sleep did not come to her as easily as she wished, as every time she closed her eyes, she would sneeze.

Sombra watched her with a blank expression, while leaning against the doorframe with his hooves crossed.

Eventually, he sighed, and lay a hoof on her forehead. "I guess you're actually unwell... Seriously… How could you have gotten ill? Who will earn money now…?"

" I'm sure it's just a small cold, and it'll probably be gone by the morning. "


"And because I only deliver the pizzas, it should be fine for me to work as long as I wear a mask."

" … "

"Goodnight Sombra."

"Goodnight Esmeralda," he replied automatically , but rather than leaving, he went to the bed and after taking his royal ornaments off, laid beside the girl and enveloped her in a hug.


"Shh… I want to sleep with you tonight. And you need the warmth that only my fur can provide."

When morning arrived, Esmeralda's reassurance from last night was now meaningless to Sombra, as rather than becoming better, her cold had only worsened to the point where it could now be called a fever.

He passed a tissue box to her as he became tired of giving her a tissue every second, and then said, "Esmeralda! You said you'd be better in the morning!"

"I said-" she coughed " probably. "

"Now how can we get any pizza?"

"That's the only thing you're worried about?"

"Well," he scoffed " of course. "

"Here I am, so unwell that I can't even get out of bed, and you're just worried about whether you'll eat pizza or not?!"

" Well, duh. I love pizza! It's the only reason why I stayed on this earth, in this world of ungrateful and greedy humans who only want money for everything. "

"So… if there wasn't any pizza, you'd just leave?"

He shrugged. "I suppose so."

An expression of agony and sadness overtook Esmeralda's features, and she put her head under the blanket.

"But Esme," said he upon noticing this change, "of course I'd take you with me. I'm sure that even without the pizza, your delightfully innocent personality would have won me over. Though, I must say, your mind has decidedly become less innocent over the years. When I first met you, you were sexually ignorant, an-"

"Do you really mean it?" Her voice was quiet as she asked this, with the smallest bit of hope leaking in. "Or are you just saying it because you think that'll make me feel better and you'll get rewarded by pizza?"

"I swear upon my honour as the former Crystal king, now the King of Pizza, and always the Lord of Shadows, that those words came straight from my heart."

She took the blanket off and looked at him with her arms stretched out. Taking the hint, he hugged her.

Author's Note:

In my opinion , this looks way better than the original chapter one.

...I worked very hard on the coverart. Sure, I used Ponytown to help me, but I had to still do a lot of editing as unless you've got two different accounts, you can't do two ponies at the same time. I had to do Sombra and Esmeralda separately, crop the pictures, remove a bit of the background, and finally put it together.

The fact that no one commented about it is sort of painful.

Anyways, comments are appreciated, the readers are more than welcome to give me ideas, and getting some likes/favourites couldn't hurt.