• Published 1st May 2022
  • 10,499 Views, 657 Comments

The Prodigy Emperor - The Toaster

A new life, a new future and a new chance. Grover VI the Prodigy; the last hope of an empire.

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The First Year

A few more days have passed since that day, the day when... What would the word be...?

Memories, yes that's the right word. From the day those memories cursed him, they had been his full focus from that night on.

He still remembered everything from the feathered beings to the gigantic, monotonous buildings.

The fear had passed, and it reminded him that memories were just that, visions of his mind. They were harmless. And with that, another feeling completely took over the fear.


Why did he have these memories? Who were those beings? And what were those things that seemed to break the heavens with their heights alone?

There were so many questions, but he couldn't keep his thoughts on it for long. For his room was in constant motion.

Very different from the normal days he spent in his small room.

They were... fun.



Yeah, his father. It was the only way he could name the one who brought him into the world, and who was present from all the coming of the light to the back of the dark. Or day and night.

He didn't quite know the definition of the word, but it sounded right. When he thought of him, good memories seemed to follow.

And from the first day of light he had come that figure he passed to....

What would the word be...?

Like? Be fond of?


Yeah! Love! That's the word he was looking for.

He was still having a hard time finding the correct definitions of certain words, and it was even harder to imitate those grown-ups did. They seem to find his failed attempts amusing, others finding him adorable.

Yes, he knew he was still a long way from being able to do just like the adults, but damn, they didn't need to laugh at his failings! He was trying dammit!

Fortunately for him, his father was always there to cheer him up and keep him company, encouraging him and always acting in awe of everything he did.

The adult's reaction to seeing him walking through the crib for the first time was the best. He just didn't like the huge commotion that ensued after that, with a bunch of adults who looked even older than his father huddled around the crib to watch him walk.

The clothes of some were funny, looking like a bunch of colored cloths tied around their bodies, wearing some funny hats. Others wore shiny things and looked solid.

And since he started walking he realized how big the world was. At least in that room.

Everything was giant and so different!

But unfortunately for him, his father never let him walk out of the crib. Whenever he managed to jump over the huge golden pillars and start looking at all those intriguing furniture and items, he always picked him up and put him back on the bed. (Even with his grumbles and chirps of protest.)

But now it was different.

His father was nowhere to be found. And the walls shook and drowned out sounds that came from outside.

It looked like his house was very busy.

But why?

Usually, at long intervals he could hear the noise of a claw touching the ground, it was low and very rare as they usually tried to prevent such an occurrence from happening. Not only not to make noise, but also not to damage the claw by scraping the ground. (It was also pretty uncomfortable when it happened. He'd found out the hard way.)

And on top of that, they liked to try to avoid making noise around him.

While grateful for undisturbed sleep, he was annoyed by how boring the room was. When his father was there, he got all the attention in the world.

His father was the best.

But those thoughts had to be put aside as he watched the two maids who flanked him talking to each other. They looked pretty excited.

They were showing what looked like noble clothes, much like the ones his father wore, only in miniature.

They lifted him up, and put some weird ribbons around everything; from his claws, hind legs to belly.

It was freezing cold and they were squeezing hard. But he endured it easily, he was even rewarded with sweet food. At first glance, he was very disgusted to touch it.

It looked like poop. It had the same colors, only having more.... Symmetric, being square. Even so, he ate at the insistence of the maids.

How appearances can be deceiving.

He didn't regret it, the taste was wonderful. So wonderful that he almost made a fuss of it right there to receive more of how good they were.

But he didn't have time, because after all those measurements they both picked him up and started putting those clothes on him.

It wasn't the first time he'd worn clothes. Often when his father went out, he would take him around on meetings with other people who seemed important.

Yet he never felt the urge to observe it much, feeling more boredom than anything else and sleeping through most of these encounters.

But the ones he did pay attention to, helped him understand a little more of the language they used.

She looked extremely familiar. And whenever he stopped to think, he was reminded of that dream.

The same with those creatures so alien but so... Familiar.

Those dreams were now more something in which he acted as a spectator of a show than a nightmare.

But something was itching him wrong.

It was how the mannerisms of those creatures and those of his family were extremely similar. The language that came out of the beaks and mouths of such different creatures could be so alike, and how their body language of stress, happiness and sadness were identical.

It was fascinating, but he still had no idea what those things were. Even so, he analyzed them a lot more now, and was already practicing and trying to imitate the lines of those creatures from his dreams in real life.

And that had already helped him tremendously, he was finally able to understand what adults were saying, (Although still with great difficulty). It wasn't much, but it was progress!

He could barely contain himself, he was very excited to show his father this. Show him to see that expression of surprise and pride he so loved to see directed at him.

But that wasn't relevant at the moment, seeing himself lifted and seeing the two at his side wearing him and fiddling with everything, every little detail.

The clothes were really tight, and they were putting some shiny things on it.

He felt handsome. Bright even.

'But why all this?' He thought as he watched them both pick him up and be placed on the back of one of them, comfortably between her wings.

'Where are they taking me?' He looked with curiosity as they left the room, two guards joining them in their walk.

The cathedral gleamed with the glare of the sun. The griffonic decorations on the glasses demonstrate great symbolism of each Emperor and his deeds, all their deeds but his. The fifth.

He let out a sigh of sadness but straightened up again, having already accepted that compared to the other emperors he was nothing. Even so young he was still not worthy of being placed before those who had done so much for the empire.

But today wasn't about him. Running his gaze over the dozens of his subjects who sat lining up in front of him at the front of the cathedral. Where the priests were kept.

He couldn't contain a huge smile from escaping his beak as he watched his son's christening ceremony. The three archons stood at the altar while the huge crowd remained silent. Hearing the holy words first spoken by the Archon of Boreas.

"My Friends! Brothers and sisters children of the gods!" Everyone's attention was cut to the figure in the center of the priests and in the middle of the other two archons. An old Griffon, his feathers already showed a white fur beneath his naturally brown, a color similar to his tired but determined eyes. He was in his white and red regalia.

"All your lordships stand before this humble house of the gods at the behest of your majesty, patriarch of house Von Greifenstein and de facto leader of all the Griffons. Grover V!" A burst of applause accompanied this proclamation, Grover emerging from his secluded part of the building and walking through the open passage of the ranks, his subjects watching him.

'Applause and fake smiles. You're only here for favors, but I have to keep up appearances.' He thought frustrated inside as he smiled on the outside and waved at the others. Climbing above the altar and standing beside the clergy.

"Grover V, I Archon of Boreas, devotee of the King of all Gods and heavenly father, I ask you. What do you wish from your gods and protectors?" The Archon would ask as some priests walked away to make way for a maid carrying him. The heir to the empire and his son. Who watched everything with enormous curiosity while he kept huddled with clear nervousness between her wings.

The question was obviously rhetorical, everyone present already knew why they were there. But according to the tradition of rites of passage, the question should be asked.

"Grover V, I Archon of Arcturius, devotee of the God of War and father of warriors, I ask you. What do you wish from your gods and protectors?"

"Grover V, I Archon of Eyr, devotee of the god of fertility and father of families. What do you wish from your gods and protectors?"

They both followed next, Boreas being the Elder Brother, was the first to speak.

The Archon of Arcturius, Proteus contained pure white fur, hiding several scars on its face and body. Wearing military silver clothes and white cape. As the Archon of Eyr, Erion wore clothing similar to that of Eros, containing yellow fur and a golden pendant bearing the symbol of his goddess's plant.

In normal ceremonies only the priest of the certain god that the family was devoted to would ask such a question.

But this ceremony was anything but ordinary.

The Emperor gave the Archons a polite nod. "The Baptism of the Beginning."

The three would nod in response, then speak together.

"You ask before the house of the gods, for your son to be baptized before the presence of the gods. By doing so you accept the responsibility of training him in the practice of the faith. It will be your duty to bring him into the path of the gods' commandments, to love God and neighbor."

The Archons of Eyr and Arcturius that flanked Boreas's gaze shifted to the older man, who separated from the pair and walked towards the Emperor.

"Do you understand the path and responsibility that will burden you?" He asked the question already knowing the answer.

"I know. And I accept." Grover responded with no hesitation in his voice and body.

Normally, it would be at this point that the Godparents would be asked for their part in the ceremony. Eros just smiled at the emperor who would reciprocate.

The duo of Archons behind them would now walk towards them. Erion and Proteus this time would turn to Eros. "Are you ready to help this child's parents in their work as Faithful to the divine?"

Eros reverted to his stoic expression. "Yes I am."

Erion and Proteus would then clap their hands twice. Calling the attention of all who witnessed the event.

"The faithful followers of the Pantheon of Gods warmly welcome you. Grover VI!" The applause that followed was much more excited this time, with some even whistling.

The priests had to raise their claws to ask for silence for the continuation of the ceremony.

"Grover VI. Now, we will bless you." The Three Archons passed from the Emperor towards the child. The Elder of Boreas took the lead, followed by Arcturius and Eyr, oldest to youngest.

Being the Archon of the foremost and most important god, Eros was first. Approaching the heir to the empire, who was comfortable on an enormous pillow for his small size. He was sitting watching the entire ceremony with great attention and curiosity. Something that many found adorable.

Getting a lot of 'Awww's when turning his head to the side when he sees the Archon coming towards him.

"In the name of Boreas, father of heaven and Lord of lords. May his wings carry you to the skies and forever carry you to the sunset." He would say as he ran his claws into some water that was kept in a basin on a marble pillar.

"By the waters of the tree of Griffonstone's birth, birthplace of the Griffonkind. May your wings be guided by the king of heaven." Eros says with a rigid but calm tone while running the water on little Grover's wings, who would let out a laugh feeling ticklish.

Eros would just smile at the little one. 'May Boreas protect you, child.'

He then walked to his original position, making room for the God of War Archon and the 'middle brother'.

"By the waters of the tree of Griffonstone's birth, Cradle the Griffonkind. May your claws be guided by the god of war." Proteus proclaimed in a booming voice as he gently took Grover's claws and ran the water over them.

Doing the same as Eros, he made way for the last Archon, the youngest of the three and coincidentally the 'youngest' of the gods. God of fertility and family.

"By the waters of the tree of Griffonstone's birth, Cradle of the Griffonkind. May your body be blessed with a healthy life by the god of the family." Erion would proclaim in a gentle and affectionate tone as he ran the water over all parts of the child's body.

When finished, he would return with the other Archons, continuing the ceremony.

After that, the Emperor's attention left the Cathedral, focusing attention on his son, which made him let out a huge smile.

What a pride he was, his son maintaining a calm and composure before the most important members of the faith. Not crying even once and showing extreme curiosity throughout the ceremony, is a sign of intelligence and perception.

"He has a future Grovy. You should be proud." He looked to the side to find the owner of the female voice and smiled as he bumped into a pink Griffon woman, with her mauve eyes.

"Pride is what I have most of him, Gabriela." He let his smile go carefree to his cousin and close friend.

"He's almost an identical copy of you, it's impressive." This made Grover have to fight not to laugh, not wanting to interrupt the religious ceremony with such an insult.

"At least he's healthy." He joked, and both of them snorted. And then they turned their attention to the priests, who were now beginning the bidding prayers.

The Emperor couldn't be happier, his son had survived his first year. A big step up the ladder of his life, even though he knew he had many more problems ahead, he would celebrate the small victories.

He had passed Eyr's tests and overcame the diseases that plagued many newborns, and now he had won her favor to grow.

Author's Note:

Duchess Gabriela Eagleclaw

Archon Erion XII