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Enter the Dragonfly - Scattered

"So, I'm guessing what comes next is that moment when Ripto did his whole near back-to-back take over." Rainbow Dash said. It was the next day after breakfast.

"You would be correct in this, as we had managed to get 90 Baby Dragonflies to come for the festival itself. There were simply not enough trained otherwise." Spyro said.

"The Dragonflied had to be trained? For what purpose?" Fluttershy asked.

Sparx opened its mouth. "No need to say anything Sparx." Cozy Glow said. "Dragonflies need to be trained to help protect the dragon they are assigned to. And it's one of those 'on instinct' things. The dragonflies will often choose their owners purely on instinct. In fact, that's what happened for the festival once we dealt with a certain familiar foe of ours." She added.

"So Ripto decided to show up before the dragonflies could be given out?" Sandbar asked.

"That's not all Ripto did, using some magic I've never seen before, Ripto had scattered all the dragonflies that were there; including Sparx; to the far corners of the nearby dragon areas. We were able to find Sparx right away with some help from Hunter. Seemed that cat was good for something." Cynder said. "And while I had to take a brief leave of absence to go check with my father in order to find the baby dragonflies, I was able to catch up with Spryo before the first area." She added.

"This time around, we weren't hopping through portals to find the dragonflies, as all the areas were close enough to be reached via more standard modes of transportation." Cozy Glow said.

"Indeed, also Bianca was able to use her magic to grant me access to more breath abilities. The dragon realms had warmed up enough to remove my Ice Breath entirely, but Bianca's magic was supposed to restore that plus some other breath abilities. Because she was still in training, we had to collect dragon runes to get a dragon spirit attached to a dragon statue in order for me to use more than just my flame breath." Spryo admitted.

"That just made things more interesting. Though it limited what we could get to and when. Because Baby Dragonflies tend to be shy and run away when startled; and let's face it, because of Ripto's magic they were; Spryo's Bubble Breath became the only thing that could catch them." Cynder said. Suddenly Rainbow Dash started laughing. "...Did I say something funny?" Cynder asked.

"Sorry, it's just...I can't take that seriously." Rainbow Dash said.

"I had to use that specific breath ability to capture pretty much every last dragonfly. And I was getting worn out from having to chase the ones that weren't just given out because of some of the challenges we faced. Or the tasks we did." Spryo said.

"...Wait, how many of them are we talking?" Rainbow Dash said.

"I dunno...I think it was around 70% of the ones we found we had to use the bubble breath for. And remember, there were 90 of these Dragonflies to find. That's a rough estimate though, as we did get some Dragonflies by completing special tasks, and some were even in sub areas. Speaking of, this was our last encounter with the Speedways before we came here. There were only two speedways and each one had two challenges each. We found them inside of the levels this time though." Cozy Glow said.

"Still, not only did we have to go through each area and deal with the troubles there; we were also doing other tasks and even having to search high and low for the dragonflies that were out in the open. It was basically nine areas of the same 'go to this area, do the main objective, find all the stray dragonflies, and do all the tasks' that we've just explained." Cynder said.

"When we finally had every last gem and rounded up all 90 dragonflies, we confronted Ripto. However, there was one level where we had to bribe moneybags. That was the only time we had to bribe him for this adventure however." Spyro noted.

"Just the one time? Dude must be getting lazy." Rainbow Dash said.

"Oh he made us bribe him plenty in the next adventure. But we were eventually able to confront Ripto who once again used magic to grow himself, only this time each time he grew, Spyro had to hit him with either his traditional Flame Breath, his reacquired Ice Breath, or his new Electric Breath." depending on what magic Ripto was using. Ripto could only be hurt by the same breath ability that was of the magic he was using." Cozy Glow said.

"Of course, we gave Ripto the boot once more, but after the festivities for the Year of the Dragon could be held, we had one final show-down with Ripto; though this one was more so because of an accident that occurred." Spyro said.

"Or you should say a malfunction." Cynder said. "That stupid butler robot going haywire was more than an accident." She added.

"Butler Robot?" Twilight asked.

"Let us start from the beginning here..." Spyro said.

Author's Note:

Remember when I said that "Enter the Dragonfly" was going to be the shortest adventure to write about? That rough estimate of 70% is me being generous. There's not much I can do when the majority of the dragonflies are given out through random side missions or just found out in the open. Plus, I really could NOT find much for the three mains of Spyro Cynder and Cozy Glow to talk about with this.