• Published 28th Apr 2022
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Legends Never Die: The Return of the King - bookhorse125

With the return of King Sombra, Flurry Heart must find the light and hope in her heart to defeat him.

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“Chrysalis.” Flurry’s expression was calm and passive, without an ounce of fear. “Cozy Glow. Tirek. You have returned.”

“You don’t sound too excited, Princess,” Cozy Glow said mockingly, making a fake pouty face.

“I wonder why,” she responded dryly. “You would be wise to leave. I’ll give you to the count of three before you meet the same fate as King Sombra.” She stepped closer to the Crystal Heart, now spinning calmly in the center of the Empire as it had been and should always be, her horn alight. Izzy lit her own as well, and all the other unicorns followed her lead. The pegasi spread their wings, except for Zipp, who joined the earth ponies in defensive stances. Most of the ponies there had no idea who these creatures were, but they were ready and willing to fight them. The sight filled Flurry with hope, and she knew that, as hope was the strongest weapon of all, the Legion of Doom didn’t stand a chance.

Chrysalis, Cozy Glow, and Tirek burst out laughing, not taking Flurry’s threat seriously at all.

“One…” Flurry began, taking a step forward. They didn’t notice. “Two…” She glanced at her friends, and they read the message in her eyes. “Three!”

Flurry, Izzy, Hitch, Sprout, Zipp, Pipp, Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow all disappeared in a massive burst of bright yellow light. They reappeared in the frozen wasteland outside the Empire, the cold wind whipping at all of their manes.

Chrysalis snarled and leaped forward, her horn alight, aiming a blast straight at them. The six ponies scattered, and she whirled around, hissing as they escaped from beneath her hooves.

Cozy Glow sped up and rammed into Pipp as she tried to fly away, sending her tumbling head over hooves through the air. The filly only had a few moments to enjoy her victory before Zipp leaped into the air, her wings still out of commission, and tackled her, knocking Cozy Glow to the ground and pinning her to the ground.

Izzy and Hitch were tackling Tirek together. Hitch would buck, kick, shove, and beat-up the massive centaur, while Izzy would contribute a blast of magical energy whenever it looked like he was going to possibly come out victorious, hitting him in the face and making him angrier with each hit.

Sprout had Chrysalis’ full attention, mainly by throwing snow in her face. Flurry had completely lost herself to rage at what this changeling had done to her family and had forgotten about using magic - now she was flapping around Chrysalis and whalloping her in the face with full-on punches and kicks and making sure that the changeling knew how she felt about her.

Cozy struggled on the ground with no success, glancing off angrily towards the mountains. “Well?” she snapped. “Aren’t you going to help?”

“Wait,” Sprout said, hearing her, and pausing, distracted so that he didn’t see Chrysalis’ leg come out of nowhere and hit him square in the chest, sending him flying into a nearby snowdrift.

A purple blur shot out of the mountains and headed straight for Pipp, who was hovering over her sister in case she needed help. Sour Lavender tackled the princess and tried to knock her out of the air. Zipp was momentarily distracted, giving Cozy Glow the opportunity to kick her right in her injured wing. Her cry of pain distracted Pipp, allowing her to be overpowered, and Hitch, who was currently whaling on Tirek’s head.

The furious centaur reached up and grabbed the stallion, throwing him to the ground. Hitch struggled to his hooves and shook the snow off his face, preparing to launch himself back at Tirek, when he reached down and grabbed Izzy in his massive hand, raising her off the ground and opening his mouth. Izzy’s horn lit up, and Hitch, sensing danger, practically threw himself at the centaur’s face, making him let go of Izzy. She dropped to the ground, panting.

“My magic,” she whispered. “Is it - do I-” She lit her horn and sighed with relief, but it turned to a scream when Tirek reached down and swept his arm across the snow, throwing both Izzy and Hitch’s legs out from under them.

Sprout picked himself out of the snowdrift and shook his head to rid it of snow. He turned and gave a start when he noticed Permafrost standing behind him, his horn lit. Sprout hurriedly backed away, Permafrost following, and the unicorn finally shot a blast of magic at the snow in front of him, throwing Sprout back.

Flurry was the only one who didn’t notice something was wrong. She lit up her horn and shot a blast of magic at Chrysalis, who dodged it, but barely. Chrysalis responded with her own, which Flurry easily dodged, diving through the air to hit the changeling again. Her horn lit up brighter than it had ever been before, the swirls and grooves in it glowing pure white.

In the Crystal Empire, the Crystal Heart began to spin faster.

Chrysalis saw her demise was only moments away, and she swept Flurry out of the sky, throwing the alicorn to the ground, her horn going out. Flurry stumbled to her hooves, in time for Tirek to pick her up by her wings and toss her into the pile of her friends.

“You just don’t know when to give up, do you?” Chrysalis said scathingly, she and the others lining up. Tirek conjured a fiery ball in between his hands, and Permafrost and Chrysalis lit up their horns.

“We do,” Flurry gasped, wincing. “And it’s never.”

Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow all barked a laugh.

“Golly, let me write that down,” Cozy Glow said scathingly, miming taking notes on her hoof. “I need this for my daily affirmations calendar.”

“Friendship never lasts,” Tirek snarled, taking a step forward. “And neither will your legacy.”

The way he said it made Flurry think that, perhaps, he wasn’t talking to them - he was talking to somepony else, somepony they all saw…

Tirek, Chrysalis, and Permafrost all shot a combined magical blast straight for them. Flurry, Hitch, Sprout, Izzy, Zipp, and Pipp all tightened their grip on each other and braced themselves for the worst-

But it never came.

Simultaneously, they all opened their eyes to see a pony standing between them and their destruction - a pony that had conjured a massive golden shield around them, a pony who seemed to glow in the light of the Legion of Doom’s spell, a pony with golden wings and a matching golden horn.

The pony lowered the shield when the spell fizzled out. “Leave my friends alone,” Sunny Starscout told the villains, taking a step towards them.

All of the villains’ faces contorted into complete rage. “You,” Chrysalis snarled, her voice dripping venom.

Sunny smiled. “Me,” she said calmly before her voice turned hard. “You’re fight’s with me, remember?”

“All of your friends combined couldn’t defeat us,” Cozy Glow informed her, glaring at the ponies behind Sunny, who had stood up with looks of unmistakable hope and overwhelming happiness on their faces. The filly was filled with an unspeakable rage. “I doubt one pony could make a difference.”

“Oh, didn’t I mention?” Sunny glanced skyward. “I brought friends.”

Everyone looked skyward as they were bathed in shadow. A massive floating ship - a zeppelin - was descending from the clouds and stopped just a few meters above the group. Several creatures appeared, lowering themselves onto the ground and surrounding Flurry, Zipp, Pipp, Hitch, and Sprout: Kailani carrying Little Braveheart, Ash holding Midnight, Brooks surrounding himself with his own magic and lowering himself, and Imara as a bugbear, setting Lukas on the ground before changing back into herself.

Flurry and her friends gaped, Permafrost and Sour Lavender with them, but Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow knew who these creatures were, and their eyes narrowed with hatred.

“So,” Cozy Glow seethed, “you went around to all the tribes and convinced them to help you. I won’t say I’m surprised. How did you get rid of the mind link?”

Pipp gasped and reached under her wing. Sunny spotted the movement out of the corner of her eye and knew what her friend was trying to do. “The what?” she asked innocently, pretending like she didn’t know.

“The mind link?” Cozy looked hilariously aggravated. “The spell we cast on you to let us invade your mind and control you? The very reason we kidnapped you in the first place?”

“Oh, that mind link,” Sunny said, playing along. “You’ll have to forgive me, it’s been a crazy past few days.” She gave the villains an innocent smile that they didn’t buy one bit. “Well, I was told,” she continued, glancing at Midnight, “that it was your fault.”

What?” Tirek demanded.

“I only mean that you weren’t holding on as tight as you should have been.” Sunny shrugged. “Let me slip right through your hooves. So sad. Tell me, how does it feel to lose something you worked so hard for?”

“You are so going to get what is coming to you,” Tirek snarled, cracking his knuckles.


With a cry, all the creatures and ponies launched themselves at the Legion of Doom, and Sunny almost felt sorry for them.


The earth ponies and Lukas and Little Braveheart were either throwing snow at the villains’ faces or tripping, kicking, hitting, or shoving the villains, mainly Tirek. After suffering a particularly bad hit from Lukas, Tirek’s vision refocused on Hitch, who was standing on top of Little Braveheart. He said, “Surprise!” and landed a fist squarely on the centaur’s nose. Tirek stumbled back and roared, preparing to charge when he was hit with a volley of snowballs from Sprout, Hitch, Little Braveheart, Midnight, and Lukas, temporarily blinding him. He wiped it off his face and roared.

Chrysalis was facing Imara and Flurry, both of whom had very good reasons to hate this creature. Flurry would shoot beams of magic while Imara would constantly change shape, confusing Chrysalis and tripping her up. Imara transformed into a bugbear and let out a tremendous roar at the changeling, making her stumble backwards blindly, meeting Flurry, who lit up her horn, picking up Chrysalis with her magic and tossing her across the landscape. She stood up, seething so much the snow melted off of her.

Cozy Glow was attempting to escape, but Pipp held her off, fending her off by flapping her fluffy wings in her face and taking a multitude of photos with the flash on - and bright. Spots in her vision, Cozy flapped backwards until she hit Sour Lavender, who was dealing with troubles of his own: mainly Kailani. She kept swooping around and dodging his hits, knocking him back with her wings, which were larger than his. She even kept him distracted by changing into a seapony mid-flight and changing back before she hit the ground, too fast for him to register.

Down on the ground, Permafrost sensed that he should leave, and he carefully backed away into the snow, where he knew he could hide, when he bumped into Brooks. The kirin snarled at the unicorn and was surrounded by fire until he emerged as a nirik. Permafrost yelped at the sight of the burning creature and backed away, but Brooks ran around him, trapping the icy unicorn in a wall of fire. Permafrost shot beams of ice at parts of the flames, dimming, and Brooks was having trouble keeping up, so Ash flew above him, covering the parts he missed.

Sunny spread her wings and flew up to help fend off Sour Lavender and Cozy Glow, creating golden shields in each of their paths whenever they tried to fly away. She could see Cozy watching her expectantly, as if waiting for something to happen, and she hoped it wouldn’t be more reinforcements for the Legion of Doom. Even as weak as they were, Equestria had been without magic for years, and compared to them, the Legion was extremely powerful. And as she looked around, Sunny could see her friends struggling to keep up - if something didn’t happen soon, the Legion would overpower them… and then where would they be?

As if sensing this, Little Braveheart looked up at Sunny now. “Sunny!” she cried. “You have to do to them what you did back in Appleoosa!”

She saw Kailani and Imara nodding, but Sunny wasn’t sure. The last time she had done that, the tiny voice in her head hadn’t been comforting. And there was the look on Cozy Glow’s face now…

Her friends were distracted, and Tirek threw some of them aside. Sunny let out a cry of fear, and Chrysalis, Cozy Glow, Permafrost, and Sour Lavender began to get the upper hoof.

Sunny felt her emotions running away from her, felt the power coursing through her veins, felt her mane lift off her shoulders and start waving, her eyes going white and glowing with magic, her horn and wings crackling with energy.

Cozy Glow closed her eyes tight and concentrated.

Magic is dangerous and cannot be trusted.

A flood of old thoughts came pouring into Sunny’s mind, and she hesitated.

These are not your friends.

Sunny was so confused now… She could feel herself slipping away…

Fight them, Sunny Starscout. Show them how powerful you are - show them that you do not need them.

She turned on the ponies and creatures now in a huddle, watching her with fearful expressions. Her horn lit up, rainbow light dancing up and down the glowing horn, and she prepared to fire when something caught her eye.

That blue pony right there. With the purple mane. His necklace…

The pale white crystal sparked something within Sunny, and an image popped into her head of her and her friends, after magic had returned, in a massive hug, and a feeling of intense love for these ponies raced through her, increasing her power and chasing the dark thoughts away… for now. Sunny could still feel them lurking at the edge of her mind…

Behind her, Cozy Glow flinched, and her forehead creased in concentration.

She didn’t have long, Sunny knew that. She turned on the Legion of Doom, her horn alight, and, with a cry of defiance meant entirely for her friends, fired.

Author's Note:

I have finished this story, the other two chapters will be coming out later today. Summer break is almost here, and I am super excited for it!

Constructive criticism is appreciated. Thank you for reading!