• Published 18th May 2022
  • 1,861 Views, 39 Comments

Shadows Among Everfree - RedPegasus

The months have passed since the Anon-a-Miss incident, and with the arrival of summer, Sunset Shimmer and her friends from Crystal Prep are ready for a new venture. Camp Everfree awaits them.

  • ...

Friendship is Broken

Author's Note:

... Is anyone... still around?
Does anyone remember that this story exists?

... Yes, sorry for the delay. I have no excuse.

But I will resume the story until I finish it, the final chapters will come soon.

I thank my friend Arthor for the editing and grammar correction. This story is thanks to you, my friend.

I'm sorry again. I hope all you like what's coming.

After a moment alone to clear her head and think about what just happened, Sunset leaves her tent followed by the now talkative pup.

“Well, somehow the girls got magical abilities.“ Sunset speaks loudly. “This… reminds me a bit of Rainboom's magic.”

“The girls from the other school?” The puppy asks.

“Yeah. They could generate magic when they played music.” Sunset explains. “Actually, it has happened to Twilight, Sonata, Lemon and me too; however, this is… different.”

“But they weren’t playing music. As far as I know we were all asleep.” Add the puppy. “And I have a good ear, I would have listened if there had been music.”

“I know, I know. There must be something that affected them; something that made them… well… magical.”

“Is it related with what you did last night?”

Sunset thinks about it for a moment. “Umm, I don’t know. Although… you’re right! I ended up waking up in that cave last night. What led me there?”

“Maybe the cave has something magical in there.”


Sunset is silent for a moment as she thinks. Then she speaks again.

“You know Spike, I’m glad you can talk. I can speak about these things without it seeming weird to you.”

“I’ve lived with Twilight since I was five weeks old, so few things can make me feel weird.”

Sunset can’t help but laugh at such a comment. However it doesn’t last long, and she returns to her more serious face.

“In any case, the cave probably had something to do with all of this. I must find out what is that place.”

“Are you going there again?”

“Perhaps. But maybe there is an easier way.”

~Shadows Among Everfree~

A knock on the door is answered by Gloriosa’s jubilant voice.

“~Come in!~”

Sunset opens the door and walks in to see the woman sitting at her desk, who’s looking at some documents. When Gloriosa sees Sunset, she smiles brightly.

“Hi! How can I help you?” Asks the camp manager with joy and interest.

Sunset hesitates for just a second, before starting to speak. “Gloriosa, I want to ask you a question. You see, yesterday… um… exploring, I found a cave, and it was full of crystals that glowed…”

Sunset hesitated for a moment, almost regretfully as she didn’t know if it was safe to explain in detail. Gloriosa, for her part, wipes her smile away, changing it to a look of surprise followed by a nervous smile.

“Um… Uh… a cave, you say?”

“Yes, a cave. Filled with sparkling crystals, I…had never seen anything like it.”

Gloriosa begins to speak with a nervous voice that appears to be cheerful. “Oh, uh, I see. And… what did you do there?”

Although she tries to smile, Gloriosa’s eyes show nervousness. Sunset also begins to get very nervous, not knowing how to explain herself.

“Umm… nothing in particular. I just saw the place, but I didn’t stay long.”

Gloriosa lets out a laugh in an attempt to calm her nervousness. “Oh! Alright. And… what exactly do you want to know?”

“Well, I’ve never seen shiny crystals before. I was wondering if you knew anything about that place.”

Gloriosa stands up suddenly and walks around her desk giggling a little.

“~Oh, ho ho!~ These young people today.” The woman speaks, almost imitating another adult attitude. “Calm down, honey. That cave you say – well – it was a secret, but I guess I’ll have to tell you. That cave is a place I’m preparing for… a party!”

Sunset arches an eyebrow. “A party?”

“~A party for all the campers!~” Gloriosa exclaimed recovering her good attitude. “The crystals are just decoration! ~They are fake and have lights inside to shine!~”

“… Really?”

“~Of course!~ But I’m going to ask you to keep it a secret, okay? ~I want it to be a surprise party for everyone!~”

Sunset doesn’t seem convinced, but she decides not to question the matter further.

“Um… okay, if you say so…”

“Perfect! Now, do you need anything else?”

“Mmm, no. I think… I’ll continue with my way” Our girl says and starts backing towards the door.

"Very well! If you have any problems or want something to have fun, give me a call! ~I've got this!~” Gloriosa said the last thing in an almost singsong voice.

Sunset can't help but feel a little flustered by so much joy, she backs up a bit more and finally leaves the office.

Gloriosa sees her go, keeps her smile for a moment; and making sure she won't come back, sighs with relief.

"… That was close."

~Shadows Among Everfree~

After leaving and closing the door, Sunset returns to her thoughts. The puppy who accompanies her, seeing her get out of it, asks the girl.

“Did you find out anything, Sunset?"

Sunset puts a hand on her chin. “I’m not sure. Gloriosa says the cave is a place for a party.”

“Oh! Well, that sounds good.” Says the puppy. “No need to worry then.”

Sunset almost rolls her eyes, until she remembers that Twilight’s dog is still a pup and oblivious to adverse circumstances. “Yeah, but… I think she was lying.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Because of the way she acted. Gloriosa seemed nervous, as if she had hidden something in that cave.” Our girl answers while she is still thoughtful. “And call me crazy, but those crystals over there didn’t just look like decoration. I think Gloriosa is hiding something…”

After reasoning out loud, Sunset falls silent again and thinks. Spike, who doesn’t seem to fully understand the situation, doesn’t do anything to help her or want to interrupt her.

But the moment is broken by a series of screams that can be heard from the other side of the camp. Both, puppy and girl, are static at such a sound and the manager of the camp rushes out of her office, very alarmed.

“What was that?! What happened?!” The woman asks, annoying Sunset a bit.

“I-I don’t know! Suddenly someone yelled!”

Gloriosa doesn’t wait any longer and runs to the place where the scream was heard. Sunset and Spike soon follow her.

~Shadows Among Everfree~

Back at the dock, the situation had become very strange, various tools and boards were floating in the air as well spinning like gears. So is a camper doing it.

“Aaahhh! Somebody get me down!” Fleur de Lis demands, annoyed and terrified in equal measure, as she floats down to the lake.

All the campers, including those who were not there at the time, rushed to the scene to see the whole situation, and no one could understand what they saw.

In the center of it is a terrified Twilight who is looking at all the shiny things, and trying to shrink so she can notice how her hands shine, the same brightness that surrounds the floating objects.

One of the campers notices Twilight’s hands and talks to her.

“Sparkle! Are you doing this?!”

“N-NO! I mean…yes!” Twilight responds, alarmed and confused. “But I…I…it’s not my-“

“SPARKLE!” Fleur screams, still upset and still floating headfirst over the lake. “You better put me down now or I swear I’ll make you regret it!”

“S-Sorry Fleur de Lis. It’s just… I just don’t know how-“

“Sparkle! GET ME DOWN, NOW!!”

Twilight’s nerves seem to increase and that causes the floating things to start flapping and flying in various directions. Some campers almost get hit, but manage to evade the tools and boards.


Indigo dodges a hammer that nearly hits her on the head.

“Wow! Okay, this stopped being weird and it’s starting to get dangerous.”

Sonata and Lemon look around the place. The first grabs the second and ducks them both to avoid a hoverboard.

“This isn’t right, we have to help Twilight.” Says sonata

Lemon, smiling, has an idea. “Hey Twilight!”

Twilight looks at the green haired girl.

“Whatever you’re doing, stop doing it!”

Sonata looks surprised at the rocker girl. “…Really, Lemon?”

“What? It’s a good idea.”

Twilight is still terrified. “I do not know what I’m doing! THAT’S THE PROBLEM!”

Twilight’s hands glow brighter and some kind of magical current comes out of her, soon all the campers find themselves floating a couple of inches off the ground.


Almost as if it were a summoning, Sunset and Gloriosa – also Spike – arrive at the place and are amazed at what they see. The second more than the first.

“Wha…what…what’s going on?!”

The camp’s manager is frightened by such a vision.

Gloriosa Daisy is frightened by such a vision. Sunset, next to her, sees her bespectacled friend in her own panic and runs towards her.


“Sunset! Help me!”

Sunset catches up to Twilight and grabs her by the shoulders.

“Twilight, listen! Magic depends on your emotions! If you get scared, it will be stronger! You have to calm down!”

“I’m too scared!”

“Don’t think about fear! Think of something, something nice! Something that makes you feel better.”

Twilight still looks scared, surprisingly she hugs Sunset tightly and although she is surprised, Sunset responds to her gesture and holds her friend firmly.

Little by little Twilight’s fear is lost, she calms down. The glow in her hands is fading and the tools, wood, and campers are descending to the ground.

Fleur, who is also going down, realices she is going towards the water.

Aaah! No! Wait! Wait! These clothes are dry clean!”

Her complaint is useless and when everything and everyone is released from her magical aura, she ends up in the water. Except for Fleur, everyone is relieved to be on solid ground, though that doesn’t take away their doubts.

For her part, Sunset continues to hug Twilight. As they break their embrace, she looks worriedly at her friend.

“Are you okay?”

The scientist nods, looking sadly at the ground.

“Twilight, what happened?”

“I-I... I Don’t know. It just…everything started to float…”

Sunset looks very insecure. “What were you doing?”

Twilight looks concerned as she answers. “Nothing! I just…walked…”

Sunset isn’t convinced by the statement. “Something must have activated your magic. What happened?”

“Well, I… argued with Sunny Flare…”

Sunset is now in shock. “What? Why?”

“Because I’m fed up! Sunny Flare always wants to steal everything I want! Timber! You! She is… Aurgh!”

“Woah, woah! Hold it right there, Twi. Sunny doesn’t-“


Lemon and Sonata approach both of them, thus interrupting the apparent conversation.

“Twilight, Sunset, what happened?”

“I think Twilight’s magic was activated by her emotions,” Sunset explains. “After she argued with Sunny Flare.”

“Huh? Why did you guys argued?” Sonata ask.

“Meh, I don’t blame her.” Lemon answers. “Sunny can be very annoying, personally I’ve always wanted to tell her-“

“Lemon, please!” Sonata speaks in a vindictive tone. “We have to focus on Twilight.”

Lemon is a bit surprised by the Siren’s scolding.

Indifferent to the group, Indigo goes to the pier to help Fleur who had swum there.

“Come on Lis, let me help you.”

“Thank you Indigo Zap.”

Indigo reaches out her hand and takes Fleur’s ready to lift her up. However, at the moment they both touch each other, they are passed through by an electric current that, although it is not strong, does cause a loud cry from the young women and separatas them.

The scream of both catches everyone’s attention as they turn around to see.

Indigo looks closely at her hand, noticing a couple of sparks of electricity. Fleur, ignoring the google girl’s bewilderment, gives her an angry look.


In a reflex of anger, the pale girl throws water at the athlete. Everything seems to be in slow motion, but when the water touches Indigo’s body, a current of electrical waves passes through her. Indigo screams in pain and falls to the ground, currents of electricity visible in her body.

Sunny Flare sees that and rushes to get closer, kneels next to her and is about to touch Zap but the electric currents prevent her from doing so.

Timber walks over and helps Fleur out of the water. Fleur looks annoyed, as she looks at Indigo and the rest of the approaching group.

Sunny Flare continues to look at Indigo with great concern.

“Indigo, can you talk?”


Gloriosa rushes over. “Don’t be afraid, I’ll take you to the infirmary. Just let me…”

She tries to grab Indigo and carry her, but the electricity jumps out at Gloriosa, causing her to flinch. The rest of the group arrives and reunites.

“Wow Zap, can’t you handle a little bath? He he.”

“Lemon, this is not the time for jokes!”

Lemon’s laughter dies and she is replaced by an annoyed look at Sonata’s scolding.

Chrysalis approaches carrying a thick blanket.

“Step aside, please.”

The woman wraps Indigo with that cover, and since it is made of waterproof material, it manages to retain the secretions. Then Chrysalis picks her up.

“I’ll take her to the infirmary to get checked out.”

Said and done, the green-eyed woman walks carrying Indigo who groans a little for the annoyance. Timber steps forward too surprised.

“Can someone explain to me what’s going on here?!”

“It’s Sparkle and her dumb friends’ fault.” Accuses Fleur de Lis. “They always cause trouble like that.”

“Calm down girl,” Lemon Zest claims. “It’s not our fault.”

“The four-eyed moron threw me into the lake!”

“It was an accident!” The purple girl defends herself.

“You are an accident!”

“Please, enough!” Says Gloriosa almost in a scream. “There’s no reason to fight.”

Sunset holds back a sigh and a groan trying to calm down to think. On the other hand, Sonata addresses the group.

“We should go see if Indigo is alright.”

“She will be alright. That’s nothing compared to the hangovers she gets every Saturday.” Lemon speaks in a mocking tone.

“Lemon, can you take this seriously?!” The blue Dazzling exclaims once more.

“I’m serious! Indigo is the best athlete in the school, a little water and a few shocks won’t hurt her.”

“You should still worry about her a bit!”

Sonata’s almost aggressive attitude ends up bothering the rock ero. “What the hell is wrong with you?! You’ve been scolding me for a while!”

“Girls, please-“ Gloriosa tries to speak but is interrupted.

“And you do nothing but making dumb jokes!” Claim Sonata. “Can’t you understand this situation is serious?! Something strange is going on and if it continues like this, someone will get hurt!”

“I’m just trying to ease the tension! God! You’re not funny anymore.”

“THIS ISN’T FUNNY!” Sonata is getting more and more upset, out of her character. “Can you take something seriously for once in your life?!”

“Urgh! When did you get so grumpy?” Lemon asks crossing her arms and with an ironic tone.

“The moment I saw my friends might be in trouble?” Responds Sonata lowering her voice but keeps it just as serious as her current state. “You should worry if we’re supposed to be friends! Or is this all a joke to you? Are we a joke to you?!”

“Of course not!!”

They both look serious and upset in their discussion. Others around start to worry. And campers oblivious to the matter but attentive to it have different thoughts.

“Then stops goofing around and try to think of a way to help!”

“Now you say I can’t help?!”

“Not if you’re still acting like a douchebag!”


“That’s right!”

Lemon growls and her anger increases, Sonata just looks at her seriously. Twilight looks worried. Gloriosa tries to say something but she just stutters. Is Sunset who is most concerned.

Lemon begins to tremble in anger and then responds. “You… you! … SCREW YOU!

Lemon’s scream comes out in the form of a sound wave that pushes everyone away and makes them fall. Far away campers fall to the ground. Likewise Gloriosa and Sunset with Twilight, who although they hold up, end up falling. Timber manages to catch up with Fleur, but Sunny and also Sonata end up falling into the water.

Lemon, the instant she screamed, covers her mouth in surprise at what just happened. With eyes wide open and her hands over her mouth she looks around her noticing everyone is watching her in surprise, and some in fear. She looks towards the water, Sonata and Sunny also look at her just as surprised. She frees her mouth and smiles nervously.


The rocker covers her mouth again. It wasn’t a scream, but still her voice came out resounding as if her mouth were a speaker. Her pupils dilate because of her growing nervousness. And she is not the only one.

Murmurs begin to be heard and quite conflicting looks are noticed directed towards the Sunset Among Shadows by the campers.

Gloriosa tries to swallow her nerves, almost literally, and talk to those present.

“Alright, alright. Please everyone stay calm.”

While the camp’s manager tries to do her job, both Sonata and Sunny go up to the pier.

“Urgh! That’s it, I’m fed up!” The lilac-haired girl complains. “What else can happen to me today?!”

Almost at the end of her sentence, she notices a bit of smoke under her. Looking down, she can see how flames form around her hands and begin to consume the wood of the pier. Sunny instantly screams and pulls her hands away realizing that she has no blocker.

“Ga-aah! Sunscreen is not waterproof!”

Before anyone knew it, the wood on the pier began to be consumed by fire. Instantly everyone on top runs to the shore away from the fire.

The expression on the campers was indescribable as they watched their hard and dedicated work being destroyed once again…and this time completely.

“Our work… they destroyed our work!” Exclaims one of the campers in a furious and accusatory manner, and it doesn’t take long for him to be followed and supported by many others who instantly become furious with our group.

“You burned the pier!!”

“I-It was an accident!...” Sunny tries to defend herself.

“You also burned down your tent, didn’t you? What are you, arsonist?!”

“N-No, I-I…”

Gloriosa keeps trying to take control. “Please guys, please calm down… ”

Fleur complains again. “Calm down?! We cannot calm down with these loose threats!”

“They ruined the camp!”

Sunset tries to speak. “Hey, hey, wait a minute buster. This is only-“

“Shut up Shimmer! Surely this is your fault!”

“Wh… what?”

“Everything has been a disaster since you came to Crystal Prep!”


The Dean orders with strong authority, something rarely seen in her attitude.

“This dispute is over. I want everyone to go back to your activities and forget about all this.”

The stern look Cadence gives makes every single one of them comply, albeit grudgingly. Waiting for the crowd to disperse, Cadence changes her face to a softer one turning back to our group.

“Girls, are you alright?”

Sunset tries to answer. “We are… we are fine. It's just.. “

“Is anyone hurt?”

“Not hurt.” Answers Fleur de Lis still angry. “But I demand a hot shower before-“ She speaks, but is suddenly cut off. “Ah-Choo!”

Fleur sneezes and rubs her nose a little. Timber decides to approach and take her by her shoulders.

“Come on, I’ll get you a towel. You also come to clean and dry yourself.” Timber heads off with Sunny and Sonata, while he holds Fleur and leads her away.

Sunset rubs her face trying to calm down. She then looks at her green haired friend.

“Lemon, are you okay?”

The rocker seems unsure of the answer. Fearful, she removes her hands from her mouth and, after thinking twice, she speaks.


Instantly Lemon covers her mouth again and holds it tight to stifle the scream that escapes her.

Cadence decides to take the floor and speak to the entire group.

“Sunset, you’d better continue your camping activities.” The woman says in a tone that tries to denote calm. “I’ll take Lemon to the infirmary.”

“What?! B-but Dean-“

“Sunset, go.”

Though Dean Cadence’s voice is calm, that’s an order she doesn’t expect to protest. She takes Lemon by her shoulders and leads her away, but before leaving Cadence looks at Twilight.

“Twilight, I think you should come too.”

Twilight seems to want to object, but the woman’s serious look silences her. Sunset can only watch as all of her friends distance themselves, worried.

Gloriosa Daisy approaches her with a consternation all too visible on her face.

“Hey… you, uh… are you… alright?”

Sunset doesn’t respond at the moment, she sighs and lowers her head with some regret.

“… I don’t think so.”

Overwhelmed but unable to do anything, Sunset walks away from the scene.

~Shadows Among Everfree~

“THIS IS UNFAIR!!” Indigo yells at the dark-skinned, jade-haired woman who is looking at her nonchalantly.

Chrysalis is standing in front of the camp’s dining table, where Indigo, Sunny, and Lemon are sitting. The three of them looking at her with surprise and indignation.

“It’s for the good of the camp, and yourselves.”

“Miss Chrysalis, excuse me for saying so, but this isn’t reasonable.” Sunny whines trying to stay calm.

Mh hm mm hmm mm mh hm! Lemon wants to speak but as she forces herself to keep their lips pressed against each other. She only makes unintelligible sounds.

“Sorry girls, but Sunny Flare’s body temperature isn’t even reasonable.” Explain Chrysalis. “Indigo Zap’s body has an intense static charge. And I have no idea what’s happening to Lemon.” The woman finishes explaining. “In other words, your conditions are not just abnormal, are dangerous as well.”

Indigo is still very angry. “You can’t just lock us up! We aren’t animals!”

Chrysalis remains composed. “I’m sorry, but for your sake and the sake of others, you must stay here until we make a decision regarding your conditions.”

Although the girls protest the woman doesn’t listen to them, she turns around and heads towards the exit. Chrysalis turns once more and speaks seriously.

“You are strictly prohibited from leaving the dining room until further notice. If I see any of you outside, I will retaliate severely.” The woman’s voice is stern, but before leaving she speaks in a sad tone. “… I’m sorry.”

After that, Chrysalis just walks away from them and closes the door. Chrysalis walks with a pensive face, she finds Cadence who looks at her serenely, altough a little worried.

“Chrysalis, how are they?”

“Angry, more than anything. They don’t look like they’re hurt or sick though.”

Cadence looks a little more relieved, yet she’s still very worried. “… Chrysie, are you sure that’s what’s best for them? Lock them up?”

“I don’t like the idea either, Cadence. However, from what you told me and what I have been able to see, it’s better to keep those girls away until we figure out what to do.”

“And what are we going to do?” Cadence asks, rushed and a little upset. “Call their parents? Police? NASA? What are we supposed to do in a case like this?!”

“Cadence, please calm down.” Chrysalis demands in a soft but stern tone. “Getting upset won’t help us.”

“That’s easy to say! I… I just wanted to take the guys to a fun camp…but…”


“…Crystal had become a better place. I thought the students would have fun and make good memories. And now… what is supposed to happen?!”

Chrysalis takes Cadence by the shoulders and looks into her eyes. They don’t say anything, tough it seems like their thoughts are transmitted. Finally, Chrysalis takes Cadence by the hand and they both walk to a quieter place where they can think and decide.

When both are out of sight, Sunset, Twilight and Sonata take the opportunity to approach the cabin.

“Did they lock them up?” Twilight is the first to talk about the situation. “But that’s…”

Sunset bites her lip and decides to get closer, not before turning back at the girls.

“You two, wait for me here.”

“We want to go with you.” Sonata asks.

“No, it will be troublesome if someone sees us here.” Sunset answers. “Let me check them out and if anyone approaches, let me know and I’ll leave.”

Sunset says no more, she walks into the dining room. Both Twilight and Sonata look at her with concern, and then they share that look with the other.

Inside the diner, Sunset sees her friends sitting around and complaining.

“Grrr… But what does that woman think? What’s this, the freaking jail? They treat us like criminals!” Indigo yells extremely angrily.

“I’ve been preparing for this camp for so long, and now I’m locked up here!” Sunny Flare comments critically as she squirts more sunscreen onto her hands.

Mhmhm! Lemon complains, still not daring to open his mouth.

“Urgh! Who invited that witch?!” Indigo speaks up in frustration. Hitting the table with the palms of her hands stands up and begins to walk.

“When I get out of here she'll see what awaits her, and I will beat her so hard her bastard children will be born brain damaged.”

“Honestly Indigo, I understand your annoyance, but you should better consider your actions.” Sunny speaks in a stern tone. “Going against the Superintendent of the Ministry of Education doesn’t seem sensible.”

“I DON’T GIVE A FUCK!” The athlete screams. “She locked us up, like animals!”

“Well, that doesn’t mean you have to behave like one.”

The comment earns an extremely angry nod from the girl on googles.

“You better quit talking! It’s your fault we’re here!”

“Excuse me?!”

“You burned the pier!”

“It… It was an accident!”

“I don’t give a damn! You and your silly burning hands! I would have locked you up myself and then we wouldn’t be here.”

Faced with the serious accusation, Sunny stands up and faces the girl.

“Look Indigo, I woke up in the middle of my bed covered in fire. I tried to help a former friend who was just criticizing me, and now I’m locked up instead of enjoying camp. I don’t feel like listening to your stupid complaints!”

They both look at each other intensely, Lemon stands between them and separates them. With a grimace, she makes closed-mouth sounds as if she’s scolding them both, then Lemon Zest points to herself and her mouth.

“Stop acting like that! You look like a weirdo!” Indigo tells Lemon.

“Big deal, that’s what she always seemed like.” Adds Sunny. Lemon looks annoyed and intensely at Sunny. Before their discussion could continue, Sunset approaches.

“Girls! Please stop!”

“Sunset?!” Indigo and Sunny says at the same time.

Mhhm?! Lemon exclaims in her own way.

“What are you doing here?” Asks Sunny Flare.

“Did that rascal lock you up too?” Now asks Indigo.

“No, I came to see you.”

Sunny approaches almost desperately. “Oh Sunset! Please tell me you found a way to fix this.”

The three look expectantly at the former equine. Sunset Shimmer bites her lip, not sure how to respond.

“N-No… I don’t have anything…”

A groan of indignation is heard from the three girls.

“B-But I’ll figure it out on my own-“

“A week of camp. That was all I asked for!” Speaks Indigo cutting the pony girl. “Sleep in warm layers, a sporty triathlon! But no! Some magical stupid thing had to happen and now I’m stuck here with these two!” She complains pointing at her classmates.

“Being with you is not a pleasant thing for me either, for your information.” Sunny responds indignantly.

“G-girls… listen…”

“Listen what?! If you don’t have a way to get us out of this, we have nothing to talk about.”

“I… I just…”

“Urgh, I should have stayed home!” Sunny protests, sits back down and crosses her arms.

“I could have gone shopping, to the spa, or anywhere! But not! I had to come here to spend time with these barbarians with no manners!”

“I could have stayed in the gym working out, or even gone to get my eyebrows plucked! Anything would have been more fun than hanging up with you guys!”

Mh hm hmm mmh hm mh!” Lemon Zest claims just like Indigo.


Sunset yells to get everyone’s attention. She succeeds, but gets angry looks. “Hey, I know this is making you all nervous, but there’s no reason to fight. We are friends.”

“Friends?! Being your friends is what got us into this!”

“Wh… What…???”

“If it wasn’t for you and your stupid magic, we wouldn’t be in this mess!!”

“Indigo, I-“

“It’s true! Ever since you came, our lives have been nothing but trouble.”


Lemon moans and seems to contain the desire and the need to say something.

“I wish I hadn’t met you!” The girl with googles suddenly screams. “I’d be so much better off without you!”

“…Girls, please, we are friends-”

“We are not friends!” Sunny yells at her. “You are a threat! Get out of my sight and out of my life forever, Sunset Shimmer!”

“Sunny…girls… please…”

Finally after holding back for a minute, Lemon breaks out and screams with all her might.


Her scream is so intense, that she sends Sunset flying straight towards the door and knocks her out of the place, throwing her to the ground with a strong blow.

Both Sonata and Twilight see this and run to help her.

Sunset complains of pain from the impact. Looking up, she only sees Sunny, Indigo, and Lemon glare at her, then slam the door shut.

Twilight is shocked by such a scene. “Sunset, what happened?!”

Sonata is just as confused. They both look at the former equine, but she just ducks her head. After a few seconds of grief, Sunset looks up; a serious gesture is glimpsed in her eyes. She stands up, and begins to walk.

“Sunset, wait! Where are you going?” Twilight asked puzzled.

Sunset takes a few seconds to respond. “… I’m not sure…”

“But what happened?!” Sonata asks.

“…The girls…they…said that they are not my friends anymore.”

Such a thing leaves both teenagers speechless.

“Wh-what?! That… that is…! I don’t-WHY??!”

Sunset doesn’t answer, she takes a moment in silence. Without turning around, she speaks again.

“Twilight, Sonata, I need you to do me a favor.”

None of them respond, but they do pay all their attention to the girl with flamed hair.

“I think there is something hidden in the camp. This magical awakening, or whatever it was, is not a random situation. There must be something causing it.” This is what Sunset seriously explains. “I need you to watch the place, and the others. See if you can find anything.”

Saying that, the former student of Princess Celestia walks again.

“Sunset, wait! Where are you going?!” Sonata asks once more.

“Looking for answers.” It’s the only answer she gives. Sunset follows her firm and somewhat accelerated path.

Neither Twilight nor Sonata know what to think.

~Shadows Among Everfree~

The talkative pup sniffs the air a bit and moves on. Sunset Shimmer stays next to him.

“Yes, I’m sure this is the way.”

“Thanks for bringing me, Spike.”

“No problem. But tell me, why do you want to go back to the cave?”

“It all started after we found that cave, I want to go and see if I can find something that will help others.”

The pup continues to sniff and walk, followed by the adolescent.

“I find it curious, you said that they don’t want to be your friends anymore.”

Sunset lowers her head, her eyes trembling slightly.

“… Yeah.”

“But you still want to help them. Why?”

Sunset takes a moment to answer, but she does.

“Because I don’t forget what happened the last time I quit helping those who stopped being my friends.” Sunset Shimmer steps forward, peering through some bushes and can see the cave in the distance.

“Maybe they are not my friends anymore… but I am friends with them.”

With that sentence, Sunset speeds up her steps a little to get to the cave.

Once inside it, Sunset can’t help but marvel at the sight of those crystals shining around the place. As she moves in, feels her skin tingle, her body engulfed in heat. Images of a horse riding fill her mind, and she suddenly feels lost in that image…

Spike, noticing Sunset’s attitude, rushes to gently bite her leg and pull it to get her attention.


Her cry and the soft bite of the puppy make her react.


“Sunset! Be careful, you were getting weird like last night.”

Sunset looks surprised, looking up at the cave and then down at her hands. She gently touching her skin the note bristly, and something warm.

“Is it… Magic?”

“Magic?” The puppy seems curious.

“There is magic… in this cave.”

“Magic from your magical world?” The puppy asks.

“I… I don’t know… it’s… it’s the same but… different. This makes no sense.”

Spike doesn’t seem fully aware of what Sunset is saying, though neither is she herself.

Suddenly the puppy turns its head in one direction, frowns, and begins to growl. Then he starts barking. This gets the attention of her human friend.


“Grrr, evil!”


“There’s someone there, and it’s evil! Grrr!”

Sunset looks in the direction of the pup, frowns, and speaks loudly.

“Who’s there?! Don’t hide!”

For a moment nothing is seen or heard except the pup’s growl. But soon a laugh can be heard, followed by footsteps. A silhouette appears from between some rocky pillars of the place.

Sunset tries to see who was it, but she can’t make it out in the shadows.

“Who are you? Show yourself!”

The person finally gets close enough for the light to see them. A young man, with a complexion as white as snow, and his hair just as white. Interestingly, he wears the Crystal Prep Academy uniform, although it looks much darker.

Sunset is surprised to see him.

“We meet again, Sunset Shimmer.”

Sunset is surprised to see that boy. “… You…”

The pale young man smiles, a smug air and a certain mischief emanating from his countenance. Spike growls at the sight and Sunset is speechless, too surprised. She then blinks in confusion.

“… Who are you?”