• Member Since 26th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


I write about horses and other creatures kissing. The gayest of kissing


Much like most griffons, Gallus is no stranger to exploiting every loophole he sees.

Even if it's to someone else's detriment.

After all, it's not his fault they didn't see it.

So when he gets an assignment aiming to practically sing the praises of Equestrian Generosity, he instead decides to prove that it only takes ten bits to destroy what most ponies hold dear.

Little does he know, Pinkie Pie's cupcakes are not meant to be trifled with.

Written for the Thousand Words Contest in the Experimental and Comedy categories.

Based, in part, on this article about cheesed sticks.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 22 )

Howdy, hi~!

This was great. I definitely snorted at the end of it when Gallus stuck it to Ocellus. Loved the build-up and subtle nods to other fics. Was an interesting way of presenting the story with the coloured text and report style of writing. It was a fun fic.

Thanks for the read~!

(I jut have no idea what else to say.)

The fact that he didn’t put any into a container to have later speaks volumes about who’s really the dumb one here.

it didn’t taste like any pony meat I’ve had
Aca-excuse me?

3:49PM - To clarify, I don’t go around tasting pony meat. The only pony meat I’ve tasted is Sandbar’s.

3:50PM - Another clarification. The Sandbar I tasted was his foreleg, which I only bit as a dare. I would say get your mind out of the gutter, but I’ve seen the books you hide behind those fashion magazines. Your mind comes pre-guttered.


Before leaving, Smolder leaned in close to wipe a bit of frosting from my cheek. I blushed, something I only admit because it means I was flustered by two genders today.

All I needed was a visit from Ocellus and I could bag a third.


“Hah!” Gallus exclaimed, lifting a claw to aim it as a gun towards the Changedling sitting beside him. “Suck it, bugaboo!”


good stuff thanks for feeding me with student 6 content

In attempting to write GallBar, I found that this weird GallBar/Smolcellus ship is truly endgame.

In a year I expect to just ship all of the Student 6. As god meant us to.

You can't just take them home for later. That would defeat the purpose of the deal!

I originally was going to have him ask about that, or at least provide a general run-down of the rules, but it had to be cut for word count :raritydespair:

With appreciation for the limitations of 1000 words, there are definitely some gaps you have chosen not to explain.
When I saw that he was going for unlimited cupcakes, I thought the grift was going to be generously giving away his unlimited cupcakes to anyone who wanted one. Unlimited for one can mean unlimited for everyone, if the rules don't say otherwise.

Another clarification...
Oh my goodness, Gallus, my mind comes pre-guttered, too, it seems.

This was a delight, and it felt like you really got a lot of detail out of 1k words. This story was clever, cute, and as sweet as Pinkie's lethally saccharine cupcakes.

When it comes to these boys, the gutter is the only way to go.

I'm glad you enjoyed it. It may have been a struggle getting all of these things into one small story, but it has certainly been worth it.

Thank you for your words of kindness, friend. They will keep me warm in the coming days.

Ah yes, SCC. Not to be confused with SSC, makers of mechs with toes.

I don't like the concept of mechs with toes. Why have you done this to me

Blame the fictional megacorporation from 3000 years in the future.😅

I also let it slip that this was all for a counterculture-esque essay, to which she replied: “Heck yeah! Fight the power!

Let the record show that I did not switch to a different ink to write that sentence. It changed to that color after I wrote the closing quotation marks. May this serve as a warning.

I was going to be concerned about the pony meat comment, but then I kept reading. Very important addendum there.

I would say get your mind out of the gutter, but I’ve seen the books you hide behind those fashion magazines. Your mind comes pre-guttered.

Pro tip: Don't insult the professor in an assignment that already barely fulfills the requirements.

All I needed was a visit from Ocellus and I could bag a third.

"What are you?"
"I'm a changeling."
"No, are you a boy or a girl?"
"I'm. A. Changeling."
"What's in your pants?"
"Whatever I want. What part of 'changeling' isn't clear?"

Delightful demonstration of Equestria's soft power and the folly of underestimating it. Thank you for it and best of luck in the judging.

SCC core bonuses include Full Subjectivity Snack, Ghostwrap, and Kai Biofrosting.

This paper is an essay in name only.

And because Sandbar told me I can’t submit it otherwise.


Written proof of how I, Gallus T. Griffon, singleclawedly broke one of the pillars of Equestrian morals in the only way I know how.

my immediate question is what the "T." stands for

By exploiting dumb, overly trusting ponies. Though this time with cupcakes and not scams.

noooooo why would you exploit the dumb, overly trusting ponies? :(

I also let it slip that this was all for a counterculture-esque essay, to which she replied: “Heck yeah! Fight the power!”

aww, that is so sweetly supportive and very Pinkie! love it

After a rich, creamy bite I couldn’t help but ask Pinkie how she manages to make them taste so good

Her evasive answers and rush to the back made the deep red cupcake seem all the more ominous. Despite this, I persevered and finished the first of many cupcakes.

that does indeed make it seem quite ominous! something tells me the reason for nopony having taken up the unlimited cupcakes offer will be revealed soon enough

3:45PM - A Rainbow Dash themed cupcake was… quite the surprise. It sat ominously on my plate for a few minutes, her cutie mark emblazoned upon its light blue dough reminding me it was only a few days before she mysteriously disappeared on ‘Official Wonderbolt Business.’

oh no. oh noooooo

3:48PM - I tentatively took a bite and was thankful it didn’t taste like any pony meat I’ve had.

the "had" raises a lot of questions...

Much like the pony, definitely not my favorite.

oof, burn on Rainbow!

3:49PM - To clarify, I don’t go around tasting pony meat. The only pony meat I’ve tasted is Sandbar’s.

phew! i was hoping that would be what he meant!

3:50PM - Another clarification. The Sandbar I tasted was his foreleg, which I only bit as a dare. I would say get your mind out of the gutter, but I’ve seen the books you hide behind those fashion magazines. Your mind comes pre-guttered.

ahahahaha like i guess this is addressing Rarity but also totally got me, the reader

He and I enjoyed his favorite, a carrot cupcake, in solidarity.

Not having the heart to tell him adding vegetables to cupcakes defeats the purpose, I instead invited him to join me in my act of teenage rebellion.

aww, but carrot cakes are so good! Sandbar knows where it's at!

Though my fight is clearly alone, he left me with a kiss.

so nice that Gallus has so much love and support for his ridiculous nonsense :)

Before leaving, Smolder leaned in close to wipe a bit of frosting from my cheek. I blushed, something I only admit because it means I was flustered by two genders today.

All I needed was a visit from Ocellus and I could bag a third.

ehehe nice, everycreature has a thing for the sarcastic blue bird it seems

4:30PM - No visit, just more cupcakes. I flinched as Pinkie dropped off a mint chocolate one, to which she gave an uncharacteristically cocky smile.

Does she think she’s beaten me already? Have cracks already formed in the thin veneer of my ego?

Perhaps, but I don’t intend to let them show for long.

ah, love this Pinkie/Gallus showdown, now that is a rare combination to write!

4:35PM - Already full of three sugary cupcakes, it’s hard for me to stomach a fourth. I don’t know how you ponies do it.

skill issue

4:50PM - Pinkie keeps coming by to ask if I’ll be ordering another cupcake. I don’t want to admit that she’s bested me, but the sinister glint in her eyes tells me she already knows.

She has always known

ehehe love it

5:00PM - I leave SCC with my tail between my legs. The two bit price tag on each cupcake means I didn’t even eat my money’s worth. As any griffon would know, this is a failure upon failures.

haha, can definitely imagine that kind of thriftiness being a griffon virtue!

As I leave, Pinkie gives me a characteristically large wave.

My own wave is small.

Tinged in defeat.

aww, that full-foreleg wave! i can just imagine it, always so fun, and makes a defeat to Pinkie sting all the more

“While normally this wouldn’t be allowed, I feel that your attempted refutation of Equestrian Generosity in fact solidifies the concept.

so true! love her and ponies

It was now the entire class who groaned in response, loudest of those being Ocellus.

“Hah!” Gallus exclaimed, lifting a claw to aim it as a gun towards the Changedling sitting beside him. “Suck it, bugaboo!”

ahaha, love how petty this ending is!

ah, really love this! great exploration of how griffons and ponies would view each other, though in a characteristically pony way, really more about how griffons view ponies and how ponies view ponies, all in a fun frame story with a lighthearted conflict. just love how Gallus comes through here all Gallus-y, the bit of GallBar in the middle, the metafictional bits that come with the essay being written in-universe for Rarity in mind, and how it all wraps together with a scene that could have been ripped directly from the canon School of Friendship. agh, Rarity as a teacher is a delight!

fantastic story, thank you so much for it!

Hello! Have a review. Gallus's narrative voice was what made this -- it's really entertaining. He's just like I'd imagine him to be in this situation, and the little asides and bits of dialogue just work. Not that keen on the coloured text, and the ending is not quite as brilliant as the rest (it's fine, just that the rest is even better) but overall this was enormous fun. Have a like and a fave, and well done on the Bronze Medal!

I thank you many for the review. I remember that I had something that I wanted to do with the colored text, but had to cut down the story majorly to fit the wordcount.

I guess I just left the coloring because I liked the vibe :twilightblush:


my immediate question is what the "T." stands for

"The," clearly. :raritywink:

Perhaps, or perhaps it stands for Tiberius.

The world may never know.

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