• Published 13th Aug 2022
  • 820 Views, 63 Comments

Let The Chaos Come - KingSombraTheTyrantRuler

A human sings along to "We Will Rise Again" while in Equestria, Discord is being banished. And as the human sings 'Let the chaos come' Discord is banished to earth.

  • ...

Chapter 6

Let The Chaos Come

Chapter Six

Written by KingSombraTheTyrantRuler

Lysander's P.O.V:

It's Monday. I groan and almost throw my phone out of the window due to the racket it's making.

I impatiently swipe the screen a few times but the alarm still doesn't stop. "Just fucking stop..."

Ugh. I hate Mondays.

The end of the weekend and the start of school.

Wait. School.

Holy fuck, I'm going to be put through hell there by all my classmates!

I momentarily forget about my annoyance at my alarm and start shivering in bed. Luke will be at school...

And I won't be safe...

Then I remember something. I've got the Lord Of Chaos on my side.

Discord can do anything he wants. I'll be totally safe.

With that thought in mind I jump out of bed and start my morning stuff, after which I put my uniform on.

I pause before leaving my bedroom and look at my uniform.

It's white shirt with the school logo, and black trousers with which I wear a black belt. There's also a tie which has the school's logo on it.

For some reason it feels like I've forgotten to put a part of my uniform on.

Oh yeah, my ID card! I quickly grab it from my desk and attach it to my collar as it's a clip on one.

There, it's complete now.

I make sure I've got my school shoes on and then carefully go down the stairs, holding my bag.

I grab some breakfast- a cereal bar and a glass of milk and finish it as fast as I can.

I'm probably late. Eh, what's another detention?

I head into the living room to see Discord still playing on the PS5.

"Holy fuck Discord," I say, surprised. "Did you stay up all night?"

He yawns and turns to me. "Eh, maybe. Why?"

"Aren't you tired?"

"Tired as hell, but a good thing about being from Equestria is that eating a little sugar will give me enough energy for the rest of the day. But it's not like I have to go anywhere... I can play forever!" He laughs.

I laugh nervously. "Actually Discord, the thing is... I need protection."

He sits up and grins. "So you finally did what Sara wanted and became her boyfriend? Though, I think you need to take her on at least three dates before going for her honey pot. Come to me after that and I'll give you some spare condoms I have."

I blush. When did Discord get such a dirty mind? "D-discord! Not that type of protection! I need you to protect me from Luke and everyone else in my class!"

"Hmm..." Discord puts his hand under his chin. "What will you give me?"


"Come on. You know what I mean~"

"Seriously? You're doing that? Now of all times?" I sigh. "Fine. I'll give you... Ice cream, donuts, pizza, tacos, Doritos- literally anything."

"And you'll let me spend how much time I want on the PS5?"

I roll my eyes. "Yes. Now come on, we're really late now."

Discord transforms into a watch which I put around my wrist and then we go.

Might you remind me why you need to be protected? I mean, like, what did you do that was bad enough to get Luke and your class pissed off at you? And I didn't really understand why he showed up in the middle of the night either.

Don't you remember? You were literally with me when the whole thing at school happened. I told the Principal what happened and who was doing what, so he gave us all five extra classes.

Oh yeah, now I remember.

And for some reason Luke got super angry about that and I think he wanted to kill me or something. Luckily Sara's unexpected arrival saved my life...

I think the guy you're dealing with is insane. Want me to give that psychopath something he'll never forget?

I grin. Sure...

I check the time on my phone and change my walk to a run.

It's 07:50 AM now. And school started at 07:00 AM...

Shit. I run across the road after making sure there were no cars coming and continue running.

I open Google Maps to make sure that I'm on the right path.

Nearly there....

I turn around the corner and go through the gates of my school, which the Security Guard opens.

I put my phone in my bag and stop for breath as I look up at the school building.

It's a white one. Unfortunately it's ten stories tall and my class is right at the top.

And there's no lift or escalator.

On normal days I'm totally chill with running up.

But on Monday? Nope.

There's a lot of bad things about Monday, I ponder as I run up the stairs, hoping I wouldn't run into any teachers. But the only good thing is that two of my classes happen twice, and since there are only six periods, I only need to take four books, resulting in my bag being a ton lighter than on other days.

I look up from the staircase to see I've arrived at my destination.

I catch my breath and walk to my class nervously.

The first class is Monsieur Demon- I mean Schmidt's...

Calm down Lysander. He's only gonna yell at you...

With that 'comforting' thought in mind I advance forward and slide the classroom door open.

Even if I didn't open it I still could've seen that it was Monsieur Schmidt in there as the door was see through.

I take a deep breath. "Sir, can I come in?"

He looks towards me and nods. "Brunnen," he says to seemingly no one with sarcasm in his voice as I enter. "Seht, wer sich endlich entschieden hat, uns mit seiner Gegenwart zu beehren." He gives me a piece of paper and a stack of books. "This is the routine, und this is all the bücher you'll need for der extra klassen."

I take the books and take a seat at the back, ignoring the murderous glares sent my way from everyone but Steve and Sara.

I then take my bag off, get my art book and pencil out and nearly fall asleep as the teacher explains about how to draw a perfect and realistic looking tree.

I was honestly about to fall asleep but something hits me. It's a piece of paper. I unfold it to read: 'You'll pay for this.'

I recognize Luke's handwriting and drop the paper as if it were a red hot coal.

Discord, can you please start working on whatever it is that you'll do to Luke?

Who said I wasn't working on it? Good things come to those who wait.

I decide to look around and see that Sara is sitting in the third row on the left, Luke is at the first row to the right and Steve isn't even here.

My blood freezes as I realize that one of Luke's 'helpers' are sitting two rows in front of me and everyone is shooting me angry looks.

I gulp and decide to look at the new routine.

First Period- Art (06:30 AM to 07:10 AM.)

Second Period- Maths (07:10 AM to 07:50 AM)

Third Period- Science (07:50 AM to 08:30 AM)

Fourth Period- English (08:30 AM to 09:10 AM)

Fifth Period- English Grammar (09:10 AM to 09:50 AM)

Break- (09:50 AM to 10:20 AM)

Sixth Period- Italian (10:20 AM to 11:20 AM)

Seventh Period- French (11:20 AM to 12:20 PM)

Eighth Period- German (12:20 PM to 01:20 PM)

Ninth Period- Computer Studies (01:20 PM to 02:00 PM)

Tenth Period- German (02:00 PM to 03:00 PM)

*This routine will be effective from this Tuesday (tomorrow.)

That was the routine for Monday. Luckily it started from tomorrow...

It looks like we'll have to bring ten books everyday...

I put it away, too tired too look at the order for the other days. Then I look at the books.

A beginners guide to German... All these books were beginners guides to all the languages we had to learn.

Really, it's unfair. I understand why everyone is angry at me now. But to be honest, it was their fault for fighting.

The rest of the day passes slowly, and at break time only me, Luke and his two cronies are left in the room since everyone else has gone off somewhere.

Luke grins evilly, and I know he's planning something so I rush out of the room.

I tried. He blocks the door and I fear the worst, but all he does is say, "I know your secret. What you're hiding. All this shit is unnecessary. Find a way to stop it, using your secret friend or else."

I blink in shock. Is he referring to Discord? And if yes... How does he know?

He answers my unspoken question. "Yes, I'm referring to that Lord of Chaos you have in your house."

"B-but how do you-"

"Remember this. I'm here. I'm there. I'm everywhere. I know everything about you, and if you questioned me on a random kid, I could even tell you who their great grandparents were."

"So you're a stalker? You've been stalking me?"

"I'm offended. I'm not a pitiful stalker. No, I'm something much greater than you can understand."

I look into his blue eyes to see that they are no longer blue; they are red.

Sweet Tartarus...

I hear Discord curse in my mind and try to back away from Luke.

He grabs my wrist and I see that his eyes are back to blue. He looks confused as if he'd been in a daze. "Why the hell are you standing in front of me? Want to kiss the sexiest guy in this school or something?"

"Huh?" That startles me. "A-actually, I was just about to leave. You're kinda blocking the door, y'know..."

Luke steps aside to let me go and I run out immediately and go to the library where it'd be quiet and devoid of people.

I find a corner and sit down in it. Discord? About what happened earlier with Luke... Is it something bad, you know how his eyes changed color?

Lysander. I... I'll explain later. It's too risky to explain it now.

Risky? We're literally having a telepathic conversation where no one can listen in on it.

Your Luke buddy is a lot more dangerous than you originally thought. He could listen in on this conversation, even though it's telepathic.

You're not making any sense.

You wouldn't understand if I explained it to you now. Just wait, okay? I can't explain it right now.

Ugh... Fine.

I stay in the library until break ends and head back to class.

Finally, the school day ends and I don't encounter Luke at all. Once I've walked out of the school gates Sara stops me. "Hi Luke. How are you?"

"Oh," I say, slightly caught off guard by her sudden appearance. "Hey Sara. I'm fine, how are you?"

"I'm fine too, thanks. So, remember the deal? Give me all your homework and I'll give it to you tomorrow at school."

"Yeah... But I was kinda thinking you could come over and we'd do the homework together? Like we could also relax and stuff?"

Sara smiles. "That actually sounds a lot better. Is eight in the evening fine with you?"


"Well, I guess I'll see you then." The tone of her voice makes it sound like she's expecting something.

"Uh, bye then."

I can't help but notice how she looks a little dejected as she walks away. "Hey, Sara!"

"Yes?" she stops and turns to look at me.

"Did you want anything?"


"I mean, was I supposed so say something other than 'bye'?"

"No, it's fine. Don't worry about it." She leaves.

I wonder what that was about...

She was expecting you to walk home with her, dummy! And here I thought that the British were famous for their politeness...

How was I supposed to know that? It's not like I spend all of my time learning how to become a gentleman.

And you're not supposed to because you're supposed to naturally be one.

I roll my eyes and start walking home as I continue telepathically arguing with Discord.

Once we're home, after a lot of detours in which I got some ice cream, glanced at the pet shop and stared at all the cute budgies inside with their cuteness causing me to buy a pair of them, and a lot of other random things that weren't really important, I take my heavy bag off and Discord transforms into himself.

I put the budgies' cage on a table and watch them.

One is blue and white while the other is green and yellow. They sit in a corner of the cage, observing me and Discord.

I decide to change my clothes and have a shower to save them from smelling my sweat. Such cute creatures shouldn't be put through torture like that.

So I tell Discord to make sure that no one comes in, not to answer the door, to use his chaos magic against anyone who comes in, etc and head up.

He agreed but I had to give him even more stuff. Eh, at least it's worth it.

While I'm in the shower, I stare at the white tiles and ponder.

I don't really spend that much time on my thoughts as I devote more time to PlayStation and games but what happened with Luke really confused me.

Were his eyes always red or blue? How did he manage to switch the colors?

If I was a normal person I would've believed that Luke was a really good actor and had contact lenses or whatever those things are called.

But as soon as Discord came, I was no longer a normal person.

Magic was real. For some reason I wasn't really startled by Discord's appearance and the fact that he had magic and all the other stuff about him, whereas a normal person would be freaking out.

At the time I thought I was just imagining stuff. To be honest, I mostly think of life as a dream. That it's not that real, so when we have dreams, it's a dream in a dream.

Sometimes life feels real and at other times it doesn't. That could be why I didn't freak out at the sight of Discord.

Or maybe I never truly was normal.

There are a lot of strange things I've noticed about myself.

I keep things so messy that I could've been in the GUNEAS book of records or whatever it was called.

Like, there's this guy who's got the longest name in history, so I could be the messiest person in history.

Despite being a middle child, I got most of the attention from my parents and that caused my siblings to hate me.

I don't really keep in touch with them due to that.

I turn the water off and step out, with my body automatically having done the shower while I was thinking.

Once I'm dry and have put some clothes on (an Adidas tracksuit) I go downstairs to see that Discord is wearing a guard outfit and has a spear in his hands.

"Discord? Why are you dressed like that?"

He gives a mock salute and proudly says, "I'm a Royal Guard!" He then gives me a serious stare. "Now, who might you be, young man?"

I fall over in laughter at this act.

He brandishes the spear at me. "Laughing at a Royal Guard is forbidden by the law! It is illegal! Now you must go to jail" he snaps his fingers and a huge cage appears "and stay with your budgie inmates!"

Another snap and I'm in there along with my budgies who are frightened at this sudden change in surroundings as well as the sight of me being close to them. They fly to a corner and observe me.



"Now can you tell me about it?"

"About what?"

"You know. The thing with Luke's eyes."

"I have no idea what you're talking about."


He walks over to me with his spear. "You are a prisoner, Monsieur. You will not talk. It is forbidden."

He then walks away and jumps onto a sofa, turning the PS5 on with his magic. He picks up a controller and begins to play.

"So what, guards are allowed to play?"

"Of course. Now quiet!"

As I watch him play, I notice that he looks tense. He's obviously worried about something...

I turn to my budgie inmates, who are a little closer to me. Seems like they're curious.

"Hey little fellas," I say softly not to scare them. "What's up?"

They chirp a little.

I smile and reach my hand out to pet them... And they run away.

I sigh.

A bundle of millet spray appears in my lap.

I hold one up and notice it's grabbed their interest. I put the others in my pocket and then close my eyes while keeping it in it's position.

I can hear the sound of cute budgie footsteps...

I feel something warm on my hand. And finally I can feel the millet spray being pulled.

I open my eyes a little to see both of them sitting on my hand, eating the millet.

Seeing that the one they're eating is almost finished, I use my right hand to pull another out of my pocket. Then I put my hand on my knee, and close my eyes again.

But they don't notice as they're too busy eating the millet.

I don't think I could stay in this cage forever even if it is fun watching them...

I get an idea. Time to stage a breakout plan.

Part One is completed. Well, nearly completed as I still need to make them comfortable around me without the millet, but who cares?

As they move onto my other hand, I grin.

I'm going to get out of this, and I'll find out the truth.

I close my eyes again and yawn. But maybe after a nap...

Discord's P.O.V:

I look over to the cage I've trapped Lysander in.

He's fallen asleep and so have his budgies. They're actually sleeping on him.

I smile at the cute sight.

What happened with 'Luke' made me feel helpless, as I know why he's like that and who he's possessed by...

My worry returns as I realize Lysander will still want to know.

I can't tell him. I can't tell him who Luke's possessed by... Or why he's the target.

It'll break him...

Author's Note:

Author's Note: Only recently did I remember that this was supposed to be about Discord, not Lysander! So I did some stuff to get the story to start focusing on our Draconequus, and add some mystery.

Will the next chapter reveal the secret? Maybe... Maybe not...

Only time will tell. And yes, I couldn't resist adding budgies in here. They're too cute.

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Until next time!