• Published 13th Jun 2022
  • 699 Views, 49 Comments

Doctor Whooves: Invasion of Manehattan - Guillermo

Roseluck's life had been a constant routine. But that changes when she goes to Manehattan and she becomes involved in a conspiracy against all of Equestria. Luckily for her, there is somepony who can help her, somepony who calls himself the Doctor.

  • ...


Doctor Remedy, a unicorn stallion, entered the hospital room, where there was a pegasus lying on the bed, found in the middle of the street an hour earlier near the hospital after suffering a sudden faint. Nearby was one of the nurses, who had been with the patient ever since.

"Well, how do you feel?" he asked, already knowing the answer.

"Fine, fine... Thanks. It was just a little dizziness."

"Uh-huh, the same was said by several ponies before you."

"Really? Well, you shouldn't worry too much, it's probably just a coincidence."

"My job is to worry," the doctor said, checking the clipboard he carried with him. "Nurse, can you come with me for a moment?"

The doctor approached the door, followed by the nurse.

"Is something wrong, doctor?"

Remedy said nothing at first, focusing on the earth pony mare in front of him. A few hours ago she had been perfectly fine, but now, she was swaying in the same way, the same bloodshot eyes and the same dark circles.

"What do you think?"

"Well, it could be equine flu" she said with a friendly but extremely exhausted smile.

"Uh-huh, but he doesn't have most of the flu-related symptoms and a lot of ponies are showing the same symptoms as him, plus they keep saying the same words."

"Well, it's probably just a coincidence. Don't worry too much, doctor."

The doctor watched her closely for a few seconds before sighing. He had seen that strange disease spreading in the city for almost a month, and at first, his superiors thought the same, but one day, they changed their minds, overnight. As much as he pleaded with them, they would dismiss it as common equine flu and a coincidence, preventing any kind of quarantine or attempt to warn other cities, much less the princesses. Resigned, he prepared to get on with his work, but the patient on the bed and the nurse bolted upright, their eyes starting to turn black, much to Remedy's dismay.

"Join us, join the hive."

The doctor stepped back and, with a quick step, left the room and closed it shortly before the nurse left. As soon as the door closed, they started banging, trying to escape.

"Doctor, what's wrong?" said a nurse behind him, looking terrified.

"Quarantine the building, and I don't care what the hospital director says!"


The doctor blinked and turned, his hooves still on the door, and saw that there were more possessed ponies in the hallway, one of them pouncing on the mare that had spoken to him and the ponies that weren't infected with whatever this virus was, illness, or whatever. The infected turned to him and began to get closer and closer.

"Join us doctor, join the hive."

The doctor gave up, backing away from the door and letting those things out. His eyes searched for a way out, but it was too late, he was surrounded. His last thought before one of the infected lunged at him was a silent prayer for somepony to save them. He doubted Equestria would survive this plague, and he prayed he was wrong.

The Doctor entered the TARDIS quickly, followed by Roseluck, who closed the door behind them.

"Tell me you have a plan" she said as she approached the Doctor, handing him the sonic screwdriver.

"I'm still on it."

Roseluck blinked as she watched the Doctor move around the control panel, thinking.

"Haven't you thought anything?"

"I'm on it, I tend to improvise most of the time."

Roseluck looked at the Doctor in disbelief, unable to believe what she was hearing.

"Improvise? Are you telling me you're going to save us all by improvising?"

"It's served me well so far" the Doctor said with a shrug. "I need to take out the Symbiotes, and their only weaknesses are fire and loud and/or sonic noises."

"I hope you're not thinking of using fire" Roseluck whispered.

"Of course not! First, that would kill the hosts as well, and second, I need to spread it throughout Equestria, so loud noises are the only option left, but I need a method to spread it, but...how?" "

Roseluck was silent, sitting as she watched the Doctor walk by. After a few seconds, he stopped and looked at her with wide eyes.

"I already have it!"


"Radio!" the Doctor said as he walked over to Roseluck and grabbed her by the shoulders. "That's what I need! You ponies have spread radios all over the country, there's practically no house in Equestria that doesn't have at least one radio!"

The Doctor turned away from a confused Rose and went back to walking in circles.

"But I need to amplify the sound of the sonic screwdriver and make the frequency big enough to…" The Doctor stopped again, a smile on his face, and began pressing buttons on the control panel.

Having a suspicion of what was going to happen, Roseluck caught herself in time as the TARDIS began to travel, coming to a stop in no time. The Doctor ran towards the door, followed by a confused mare, but as she left, her doubts were resolved.

"The biggest radio transmitter in all of Equestria!"

They were in front of a ten-story building with a huge transmission tower on top, several antennas pointed in different directions. Roseluck watched it for a few moments before turning to the Doctor.

"What's the plan then?"

"We will enter the building and go to a recording room where I will record my sonic screwdriver, once that is done, we will go to a control room to transmit the recording to all possible radio frequencies" he replied as he placed the screwdriver in his mouth to avoid the possessed.

Roseluck looked around the building and nodded, emboldened by her actions at Royal Paradise, although she couldn't deny that there was still a small part of fear in her.

"Let's get going then."

"Roseluck, every moment I spend with you I like you better" the Doctor said with a smile as he started to move forward.

Using the sonic screwdriver, they opened the doors, arriving at a fairly large hall, with a counter and several armchairs and sofas so that those who arrived could sit down to wait for their appointments. The Doctor entered one of the corridors, walking at a brisk pace, reaching the elevators in a few minutes, but without stopping, to Rose's confusion.

"Aren't we going to use the elevators?"

"If my suspicions are correct in that building there are, or will be, Symbiotes that block our path, and that includes disabling the elevators. Do you want to be in one when they cut the cable?" said the Doctor looking at Roseluck over his shoulder.

"I'd rather avoid it," the mare muttered.

The Doctor nodded and was about to say something, interrupted by the sound of roars coming from behind them, and when they both turned, they saw, round the corner, six Symbiotes, all with black eyes and tentacles coming out of their mouths. The only thing keeping them from getting closer was the sound of the sonic screwdriver.

"Let's get going, now" the Doctor suggested as he began to run, followed by Roseluck.

The Symbiotes roared and followed, staying out of range of the sonic screwdriver, but knowing it wouldn't last forever.

Steam Tracks, an earth pony, was taking off his uniform in the locker room at the Manehattan train station, being the only one there, as his train was the last of the day, and the night train had already left ten minutes earlier. Stepping outside, he was ready to go to his house, which was near the station, for a well-deserved night's rest. Leaving, he saw that everything was empty except for a unicorn janitor cleaning the floor, a few magical lights turned on to facilitate his work, and accompanied by the sight of the decommissioned train he had piloted.

"Good evening" said Steam.

"Likewise, sir" replied the concierge giving him a greeting.

"Working late?"

"That's right, somepony has to clean, ponies aren't usually that clean late at night. It could be worse though, I could be designated at rush hour" the unicorn said with a laugh, followed by Steam.

"Yeah, I've come here at rush hour and it's a mess, sometimes I think you should be the ones charging more."

"I think the same" said the unicorn with another laugh. "My husband always tells me, they should..."

His words were interrupted by what sounded like a roar, no, many roars. Both ponies shifted their gaze to the lookout overlooking the city, which had the stairs leading to the station on either side.

"What was that?" Steam asked.

"No idea, but it didn't look like a pony."

The roars sounded again, this time much louder, and closer. Frowning, the janitor started toward the railing.

"I would not do that."

"Why? I'm just going to look, maybe somepony needs help."

At that moment, a pony appeared quickly, not up the stairs, climbing up the railing, crouching on the metal, and glaring black eyes at both ponies.

"You will join us."

More ponies clambered up beside him, some climbing the stairs, and a few pegasi flying close by, all with black eyes and showing tentacles sticking out of their mouths. The one who spoke first raised his right hoof and pointed directly at Steam.

"You will lead us to the rest of Equestria."

Steam didn't know what was going on, but what he did know was that he couldn't let those things go out of the city, and since that station was the only one in the city that went out to the rest of Equestria, it was his responsibility. The Taken opened his jaws and let out a mighty roar, and at the same time, everypony else around him jumped at the unsuspecting ponies. Letting his survival instincts take over, he turned and ran, trying to remember the secondary exits.

He heard dozens of wings flapping behind him, and before he could dodge it, at least two pegasi launched themselves at his back, knocking him to the ground. He tried to resist as best he could, but in the end they turned him around, coming face to face with one of the possessed pegasi, his tentacles writhing and preparing to go into his mouth. Even though Steam closed his snout with all his might, the black tendrils were more powerful and forced their way in, possessing his body.

A few minutes later, he stood up, the last moments of consciousness he had were of sheer terror before he found himself attached to the hive. Once the process was complete, he made his way to the train as the possessed entered as many cars as possible. In a few hours, the cities closest to Manehattan will join the hive.

The Doctor and Roseluck ran up the stairs as fast as they could, the sonic screwdriver active to keep the Symbiotes away.

"Do you know where to go?!" Roseluck yelled between gasps, if she got out of this, she would commit to more exercise.

"Sort of! I talked to the founder of the building once and he gave me a tour! If it hasn't changed much since then, let's go to the sixth floor!"

As confused as she was, Roseluck decided to leave the questions for another time. Both finally reached their destination and ran a few more minutes before reaching a door, and next to it, a sign that read 'Recording room number 3'. The Doctor paused, a smile on his lips, but turning, he saw the Symbiotes approaching.

"Okay Rose, I need you to use your earth pony strength and open the door."

Roseluck watched the Symbiotes too, stopping just on the edge of the sound of the sonic screwdriver.

"Can't you open it with that thing and keep the noise down?"

"No, right now the sonic wave is increasing, it's just noise. If I start to open that door, the wave will decrease in power."

Roseluck bit her lip before turning her back on the door and, putting all her strength into her rear hooves, she pounded on the wood. Despite the whiplash of pain in her legs, not accustomed to hitting, the door swayed before her superior earth pony strength. The mare knocked four more times before the gate gave way, allowing them through. The Doctor entered quickly, with Rose following him, and he closed the door as best he could.

"Find anything to block the door! I'll focus on stopping them from getting in!" the Doctor yelled.

Roseluck turned, surveying the room. In front of them was a panel full of buttons and recording systems, including a cassette recorder, and in front of this, a window that revealed a soundproof room with some instruments and about three microphones, a door to one side to allow entry. But what interested her was a sofa in the corner and some lockers. Thinking quickly, Rose grabbed the lockers first and dragged them in front of the door, following with the sofa.


The Doctor deactivated the screwdriver, placing it in his pocket and entering the soundproof room. Once in front of the microphone, and looking at Roseluck through the window, he spoke.

"Do you know how to record?"


"It doesn't matter, do as I tell you and we'll be done quickly."

Roseluck nodded, but was startled to hear a knock behind the door, but before turning around, the Doctor caught her attention.

"Don't focus on the door! Focus on me and we'll be done."

Roseluck nodded, taking a deep breath and getting ready to listen to the Doctor, he was the only hope that Equestria had at that moment.

Babs Seed snuggled against her older sister's fur, both of them in the little filly's bed, their eyes never leaving the door. Outside, through the window, came the roars of those things, spreading through the city like a plague, but that did not concern them at the moment, they had something much worse in their own house.

"Let us in, little ponies, join your mother in the hive."

Babs sobbed, hugging her sister tighter. Their mother had been sick for two days, but that night, she woke up Candy Apple, the eldest of her daughters, pouncing on her like a rabid animal with black eyes. She barely managed to escape and barricade herself with her sister in her room.

"What's wrong with mom?" Babs asked fearfully, being caressed by Candy.

"I don't know, but I'm sure she'll recover."

"Heed your mother, join the hive."

I hope so, she thought to herself.

The Doctor put his sonic screwdriver back in his pocket, ending the recording. Roseluck followed his instructions and focused on the cassette recorder, which spun out a brand new one. The stallion left the soundproof room and approached the mare, grinning broadly.

"I said you could, now grab that cassette and get ready to get out of here."

As he said this, he walked over to the door, putting the screwdriver between his teeth and activating it, replacing the incessant banging with cries of pain. Roseluck complied, taking the cassette with the newly made recording in her mouth and removed the barricade. Glancing at each other, they both nodded before leaving, barely paying attention to the Taken writhing on the floor, and proceeded down the hall to the stairs, starting up again, just in time to hear the Symbiotes start up.

They stopped on the tenth floor, running a little further until they reached a door where the Doctor stopped, and after looking back and considering that the Taken were far enough away, he turned off the sonic waves and opened the door with the screwdriver. Once inside, the stallion blocked the entrance again, and after grabbing Roseluck's cassette, he focused on the control panel that was in charge of transmitting to the multiple radio frequencies.

"Lock the door, Rose, I have to get everything ready to broadcast to all of Equestria, just in case."

Despite working under pressure, Roseluck did as the Doctor ordered, but only found two lockers. Groaning to herself, she barricaded them, just in time for the first blows.

"Okay, that's it, but I don't know if it will last long."

"It worked before, didn't it?" the Doctor said, using his screwdriver on the control panel.

"Yes, but there was a sofa" Roseluck muttered.

After another blow, the mare couldn't take it anymore and she decided to use her own earth pony strength to block the door, turning to face the Doctor.

"What are you doing?! Activate it already!"

"No, first I have to make it broadcast on all existing radio frequencies and spread across the country in case any Symbiote has escaped from the city" replied the Doctor, still working.

Roseluck growled but kept quiet. The blows became stronger and stronger, in fact, they seemed more powerful than last time. With her sweat covering her forehead, she put all the strength she could into her muscles. The Doctor moved frantically, using the sonic screwdriver to increase the frequency of the signal, the number of frequencies that would receive it...

"Just a little more... I got it!"

With a smile, the Doctor pointed the screwdriver at the panel, pausing for a moment and turning his head towards the door, where the knocking could still be heard. After a few moments of silent deliberation, he activated the frequency. Seconds later, the knocking on the door was replaced by cries of pain, even louder and more piercing than the previous times, giving Roseluck a chill. Had they won?

The radios in the Alicorn Palace hotel began to play at the same time, and although it should be impossible, they were heard in all its facilities. The Symbiotes screamed and writhed on the ground in sheer agony as the waves destroyed them. Lily and Daisy were together, writhing on the ground, when their mouths fell open and the black mass came out of their bodies, rendering them unconscious, evaporating shortly after into the air.

Steam woke up slowly, feeling exhausted, and when he realized where he was, his eyes widened. As tired as he was, he used his knowledge to stop the speeding train as quickly and safely as he could, and once he did, he sighed in sheer relief. But he didn't have time to relax, he could hear ponies in the other carriages, and they were surely very confused, and as the pilot in command, it was his responsibility to calm them down, even if he wasn't.

Candy and Babs watched the door cautiously. A minute before, the radio in their house had begun to play with a strident noise, one that was present in the street, causing cries of pain and agony, including those of their mother. After another minute of waiting, two new knocks shook the door, making the two sisters flinch, but hearing the voice, the relief was greater.

"Babs?! Candy?! Are you okay?! For Celestia's sake, tell me you're okay!"

Looking doubtfully at her little sister, Candy told Babs to wait while she opened the door. After a few seconds of indecision, in which her mother kept begging them to tell them something, she opened the door. There was her mother, her eyes looked just as sick, but they no longer had that shade of black, and there were tears running down her cheeks. Without letting her eldest daughter speak, the mare hugged her daughter tightly, sobbing uncontrollably.

"I'm so sorry! That thing wasn't me!"

Candy was surprised for a few moments before returning the hug.

"I know mom, I know, it's okay…" she felt weird having to comfort her mom, but she knew that at that moment, she needed it.

The mare turned away from her daughter and focused on Babs, who was still watching them from the bed. With another sob, she spread her front paws in invitation.

"That's it, honey, mom's here."

Running, Babs jumped out of bed and threw herself at her mother, hugging her with immense strength and relief. Her mother was back to being the loving mare she remembered, and though she didn't know how, that was enough for her.