• Published 28th Jun 2022
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Star Wars: The Droid Chronicles - Stalin with Da Spoon

Shortly after General Kalani and his droid soldiers escaped from Agamar, the super tactical droid made the decision to try and re-build the separatist alliance, activating a large dormant droid army, and setting course for an unknown world...

  • ...

16. There goes the Neighborhood

[Canterlot Castle Meeting Hall, 6:20 AM. 2 BBY, Galactic Sector D-6]

The large doors to the vast hall opened as Princess Luna took in a deep breath, accidentally breathin in some dust as she coughed, the room having not been dusted in quite a while. Using her magic she slowly opened the curtains over the windows, letting her sisters sunlight flow into the room and properly illuminate it, helping to ensure all the seats were set. She looked to see all of the flags of the many nations who had sent diplomats for today's meeting.

However, there was one additional flag among the banners of the world nations today. The flag and symbol of the CIS, hanging proudly upon a banner of OOM-5264 and the rest of his squad, or sorry, fellow envoys examined it. The standard white and purple colors of the CIS and it's key emblem seemingly shined in the light of the sun.

"Gotta say, compared to these other flags, our flag looks kinda bland. May need to overhaul it, make it look not as... Boring." 2197 said as he looked around the room and gazed at the other flags and symbols of the nations.

"No doubt, a re-design is definetly needed, especially with a more unique color palette besides just white and purple." 7262 said as he held a lower part of the banner and examined it closely.

"Hey, since were doing some rebranding we could use more friendly colors like the ponies do, that ought to get us in this planet's good graces. It'd also help distinguish from our past of being tools of that meddiling dooku and dang sith, plus purple and white don't exactly seem like the most inviting of colors. Gotta keep the original symbol though, it's our trademark." 3956 said as the other droids nodded before 5264 looked at a clipboard with the names of various nations on them.

There was the Griffonian Empire.

The United Kingdom of Hippogriffia and Seaquestria.

The Kingdom of Yakyakistan.

The Tribal Federation of Zarantia.

The Kingdom of Saddle Arabia.

And the Republic of Asterion, otherwise known as the Republic of Minotaurus.

"Surprised there's only a single nation that's a republic, guess were dealing with mostly autocracies and absolutists."

"Not like that's new for us, heck we chose a monarchy to lead the new CIS didn't we?"

"Fair enough. Anyways, what is this meeting about anyways?" 5264 said as the rest of the droids took their seats.

"Well, it is more of a summit between the major powers of the world, so that we may speak about important matters and make vital decisions with each other's input." Luna said as she took her seat at the very end of the table. After a few minutes of waiting, the doors to the meeting room at the far end of the room opened to reveal a rather short and sickly looking Griffon slowly walked forward, his beak appearing cracked and his back hunched as he was helped forward by his two heavily armored escorts, their royal bronze armor contrasting with the rest of the decor as they helped the griffon to his seat before turning and bowing to Luna as they removed their helmet, revealing them to be the seemingly canine in nature 'Diamond Dogs' which the droids were informed of by Twilight.

"Greetings madame Princess Luna. Kaiser Grover V has been suffering from the effects of his old age, and is currently inflicted with a heavy cold. We hope you do not mind."

"Of course not, mister Grover is welcome regardless of his current state of health." Luna said as she turned and waved to the sickly Griffon, wearing his golden crown and royal brown and black robes as he turned back and nodded, before looking towards the droids as he spoke in a raspy voice.

"And so visitors arrive from beyond the stars. The question is, are your true intentions concealed, or are they truly pure?"

"Uhhh... What?"

"Oh ho ho ho! I am simply messing with you, my dear mechanical friend, I have no doubt you come in peace. Regardless, it is nice to meet you, Major OOM-5264... Quite the name, no?" Grover said as he and his guards slowly raised their arms in a salute, as the droids were left confused before they saluted back.

"He seems real old." 3956 whispered to 2197 only to receive an elbow to the lower chassis.

"Quiet, if you make those two big dogs mad were scrap."

Soon after the Emperor had made himself comfortable, the door once more opened and two figures stepped forward, their feathery plumage, long wings, as well as their combination of both hooves and claws being stand out features to the droids, remembering how they were called 'Hippogriffs' through knowledge granted by Princess Twilight, who proved to be a very reliable source when referring to the various creatures of this planet. The two Hippogriffs bowed before the shorter one turned to see the droids as a wide smile crossed her face before she seemingly zipped right next to 5264, spooking him as he fell back in his seat.

"Hiya! Are you one of those cool droids from that weird 'CIS' thing miss Celestia mentioned? You guys come from space, and I gotta say, that is so cool! What is your culture like, do you have any hobbies, do you-"

"Now now, dear Skystar, let us not bother the... Droid, with any unnecessary questions. Now then, if I remember correctly you are the droid known as... OOM-5264, if I am correct? A curious name for a curious being." The taller and more royal appearing hippogriff said as she spoke in a more calm voice.

"Roger roger, Major OOM-5264 of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, pleased to meet you miss... Sorry, I don't really know your name, we weren't given enough time to read up on all the political stuff."

"I am Queen Novo and this is my daughter Princess Skystar."

"Hiya!" Skystar said happily with a smile before Luna let out a light giggle.

"It is good that you have both arrived here with excellent timing as ever, and in your daughters case a very positive attitude. I trust the other leaders shall arrive shortly?"

"Soon, we have simply arrived early. Skystar wished to get a good look at the inside of your palace, as this is her first time ever leaving Hippogriffia."

"And so far I'm absolutely loving it!" Skystar said as she examined every little thing, from the paintings and banners to the plant pots and tables, before accidentally bumping into a vase and sending falling towards the ground, luckily she managed to catch it before it broke apart as a sigh left Queen Novo's mouth while Luna slightly giggled. "Oh uh, sorry!"

"And I thought we were clumsy." 7262 said as his fellow droids chuckled a bit. The droids proceeded to take their seats as 7262 placed a small backpack onto the table as he unpacked several small discs and assorted devices as Skystar quickly zipped over and curiously watched.

"Oooh, what's that?"

"A holographic projection device, and those discs are where the projections are stored."

"And what's this?" Skystar said as she helped a small spherical object

"Don't touch that!" 7262 as he grabbed it away from her. "It's a thermal detonator, a powerful explosive which could bring down this castle's ceiling if it went off."


"Ugh... Look, I can answer all the questions you got about this stuff during the meeting, now please go sit down and relax..."

"Okay, but can we be friends?"

"Uhhh- I guess?"

"Okey dokey new friend!" Skystar before she zipped back to her seat while Novo simply shook her head and sighed. 7262 was visibly confused before shrugging as he went back to setting up his electronics, meanwhile 5264 was busy practicing his speech with 2197.

"Alright, from the top."

"Ahem... Me me me... Greetings hum- Wait no, no humans. Greetings alien- Nope, that's too broad. Greetings... Rulers of this world?"

"Better than aliens, that's for sure. Though I would work on the tone, bit too low and slightly offputting."

"Right right, adjust tone, got it. Hoo boy, this is stressful, I've never done negotiations before, closest thing I did was guard some diplomats! And I still sucked at that cause they wound up dead!"

"Don't worry Major, i'm sure it'll go fine. As that one farm pony said, sometimes it's good to just be yourself... Whatever the blast that means."

Over ten minutes later the doors opened to reveal the rest of the leaders as they bowed to Princess Luna before taking their seats, including a Minotaur, a Yak, a Zebra, and an Earth Pony.

"Welcome friends, it is good to see you have all arrived. I do apologize for the lack of my sisters presence, she is ironically a late sleeper." Luna said as she smiled warmly at the rest of the leaders before the Zebra dressed in ornate red and gold robes spoke.

"It is of no worry madame Luna, all rulers require sufficient sleep, even alicorns."

"Thank you Agullied Mekiouzza."

"Of course. I believe this meeting shall be especially interesting, espeically with a few new faces present." Mekiouzza said as she turned towards the droids, seemingly inspecting them.

"Uhhh, what's she doing?" 5264 asked 7262.

"She's staring at us... Menacingly."

"Yak find meeting boring, want to get down to buisness already!" The Yak yelled out as he slammed his fist on the table.

"Talk about a temper." 2917 said as he whispered to 3956.

"Reminds me of a B2 on low charge." 3956 said as he silently snickered before the Yak turned and snorted hot air from his nostrils.

"You dare insult Yak prince? Yak king smash droid!"

"What, no, it wasn't an insult, it was just a joke, it was just for laughs I swear!" 3956 said as he raised his arms defensively while the Yak proceeded to grab his seat and raise it, preparing to throw it right at him before Luna spoke in a booming voice.

"Calm yourself, Prince Rutherford! He means no harm with his humor, is that not right?" Luna said as she turned and glared at 3956, who rapidly nodded and made a thumbs up gesture. "Good, now be seated and conduct yourselves in a more noble manner." Rutherford was visibly shaken as he lowered his chair and sat down in it visibly sweating while Grover and Novo silently chuckled.

Next to take a seat was the Minotaur, adjusting his seat as he looked towards the droids. "Greetings my mechanical friends, I am honored to be given the chance to meet creatures from beyond this world. I am president Konstantine Oplí, and while Asterion and Equestria may have differing views, I belive you have picked an excellent nation to lead this so called Confederacy. If possible I would like to see my nation join alongside yours." The minotaur said with a smile.

"Well, you would certainly be welcome, considering we currently only have like... One nation. But anyways, it's nice to meet you too."

"Now then, I believe it is suitable for us to begin this meeting, now that all of us are present." Luna said before she raised a gavel and struck the table with it. "The annual international meeting of nations is now in session."

[Blade of Serenity, Hangar Deck 3.]

"Pass me the sonic screwdriver."

Clakker beeped and clattered as he gripped the tool in his robotic arm and lifted it out of the toolbox before passing it to B1-401

[Here ya go.]

"Thanks." 401 said as he used the screwdriver to screw the panel back into place as he rolled out from underneath the Sheathipede transport and wiped oil off his forehead, before turning to face Clakker and giving him a thumbs up. "Alright, transport should be good to go." Clakker returned the thumbs up.

[Wanna go play some Holo-Racer?]

"You read my mind. Why don't you invite Wrencher?"

[He's busy fixing up the reactor down in the engineering bay, got a bit of a leak.]

"Dang, that sucks. This old girl is starting to show her age eh?" 401 said tapping his foot on the floor, as the metal panel came loose and fell, exposing a pipe as it burst and steam burst out of it. "Oops."

[I swear, this whole ship is coming apart at the seams! We need more repair droids!]

"Could definitely use more solid repairs... You think those ponies know anything about mechanical engineering?"

[Doubt it, we'll just have to keep doing patch jobs until it all eventually comes apart.]

"Probably." 401 said as he and Clakker exited the Hangar bay, saluting two B2 super battle droids as they passed by as one of them spoke in a deep tone.

"Why do you think the General assigned us to Alpha base?"

"Probably for security, best not to question it." The other super battle droid as they both stepped onto the shuttle, seeing there was nobody piloting it. "... Wanna see if we can pilot this thing?"

"Worth a shot."