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Scootaloo's First Flight/ Arrival of the Tri-Pies/ Apple Family Reunion

*Nyx's POV*

I was working on my magic when all of a sudden, Nightfall pounced on me from behind thus causing me to spazz and have a magic surge.

I spoke "Not cool Nightfall!"

Little did Nightfall and I or anyone know, things were going to be more chaotic.

Soon, three fillies arrived in Ponyville.

Scootaloo spoke "Someone better warn Pinkie..."

Rusty asks "Why?"

Scootaloo spoke "If you think one Pinkie is hyper... Try adding three hyper fillies...."

Rusty asks "Oh no! Are they from the future?!"

Scootaloo spoke "Best ask your dad about that... And they're staring at us!"

The three triplets stared at us with wide smiles that were exactly like Pinkie’s, and that was scaring me!

I scream "MOM!!!!!!!!"

Danyelle showed up immediately. “What’s wrong, Nyx?!”

I spoke "We got three fillies with the same hyper personality as Pinkie!"

Danyelle paled in fear as she looked at Rusty. “Rusty, you don’t think…?!”

Sonic spoke "Definitely time travel...."

Danyelle spoke "Then I think I know who their parents are!"

Sonic clamps his adopted sister's mouth shut.

Sonic spoke "We can't reveal the name of their father yet. He won't be showing up for a while."

Danyelle groans "You think I don’t know that?"

But then Pinkie showed up.

Pinkie yelps "What’s going on? Gah!"

The three fillies jumped onto Pinkie, knocking her down.

Pinkie burst out laughing since the Tri-Pies started tickling her.

Lillian asks "What the?"

Pinkie couldn’t control herself and started laughing wildly, with the three fillies soon following.

Danyelle spoke "Uh....."

Twilight asks "Can somepony or Mobian explain why there's THREE more ponies that are just as hyper as Pinkie?"

Danyelle spoke "I think it’s best that you don’t know."

Daylight spoke "I agree..."

Lillian spoke "Same here…"

Flora sniffs at the Tri-Pies.

Scootaloo spoke "Guess what Lillian?! I can fly!"

Lillian asks "Wait what?!"

Scootaloo took flight once again.

If I'm being honest, none of us could believe our eyes, but Nightfall and Danyelle smiled, like they already saw that happen!

Pinkie spoke "*Gasp!* I need to plan a party!!!"

Taking the Tri-Pies with her, Pinkie zooms off to Sugarcube Corner to plan a "First Flight" party for Scootaloo.

Sweetie Belle spoke "We gotta tell Applebloom, Babs and Relay about this!"

Danyelle spoke "Relay's still in Manehatten but I believe Babs is over at Sweet Apple Acres."

“But we could send a letter to them about it!” I added.

Danyelle spoke "There's a hoedown at Sweet Apple Acres today since there's a big reunion going on."

Sonic spoke "I don't think the others can handle four hyper ponies..."

Sweetie Belle asks "I-I’m sure we’ll find someway for it to work out, right?"

Danyelle sighs "I'm going to talk to Mrs Cake..."

*Meanwhile at Sweet Apple Acres*

Crosswind was talking with Pear Butter when Pear Butter suddenly giggled.

Crosswind asks "What's so funny Pear Butter?"

Pear Butter giggles "Oh, it’s just that I have a feeling that you like my daughter, Applejack."

That made the ponykat blush.

Crosswind stammers "S-she might not feel the same way... Ah only helped her out because of Appleheart..."

Pear Butter spoke "Now don’t be shy, sugar. Ah’m sure mah daughter likes ya too."

Crosswind spoke "But my peak female phase might be a problem fer her though... And Ah don't think Twilight knows a gender swap spell..."

Pear Butter asks "Well, Ah noticed both o’ y’all eyeing Buck Wheat. So it wouldn’t be a problem, right?"

Crosswind was flustered.

Crosswind spoke "Pear Butter! That was not funny!"

Pear Butter giggles "Heeheehee… Sorry sugar, couldn’t help mahself."

Applejack spoke "Ma, Buck's one of mah cousins though!"

That only made Pear Butter giggle more though.

Several ponies from both clans were laughing.

Crosswind spoke "Know what Ah heard? Three more fillies that have the same hyper personality as Pinkie recently showed up."

That seemed to have Applejack frozen stiff. “W-What?”

Crosswind spoke "Ah heard Nyx screamin' fer her mom earlier."

Pear Butter spoke "Somethin' must have spooked her good."

Bright Mac spoke "Heh, could’ve been that, Buttercup."

Applejack spoke "Pinkie alone is enough but adding three fillies with her hyper personality.... *shudder* It scares me."

*Meanwhile in Canterlot,*

Celestia was shaking in fear.

Luna asks "Heh. Something scaring you, sister?"

Celestia passed the recent letter from Danyelle to Luna.

As she read it, Luna's eyes widened in surprise. “Oh… This will make things interesting.”

Celestia spoke "Those three are more trouble than Pinkie is...."

Luna asks "They’re only foals. What harm can they do?"

Ears pin back, Celestia spoke "On their own, they're about as harmless as the Crusaders... But have all three of them plus Pinkie in the same area and you're only asking for trouble... Plus there's another Draconequus in Ponyville, a female..."

Luna asks "Don’t tell me, is it Sumarda?"

Celestia spoke "No, it’s Athena."

Pyre asks "Discord's mother?!?!?"

Celestia spoke "Yes."

Luna groans "At least that cousin of his is still in her dimension."

Pyre spoke "Last thing any pony or Mobian needs is her on the loose..."

But then a letter appeared, before Celestia read it. “If you’re wondering if I’ll leave my dimension and cause big havoc, don’t worry, I won’t do that. P.S.: I might invite you, Luna, your husbands and some others for a special event.”

Shirou spoke "I don't trust her...."

Luna spoke "In the past, Sumarda transported me and Celestia to her dimension for a tournament, turning us into anthropomorphic beings, and let’s just say that what happened in that dimension stayed in that dimension."

Celestia spoke "Not to mention all of time stopped until we were back in our own dimension. So literally nothing happened while me and my sister were away. If she pulls that stunt on the Mobians, who knows how they'd react..."

Luna spoke "But if she does do that, at least it will only be in her dimension and everyone will be back to normal along with time start moving again when we’re back in this dimension."

Shirou spoke "But since Lillian has the phantom ruby and Danyelle has a chaos emerald...."

A pair of cobalt blue hooves had covered Celestia's eyes, causing Luna to go wide eyed.

An alicorn mare asks "Guess who?"

Celestia asks "Wait, don’t tell me…?!"

Leilani chuckles "Yep."

Celestia and Luna couldn’t believe their eyes.

Celestia spoke "Mom…"

Leilani asks "Where's my hug?"

The next thing Leilani knew, she was given a bear hug by her two daughters, who had tears in their eyes.

Leilani returned the hug while shedding tears.

*Back at Sweet Apple Acres*

Crosswind spoke "Applejack, Ah want to talk to ya about somethin'."

Applejack asks "Somethin’ on yer mind, Crosswind?"

Crosswind spoke "Applejack, Ah know this sounds dumb comin' from me but Ah've got a crush on ya."

That made Applejack blush as she rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment. “Well Ah… Uh… Gee… Honestly, Ah’ve got a crush on ya too."

Babs spoke "Uh Cousin Jackie, someone destroyed the barn...."

*After the barn was rebuilt and Applejack sent her letter to Celestia*

Crosswind asks "Uh AJ? Was what you said true?"

Applejack spoke "Of course it was. Ah’m the element of Honesty."

Crosswind hugs Applejack.

Crosswind spoke "Thank you, thank you so much!"

Buck Wheat asks "Uh, AJ? Crosswind?"

Despite having weak magic, Cross pulls Buck in for a hug.

Buck Wheat stammers "C-Can Ah tell you both somethin’?"

Cross spoke "Lemme guess, ya have a crush on me?"

Buck Wheat spoke "A-Actually, on both you and mah cousin Applejack."

Applejack spoke "Sorry Buck, Ah don' feel the same way since we're cousins..."

Buck gave a nod of understanding with a genuine gentle smile. “Ah understand, cous. Ah honestly had more of a crush on Crosswind.”

Crosswind was completely flustered.

Crosswind spoke "Well, Ah… Uh…"

Applejack spoke "You know what, Crosswind. Ah think this could work out. We could be like a herd, ya know."

Crosswind spoke "Ah heard that some stallion from Cloudsdale's taken interest in Blizzardstar but it isn't Blueblood since ya told me that he had dissed yer apple pies and such."

Applejack asks "Really now?"

Crosswind spoke "Eyup and Ah think it was Thunderlane."
