• Published 3rd Jul 2022
  • 3,414 Views, 63 Comments

The Countryside Knight - Dark Krystal

Twilight is tasked by Princess Celestia to help the Lunar Captain make some friends.

  • ...

VII - A Real Nightmare Night

The soft sound of a pleased sigh mixes into the night air with cries and squeals of scared foals. Twilight watches a group of fillies run past her with Nightmare Moon disguised Princess Luna chasing them, the sight bringing a warm smile on her face as she hears the genuine laughter of joy coming from the princess.

“Mwahahaha! thou cannot run forever! We shall dine on thee!” Twilight lets out a light chuckle as she watches the Princess of the Night pass her. She still honestly couldn’t believe that she had managed to prevent Nightmare Night from being ruined while helping Princess Luna’s reputation! However, her smile fades as she thinks of the pony who caused this issue in the first place…

‘ I’m going to have a serious talk with Pinkie Pie tomorrow about this! I can’t believe she thought spreading fear about Princess Luna to be a fun idea! It almost canceled Nightmare Night! ‘

Twilight shakes her head and frowns.

‘ I don’t understand that mare sometimes… ‘

“You know, Twilight...-” The young voice beside her spoke up, looking down to her side she gave a look of confusion at the young dragon. “-I noticed that out of everypony here, you were the one least surprised about Nightma—I mean…Princess Luna showing up. Did you know she was coming?”

Twilight groans on the inside, her moment of peace disturbed. Her gaze moving back to the distant princess as she thinks of the best excuse to fool a baby dragon to regain that moment of peace. Opening her mouth, she lets the first lie out, “Well Princess Luna came back not too long ago, so I figured she’d use Nightmare Night to make her debut... after all the holiday celebrates the fear she made.”

Spike stares at her with narrowed eyes. Twilight stares back at him with the fakest small smile she could muster. Silence stills the air between the duo, breaking when a smile forms on the dragon, “That makes sense! Huh, I wonder why I didn’t think about that.” The drake embarrassingly rubs the top of his plushy dragon hood.

Twilight, seeing the opportunity to seal the lie in the box, leans down and whispers to the dragon with a sly smile, “Maybe because you’re always thinking about Rarity...?”

A blush spreads across his face and he pushes Twilight's face away from him. “N-no! I-i’m always thinking about uh... uh…-” Spike quickly looks around the area before focusing on a distant stand selling caramel apples. “-...getting me one of those a-apples! Yeah! Got to go!” Spike quickly dashed off towards the stand before Twilight could even make a comment on his poor excuse, a chuckle escaping her as she watched him.

‘ I feel bad about lying to Spike... but I can’t let him start suspecting something or else he’ll start telling others and ugggh... ‘

Twilight grumbles, “I could’ve just enjoyed the night in ignorance but noooo... he just had to show me the letter.”

Letting out one last sigh, she shakes her head roughly. “I can’t blame him… if he didn’t show me it then I would’ve been in for a shock… Well,. It’s over now so I can enjoy the night!” She raises her head and with a smile on her face she trots into Ponyville.

“Who should I go hang out with? Spike is getting treats... Fluttershy is too scared to go out, Rainbow Dash is off messing with others, Applejack is selling goods, Pinkie Pie is doing... Pinkie things... Mn! I wonder what Rarity is doing then?” She wonders aloud. Looking around as she walks through the streets for Rarity.

‘ What does Rarity do on Nightmare Night? Take her sister out…? or...’

Twilight pauses momentarily as she sees Princess Luna fishing out apples from a water barrel, ponies around her cheering. A normal, wholesome scene for others. However, for Twilight it had a major problem that she had been overlooking throughout the night had just dawned on her. Her eyes quickly scanned everypony that stood at Princess Luna’s side, finding them all to be ponies she had seen or knew that they lived in Ponyville.

‘ Where is Dusk Blade!? Pleaaaaase don’t tell Ratimir backed out of that!! ‘

Twilight gritted her teeth. She swore that if he had backed out of that after all those hours of arguing that he put her through she would... do something. She wasn’t sure what but she would at least do something as payback. Moving away from Luna’s gathered audience, Twilight started to examine every pony she came across as she walked away from town square.

‘ Dusk Blade should be dressed up to hide her features... Should I go back and ask Princess Luna? No, no! That would indicate I know about her guard and make her ask why I know members of her guard! I have to find her myself... if she’s here. Remember Twilight, wings hidden and fangs out, wings hidden and fangs out! ‘

Twilight enters the market square, the slightly less populated spot in town at the moment. She looks around, trying to pick out a Dusk Blade from the crowd. Slowly anger and panic settled into her as she kept finding a lack of ponies that had Dusk Blade’s coat, eyes, hair or her height. She started to trot at a faster pace but slowed down when she went by Applejack’s stand. The farm pony notices her and waves at her, making Twilight wave back with a strained smile.

‘ Can’t look suspicious! Having a good time, having a good time! ‘

Twilight lets out an internal sigh of relief upon seeing the farm pony not calling her over or coming over to ask if something was wrong. Twilight quickly leaves Applejack’s area and trots down the road towards the residential area.

‘ What would they dress Dusk Blade up as? A vampony? Ghost? Or... uh something else? ‘

Twilight stops as she racks her brain around, thinking of different combinations of outfits that would hide Dusk Blade’s features. Her mind has issues with the imagery.

‘ This is a different, more Rarity thing! Ugh! ‘

“Over here! Come on everypony!” Twilight ears perk, stopping in her tracks she looks between two houses and finds Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon and some other fillies grouped up carrying big bags of candy. Twilight moves her eyes back to focus on the road but stops when in the corner of her vision she notices somepony out of place in that group. A teenage-looking pony that was quite short for their height dressed in a mummy costume being dragged by Diamond Tiara, an expression of tiredness, annoyance, and dread visible on their barely covered face.

“.......No. that’s not her. Can’t be……” Twilight trots down the road, only to reverse and head between the buildings to follow the group.

“B-but... she does match Dusk Blades eye color and height...” Twilight stammered out, a part of her refusing to believe they would dress up the batpony in a mummy costume... or Dusk Blade being the adult to children let them go house to house.. Either one sent some form of disappointment in the Lunar Guard down her spine. Going around to the corner and hiding there Twilight listens in to the group's loud conversation as they head down.

“Thanks again for volunteering to help us out with getting more treats, ma’am! I’ll make sure to put in a good word about you to my dad!” Diamond Tiara nudges the mummified pony and winks.

“MMHMMPFH MHFFNY MPHHH!” The mummy releases a string of aggressive grunts and groans at the filly, trying to pull away from her but the other fillies push the mummy along with them. Twilight blinks and steps out of the corner, staring at the scene before with a stoic expression.

‘ Please... Please! For Princess Celestia’s sake don’t tell me that is Dusk Blade...’

Like a curse plaguing her to suffer the most unfortunate moments as much as possible, Twilight’s eyes happened to meet with the mummy’s eyes. The mummy’s eyes widen and begin to release a series of panicked grunts and groans while flailing to get her attention as the fillies go around the corner.

‘ Oh, for Celestia’s sake! It is her! ‘

Twilight couldn't resist the disappointment. She facehoofed hard and slowly dragged her hoof down her face while looking up at the night sky with an exhausted look.

‘ I’m starting to think the Lunar Guard are cursed... ‘

With the heaviest sigh released for the night Twilight goes after the group. Going around a corner Twilight quickly looks around and spots the group at a house receiving candy from the inhabitants. Slowly Twilight approaches the group while thinking of a solution to free the guardmare from the clutches of the fillies.

When the door closes Diamond Tiara turns to the mummy and gives an innocent look that makes the mummy roll their eyes. “That was a good batch that time, buuuut…-” Diamond Tiara’s look of innocence turns into a mischievous grin as she nudges the mummy. “- it can be better right, ma’—” Diamond Tiara is silenced when the mummy just dumps the candy into her bag, the pink filly grins with glee.

“Awww... thank you so much!” Diamond Tiara says with a smug smile on her face.

“Mmhmhmmp mhfffny mn...” The mummy grunts and groans with venom in their muffled tone before trying to turn and leave. The other fillies quickly grab onto their mummified hind legs.

“What about me?” Silver Spoon asks as another pirate filly grabs their other hind leg. “And me! C’mon you gotta give us all an equal share of candy before you leave us!” The filly says while looking up at her with puppy eyes.

“Mhmhmhmhmp! MFFFFFFN!” The mummy glares at the foals while trying to wiggle them off.

“Just one more house... I promise, ma’am...” Diamond Tiara says with clear deceit in her tone.


‘ Oh, wow that’s bad... ‘

Twilight decides to intervene before they can drag the mummy elsewhere, quickly trotting up to the group. The sound of Starswirl's bells giving her away to the group as she closes in, the children turning their heads and looking up at Twilight. Twilight swallowed her nervousness down and focused solely on the mummy, who looked at her with pleading eyes.

“There you are! I’ve been looking all over town for you! Mayor Mare needs you over at the apple booth to take over for Applejack for a moment!” Twilight says with a hint of panic in her tone, a combination of trying to act while also being nervous upon being stared up at by the group of fillies.

“What!? But we need her! Can’t you get some other pony to do it!?” Diamond Tiara stomps her hoof as she complains.

Twilight frowns at that and looks down at her with a frown. “Sorry, Diamond Tiara but the Mayor Mare requested only her… she's the only one that’s not a member of the Apple family who can run their stand.”

Tiara frowns and briefly glares at Twilight before letting out a sigh in defeat, the others taking the hint and releasing the mummy.

“I’m really sorry, Diamond Tiara but after I'm done with what I'm doing then… maybe I could also... uh… help you out with... whatever you’re doing?”

The filly immediately perks up at that. “Really!? Good, I'll be counting on that then! Come on girls, let's go back to our business!” The fillies all nod and together walk down the road. Twilight watches them as they leave, a little unnerved at how quick Diamond Tiara was to take her up in that offer. Her gaze broke when a pair of hooves wrapped around her neck and her body was pulled into a strong hug.

Twilight blinked. “Dusk Blade...?”

“MHHMHMFMPH! MMMMMMMPHF!” Twilight gritted her teeth as the mummy was hugging her more strongly now. The sounds of happy groans with a mixture of hisses leaking out of her bandaged mouth.

‘ Yep, this is definitely Dusk Blade. ‘

The mummified Dusk Blade pulls away and looks Twilight in her eyes, “Mmhmhmhmh! Mphf!”

“What?” Twilight squints.

“Mhhmfmmm Mph!” Dusk Blade groans slightly more demandingly.

“I can’t understand you... Let me just...” Twilight ignites her horn, focusing her magic on wrappings around her mouth and tugging them. Her brows furrow when her tugs not only pull Dusk Blade closer to her face but refuse to break.

“What is this...?” Twilight tilts her head and examines the wrappings themselves. Her eyes travel over the wrapping material and widen in realization.

“Is this... Parchment paper!?”

“Mnmnnn!” Dusk Blade nods with a glum look on her face. Twilight scowled as she looked at it, it was without a doubt to Twilight that the “wrapping” was scissor cut long straps of baking parchment paper wrapped tightly around the guard.

“Who!? …you know, I'll save that question AFTER we cut your mouth open.”

“Mmfy.” Dusk Bladed nodded in agreement. Twilight releases the mouth wrappings and looks around in hope that there was something sharp enough to cut the wrappings.

‘ Please don’t make me have to go find Rarity so she can give me some scissors... ‘

Looking around she spots a small arrowheaded rock, picking it up in her magic as she examines it closely.

“Just needs a little more edge to it...” Twilight mumbles. Walking over to a nearby house and using the walls of the house to sharpen the rock. After a couple minutes of whetting the rock on the house she pulls back and takes a moment to admire her new rock. Glancing back at the house her heart sinks a bit upon seeing the numerous scratches she had left behind on the wall.

‘ Uh oh... I should... ‘

Twilight pauses her thoughts and looks around the area, finding the only witness being Dusk Blade. Twilight stares at Dusk Blade then glances at the wall then back to her, slowly Twilight approaches her with the rock in her magic.

“Somepony else's problem, right?”

“Mmfy!” Dusk Blade nods with a hint of a mischievous smile showing through the wrappings. With the agreement in place the two move away from the scene of the crime, heading down into an alley between two houses.

“This should be a good spot, turn around.”

“Mh! Tmmsshhhg...” Dusk Blade wiggles her eyebrows as she turns to face the unicorn. Twilight rolls her eyes and swings the sharpened rock down the center of her mouth wrappings, Dusk Blade gasping as the lower half of her face is revealed. Dusk Blade brings a hoof up and feels around her mouth.

“My mouth feels so numb...” She opens her mouth and closes it multiple times before taking in a deep breath of air and letting out a sigh. Twilight drops the rock and stares at the batpony with an expectant stare, Dusk Blade notices and gives a sheepish smile. Looking up to the full moon Dusk Blade lets out a whistle.

“Soo... uh, how was your Nightmare Night?”

Twilight closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, slowly opening them she lets it all out. “You were supposed to be close to Princess Luna! How’d you get taken in by a group of foals!? And why are you dressed up as a mummy in kitchen parchment paper!? I told the captain to just get something to cover your wings! Not... all of you!”

Dusk Blade lowers her head down in shame, her eyes wandering all over the ground. “Weeeell uh... it’s... a long story.”

“I have time.” Twilight says coldly as she looks at the small guard.

“Damn it...” Dusk Blade mumbles under her breath. With a groan she raises her head back up and looks at Twilight with shame on her face.

“Okay so... I’ll start with my uh... costume. So! The captain was supposed to order a costume but he didn’t want to bother so he made Faded do it for him, she placed the order for a vampire costume... but to his address and told the captain.... buuuuuuut he forgot. Soooo, when it came, he thought it was a fancy towel and uh... used it.” Twilight could already feel her blood pressure rising inside her.

‘ I’m not going to make it through this alive, am I...? ’

“Soooooo... Yesterday Faded wanted to double check that we had everything sorted and then we discovered the captain’s use of my cloak... so Faded got upset at him and he got upset at her. Back and forth... and he said he would find something to substitute my costume. So, hours before I came here the captain took me inside his home and wrapped me up in... well this.” Dusk Blade empathizes on her outfit.

“And let me tell you! Never let him put something on you... or choose something for you... or make it. Anyway, he deemed this okay! Faded and the others saw me and they were kinda... too shocked about what he did to correct it or complain and just dropped me off here.”

Twilight nods with a spent look on her face. “Okay... Now your mission...”

“Okay! What happened wasn’t my fault! You saw the captain wrapped my mouth too tightly like those “types” of books, so I couldn’t talk!” Twilight felt a wave of exhaustion upon hearing a guardsmare casually throwing her captain under the wagon.

“I followed Princess Luna for a while, getting candy to blend it but because I couldn’t use my mouth, I couldn't eat it! So…,” Dusk Blade lets out a hiss. “I gave that…. Pink little demon my bag of candy out of the kindness of my heart and she took that as a soul–binding contract instead! Her and her gang of... beasts decided that I would keep giving them free candy I picked up! If I was with them!” Dusk Blade throws her hoof up in the air as she speaks with strong venom in her voice.

“I couldn’t say anything and those beasts surrounded and... and foalnapped me!” Twilight immediately cringed upon hearing a grown guardsmare saying a group of foals had foalnapped her.

“They dragged me house to house to get them their damned candy! Then you came and saved me from those beasts! Thank you, Twilight!” Dusk Blade smiles at the unicorn, it quickly fades upon seeing Twilight facehoofing.

“I... I...” Twilight shuts her eyes tightly. Moving her hoof from her face, she lets out a sigh and looks up to the night sky. “You know what... none of that matters right now. All that matters is that we get you back to Princess Luna’s side and hope she hasn’t noticed you leaving her.”

“Okay... but please don’t tell the others about what happened! Faded and the others will never let it down if they found out about… this…” Dusk Blade asks desperately.

Twilight rolls her eyes and sighs. “I won’t tell them. Now let’s get you back out there.”

Dusk Blade smiles and nods. The two walked out back onto the street and entered the populated zones again. Twilight anger fading as they two walked around the town, searching for Princess Luna.

‘ Hm... I wonder if batponies celebrate Nightmare Night? ‘

Curious, Twilight looks over to Dusk Blade and asks. “Dusk Blade, do bat ponies celebrate Nightmare Night?”

“Yeah! Though we don’t celebrate it like uh... normal ponies.”

Twilight tilts her head, “Oh? How do you celebrate it?”

Dusk Blade tilts her head and looks up, thinking for a moment. “We hold a ceremony in Hollow Shades where we uh... it’s weird to say it now since she’s back, but we celebrate the eventual return of our princess. It’s sort’ve a bittersweet holiday for us I think, every time I visited during it there was either some crying or some overly happy that the night where she was coming was arriving.”

“You don’t participate?” Twilight asks with wide eyes.

“Not really... too boring. I don’t really know what we do on it, that’s something you should ask Fallen. I personally make the holiday more fun by taking the little pups out and scaring travelers at night!” Dusk Blade snickers while Twilight just gives her a deadpan stare.

‘ So, she’s having a hoof in their bad reputation... ‘

“Well, what about now? Princess Luna’s back... What will you celebrate as Nightmare Night now?”

Dusk Blade shrugs. “I dunno... probably celebrate her return. I don’t participate in our community much.”

Twilight opens her mouth but Dusk Blade puts a hoof over it and glares at her. “Not because I’m a hybrid.”

“Oh. Sorry...”

It’s okay… just annoying… others often ask me that question and it just gets annoying overtime.” Dusk Blade frowns a bit. “I just don’t really like hanging out in the same place with the same people... It’s why I signed up to be in the Lunar Guard, to travel, be sneaky, and also hang out with the captain!” Dusk Blade mood picks back up and she smiles..

Twilight gives a small smile in response. “Why is the captain part of your reasoning?”

“Well... that’s a bit personal...” Dusk Blade looks away with a faint blush on her cheeks. Feeling her danger sense tingling, her mind quickly darted to any question that could dodge any chance of learning the meaning of her blush.

“D-does the captain visit Hollow Shades on Nightmare Night!?” Twilight internally slaps herself across the face for asking a question she already knew the answer to.

“Nope. He doesn’t. Though... Faded does invite him out there on the holiday, but he declines of course. Mhmmm...” Dusk Blade thinks for a moment, a frown on her face.

“Now that I think about it... I don’t know if he knows any Equestrian holidays... I know uhm... that on Hearth’s Warming Celestia and Faded do give him gifts! But I don’t think they will tell him why.” Twilight looked at her in confusion, opening her mouth but shaking her head. She knew Dusk Blade didn’t have the answer to her question.

‘ I’ll have to ask Faded Light the next time I see her...’

“I don’t think he knows much about Equestrian culture; despite him you know... being here for a long time. I think he’s either faking it or he’s not learning on purpose... cause he knows what holidays to give us our days off. Unless... hmm… maybe Celestia sends him a letter to inform him. Mhmm, just a theory.” Twilight allowed her theory to penetrate her mind.

‘ The Celestia part seems more likely but... if he’s been around for years then he should have some knowledge of Equestria’s culture under his belt... Maybe he really doesn’t know the holidays but he has to know something... I should quiz him... but maybe... introducing him to holidays could be a good way to open him up! Nothing brings ponies closer to each other than holidays! ’

Twilight turns to Dusk Blade, “Do you think the captain would appreciate some treats from Nightmare Night? It would be a good introduction to the holiday.”

Dusk Blade beams. “That's not a bad idea! The captain would definitely be curious if I gave him some Nightmare Night edition sweets!” Twilight smiles and turns her head to look for the limited edition holiday treats.

“Are thou talking about thy captain?” The duo instantly jump away from the voice, spinning around midair to face the sudden voice, Dusk blade quickly positioning herself in front of Twilight in a protective manner. The duo’s eyes widened upon seeing the voice belonging to hovering Princess Luna.

“Hahahaha! Truly the art of fear on this wonderful night is magnificent!” Princess Luna says as she unleashes a round of laughter. Dusk Blade stares at Luna in bewilderment before it dawns on her that it was her princess and drops down to kneel before her.

“P-p-princess Luna I’m sorry for my late introduction and f-f-failure to be by your side! Please f-forgive me!” Dusk Blade pleaded desperately.

Princess Luna raised a brow as she landed before the two, she looked over the guard for a silent moment. Her eyes widening upon realizing who it was, a faint blush on her cheeks as the princess quickly adjusts herself to put up a more stoic, regal façade.

“Ah yes, thou are named Dusk Blade, 2nd classed private of my guard, correct?”


“Mn... thou were supposed to guard thee since arrival, where have thou been this fine night.” Dusk Blade started to sweat in response to the question.

Twilight walks over to Dusk Blade's side and pats her back, looking up to Luna with a small smile. “Sorry Princess Luna, she was guarding you but when I found out this was her first Nightmare Night...-”

“What? No, it’s—” Twilight puts her hoof on top of Dusk Blades head and pushes down slightly to silence her.

“Out here... so I wanted to show her how we do Nightmare Night, I’m really sorry that disrupted her mission.” Twilight bowed her head to the princess. Dusk Blade's eyes opened slightly when she realized what the unicorn was doing and did her best nod she could while kneeling with a hoof on her head.

“Ah... well then, thou are excused. It is unreasonable for us to keep thou guardian away from the enjoyments of this wonderful night!” Luna says and raises a hoof as she looks up to the moon, a smile crossing her muzzle. Twilight releases Dusk Blade and the two look up at the princess with a smile.

“T-thank you, my princess!” Dusk Blade gives a wide smile.

“Now then... returning to the previous topic. Twilight Sparkle, we overheard thee mention thy captain.” Twilight and Dusk Blade tensed. “And... going with the context of you talking to a member of my guard we can assume thou means our Captain Faded Light?”

Dusk Blade and Twilight both shared a nervous look to each other and hesitantly they both nodded. “Y-yes... I’ve heard of Faded Light from my brother...”

“Captain Shining Armor of my sister’s guard, correct?”

“Yes...” Twilight slowly nodded.

‘ I don’t like where this is going… ‘

“I’ve heard of your brother; he is a fine captain. Somewhat better than… my own captain at the moment...” Luna sighed heavily. Twilight glanced at Dusk Blade, finding the guardmare’s mouth scrunched up and sweat falling down her face.

“R-really I heard Faded Light was a g-good captain...” Twilight raised a brow, sweat starting to form on her coat.

“We would like to agree but... she has proved to be very... stubborn and rude...” Luna frowns. Twilight and Dusk Blade physically winced, feeling Faded Light's reputation being thrown into the Tartarus because of the captain.

“We wanted thy entire guard to come with thee on this wonderful night but work took hold of them, when thou tried to find a way to bring them around our captain dismissed it by deeming my wishes as... “Incompetent wishes of a child...” Luna huffs.

Twilight eye twitches, she looks at Dusk Blade, finding the mare staring hard at a rock on the ground with a fully scrunched up muzzle. Twilight leaned her head over to the frozen pony and whispered. “He sent her a letter without proofreading...!?”

Dusk Blade’s eyes moved away, removing any centimeter of lavender or Starswirl coat in her vision. “F-faded thought after your session he picked up on some e-etiquette... and let him write his own letters without her looking over them for a bit...”

Twilight couldn’t even process the answer, was Faded Light in the wrong? Was the Ratimir in the wro—No, he was definitely in the wrong here. Twilight closed her eyes and raised her head, letting her anger run its course through her body for a moment before resuming her neutral expression. Looking back at Luna she finds the princess in her own thoughts at the moment.

“Princess Luna?”

“Sorry... remembering the rudeness sent thou in our thoughts for a moment. “ Princess Luna looks down at the unicorn with a thoughtful expression. Her eyes travel over to the nervous bat pony to the side and a small smile forms.

“Perhaps we should reintroduce ourself to the guard once again…” Dusk Blade and Twilight looked at the princess with fear clear on their faces. “Yes! That is what we must do! It has been centuries since I've spoken to the former captain, it is only natural that they would lose some respect for thou over time! I believe it is time to visit my guard.” Luna gives a warm closed-eye smile at Dusk Blade. Dusk Blade on the other hoof was looking between her and Twilight in panic.

Twilight stared at the princess in bewilderment, letting what she said repeat in her head a couple of more times before opening her mouth to counter it. “You—” Twilight quickly puts her hoof in her mouth as a realization dawns on her.

‘ I can’t counter her! She’s a princess! Not only that but if I speak up about it then she’ll definitely know I’m connected to the guard! I... I actually can’t stop this! ‘

Twilight quickly looks at the panicking silent bat pony.

‘ But she can! ‘

Twilight motions with her head to say something to Dusk Blade, the bat pony realizing the implication and shaking her head. Twilight glared hard at the bat pony; Dusk Blade shakes her head faster making Twilight glare even harder. Twilight letting built up anger take hold of her for a moment she ignites her horn as a threat, Dusk Blade’s pupils shrink and reluctantly she turns to look up at her princess.

“W-w-well Princess I... uh...” Dusk Blade started to sweat strongly, her eyes moving around as she spoke. Princess Luna opens her eyes and looks at her with a raised brow.

“Tis something the matter?”

“Noooo... no... no... it’s.... just... I … or... Uh... We... uh...” Dusk Blade shook. Luna tilted her head, concern starting to appear over her face.

“W-w-w-would be so HAPPY to have you grace your presence at our base!” Dusk Blade breaks, giving a wide strained smile. Twilight smacked her hoof against her face.

“Wonderful!” Luna raises her hoof into the air in joy. “Upon the next whole moon, we shall come upon thy new headquarters!”

Luna looks at Twilight with a big smile on her face. “And Twilight Sparkle, I do offer an invitation to join me on this! A showcase of my guard and my side of power!”

Twilight gives the best smile it could at the moment, a twisted amalgamation of fake happiness, anger, disappointment, and despair. “T-that’ll be I-interesting... I t-think I'll a-accept it....”

“Truly wonderful! Haha!” The princess smiles widely at the two frozen ponies. Looking away from them and back to the populace her smile refuses to falter.

“Mnn... Dusk Blade.” Dusk Blade stands at full attention. “We shall spend a little more time here before returning to the castle for the night, we will inform you once we do so you may return to your unit. Until then enjoy the night to thou fullest!”

With that said, Luna takes flight once again and soars off to somewhere else in town. Dusk Blade letting out a sigh of relief only to tense back up as she feels the heated glare coming from the pony next to her, Dusk Blade quickly faces her and smiles.

“What. was. that?” Twilight says harshly while hardening her glare to the mare.

“....Y-you can’t expect me to d-deny and lie to my princess right in her face!” She quickly defends herself.

“You should’ve! Now the situation is worse!”

“W-well she invited you and you’re the one who caused this in the first place!” Dusk Blade pokes the unicorn's chest.

“Excuse me!?” Twilight raised a brow.

“You talked about the captain in public and so happened that my princess overheard it! You caused it! “Twilight’s brows furrowed and her muzzle scrunched up.

“And since she invited you... you have no excuse to NOT come with her and help fix your mess!” Dusk Blade leans back and looks at the unicorn with a nervous smirk.

“I had things I wanted to do! I was going to go stargazing on the next full moon and take notes to see if Princess Luna has any effect on star constellations to put that theory to rest!”

“Too bad!” Dusk Blade sticks her nose up in the air, Twilight glares at her for a long minute before sighing.

“Ugh! Fine I’ll help you... not because I did it, it was definitely your fault!” Twilight pokes the bat mare’s chest, making the guardsmare frown. “But because if Luna finds out about the captain, then it’ll throw my mission all over the place!”

“You mean being Celestia's wingmare mission?” Dusk Blade says casually with a grin breaking on her face.

“Dusk Blade, I will teleport you into that apple bobbing bucket over there if you say that again.” Twilight said with hate laced in her words. Dusk Blade looking away and whistling. Twilight lets out the heaviest sigh for the night and looks up at the moon with a mix of despair and tiredness.

‘ Will I ever catch a break…? ‘

Author's Note:

The 2nd segement begins.