• Published 18th Jul 2022
  • 1,427 Views, 6 Comments

Eight Inside, Enquire Within - Kassaz

Pinkie Pie plays with her pregnancy after she gets a new T-shirt.

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Chapter 1

Pinkie Pie, perfectly pretty party person, perhaps prurient, pretty pregnant, presently particularly peeved, pranced down the concrete sidewalk of the small village she called home. Peeved she was, because none of her clothes had fit her well in quite some time, and her husband had suggested it would be better to buy some maternity clothing, if she were going to continue working at Sugarcube Corner throughout her pregnancy. Currently, what had been a perfectly fine party shirt now only covered her bosom, giving a different meaning to “hanging out” in it. She’d never heard a single customer complain about it, but she wasn’t going to argue with him over it. At least she didn’t need to wear a bra with the shirt, and her booty shorts still fit just fine, if a little tightly.

She stopped. “Hmmm, something isn’t quite right here.” she drummed her fingers on the crest of her belly with one hand, and fingers from the other tapped on her cheek in thought. “That’s right! Surprise, you’re usually awake by now. What’s wrong baby, don’t be lazy!” Surprise was currently right past the left half of her ribcage, and she pressed in there, feeling the little body she’d been growing, and growing acquainted with, over four and three quarters months. That movement from one was projected inside, and prompted the other seven to their own, and Pinkie Pie stood there giggling at her belly. Most of those who passed her by were friends, and seeing their friend smiling put smiles on their faces, but those few for whom the village was new or but a stop on a journey would occasionally stop to look at the preposterously pregnant, wide-wombed, under-clothed girl giggling at her children.

She’d been walking towards Rarity’s boutique, as her friend was certain to have something in the way of maternity wear pre-made or custom to be, but she’d passed by the general store and glanced through the window to see something much more exciting: a T-shirt rack with shirts she’d never seen before. Diamond Tiara watched, from behind the register, the greatly gravid girl with her hands pressed against the glass then waddle towards the entrance; Diamond was going to be made to clean that glass later, and she frowned just a little more than she already was. She stared as Pinkie Pie approached the T-shirt rack, and pressed the shirts against her rack to see if there were any chance one would fit around her. It was clear none would, but she still had a few hanging over her arm when she approached and asked to use the one fitting room the store had.

“It’s obvious they’re not going to fit.” Her derisive tone was ignored by Pinkie Pie. “I won’t know ’till I give ’em a Pinkie Pie try, Diamond!” Diamond Tiara rolled her eyes. “Why not just fit them over the shirt you’re already wearing, to see?” To Pinkie, the answer was obvious. “That may be too tight of a fit, Diamond, clearly.” It was Pinkie’s turn to roll her eyes.

“If they barely fit now, they won’t fit at all later.” Pinkie Pie shrugged and jovially replied, “People should live in the present, Diamond.” Tapping her fingers on her paunch the entire time sent a new thought ricocheting into her mind. “Maybe you’d be less grumpy today if you had some little siblings to help you around here!” Diamond crossed her arms and scowled at that same paunch. “Well, your children certainly aren’t going to have that problem!” Ending the conversation, Pinkie Pie smiled as she walked by, “That’s the spirit, Diamond!”

In the fitting room with the curtain drawn, she set the shirts on a hook and started undressing. Her arms slid out of her shirt easily enough, and she quickly pulled it over her head. Her breasts had grown over the pregnancy, her diet helped, and she watched them fly upwards with her shirt before settling around the crest of her bump with a slap, only loud enough for her to barely hear it. She held the shirt in her left hand, and rested both hands on her hips as she admired herself. Perky, dark nipples and her outie navel made her midsection look like a face that had sucked on a lemon, and she giggled, making the face cross-eyed. She used her free hand to trace the dark pink linea nigra that had formed down the middle of her protrusion, from the top to just above the belly button, because that’s as far as she could reach.

“Hmmmmmm, do I look bigger, or smaller? I didn’t forget one of you at the house, did I?” Her swell offered no reply, only moving up and down with her breathing. “I’ll do a roll call to check.” She grabbed some of the fat around her abdomen and laughed at the “roll” call, and then her hands were feeling around. Surprise was still where she was earlier, rubbing along a little back. Chalky Chalk was just below where she was, facing the outside. Clean Slate was out in front, she patted his head near her belly button, she preferred to think so he’d have more opportunity to hear what was going on around him. She closed her eyes to focus on where Gneiss was, and felt her deep inside. Flint was partially under the right half of her ribcage, and she just let him be because of that. Cloudy Quartz Jr. was under him, facing inwards. She felt Unknown out front with Clean Slate, and tickled his head, or was it his butt; she gave him an apology about not having his name yet, but she’d think of something. Lastly was Wackestone, out in center, upside-down, and she knew what she felt there was a butt. Well, that was all of them, so she must be looking bigger.

She took the shirt in both hands and fit it around her puffy hair, threading what was still underneath through once it was around her neck. She started tugging it down, cutting into her bosom, needing to tuck in her breasts by hand to get a nice layer of the shirt between them and her belly so she wouldn’t chafe. She managed to get the shirt down two fifths of her belly before it was too tight, if her belly button were counted as the center, although it had been tending downwards for some time now. She couldn’t see her belly button without a mirror anyway, and the swell now looked just like a magic eight ball from her view.

She had the idea, and lifted her belly from underneath. “Do you think I should buy the shirt, babies? You need to help your mommy, since all your fluttering gets in the way of my Pinkie sense from in there.” She let it fall, and watched her belly undulate in the mirror. Her navel being the furthest out had it move the most, pointing from just higher than directly in front of her, to a small angle just underneath her. When it had started to slow, her giggling gave it a second wind. Over just seconds, it was back to moving from just her breathing, and she felt the answer, a faint quickening straight into her.

“Well that settles that!”

Her new shirt was more than cool enough, so she only bought it, because she wasn’t wanting to wear any other shirts that day. She continued the walk to Rarity’s shop, idly scratching at herself through her new clothing. Once there, she swung the door open and considered shouting out a greeting to her seamstress friend, but recalled how upset Rarity could be when it startled her into making a mistake, and by the time she’d scanned the room to see Rarity, the moment was lost for shouting, so she just smiled and waved before instead gently greeting with “Hey Rarity, look at my cool shirt!”

“Pinkie Pie, is that a new shirt?” Pinkie could tell Rarity was impressed, but had put on a look of complete bewilderment to hide it. “Yessiree missee, I got it just earlier today. How could you tell?”

“Well, the price tag is still attached to the sleeve, darling.” Pinkie moved to rip it off, but Rarity stopped her, using a pair of scissors so the fabric wouldn’t be torn accidentally. With no trash bin nearby and nowhere good to put it, Pinkie set it on her bump for safekeeping, and Rarity pinched her brow.

“So, I don’t currently have anything that will fit you, and anything I make should be able to fit through the rest of your pregnancy. I was thinking about a flowing dress, or using a tight-fitting elastic which should grow with you and perhaps obviate the need for wearing supports later on. Which would you prefer, darling?”

Pinkie hummed in thought, scratching at her shirt, finding her eyes drawn to that price tag resting on her, and then the lone symbol on the shirt. She placed her hands on both sides of her swell. “Help me decide, babies; a dress,” she pressed in on the left, then pressing in on the right after “or whatever the other thing was?”

She stared intently while she waited, to Rarity’s confusion. “Did you purchase that shirt just so you could pretend to ask your babies questions, Pinkie?”

“Yep!” The smile never left her face, but grew wider when she looked back to Rarity with her decision: “I’ll take the not-a-dress, please!”

“That would be the elastic, darling. I’ve been working on a design which should provide enough support without ever becoming too tight. I’ll need to get some new measurements for this, unlike the dress.” She already had the tape resting over her shoulders, and slid it off.

Rarity would’ve asked Pinkie to lift her shirt up or take it off, but it fit so poorly that she could access enough of her bare skin anyway, and the two nipples looking back through the fabric let her know Pinkie wasn’t wearing a bra, and she’d have gladly taken it off had Rarity only asked, which was further reason not to. The beginning of the tape was placed on the upper hemisphere of her swell and held there by a well-manicured thumb; Pinkie grabbed the tape in her left hand as it was handed to her, to pass it behind her back and into her right, then handing it back to end where it began. Rarity crouched to get a better view, moving the tape down over her navel and tightening it just enough for Pinkie to give a giggle in response, and finding it more difficult to stand still, to Rarity’s chagrin. “Haha, why does it n-need to center on one of my new most ticklish spots, Rares?”

“I can’t help it you jut out the most here, Pinkie. It’s perfectly natural you’d be most sensitive where your skin’s stretched the most.” Satisfied with the measurement, she let the tape fall and wrote it down so she couldn’t forget. “The measurements don’t need to be too precise anyway, since you’re just going to grow more. Still, I certainly don’t need to make it any smaller than this.”

“Oh Rarity, I’m not growing any, my babies are!” Rarity rolled her eyes.

Her order placed with Rarity, Pinkie Pie had nothing better to do than return to Sugarcube Corner and see the goings ons. Cup Cake stood at the counter, showing some concern when she noticed her walking in. “Pinkie, dear, is that all you bought to wear?”

“Don’t worry Mrs. Cake, I’ll have a new maternity whatever from Rarity soon. If that’s not good enough, I could always drape an apron over me, ooh or wear a poncho, or – or – I could”

A timer rang out, stealing away Cup Cake’s attention.

“Uhh, that’s great Pinkie. Could you keep an eye on the twins while I check on something?” Pinkie rocked on her heels as she was listening, bouncing her bump. “Yeppers!”

Pumpkin and Pound Cake sat on a play mat in the corner. Their little eyes lit up when they noticed Pinkie waddle her way over to them. In prior months, she’d be able to spin on her heel and make them laugh. What she could do now was decidedly less impressive, laboriously turning before stopping, four times to make one rotation, and really not feeling up to another, not that they minded.

“Hey you two, check out my new shirt!” She leaned over so they could see the top of the shirt, the perfectly-symmetrical numeral eight in a white circle on an otherwise black fabric. She had spread and bent her legs to do this, and found she had to place her hands on her rear to slowly push herself back upright, feeling well how difficult just bending over without support was now. How would five months from now feel?

She decided to get off her feet, gently crouching down and awkwardly resting on her knees before widening her stance with a huff, belly dropping between her legs. The twins got close enough to do what curious children do, and touched it. Pinkie began thinking about how she’d play with her own children someday soon, not like this of course, since they were currently inside of her, but similarly. She also noticed how she was nearly large enough for the twins to fit in her belly, and figured she probably would be in a few more months, even accounting for how much they’re likely to grow in the meanwhile; she was certainly glad she was having eight babies, and not just a single big one!

“So, do either of you have anything to ask my magic eight belly?” They shook their heads. “Oh, alright.”

Once she finished with watching over them, she was walking up the steps to her room. No longer could she simply hop, skip, and jump up the stairs. She was even using the handrail, resting her other hand on her womb, as if to keep it steady with herself. Maybe she’d need to sleep on the ground floor in another few months, although that would just make nighttime snacking easier.

She eased the door open, to see if she’d be able to surprise him, her husband. She must’ve had Celestia’s favour, because he was in his chair, back turned to her, and she started walking towards him on her tiptoes. Unfortunately, being gravid so stunted her stealth, and she lost her footing, and had to noisily regain it. He flinched, but didn’t turn around when he said, “Hey, Pinkie.” She walked more easily the rest of the way. “Hey there, daddy; we missed you.” She took his right arm in her hands and brought it to rest on her. She got to see a smile on his face, before it was dashed at the sight of her cool new T-shirt.

“Sweetheart, that new shirt doesn’t fit you at all.” She let go of his arm, and retorted, “Does too! Besides,” she stepped forward enough to lean over the arm of the chair, bent over enough to give him a clear view of the novelty, “now you can give my belly a shake and ask it a question!” He couldn’t maintain a straight face at her antics, and stood up, grinning against himself. He put his arms around her. “I don’t know Pinkie, I thought I could feel you up and ask questions beforehand.”

She told him to give it a try, so he bent down in front of her. “Is it true, did you really miss me?”

He gently cradled her swell, and shifted its weight from one hand to the other a few times. Neither of them moved for a few moments, in anticipation, until Pinkie exhaled after feeling a gentle quivering moreso than he did, but he still noticed it as well.

After sitting down and telling him of her day, and how she really would be getting new clothing from Rarity soon, the day unwound uneventfully, and soon Celestia’s sun was on the horizon. He was already lying in bed, watching her ready herself, and asked if she were wanting to end the day with a bang. “Well babies, should I have sex with your daddy?” She cupped her belly on both sides and gently sent it back-and-forth. After waiting a few seconds, she told him yes.

He decided to ignore that.

In her less gravid, more lithe days, she would saunter over to him, and begin their lovemaking with a display of acrobatics good enough to brag to Rainbow Dash about. She was certainly not capable of such sexy showtimes now, but she would still try in different ways; she never would cease to excite him in some way, and she knew that. She wasn’t able to immediately stick her right leg perpendicularly from her body, but could swing it in an arc to do so. She rested her calf on his thighs, and smiled down at him; they locked hands as she slid the rest of her way on top of him. He was face-to-navel with her, almost as if he were staring down a cyclops. Before he could finish asking about her remaining clothing, she shushed him by jutting herself into his face. “The shirt stays on, hubs.”

Still smiling, still holding hands, still stacked, now sweating, they were content in the moment. One aspect of Pinkie’s pregnancy he’d particularly grown to love was what it obscured. He could be looking directly at her, and would need to glance at her hips to tell if she were wearing any underwear. Given what they’d just finished, her swell took priority in his vision and, while it was a nice view, watching beads of sweat roll down across her before landing on him, he wanted to treat himself to a different one.

He knew where he’d take this evening. It would start by cupping her swell and crawling his fingers up to and underneath that silly shirt; it was stained with sweat by now, so he’d need to be gentle in rolling it up and prying it off of her. Once it was off, he’d kiss their children, gradually moving up until he reached her breasts, and with his face between them, he’d deeply inhale.

As he fell out of his reverie, he became less content, with his wonderfully-wide wife still sitting on him. “Are you thinking of getting off soon, sweetheart?” She smirked. “I don’t know, why don’t you ask my magic eight belly?”

Copyright 2021,2022 Kassaz
Verbatim copying and redistribution of this document is permitted.

Comments ( 6 )

This was cute, but if I can offer some constructive criticism:

“It’s obvious they’re not going to fit.” Her derisive tone was ignored by Pinkie Pie. “I won’t know ’till I give ’em a Pinkie Pie try, Diamond!” Diamond Tiara rolled her eyes. “Why not just fit them over the shirt you’re already wearing, to see?” To Pinkie, the answer was obvious. “That may be too tight of a fit, Diamond, clearly.” It was Pinkie’s turn to roll her eyes.

When two characters are interacting, you should separate the dialogue like so:

“It’s obvious they’re not going to fit.” Her derisive tone was ignored by Pinkie Pie.

“I won’t know ’till I give ’em a Pinkie Pie try, Diamond!”

Diamond Tiara rolled her eyes. “Why not just fit them over the shirt you’re already wearing, to see?”

To Pinkie, the answer was obvious. “That may be too tight of a fit, Diamond, clearly.” It was Pinkie’s turn to roll her eyes.

That and some grammar issues aside, I liked this. Maybe someday you could write a full-on human or anthro pregnancy clopfic? Those are hard to find around here.

Do you have any character in mind that you are envisioning the father to be, who is it supposed to be open-ended because if that's the case I'm going to think it's discord I really like that ship so not a very popular one for some reason they'll be so perfect for each other show the woman's might destroy the world but they're so perfect for each other

Pinkie Pie is the person would draw a smiley face on her belly and make it talk

I appreciate it, but I dislike splitting dialogue in that way. What were the grammar issues? I carefully proofread before uploading, so I'd like to know.

Yes, just use your imagination.

All right, I'll admit some of these might be a little nit-picky but here goes:

She stopped. “Hmmm, something isn’t quite right here.” she drummed her fingers on the crest of her belly with one hand, and fingers from the other tapped on her cheek in thought.

Capitalize that second "she".

That movement from one was projected inside, and prompted the other seven to their own, and Pinkie Pie stood there giggling at her belly.

"and prompted the other seven to move on their own"

She’d been walking towards Rarity’s boutique, as her friend was certain to have something in the way of maternity wear pre-made or custom to be, but she’d passed by the general store and glanced through the window to see something much more exciting: a T-shirt rack with shirts she’d never seen before.

Instead of "She'd", why not put "Pinkie" there.

Her new shirt was more than cool enough, so she only bought it, because she wasn’t wanting to wear any other shirts that day.

"Pinkie's new shirt was more than cool enough. She only bought it because she didn't want to wear any other shirts today."

“I can’t help it you jut out the most here, Pinkie.”

"I can't help it! You jut out the most here, Pinkie."

“Oh Rarity, I’m not growing any, my babies are!”

"Oh, Rarity. I'm not growing, my babies are!" Italics put emphasis in your dialogue.

Like I said, some of them are kinda nit-picky.

This was a cute little story; not amazing, but definitely worth a read. I second what CapNTilfy said about grammar and paragraph structure, but that would be my only real complaint.

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