• Published 22nd Jul 2022
  • 957 Views, 35 Comments

EQG: Power Rangers: Zodiac Crusaders - Grand-Galvatron

The Forces of Shadows are plaguing the human world, but now a new team of heroes stand in their way. They are the Zodiac Power Rangers.

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Episode #1: Power of the Zodiac Spirits Part 2 of 2: The Battle Begins, Enter, The Ancient Zodiac-Megazord

Meanwhile, in Canterlot City, the writhers and fright-flys were causing havoc throughout the city.

"Heh Heh, these humans sure are complete scaredy cats," Famine said as he and his brother led their armies across the city.

"Exactly, my brother," Pestilence said with a smirk on his face. "We'll lay waste to this city, and soon, our master shall return and destroy these wretched human meat-sacks."

"Hey," Sunset said as she and the others arrived. "How about you pick on someone your own strength, you overgrown cockroach!"

"Huh, who are you supposed to be," Pestilence said in confusion.

"We're the Zodiac Power Rangers," Sunset said. "And I'll ask you nicely this once to stop attacking our city and for you and your ugly band of insects to crawl back to the hole that you came from."

"Hah, I won't obey orders given by pathetic meat-sacks like you," Pestilence barked. "Fright-Flies, rip them apart."

The Fright-Flies obeyed as they charged at the Rangers.

"Leo-Blaster, Activate," Sunset said as her weapon emitted Lion-shaped fireballs.

Scorpio-Cutter's, let's slice and dice," Twilight says as two swords appeared in her hands as she cut through her winged assailants.

"Go, Leviathan Spear, get a charge out of this uglies," Rainbow said as her spear emitted a blue energy wave that sent her opponents packing.

"Go Libra-Bow," Rarity said as a Bow appeared in her hands as well as a quiver full of arrows.

"GRACEFUL ARROW'S," Rarity cried as a barrage of white arrows fly at the FrightFlies.

"Bull-Hammer, let's go," Applejack said as she swinged her hammer to the ground, causing a small earthquake.

Fluttershy and Pinkie then used the Libra-Buster to emit a sonic magnetic wave and Claw-Punchers to punch the last remaining Fright-flies into oblivion.

"Oh, no, my precious Frightflies, swatted and squashed," Pestilence said in sorrow. "Well, you just got off easy that time, since the Frightflies were the weakest of our master's army."

"Brother, bring your Writher's over here now and enlarge them," Pestilence said.

"You got it bro," Famine said as he then used his magical bone-ax.

"Alright, Writhers time to enlarge and destroy," Famine said as he uses his magic to enlarge the writhers to gigantic size.

"Woah, they've sure gotten a major growth spurt," Twilight said shocked.

"Don't worry, we need to call upon the power of our Zords," Sunset said as she and the others got out their Talismen.

"Alright, let's do it," Sunset said as they pointed their Spirit Morphers.

"We call upon the power of the Zodiac Spirits," The Zodiac Rangers said as their morphers emitted the energy of the Zodiac Spirits.

Suddenly, from the ground, The Red-Lion, Purple Scorpion, Blue Shark, White Swan, Black Bull, Yellow Bat, and Pink Coconut Crab Zords emerged and headed towards The Rangers.

Once they have arrived, the Rangers jumped and entered their zords.

"Wow, this power is truly amazing," Sunset said.

"I didn't think I could control it, but it's like second nature to me," Twilight notified.

"Same for the rest of us," Rainbow cheered.

"All right rangers, let's combine and show these creeps whose boss," Sunset said as she and the other rangers got ready.

"By The power of the Zodiac, Zodiac Zords, combine and conquer," The Zodiac Rangers commanded.

By the order, The Zodiac Zords started to merge and transform with the Lion Zord becoming the body, The Scorpion Zord being the Right arm, the Shark Zord being the Left Arm, the Swan Zord becoming the Right Leg, the Bat Zord being the left leg, the Bull Zord turning into the Battle Armor and the crab zord becoming Twin Shoulder Cannons.

After this came the rise of the Ancient Zodiac Megazord.

"Wow, the Megazord's incredible," Sunset said.

"You can say that again," Applejack cheered.

"Alright Darling, let's show these cretins the Power of the Power Rangers," Rarity said happily.

"Right," They all said as the Megazord began to march towards the Writhers.

"Doesn't matter how much power they have, the Writher's will clean their clocks," Famine said.

"Let's hope you're right," Pestilence said.

Two Writhers came from the left, But the Megazord easily defeated them using the Scorpio Sting Blast.

"Time for the Pisces Shark Bite, get ready for a Shark Attack," Rainbow cheered as two other Writhers were defeated by the crushing bite of the shark.

"Ookie Doki Loki, time for the Crab-Cannons to finish the rest of them," Pinkie Pie said as they turned to aim at the three remaining Writhers.

"FINAL ZODIAC BLAST," The Rangers said as the fired at the Writhers until they were dust and bones.

"OH KNATS," Pestilence grumbled.

"Oh, the Boss isn't gonna like this," Famine said as the two teleported away.

(Meanwhile in the Neitherworld)
"So, my dear brother, you're still alive after all this time," Skullkor said devilishly. "You may have won this battle, brother, but I still have many Monsters in my army, and next time, I will be the victor, The Zodiac Gems will be mine, and then I will escape this infernal prison, and conquer the whole universe."

(Meanwhile at Power Ranger HQ)
"Congratulations Power Rangers," Adona said with a happy look on his face. "You 7 have proven yourselves as the new Power Rangers."

"But even though you've won this battle, there will be more battles in the future," Adona said. "Not only that, but your Zodiac Gems are not the only ones, as they're more Zodiac Gems that I scattered all over the Human World in places that I knew Lord Skullkor would never find."

"So, there could be more rangers," Sunset asked.

"That is correct," Adona said. "But whether they're good or bad is the question."

"If a human finds one of the Zodiac Gems you must help and train them in the side of justice and good," Adona said.

"Yeah, wherever they may be," Sunset said to herself.

Until then, we must keep a watchful eye on the gems," Adona said. "But for now I must tell these three basic rules for all Power Rangers."

"1: You must only use your powers for justice, never for vengeance, 2: You must never use your power for selfish gain, and 3: You must keep your Identities as Power-Rangers a secret from the world," Adona said. "It is absolutely vital that no one knows about this."

"We'll do our best, Adona," Sunset said as she and the rest prepared for a victory pose. "ZODIAC REVIVE, RANGERS UNITE!"

Meanwhile, Wallflower Blush was walking home from school.

"Sigh, today was really stressful, who knew that math would be such a pain," Wallflower said. "Man, I wish something more interesting would happen."

Suddenly, Wallflower noticed a glowing green Light from a large bush. When Wallflower went to investigate, she saw that it was some kind of Green Gemstone.

"Hmm, a Gemstone, I wonder what it could be," Wallflower asked to herself.

What Wallflower doesn't know is that the gem she is holding is the Green Zodiac Gem, holding the Mighty Powers of Capricorn, The Green Goat-Zord, and the Powers of the Zodiac Green Ranger. But what will this mean for the rest of the Power Rangers? All will be revealed in due time.

(Will Continue in Power Ranger's Zodiac Knights Episode #2: Going Green, Rise of The Green Ranger).

Comments ( 24 )

Question, which Zodiac are they using: Chinese or Greek?

How do they know how to do this stuff?

Like unique powers?

Their Knowledge of controlling their weapons and zords comes from their Zodiac Gems.

Oh ok. The gems basically tell them how to do everything.






The Power Rangers Costumes look like Medieval Knight Armor and they have capes.

You know how little brothers are, they aren't as experienced as the older siblings and that could make some jealousy.

The Rangers in Dino Fury didn't have Capes.

That’s debatable.

I'm looking forward to story 2. I wonder how Wallflower Blush will do as a Power Ranger.

So this is like Kyuranger?

Felt like reading one of those books that just have a episode script on them, but actually good.

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