• Member Since 23rd Jul, 2022
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Horsewords are the best words


When Reckless joined the Earth Pony Unicorn Pegasus Corps she was expecting a professional fighting force. Turns out it’s more akin to a band of poorly equipped hooligans. Relegated to the rank of Station troop with her pal, she now has to carve out a new legacy on Eqqus. Not much action is to be had though…

This is my first production in prose format. All critiques please send my way yada yada.

Read about the story of Reckless. Yes. She was a real warhorse and badass

Featured on some day in October 2022

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 31 )

I've always found broken English a little fascinating/endearing (coming from someone who has their own brand of it), and I think you’ve absolutely nailed it. Reckless has a lot of energy and cadence, here, and I like it a lot. Please do more!
While the pacing is fast, it's very strong. I think you could benefit a lot from an editor to punctuate the pacing, or at least employ commas and full stops in better places. It's not hard to read, but it would add a lot to the feeling you've already got. This is really good prose compared to other greentexters-gone-prose, I'll tell you that much.

It's adorable. Few scattered editing slip-ups, but they weren't overly distracting, especially for a first dive into prose.

And thank you for finally gracing this site with a Reckless story. It's been too long.

A rather enjoyable tale so far. I was actually expecting a mare going out of her mind from managing inefficient soldiers. This has been a happy surprise for something new.
I do have a question, is Anon from the same point in Earth's timeline as Reckless?

I love the pony Reckless threads and pastes, and I love what you've got here.

Thanks for sharing.

Loving it so far. Hope we get to see Reckless and Anon kicking the EUP into shape! Can't wait to see what they turn it into.

Gave the intro Alaric gave another pass on the first intro (Much as I enjoy my rather endearing mistakes as a first-time prose writer, it began to bug me). I'll try to get a nice amount done by the weekend for upload. This has been alot of fun to write! Reckless is just so fun

Please I beg you write Reckless

The idea here is to refuse the common pitfall of "Le ebin cool hero makes everything great and kills X, Y, or Z." Sometimes you just gotta sink into the silly aspects of a military while no actual combat exists. Or who knows, maybe she'll do some crazy things once Nightmare Moon returns to rustle some jimmies.

I... actually don't know yet. I typically am very touch and go with Anon, he's made to be a goofball that anyone can sink into. Maybe I'll have him w/ some history regarding Reckless and her story. Otherwise, our homeboy reads a Wikipedia article and only knows about her ((initially)) through that.

My grasp of the English language is ruined by green writing. My proofreader has been generously volunteering himself to the monumental task of preventing catastrophic tard meltdowns in the text.

The pace seems fine to me! I’d just like a bit more background on reckless and anon. Is anon from the same timeline as reckless? How much does reckless remember before her transition to equestrian pony? She was mentioned to be a little bigger than the average equestrian pony but smaller than when she was a war horse, how much bigger? Like Celestia big or like bigger than most smaller than Big Mac? Is anon just a regular joe schmoe from our present time or was he an American/English grunt who died alongside reckless?

Apologies for my abundance of questions but know it stems from my abundance of interest! I like the story and I hope you continue to write more! :twilightsmile:

Anon wasn't meant to be apart of the Marines, or any military function for that matter, nor did he die anywhere near the same time as Reckless. His knowledge of her starts and ends with a Wikipedia article (previous to when he met in her person, that is). Anon is made to be (you)r own self insert, in more ways than one. 3rd person obviously changes that dynamic, so I actually had to go back to the drawing board so these questions could be answered properly.
If I were to put Reckless' height in relative terms? Look up a picture of Reckless standing next to a human, then put your mind to work on determining how tall a human is relative to ponies. I don't like putting any kind of actual info on the height, everyone has their preference. It kind of bungles the reading experience once it's overly described.
I don't mind the questions at all. I'm absolutely astonished anyone gives a hoot about my story.

Oops, here's your notification.

Like the Reckless Stories cropping up.

Just came from reading up this ponepaste: https://ponepaste.org/7791

Reckless is cool.

I love that dudes work, actually gave me some guidance when writing this. Let's get Reckless the renown she deserves!

Insert: "How Applejack won the war."

“I first horse to naval land.” Reckless proudly puts a hoof to her chest. “I not make easy.” She chuckles lightly. “Spit up food like you. Navy Captain not happy. This flying contraption no different, just let happen, any stress you become accustomed to. Gentle rocking, let it feel like…”

God, I love her. Great characterization in this chapter for both Anon and Reckless.

“No worry Anon, maybe town hall made out of chocolate!”

Neat left 4 dead 2 reference.

The “100 yards” quickly turns into a complete nightmare. Anon’s histrionics causes Reckless great grief as she had to repeatedly yell at him to get a move on. Anon eventually falls to his knees, struggling to breathe.

I love their back and forth so much. Comfy progress.

Happy to see another update. Finally good to see a Reckless story (and a quiet well written one) on Fimfic.

“Nothing.” Reckless’ eye twitches, her voice at an odd pitch.

“Lying isn’t your strong suit, Reckless.”

“Not telling, will do later, promise that. Do more stretching.”

The rapport you’re building in their dialogue is just amazing.

How tall is Reckless?

I'll make an active effort to outline this later, since it's such a re-occurring question. Reckless was roughly 13 hands high

I had no idea reckless was smol

Being large isn't a great thing when people are trying to shoot you!

“We not in slammer, jail, holding, nothing like. This barracks. We made to assignment. Met Mayor, got time for rest.” Reckless points to the open door, and various worn EUP tapestries around the room.

If Reckless wanted to bust Anon's chops a little...

"Not brig, neither, Anon. Brig where real Marines go, like Chesty say. You no qualify, so no brig..."

Love this story!

Haha! Yeah, Reckless isn't quite giving Anon a full tongue lashing, the lucky guy.

Ya know, I was caught off-guard by Reckless’s ESL speech patterns. Then I remembered: she may have been a fucking badass who served in the Marines, but she’s still Korean. She’d get along great with Kirins though.

Anon’s damn lucky too—knowing Reckless, she probably met Gunnery Sergeant Hartman back when he was a lowly Pvt. FC or Corporal, as well as his drill instructor. And we know Gunnery Sergeant Hartman learned from the best!

I don’t think your cut out for this Anon.

With Reckless to assist, I think Anon can manage just fine.

On hiatus because I'm one lazy motherfucker, and the story isn't putting out much personal drive. I'll return to it down the line, may start work on another story.
>committing the infernal sin of abandoning a story before it's even started

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