• Member Since 18th Nov, 2017
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This story is a sequel to I am my own OC

Yes, we are going there again, back to Hogwarts. Given that Mrs Nova Arthol already knows how to defeat He Who Must not be Named, how difficult can it be? After all, Moonie can fetch the cup from the bank. But what about the other items? Will they come to her, or will she have to go looking? And for that matter, what of Dumbledor's plans, and can she pull off the role of a female Harry Potter?

And yes, we can expect more than one Kitsumi Nova in the mix, and Aurora Summers from Not Quite Canon will be in this as well.

This will also be connected to Kitzumi's adventures through the looking glass. and act as a prequel to Sunset Shimmer and the Cowboy.

Chapters (101)
Comments ( 674 )

Not a bad nod to Mission: Impossible. However this mission is probably just a Tuesday for our heroine.

There is definitely an annoyance factor. And it's going to take time.

Oh this is going to be soo good and i can tell this is going to be a long one.
this is a awesome start to a amazing story.

I've 30 posts more or less ready to go and the story has only progressed to the winter break.

I kind of hit a brick wall with my muse but figured I've more than enough of a buffer built up. The main idea on this was the long haul that would be necessary to accomplish the task given to her. Dealing with the Horcrux is the easy part. I really wanted to show her having to deal with living the life of Harry Potter and how her knowledge and resourcefulness make it possible for her to make big changes. And of course, Dumbledore is still a manipulative SOB.

if you have hit a wall slow down your post to one a week and walk away from righting for a bit. give your muse a rest it will let you know when it is time.

and one of the reasons i really love your story's is that you show the real Dumbledore and just how much of a plot hole he really is.

I've actually been sitting on this one for a while. Part of my motivation for posting it now is because it's so F'ing hot out. I'd started the current document last February, but I'd migrated material over from an older document that's at least a year older. It also helps me to have it loaded so that I can go back and listen to it. Let's face it, I tend to gloss over after reading the same thing over, and over, and over, and...

I wonder how they are surviving here with the Dursley’s? They are not the most loving family out there.

They are reformed (healthy), Dudley gets lots of love, and it makes a great base of operations. Dysfunctional doesn't mean there's no love. That and they can easily harvest from the local community.

You Live ...glad to see another Kitsumi story.

wow awesome chapter. this is going to be sooooooo much of a fun story.

O this is so good and i see you are showing just how much Dumble crud was doing to make him self out to be the big hero.

Well it looks like she is about to completely bamboozle the old goats plans.

Comments are on. I delayed the rating because of people who downvote anything new without actually bothering to read it.

for the next three days, Aerie lived the life of a normal ordinary girl.

want to bet this comes to a end from a old has been meddling around?

The Potter child must remain with the Dursleys.

well that is the plan but we know how plans can be destroyed. :pinkiegasp:

So how Dumbeldor screw this up and try and get the Dursley’s off the hook? Because we know that a certain somebeing will play a reverse uno card on him and further derail his plans.

Why is it, all good stories seem to take forever to come out even tho it's a chapter a week. Another great chapter to what seems another great story. Found your stories a few chapters into your hogwarts storyline.

i so love to see Dumbledore’s plans get craped all over...
a awesome chapter.

At least two adults have their heads on straight. I hope they actually talk to Hagrid to see just what he knows.

i love it.. keep blowing holes in Dumbledore's plans.
i so love how this is all playing out.

Actually considering the Wizarding world seems to be stuck at least a century in the past. She might of called him a dandy

A dandy is someone who is flamboyant. Not a person who cross-dresses.

11336032 True but not only has the word drifted in meaning over the years you have a group that is not only behind the times but doesn't understand them either..
anyways I am enjoying this story

The drifting in meanings was my primary motivation to come up with something completely different. After all, if the wizards are still using Victorian terms then gay just means happy. Meanwhile, far too many innocent terms have picked up a lot of negative baggage. Subsequently, I wanted to avoid anything that was going to have modern negative terms. Sure, zany can mean someone's a little crazy, but so far as I'm aware it doesn't have any truly negative connotations.

oh, no… They are doing this for the sake of harassment.

the old fart is just not getting the hint..
wonder what he will do when Harry never shows up..
i am thinking he needs a new reminder from a pissed off Nova and say a fried wand.

Because she has to bide her time until she has gathered and destroyed all the Horcrux she's just going to turn the thumb screws ever so slowly as Dumbledor's world falls apart.

11338339 While events might not play out exactly as Aerie knows from other universes its likely to play out similarly enough to make turning those screws ease. WE can already see where things have cracked

I'd imagine it's not too hard to guess what's going to happen with the letters. LOL :rainbowlaugh:

this is going to be so fun to watch Dumbledore squirm like a worm on a hoke.

this is a ping to all readers of this amazing story..
the voting is turned on let get the votes rolling in and get this story up on the top 10 / feature list.

Now I am looking forward to the meeting with Hagrid. Poor guy is going to be very confused.

Love it so far! Absolutely wonderful. :twilightsmile:

awesome chapter.
i can see were Dumbledore plans are getting out of control and now Nova is in the game this is not going to end well for him.

At this point Dumbeldor is completely screwed. Now let’s see if he drags Fudge and the entire ministry down with him.

and so Dumbledore's plans are slowly burning to the ground.. hold on let me grab a can of fuel to help ,,,,put out the fire. :pinkiehappy:

i love this chapter ..

I hope the real chosen one will be Neville.

Depending on the type of news day coupled with the 'find' under the house Dumbledore will be lucky if its only a dozen other papers within a few days. The only saving grace will be over time it wouldn't be on the front page.

Wonders about other Wizarding papers while we've only seen 'The Daily Prophet' and 'Quibbler' can't help but wonder if there aren't other papers in US and other locations

11344445 Well in the canon of the books it could've been

Nevil killed the snake.

And I hear his relatives grow a mighty fine pipeweed.

11344642 He did at that though is that how history will play out in the future? Only the author might know at this point

I might not even bring the snake in as a character. Nagini was like a last-minute Horcrux. One that was extremely risky because it insured Riddle's mortality should all the others be destroyed. Which begs the question, did he have feelings for her? Why did he intentionally choose a living Horcrux knowing the danger?

Nagini was a human turned snake thanks to a curse(I think) turned into horocrux plus nagini who btw was a familiar basically tommy boy's Hedwig so really due to those facts it's your choice personally I would just keep her in as she is evidence of voldies's desperation to stay alive as he felt the pain of his horocruxs being destroyed one by one so it makes sense to keep nagini.

Also that Nagini's death was a defining point for Neville as he proved his bravery as remember he always felt he didn't belong in Griffindore at all and was always afraid by not adding nagini you take away that defining moment in the story.

Neville will have his moments.

It's just that, Nagini may never factor in given the way I'm approaching the story. I've got a headcanon that Voldemort must have a whole body before he can split his soul again. Nagini wasn't made into a Horcrux until after Voldemort's Horcruxes started getting destroyed. And Petter is presently a rat in a cage. Granted that even though rats can chew through quite a bit, it could take a while, and without Petagrew to help Voldemort, Voldemort isn't likely to get his body back any time soon.

If Aerie can obtain and destroy Voldemort's Horcruxes he's done. There's just one snag, canonically it's Dumbledore who locates the ring.

Ok fair but what about the cursed human bit or is that just fanon?

You'll need to be a bit more specific. Nagini had a blood curse responsible for her turning into a snake. And then there are all the people who are werewolves with no cure. Even Quirrel is cursed by Voldemort's possession of him. Fandom has cursed just about every character at some point.

More along the lines of will nagini be in the story(and cured by nova?)but not a horocrux.

And everyone but the wizards and the regular government have no clue why is going on.

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