• Member Since 24th Apr, 2022
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https://www.wattpad.com/user/Timeman202 A developing story writer whose favorite pony is Rainbow Dash.



Notice: The Crossover Tag is just to be on the safe side

After Twilight Sparkle convinced Starlight Glimmer to let the Rainboom happen and returning to the proper timeline, the time vortex mysteriously didn't close after swallowing up Starlight's modified spell, and what's more, more time vortexes were popping up all over Canterlot and Ponyville alike; one even popping up in the everfree forest itself as the earth itself began to shake.

Meanwhile, in the far-off future Sunny Starscout had gathered her friends, Sprout, and the leaders of the respective races to try and figure out the secrets of the merged crystal. While running tests, the crystal suddenly went critical and sucked all of the ponies across the globe into mysterious portals.

Things are about to get hectic for both sides as the two generations will suddenly find out what happens when their times collide.

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 132 )

"That would be my only real guard, Flash Sentry...although he's also my stallionfriend and special somepony." Twilight said.

Awww 😍 love it I really wish that could happen

Yes, I'm not ashamed that I snuck some FlashLight into this story. But then again, this is me we're talking about.

Wow! Looks like Kronika's at it again.

It'll definitely be interesting to watch the two generations interact, but I think it would be more interesting if it happened before the reunification. Particularly because of the Mane 6's reaction to how could Equestria come to this.

And thats ok with me 😊 I like it

Suddenly Spike burped up a letter which Twilgiht caught in her magic and didn't open it. "Aren't you going to read that? It's from Princess Celestia." Rarity said.


I wanted to see Izzy talking to Pinkie.

Ohh this is very interesting and I always like those kind of time traveling stories so this is during the time of season 5 finale after Twilight Spike and starlight came back from the past and telling her friends everything is okay until the world was starting to change and then a couple of wormholes starting to show up somewhere in the future this was also during the time of the aftermath of a new generation Sunny's friends and the leaders are talking about separating the crystals but making a duplicate of it which that's a pretty risky move since most of the unicorns don't really know how to use magic that well they just got it back but both sunny and Izzy use the magic so far it was working but until they created a wormhole and all the ponies who were there got sucked into the hole and now they landed in the past during season 5 well this is going to be an interesting day for all of them can't wait to see how this will work out

Starlight looked right at Sprout. Now...now I can't help but think what would've happened if I did stop the Sonic Rainboom anyways and prevented Twilight and her friends from ever becoming friends in the first place. I don't know if the results would've been like Twilight showed me, but I can at least guarantee it probably wouldn't be very good at all. Starlight said.

Well at least Starlight and sprout have one in common with each other

"...Huh...never thought of that. I'll have to remember that." Rainow Dash said.


"And that's the other thing: The combination of the magics of the modified time travel spell and the super powered Unity Crystals caused aspects of your time period to seep into ours; merging the two into one. As such, that is further evidence that trying the same combination again may not result in returning you to the equestria you are all familiar with." Twilight said.

Great Scott this is pretty heavy stuff here

Well this should be interesting for the g4 and g5 having talking with each other and also getting know each other so everypony got together at Canterlot and apparently the ponys from the future need to get back to the future but Twilight explained about how tough is going to be since the time traveling is the strongest magic of all time so right now they are stuck in time but since there going to be here maybe this will be a change to get to know each other and I've always like about that can't wait to see how this will work out

Comment posted by RomaTsarenko deleted Aug 10th, 2022

Hello! Nice chapter! Will be new chapter?

Have to say, that this looks like it could be an intriguing start to this AU story. Definitely understood the part about this taking place very shortly after the FiM Season 5 finale and shortly after reunification in "A New Generation". Indeed, appreciated the dialogue concerning parenthood (including the possible foreshadowing concerning Alphabittle's missing son), something I'm very certain Shining Armor and Cadance will be able to vouch for relatively soon, given how likely it is that Flurry Heart will be born not long after this. And I wouldn't be surprised if at least a couple of the alternate timeline counterparts to the villains eventually arrived in the main Equestria just to hammer it in even further how badly Starlight messed up. Of course, Discord taking on his alternate timeline counterpart should be intriguing to see (so Discord can have an opponent powerful enough to allow him to properly show his stuff without him overshadowing everybody else), as would Luna encountering Nightmare Moon, or the G5 ponies helping out against the alternate Sombra (since working to overcome great fear would be a massive further step in reunification).

And maybe Twilight could check up on the human world to see if Sunset Shimmer and the others also had some recent issues with portals (and end up meeting her own human counterpart). And I could also see Applejack and Sunny eventually comparing notes concerning their parents and their experience with losing said parents.

And, sorry if I let my imagination run away with me. I freely admit that many of these are just guesses and are more likely to be wrong than right.

Anyway, great work on the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up and I will certainly be looking forward to more of this.

Which might be a start on Sprout learning even further on making friends outside his own tribe and realizing even more just how badly he messed up.

Again, some wonderful work on this latest chapter. Really great work on the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up.

Yeah, could certainly see why hearing about what Sprout pulled could get Starlight thinking that. And also really liked the dialogues concerning why getting the G5 ponies back to their own times is going to be very difficult (I'm not going to say impossible, because, well, you never know) but they could, at least, make the best of things for the time being, including Rainbow inviting Zipp to join this universe's eventual real counterparts to the Shadowbolts and why Rainbow is fine with taking orders from Soarin' until she is more experienced). And, yeah, there is some very subtle foreshadowing for ships I'm NOT going to mention other than the already established Flashlight and the fully-canon Shining x Cadance.

And, maybe the possibility of seeing the G5 earth ponies find out they have plant magic as well as maybe super-strength and (in Hitch's case) animal speak.

All in all, I am quite intrigued by this story so far and am looking forward to more of this including Hitch and Fluttershy comparing notes on animal care and Izzy meeting Pinkie Pie. .

"I don't see how any form of pony society could live in the Everfree Forest. During our time, it's very much a habitat for some dangerous creatures such as Manticores, but the most common one seen in there are the Timberwolves." Rainbow Dash said.

Rainbow Dash pointed at Applejack. "Watch your tongue on that. Applejack's mother and father were killed by those things." The pegasus noted.

Ohh yeah going to the fact her parents are no longer here there's so many theories what really happened to them but it's still sad nevertheless I feel bad for Applejack

"I kind of understand how Applejack feels. My own father died while I had moved away from the lighthouse for a couple of years." Sunny said. "I may have never found out how he died, and my own mother died shortly after giving birth to me. I know more than anyone here what never getting to say goodbye to your parents properly is like." She added.

That's right if anybody can understand how applejack feels is sunny as well she lost both of her parents as well now I'm sad 😔

"That would be my only real guard, Flash Sentry...although he's also my stallionfriend and special somepony." Twilight said.

of course.....😑

"Exactly. Though I'm sure that the unicorns and pegasi will have their own brands of punishment for you once your done with community service on my terms, that is out of my hands." Hitch said.

you mean hooves??

"Mom! Their Unicorns! And Pegasi!" Sprout spoke up.lp

This is the start of a new era where all ponykind live in harmony and friendship.😑

"I think what's more important right now is--oh...my...stars." Sunny started, and then caught glimpse of six very familiar figures. "P-p-princess...T-t-t-twilight and her friends!" Sunny said.

Hi old friends👋😊

"I believe I already know what it's about: These aren't our only new residents of Equestria." Twilight said.

what do you mean???😦

"So let me get this straight: Somehow a bunch of time portals dumped a bunch of ponies from Equestria's supposed future here in our time, and in that future, this red stallion basically pulled a King Sombra on the Earth Ponies and almost killed Sunny Starscout over there?!" Shining Armor exclaimed.

oooohhh!!!!!🤭 i guess you can put it that way



"I'm afraid, based on the information I've collected from how you ended up here in our time and the circumstances around it, going back to your own time is very much impossible." Twilight added.



(Its time for Sunnylighting!)


"...Huh...never thought of that. I'll have to remember that." Rainbow Dash said.

Pinkie??? Where is she??

"So, judging from what I know happened here in the present compared to what happened in the future, when you were all teleported here, the nine of you were touching what you called the combined Unity Crystals which I had created to try and stop ponies from fighting one another poring your magics into it. Now, at that same time, I believe that I had just managed to convince Starlight Glimmer from preventing Rainbow Dash's first Sonic Rainboom which resulted in me and my friends all getting our cutie marks at the exact same time as one another. Now, here's where it gets interesting: I believe that the magics you were pouring into the combined Unity Crystals and Starlight's modified Time Travel spell worked in tandom witch each other to cause you to come to our time. Now, while a copy of the original time travel spell does still exist and all we'd have to do is get Starlight to make the same modifications again, there's no guarantee that would work and send you all back to your own time. And even if we did use it, we'd obviously need to combine it with the unity crystals and you'd need to pour your magics into them once more. But that's where the problem lies: According to the reports that have been collected, only ponies from your time period in the far future came out of those time rifts. No reports of any crystals poring out of them what-so-ever. So, in other words, the unity crystals didn't come with you. Your essentially stuck here in our time." Twilight said. "...That being said, I am going to work hard to make sure that ponies don't end up fighting each other ever again." She added.


"So long story short, is that we're stuck here in what is essentially the past?" Sunny Starscout asked.



"And that's the other thing: The combination of the magics of the modified time travel spell and the super powered Unity Crystals caused aspects of your time period to seep into ours; merging the two into one. As such, that is further evidence that trying the same combination again may not result in returning you to the Equestria you are all familiar with." Twilight said.


"Whoa! What's with the magic wings and horn?!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

oh...forgot about that.

"...Way to go Sunny. You've been here less than a day and your already being subject to one of Twilight's research projects." Flash Sentry said, deciding to escort Sunny back to the Friendship Castle.

(sigh) somethings never change

As for Phyllis, Haven, and Alphabittle, after being taken to a room by Flash Sentry, the Pegasus Stallion had left to go round up more of the ponies who had arrived from the far off future as it turns out that the nine who were there with the crystal weren't the only ones who got sent back to what was essentially the past for them: All the ponies from their time period had dropped across Ponvyille though one in particular was brought to the Friendship Castle by Zecora.


"Tch, I've seen what they look like in one of those books. They don't look so tough." Sprout said. Suddenly while Applejack tilted her hat over her face, Rainbow Dash wing smacked the back of Sprout's head. "Ow! What was that for?!" The Earth Pony Stallion exclaimed.

Well then go out there and fight them if they are 'NOT SO TOUGH'😑

"So tensions between the three tribes existed in your history at some point too? But then how did after that, did they split up again by our time?" Sunny Starlight asked.

yeah, unfortunetly history repeats itself😔

"I don't care how it could happen, I'm going to do my part to prevent it from ever happening again this time." Twilight said.

How are you going to prevent it from happening if you dont know how it happened?
You are suppose to the smart one Twilight

"That's just it: The magics demonstrated when Sunny is using her alicorn form are in fact very similar to the Friendship Fire. I believe that by uniting the pony tribes once more in your time together with the three Unity Crystals had a combined effect where it allows for Sunny to use the magics of all three pony tribes without being an actual alicorn in her normal form." Twilight said. "In other words, when your three tribes finally came together once more in unity, it allowed for the Unity Crystals to bestow a sort of magical aura on Sunny that allows her to use all three pony tribe magics." She added.


Never thought of that...

"I just have one question: How come none of the ponies of this time period reacted much to us dropping from the sky? From what I was seeing, they were all mingling just fine." Phyllis said.

Thats Ponyville for ya😌

Suddenly a bunch of ponies were heard screaming. "...And what's that about?" Hitch said.


"...Is it just me, or is the fact that this town is so used to crazy random dung happening that they aren't even phased by us being here is concerning?" Sprout asked.

"You're not the only one thinking that I believe." Hitch admitted.

You'll get used to it.

Now c mon!😄

How is she suppose to prevent the ponies from fighting if she doesnt know what could cause it??

Comment posted by Comickook deleted Aug 10th, 2022
Comment posted by MatTheBook deleted Aug 10th, 2022

This is pretty good. I'm giving you six stars for doing a good job. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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