• Member Since 18th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen May 15th

Blade Star

A fan of MLP since March 2013 and a die hard fan of Princess Luna.


This story is a sequel to Tinker, Tailor, Pony, Spy

The bombing of Elusive's store and the attempted murder of Princess Cadence brings Tempest Shadow back to Canterlot. She finds her curious friend once again seemingly at the centre of an intricate conspiracy. Who is behind this near fatal act? Who was the target? And why did they want either of them dead? The investigation will draw both Tempest and the former infiltrator back into the murky world of counter-intelligence and unveil a threat from the shadows that stands poised to destroy Equestria once and for all. The only question is which side are they really on?

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 10 )

Just one question- what does RGMC mean?

Nice lead-in, can't wait for more!

11350335 Oops :twilightoops: Royal Guard Medical Corps. A play on the British Army's Royal Army Medical Corps (RAMC). I figured that an organisation like the guard would have it's own medical branch, trained to respond to serious incidents beyond the scope of normal fire and ambulance crews.

No wonder I didn't recognize it. Thank you for the explanation!

Really Great Magic Cupcakes! :pinkiehappy:

PM me when you get to Vegas. I can tell you of many interesting things to do, places to go, and possibly people to see. Just a suggestion, is all.

this story is starting out so good. i am loving it.

Hey, this is a crime scene!” the young corporal barked

then why the hell is fat ass armor there?
in the north he may have power but not there, throw his ass out.

yes he is a prince in name only he has no real power ship him back north were he can play tin solder and not get a boo boo.

i am really liking this story as it is going to have so many tasty clues.

well crap Tempest is kind of in a bad spot. Shining has a huge problem with keeping his mouth shut if her cover is blown.

Shining Armor would not be able to find sand on a beach. :pinkiehappy:

this is a awesome chapter.

well this shines a hole new light on things.

amazing chapter.

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