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The Training Begins

*Lillian's POV*

Luna spoke "I will not lie to you any longer! Equestria... No, the entire world is in grave danger. But when I look at you all, I do not just see subjects. I see friends, family... Strong, brave individuals who have stood by each other's side and have never, ever backed down from a fight! Today, we face a danger like none before! As one of your royals, your friend and as a sister in arms. I ask you to fight one more time! For our future!"

Danyelle, Blaze, Yuki, Lune and Ben yowl "FOR OUR FUTURE!!!"

Various chakats yowl "FOR OUR FUTURE!!!"

Luna spoke "We have only one year to train so that we're strong enough to stop Eggman once and for all!"

Thorax spoke "This will decide the fate of every creature so it's time to put our differences aside and work together!"

Chrysalis spoke "As much as I hate to say it but I'll fight too..."

A different Changeling Queen whacks Chrysalis on the head.

A Changeling spoke "Calm yourself, cousin."

Chrysalis growls "Who are you?"

Ovi asks "Don’t you recognize me, Chrys?"

Chrysalis then growled as she recognized her. “Ovi!”

Blanche spoke "I don't think Nigel would care what happens to us though."

Brooke spoke "Yeah…"

Danyelle asks "Got any ideas Tails?"

Tails spoke "I’m not sure. If only there was-"

But then a huge building appeared.

Katherina asks "What the heck was that?!"

Iggy scoffs "Tch. Beats the hell outta me."

Discord asks "Anyone called for a training building?"

Katherina spoke "We can't keep running forever though!"

Discord spoke "That’s why I designed this building, which is also a training simulator, to allow you to fight lifelike holograms of past enemies and in the areas and situations they were fought in."

Danyelle asks "Even speed segments for fast runners or flyers?"

Quartz spoke "There's all sorts of training segments for all of us."

Discord spoke "That, and holograms of fast past enemies to fight against."

Danyelle spoke "This will be so AWESOME!!!"

Renamon spoke "I have to get faster...."

Discord spoke "I also put in me and Sumarda as available hologram opponents, just in case."

Danyelle spoke "I've got a pair of powerful soul chips that I can use."

Celestia spoke "If we are to ensure our survival, we all have get stronger."

Luna spoke "Exactly, we've been on the defensive for too long now!"

A Leomon roars in agreement.

But then a giant portal opened, revealing Chameleo, all of his friends and some of the others’ counterparts from his universe.

Chameleo spoke "We may not be able to help you fight Eggbot, but we can help you train for that battle."

Leomon spoke "We need all the help we can get."

Zelestia and Zwilight show up.

Zelestia spoke "I'll train my counterpart while Zwilight here spars with her counterpart."

A Midnight form Lycanroc spoke "Alright! Let’s do this, Rockamaru!"

Rockamaru spoke "Rock!"

We saw a Midnight form Lycanroc and a Midday Form Lycanroc with Chameleo.

I spoke "We should evacuate the non fighters and the children to a safe area though."

A female dusk form Lycanroc howls.

Chameleo spoke "Glad to see that you could make it, Lykiba."

Lykiba laughs "Ha! You think me and Rockamaru would miss out?"

Danyelle spoke "All worlds are now in danger because of one man."

Sunset asks "Twilight, have you warned the other Sunset about this threat?"

Twilight spoke "No, net yet."

Sonic spoke "We have to do something."

Blizzardstar spoke "No matter where we hide, he'll find us."

Then a Sawk with bushy eyebrows showed up with flare. “Yes! It’s time to go on the offensive! For that is the power of youth!”

Chameleo spoke "Calm down, Sawk Lee."

Twilight spoke "Our main focus is keeping Korra and all of the children safe though because if we lose them, then our future is a bleary one."

Giorno spoke "Yes, because they are vital to life."

Flowerstep spoke "If we lose Korra, then there will never be another Avatar."

Jotaro spoke "Thanks to a certain vampire."

Korra spoke "We need a plan though!"

But then a hologram opponent appeared, shaped like a normal hawk, but it wore a purple scarf, a helmet with a heart symbol and three big purple feathers on it, much to Iggy’s annoyance.

Iggy scoffs "Seriously?! There’s even a hologram of that bird?!"

Quartz spoke "Calm down Iggy, it's not real."

Iggy spoke "But he’s the guy who made me gnaw my own paw off by freezing it in place."

Danyelle screeches before flying after the hologram.

But then the hologram smirked, catching Danyelle off guard.

Danyelle hisses "Wait, did that bird just smirk at me?"

Danyelle shook her head before using the Twiliterasu soul chip.

Danyterasu howls loud.

But then Danyterasu felt the air getting colder, before she saw that her legs were stuck on the ice that crept across the ground and that icicles started appearing and growing around the bird before they flew at the wolftaur.

Danyterasu sets herself on fire to melt the ice off before she shot fire at the bird.

But then the bird flew straight up, dodging the fire as more icicles were fired at Danyterasu.

Korra flew fast, using her waterbending to redirect the ice spears back at the bird.

Korra growls "IGGY!!! HELP!!"

Iggy growls Grr! To think I’ll have to beat this guy again, but what the hell!"

The Fool erupted right underneath Iggy, launching him towards the bird as it was about to shoot an icicle from its beak at Danyelle before Iggy clamped his jaw down on the bird’s beak, then shattered it, making the hologram disappear with an icy explosion.

Danyterasu spoke "Nice."

Iggy spoke "That’s twice I finished that bastard by breaking its beak."

Quartz licks Iggy on the cheek as her tail wagged.

Iggy chuckles "Hehehe. Wait until we’re home, sweetie."

Danyterasu chuckles "You do realize that if you marry Quartz, then both packs are merged together."

Iggy asks "So why do I care?"

Danyterasu spoke "I meant it in a good way. And I take back what I had said about you being a stupid mutt."

Iggy scoffs "Tch. And you’re not really a furball."

Smoky Quartz spoke "I think what Iggy-puppy said was that he takes back about calling you a furball."

Danyterasu chuckles "Least I'm not a disgusting hairball."

But then a hologram Tasmanian devil Mobian appeared, one Iggy and Polnareff recognized instantly, before all of us started seeing something at his arrival.

Discord spoke "Ah… Memories and flashbacks."

Danyterasu snarls.

Fluttershy spoke "Discord.... SIT BOY!!!"

Discord yelps "Gah! I promise I didn’t cause this! It happens on its own!"

In the flashback, we saw Polnareff as a snow leopard Mobian, Iggy as a normal dog, and Avdol as a golden eagle Mobian, who read some writing on a pillar that said, “He who reads this carving and turns aback shall perish.”

The flames don’t sense a thing, and Iggy hasn’t picked up on anything either.” Past Avdol thought as he looked back, only to see a terrifying stand appear out of thin air.

My god! What is that abomination?! Impossible! Neither my flames nor Iggy could sense it! Where did it come from?!” Past Avdol thought as the Stand restored itself and charged towards him. “Polnareff! Iggy! You have to get out of here now!” Past Avdol shouted as he shoved the two away from him before Past Avdol was suddenly gone except for his severed arms.

Fluttershy immediately threw up after seeing such a sickening memory.

“Hey! Where are you, Avdol? The hell? What was that thing? Where did it-“ Past Polnareff stopped as he saw Past Avdol’s severed arms as Past Iggy started heaving in a devastating realization. “No… It can’t be… Those arms are… H-Hey, Avdol, where did you go? Avdol, where are you?! Avdol!!! Come out, Avdol!!!” Past Polnareff shouted as the stand appeared again. “W-What the hell is that thing? Where did it come from?! Weren’t Avdol’s flames supposed to sense anything?! Hey, Iggy! Couldn’t your nose pick up on this thing?! Answer me! Avdol, where are you?! Where the hell’d you go?!”

“Avdol…” The stand spoke as it grabbed Avdol’s severed arms. “Has been reduced to nothingness.”

Twiliterasu spoke "Bark bark woof {I was able to grab his soul and send him to a new world.}"

“Beyond my jaws lies an endless void. A dark dimension which harbors things even I do not fully comprehend. Your ally is dead, but fret not as you will soon join him. You are arrogant enough to believe you could defeat Lord DIO, therefor you must be punished.” The stand spoke as it ate Past Avdol’s severed arms, causing them to turn to dust as they were sucked into its mouth before the flashback fast-forwarded, showing the Tasmanian Devil Mobian the hologram was showing, who was walking and bleeding. “Polnareff… The blood that stains my body is Avdol’s handiwork, not yours. My plan was to eradicate you both simultaneously, but due to Avdol’s intervention your demise was postponed. Anyone else would’ve instinctively saved himself, not risking life and limb to come to the aid of an oblivious comrade. That alone makes him responsible for my injuries. He may have been able to injure me, but it’ll take far more than that to send me to the grave. Now I’ll set my sights on the other interlopers. I’ll kill them in the name of Lord DIO!” The Mobian said before seeing blood fall from the ceiling, looking up to find Past Polnareff saved by Past Iggy’s stand, the Fool, which was holding the snow leopard onto the ceiling.

“Dammit. I told you not to use your stand Iggy, but you just had to show off, didn’t you?” Past Polnareff said as a bloodied Iggy had a lot of sand on him and a closed left eye as he coughed blood. “Stupid dog. Why’d you have to do it?”

The Tasmanian Devil Mobian shouts "Polnareff!"

“As far as Cool Ice was concerned, Iggy was nothing more than a filthy stray without resolve or pride. But by its very nature, a stand is a manifestation of the soul, and Iggy’s had acted on its volition, with something compelling it from deep within.” Discord explained as Past Iggy smiled, opening his left eye a bit before he coughed out blood again before going limp, causing the sand on him to fall, making Past Polnareff gasp with tears coming out of his left eye as The Fool turned into sand for the final time, letting Past Polnareff fall.

The sand… Its spirit is gone. How could this have happened? Dammit! All that’s left is a lifeless husk, the chill of death is in the air, and another life has been cut short far too soon. Why am I the only one who survived?” Past Polnareff thought as he saw Past Iggy’s dead body under the sand. “Ig… Ig-IGGY!!!” Polnareff roared as his stand, Silver Chariot, grabbed the Tasmanian Devil Mobian and stabbed him in the forehead before pulling its sword down. “You’re too slow for your own good, Cool Ice. But you know something, you’re right. I had some pretty selfless friends, huh? I was supposed to look out for Iggy, but instead he saved my ass.” Polnareff said as his stand grabbed the other end of its sword and twisted Cool Ice’s head, snapping his neck as they landed on the ground, before Past Polnareff saw Past Iggy’s body again. “Dammit. How could this be happening? I’ve only just begun to realize what meant to me. This is how it always is, I don’t get it until after they’re gone. You were a miserable little mutt from the start, but despite that you never failed to find new ways to impress me. You were a proud bastard who lived life by your own rules, and we were the ones who mistook your self-respect as indifference. I told you not to save me! Dammit, fleabag! Why’d you have to be so stubborn?!” Past Polnareff mentally lamented before the flashback fast forwarded again, showing Past Polnareff and Cool Ice’s vest and boot as ash flew in the air, before we all saw some kind of yellow mist as it flew out of the hole and went to the sand pile, picking up another yellow mist as they flew out the window, before the two mists took the form of the spirits Past Avdol with Past Iggy on his back, nodding to Past Polnareff, who saw them before the spirits faded away and passed on, causing the flashback to end and disappear.

Annabelle spoke "I had so much work that time though."

Discord spoke "Yes, I don’t doubt that."

Annabelle spoke "Being head angel isn't easy for me, I have so much work to do every day..."

Belladonna scoffs "It was NOT easy for me to contain that jerk after he got killed though. I locked him in the deepest part of Tartarus with no chance of escape."

Discord spoke "Evil stand users usually are the hardest ones to lock up in Tartarus, and yet, there’s an evil stand user whose punishment was to die death after death, but never truly die."

Belladonna asks "Unless they are forgotten by others?"

Giorno spoke "No, Discord is right, because that is Diavolo’s punishment from Golden Wind Requiem; his end being without end. He will never reach the truth of anything, not even his own death."

Danyterasu asks "But how can we stop Eggman for good?"

Josuke spoke "Come on, it’ll take all of our power to beat him. And my stand has the power to reverting things back to normal or anything else, meaning I can heal you guys."

Maria spoke "And I can use Chaos Heal to help Josuke since I'm not a fighter."

Josuke spoke "Yeah, Shining Diamond’s power doesn’t work on me."

Maria spoke "But Eggman's power could...."

Giorno spoke "Golden Wind Requiem and Shining Diamond’s powers can reverse the effects of Evil Grows Requiem."

Twilight spoke "I got a new power that I've been keeping locked away but it's a risky move though... Last time I used it, I destroyed the Black Comet before the Black Arms could launch an attack."

Danyterasu asks "How risky we talking here Twi?"

Twilight spoke "Life threatening risky...."

Josuke spoke "Yeesh! Remind me not to make you angry."

Danyterasu fired a sun beam on the hologram of Cool Ice, reducing it to ashes.

Twilight spoke "It'll be our last resort in case things go south."

Chameleo spoke "Fair warning, I have a feeling that Eggbot has a last resort as well, so be careful."

Twilight asks "That being?"

Chameleo spoke "A grand final transformation and attack. So be sure to find the Chaos and Sol Emeralds. And you might need the Elements of Harmony as well, because I have a feeling that once they’re all together in a battle for an entire universe, it can unlock a new form for its bearers."

Sonic spoke "We'll need more than just the Equestrian bearers, we'll need the Caninian bearers and the other bearers too."

Blaze spoke "I can't take the Sol Emeralds out of my dimension though..."

Chameleo spoke "Agreed, and that's why I gave some of you the Multitrixes. They can harness the power from the Chaos Emeralds and Sol Emeralds."

Sonic asks "Fair enough but what if Danyelle lost control of her emotions again?"

Chameleo spoke "Didn’t you forget that all of you are friends and family to Danyelle? That’s bound to be her anchor so she could keep her emotions under control."

But then the hologram of a Mobian fox with blonde fur and sharp claws and fangs appeared, as Jotaro, Iggy, Polnareff, Avdol and Kakyoin instantly recognized.

Sonic spoke "Eggman learned the hard way not to anger an alpha-queen though."

Zwilight growls.

Danyterasu growls "Oh HELL NO!"

But then another flashback showed up, showing Kakyoin as an echidna Mobian, only with an elderly yet fit hedgehog Mobian fighting against that fox Mobian. The flashback showed us the fox Mobian surrounded by a green web on all sides.

“Now die! 20 Meter Radius Emerald Splash!” Past Kakyoin shouted as emeralds were fired at the fox Mobian from every angle.

“You’re a fool, Kakyoin. With my stand, I have the ability to rule the world. What can you do in the face of such overwhelming power?” The fox taunted as Past Kakyoin braced himself.

Alright, here it comes!” Past Kakyoin thought.

“Behold, The World!” The fox said as a stand with clocks on the back of its fists appeared.

The emeralds were about to hit the fox when he and his stand suddenly disappeared, much to Past Kakyoin’s shock before he found himself sent flying backwards with a hole through his stomach. “Huh? What? Kakyoin! He went flying through the air like a rag doll! But how?!” The hedgehog asked as Past Kakyoin crashed into a water tower, making water spill as he was bloodied.

Annabelle spoke "As I had just said.... So much work due to the influx of so many deceased folks."

But then the flashback went backwards a bit before moving normally again.

“Behold, The World!” The fox Mobian shouted as his stand appeared, before it looked like that all of time itself stopped except him and The World. The fox removed his cape, cutting two web strings and pushing away some emeralds as he and his stand floated forward while The World cut more webs before the fox approached Past Kakyoin. “Now witness the power of The World. That’s right, I’ve caused time to stop for you, which means you won’t see or feel any of this. Now die, Kakyoin!” The fox said as The World punched right through Past Kakyoin’s stomach. “You don’t even realize you’re about to die. In a way, you’re lucky. You won’t know what happened here, only that you’re dying.” He said as he looked at the hedgehog Mobian before placing a foot on Past Kakyoin.

Belladonna growls "Dio....."

Annabelle asks "You know him?"

Belladonna scoffs "Yeah but it didn't work out between us since we had different goals."

But then the flashback went forward to when Past Kakyoin hit the water tower.

“Kakyoin!” The hedgehog shouted.

I don’t understand. What just happened? Did he really hit me?” Past Kakyoin thought as he found himself immobile and mute. “I can’t even move a single finger. I can’t speak either. It must’ve been a fatal blow.” Past Kakyoin mentally realized as he looked at the clock while his web was falling in pieces. “It’s 5:15, which means that it’s midnight back in Japan. I wonder what mom and dad are doing right now, knowing them, I’m sure they’re sound asleep. I’m sorry for worrying you.” Past Kakyoin thought.

“Despite his brief moment of reflection, Noriaki Kakyoin’s last thoughts were not of his parents. His mind shifted and homed in on the question weighing heaviest on his mind. He had to find an answer before nothingness took hold.” Discord explained.

I should be able to instantly sense any movement within Hierophant Green’s web. But somehow, DIO managed to destroy the entire web in the blink of an eye. And it wasn’t one strand at a time, it was instantaneous, not even a split-second difference. How did he shatter a 20-meter radius area all at once? How? There wasn’t even a slight delay. What’s his secret? Dammit…” Past Kakyoin thought.

“Kakyoin! Shit! I’ve had enough of this! Hermit Purple-“ The hedgehog started to shout before stopping himself as he turned around to see DIO in the air.

“You’re next on the chopping block, Joseph.” DIO said as he showed the scar all around the spot where the neck connects to the shoulders. “In order for Jonathan’s body to become mine completely, I must drink the blood of a Joestar, and I think now’s a good time as any to partake.”

But out of nowhere, a white fireball had hit DIO.

“DIO!!!” Past Joseph roared.

How did he destroy them all without the slightest delay in time? Time… Time… Time… The time! That’s it! Something as outlandish as that doesn’t seem possible, but there’s no other explanation! I have to find a way to tell the others! They need to know the truth behind such a terrifying ability! If I can’t tell Mr. Joestar what I’ve learned, the friends I’ve come to love are going to die!” Past Kakyoin thought.

“You’re gonna pay for what you’ve done! Just you wait! I’m taking that body back in the name of Granny Erina!” Past Joseph declared.

“Erina? Ah, you mean that backwater shrew? Nonsense. I’m going to drink your blood, then eliminate you vermin.” DIO declared as Past Joseph growled.

A pink whippet Mobian with angel wings shows up before blasting DIO with heavenly fire.

The stranger spoke "YOU MONSTER!!"

“Is that all?” DIO quipped as his wounds instantly healed while Past Kakyoin tried to have his Hierophant Green fire an Emerald Splash, but he coughed out blood, causing his stand to turn into liquid. “Now Joseph Joestar, die!!!” DIO shouted as he charged towards Past Joseph before Hierophant Green came back with a heavenly yellow aura as it fired a concentrated Emerald Splash at a face of the clock tower and its hands, destroying the hands and a part of that of that face, stopping that clock face, catching past Annabelle, Joseph and DIO’s attention.

“That… was my final Emerald Splash… Make it count…” Past Kakyoin said as Hierophant Green faded away for the last time.

“But why? That attack was utterly pointless. Well, I suppose you’re now just a dying hero, longing to make his mark on the world. Hmph.” DIO scoffed as Past Joseph and Annabelle were confused.

As if! Kakyoin wouldn’t waste the time he has left with some meaningless attack! Why’d he go after the clock? Was it some kind of sign? Was he trying tell me something?” Past Joseph thought.

It’s a message… I don’t have the strength to give you another… Mr. Joestar… you have to decipher it… You have to let… the others know…” Kakyoin mentally said before closing his eyes as he went limp.

“Kakyoin…” Past Joseph lamented as shadows covered his eyes under his hat.

“That’s right. It was that moment, that Noriaki Kakyoin, had died.” Discord confirmed in the flashback as it disappeared.

Annabelle spoke "That was the worst day I had to deal with... so many souls..."

Jotaro spoke "It made me pissed as hell. But it was because of Kakyoin that the old man found out that DIO’s stand, The World, could stop time and told me about that ability. And Star Platinum now has the ability to stop time for at least three second.

Annabelle spoke "Gabriel and I had a lot of work that day though."
