• Published 15th Nov 2022
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My Little Pony: The Mobian Era (Season 3) - Mister E-Nonymous

Time and space are very fragile things. The Mane 6 and the Freedom Fighters are going to learn that the hard way. There are much worse things they're gonna face when it comes to time and space. Whether it's past, present or future.

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Episode 19: The Wisp Saga (Part 6): Mother Wisp Knows Best

Episode 19: The Wisp Saga (Part 6):

Mother Wisp Knows Best

At Freedom Fighters Mansion, Sunny was making some fresh fruit smoothies for everyone there. She finished up blending in the fruit smoothies.

"Okay, everyone!" Sunny said. "Smoothies are done!" Just then, the wisps came in and drank the smoothies before the other ponies, Freedom Fighters and creatures could grab them. "Seriously?! I just made those!"

"Sorry, Sunny," Tails said, reading his Miles Electric. "They're wanting to get home as soon as possible, so they need a lot of food to keep their energy up."

"Where do they even put all that?" Hitch asked.

"I don't even wanna know," Zipp said.

Sunny got frustrated and said, "There's not enough fruit in the world! Why?!" She was raising her foot to get ready to stomp, but her entire shoe was glowing in a green aura. She then slammed it down and green vines came from the ground, and then an apple tree sprouted, surprising everyone. There were even apples on the tree, ready to be picked. "What the heck?"

"What... happened?!" MC asked.

"You haven't seen this before in the future?" Sonic asked.

"Never," MC said.

"I've never seen this kind of magic before, either," Twilight said. "It must be... some new kind of Earth Pony Magic."

"Evolution," MC said. "Evolution of Earth Pony Magic."

"Guess it'll take some time for the Earth Ponies ta learn that..." Applejack said. "Might even take years fer that ta happen."

"It is a possibility," Twilight said. She then sighed. "We'll let's prepare the wisps so they can go home." The wisps then started cheering.

"We'll get on it," Tails said. "We better continue searching the star charts." Tails then brought out the star charts on his Miles Electric, trying to find the original locations of the planets through the universe.

Meanwhile, outside of Earth's Atmosphere, there was something coming closer and closer to the planet. There was some silhouette in the middle of a giant sphere of dark purple energy. It roared as it grew closer.

At the airport, Midpoint and Cozy Glow were walking out of the baggage claim area with their bags. A black van came up and parked in front of them. The window rolled down and in the driver's seat was Shadow and in the passenger seat, there was Olive.

"You sure there's big trouble coming?" Olive asked.

"Believe me, I wouldn't be here for nothing," Midpoint said. "We need to get to Freedom Fighters Mansion, quickly."

"You still haven't told me what's happening, Alex," Cozy Glow said. "What is going on?"

"Something almost as bad as Dark Gaia," Midpoint said. "And also something like the last alien invasion, but not quite."

"Aliens?" Shadow asked. "I'm not getting involved with any aliens if they sided with Black Doom."

"Nah, these guys are friendly," Midpoint said. "As long as they're not corrupted."

"Corrupted?" Rouge asked. Rouge was sitting in the back seat. "What do you mean corrupted?"

"You'll see," Midpoint said. "Move it, Shadow." Shadow then drove away from there, heading towards the city of Station Square.

Meanwhile, back at Freedom Fighters Mansion, Sunny and Hitch were testing out the new magic that they had, and Twilight was still working on trying to find the proper location of where the other planets were before Eggman brought them to his amusement park.

"This is so weird," Sunny said. "Yet, so interesting."

"I'm not so sure we should be using this kind of magic, Sunny," Hitch said. "It could be dangerous. Maybe we should not use it until we find out what it is."

"That would be a bad idea, Hitch," Twilight said.

"What do you mean?" Hitch asked, looking at Twilight.

"If you hold in all your magic, it'll soon leak out and be out of control," Twilight said. "Remember the bounce house in the movie, 'Cheaper by the Dozen', the one with Steve Martin?"

"Ohhh... right," Hitch said. "So basically, the magic inside of us is like air in a bounce house. It has to be let out."

"So we're gonna have to be careful about how we use this new magic," Sunny said.

"So, when are those DNA test results on us are gonna come in?" Zipp asked.

"Well, Zipp, they should be coming in soon," MC said. "We've had Lynol take the samples of you and the other four to see who your ancestors from Equestria are."

"Well, we'll give him a call later," Twilight said. Tails was standing with her, checking out the star charts as well. Yacker was hovering between the two. "I think we've found all the correct locations of the original positions of all five planets that Eggman took for his Amusement Park."

"Alright," MC said. "That's good. 'Cause after I do this, I'm done with Space missions."

"Unless we'd have to go back to Space Colony ARK for some reason," Maria said.

"Don't push it, Maria," MC said.

"Sorry," Maria said.

"Time to prepare the Chaos Emeralds," MC said. "I'll go get them." He then headed over to the pool and jumped in.

"He hid them in the pool?!" Sonic asked. He then thought about it. "Actually, that is a good place to hide them, 'cause that is the last place I'd look."

Then MC came out of the pool, holding a metal briefcase, marked with the number 7. Tails then asked, "Is that a briefcase from the show, Deal or No Deal?"

"I gave them a good deal," MC said. He then snickered. "Pun intended." Everyone else laughed. He then looked at the Wisps. "Alright, you little guys. Ready to go home?" All of the wisps cheered in delight. But just then, they all fell down to the ground, weak.

"Whoa, whoa!" Tails said, picking up Yacker. "Yacker, are you okay?"

"They must've eaten too much," Hitch said, picking up a wisp. "I'd be this upset too if I'd eaten as much as they have."

"It has nothing to do with them eating too much," came a voice. The group looked towards the back gate and they all saw Midpoint, Cozy Glow, Olive, Shadow and Rouge standing there. Midpoint spoke, "It's something bigger than that."

"Lynol?" MC asked. "What do you mean?"

"Check it out," Midpoint said, pulling out a telescope. He then handed it to Twilight. Twilight pulled up the magnifying part of the telescope and held it to her eye. Midpoint then aimed it towards where he wanted Twilight to look. "Right there." Twilight's eyebrows were raised in shock.

"What is that?!" Twilight said. The group then looked up at where Twilight was looking. They all saw a dark purple speck in the sky.

"That... is the mother of all Wisps," Midpoint answered. "And she's been corrupted."

"Nega-fied," MC said.

"Oh, that's not good," Sonic said.

"This is really... really, bad," Twilight said.

Everyone was watching a TV that was on the back porch, showing a satellite view of the creature coming closer and closer to the planet.

"That's Mother Wisp?!" Sonic asked.

"She's huge!" Sunny said.

"No kidding," Rotor said. "With how big she is, she's at least four times the size of a NASA space shuttle."

"No kidding," Tails said. "With something that big fueled with that much negativity, she could be a huge threat to the entire world." Yacker started speaking in a worried tone.

"Don't worry, Yacker," Twilight said. "We'll get her back to normal." She then looked towards Midpoint. "The real question is... how do we do that?"

"By taking the fight to the source of her corruption," Midpoint said. He then pointed at the flower on top of the Nega Mother Wisp's head. "That flower is actually where all the negative energy is spreading. You must pick out the petals to get it all out of her."

"Sounds simple enough," Sunny said.

"Well, it's not," Midpoint said. "It's very difficult even to get close to her. She'll fire a bunch of energy spheres at you, and some meteorites when you're getting close. So you have to be careful."

"Meh, like that's gonna matter to me," Sonic said. "After we beat her, we'll send the planets back to their original positions throughout the galaxy."

"It's not as easy as it's going to be," Midpoint said. "I've checked all possible futures. After the battle, you'll only have enough energy to get back to Earth without moving the planets."

"So the wisps are just going to be stuck here?" Tails asked.

"Oh, don't worry," Midpoint said. "They'll get home. You won't need the Chaos Emeralds to get them back to their original positions."

"What does that mean?" Twilight asked.

Yacker then started talking and Tails was reading the translation. "Yacker says that... all the wisps power combined can get their planets back to their original position."

"Hyper-Go-On energy," Maria said. "Of course!"

"All you guys have to do is remove all the negative energy from Mother Wisp," Midpoint said.

"Will they be able to do that?" Cozy Glow asked.

"If I say what will happen, it won't happen," Midpoint said.

"Hang on, did you get that from Avengers: Endgame?" Sonic asked.

"Yeah, and it's true," Midpoint said. "Like my grandpa said, there ain't no honor if there ain't no honesty. It's how he went through when he was an army man the Vietnamese War."

"Ah thought yer grandpa was a scientist," Applejack said.

"That's the other one," Midpoint said.

"At least everyone had two sets of grandparents," MC said. "More if that one person was adopted or had stepparents."

"He's right about that," Twilight said. "Sonic, Sunny, let's get up there." Sonic and Sunny nodded.

"I'll drive," Sunny said, taking MC's keys.

"Hey!" MC said.

"Do you even have a driver's license?" Sonic asked. Sunny then pulled something out of her pocket. It was a Driver's License from the District of Columbia. "Oh."

"It was one of the first things my friends and I have done when we became official citizens of this country," Sunny said. MC then took his keys back. "Hey!"

"I'm dropping you off at the location of the entrance of Eggman's amusement park," MC said. "Another thing built by that Repulsive Robot Overlord that I have to tear apart before I come back here."

Sonic snickered and said, "I'm sorry. Did you call Eggman... a Repulsive Robot Overlord?"

"Well he had been trying to turn organic life into his robots so he can rule over them," MC said. "So it seems fitting."

Then almost everyone started laughing. The only ones who weren't laughing were Shadow and Blaze. Then Twilight, Sonic, MC and Sunny started walking out of there. Tails followed, along with the wisps.

"That truck is gonna be packed," Shadow said.

"Hey, Lynol," Zipp said. "Now that you're here, you have those results on us and who our ancestors could be?"

"Oh, yeah," Midpoint said, bringing out his tablet. "I actually got them right here. Zipp, since you and Pipp are sisters, it'd make sense only to take one of your blood samples and examine it. Zipp, you and Pipp are... descendants of both Rarity and Rainbow Dash."

"Dang!" Rainbow Dash said. "I'm gonna have a descendant that marries Rarity's descendant? We don't even get along outside of adventures."

"Rainbow Dash is correct," Rarity said. "We've tried getting along with each others interests, but it didn't work out."

"Not everyone has the same interests," Hitch said. "Alright, I'm next. Who's my ancestor?"

"Actually, just like Pipp and Zipp, you have two ancestors that are bearers of the Elements of Harmony," Midpoint said. "Applejack and Fluttershy. Which actually explains why you can understand animals. Fluttershy has the ability to understand animals, and you're also as stubborn as Applejack at certain points."

"Hey, I'm not as stubborn as you think!" Applejack and Hitch said in unison, Applejack in her southern accent. Then they looked at each other. "Okay, you and I are related."

"And there's no doubt that Izzy here is actually Pinkie Pie's descendant," Midpoint said. "I knew that before I checked her blood, and it was positive in a DNA match."

"Oh my gosh!" Pinkie said. "Izzy is my great-great-great-great-great..." She then gasped and inhaled for more oxygen. "...great-great-great-granddaughter! I have to teach her all of my party planning ways when she comes to visit Ponyville again!"

"Oooh!" Izzy said. "I can't wait to get some party planning advise from my great-great-great-great-great..." Izzy then inhaled more oxygen for talking. "...great-great-great-grandmother!" Then the two hugged.

"And Sunny?" Hitch asked.

"When I checked her blood, it was a little strange," Midpoint said. "Her blood had faint trace of human's blood in her blood system, which didn't make sense. But then I remembered Joshua was born human, making him Sunny's ancestor."

"Oooooh!" Pinkie and Izzy said in unison.

"Joshie is Sunny's great-great-great..." Pinkie started saying before Applejack covered Pinkie's mouth, giving her a deadpanned look.

"Just stop, Pinkie," Applejack said. "Guess we'll tell Twi and Sunny when they get back."

"Of course," Midpoint said. And it's also a good thing the kids are inside playing games or reading. Well, mainly Nyx is reading. This reading I have is weird and didn't make any sense. When I examined Nyx's blood, something about it was weird. When I analyzed Nyx's blood, of course it had traces of Luna's DNA. But there was also a faint trace of Twilight's blood."

"So in a way, Nyx really is related to Twilight," Rarity said. "Well that's not so weird."

"Well, that wasn't the weird thing," Midpoint said. "What's weird... is this." Midpoint then showed the DNA scans from Nyx's blood to the group. They all gasped in shock.

Twilight, Sonic, Tails, MC, Sunny and the wisps all arrived at the entrance to Eggman's, now destroyed, amusement park and looked up. They saw the sphere of purple energy was coming closer.

"Okay, guys," Sonic said. "Let's do this." MC then pulled out the briefcase that had the Chaos Emeralds and handed it to Twilight. Twilight opened it and the Chaos Emeralds floated out. Sonic put his fist in. "Power bump!" Twilight and Sunny then fist bumped as the Chaos Emeralds started spinning around them. Then they all went super. They then quickly dashed up the elevator track and headed for the Nega Mother Wisp.

"Oh, man," MC said. "Is it me, or is Sparkles getting more hot every time she goes super?"

"Well, the energy from Chaos Emerald does cause whoever uses them to increase their body temperature to an unsafe rate to those around them, so..." Tails said before realizing what MC meant. "Oh, you mean the other kind of hot." He then chuckled and bumped MC's arm.

"Time to take this thing down," MC said, looking at the elevator shaft. He then bared his claws and used his super speed to rush up the shaft.

Meanwhile, at the stratosphere of Earth, Twilight, Sonic and Sunny arrived to see the Nega Mother Wisp coming closer. She then saw the three super heroes and roared.

"Alright, guys," Twilight said. "Like Lynol said, aim for the flower on her head."

"Got it," Sunny said.

"Let's do it," Super Sonic said. Then the three of them started flying towards Nega Mother Wisp. Nega Mother Wisp roared and started shooting red and purple energy blasts towards the heroes.

Meanwhile, back on the ground, MC was still trying to tear apart the shaft. Some of the wisps even helped him out.

"Cube Smash!" MC said after the blue wisp absorbed itself into MC. He then smashed a chunk of the shaft down. The blue wisp exited MC's body as the pink wisp absorbed itself into MC. "Spike Saw!" MC then started cutting through another chunk of the shaft. The pink wisp exited him and then the yellow wisp entered him. "Drill for gold!" MC then drilled towards the bottom of the shaft. He then ripped a hole out of the shaft and he walked out with the yellow wisp out of him.

"Is it almost done?" Tails asked.

"There's only one thing left for me to do, and that's to smash it all down from the top," MC said. "I'm gonna need to go heavy. And I'm gonna need enough height for me to smash it with my increase density."

"Ah, I see," Tails said. "You're gonna need the rocket wisp to take you so high that the force you give off will be increased. Although, you could risk creating an earthquake or awakening Dark Gaia."

"Nah," MC said. "I won't go that far." Then an orange wisp hovered next to MC. MC then looked towards the wisp and asked, "You ready for this?" The orange wisp nodded. Then the two of them started heading up the shaft.

Meanwhile, back in space, Nega Mother Wisp swiped the three heroes back when they got close to her and roared. Twilight, Sonic and Sunny recovered.

"She's too strong!" Twilight said.

"Every time we try to attack together, she keeps swiping us away!" Super Sonic said. "How are we gonna get close?"

Sunny then thought about it. She then said, "Divide and conquer."

"Divide and conquer?" Super Sonic asked.

"Of course," Twilight said. "If we attack separately, she will only focus on at least two of us while the third one goes for the flower. Sunny, you are a genius!"

"Yeah, well, I had been raised with knowing the truth of Equestria my whole life," Sunny said.

"Yeah, you have," Twilight said. "Let's do it!" Then the three of them started charging towards Nega Mother Wisp. Twilight continued heading straight as Super Sonic and Sunny split off. Nega Mother Wisp was confused. She didn't know who, where or when was going to attack her. She then spun around, trying to see if she could swipe back all three at once. Then Twilight, Super Sonic and Sunny flew up and then saw an opening.

"Alright, girls!" Super Sonic said. "There's our chance!" Then the three of them charged in at the flower on top of Nega Mother Wisp's head. They collided with it and a golden light emerged from the Nega Mother Wisp. Then the Nega Mother Wisp reverted back into its original form.

"We... we did it," Sunny said. She was breathing heavily.

"Let's get back down to the ground," Super Sonic said. Then the three of them flew down to the ground. Without realizing it, Mother Wisp followed them. As they got down to the ground, they reverted back to their normal forms. Tails, MC and the Wisps walked and hovered towards the group.

"Hey, Sparkles!" MC said.

"You did it!" Twilight and MC said in unison.

"Let me guess, you had some help from the wisps?" Twilight asked.

"Yep, and they came in handy for some situations," MC said. They looked at the wrecked elevator shaft, crumpled down my something heavy. "Luckily, I restrained myself so I wouldn't cause an earthquake or reawake Dark Gaia."

"Good call," Sonic said.

"Whoa!" Tails said. "Look!" He then pointed towards what Tails saw. The group looked up at what Tails was pointing at and saw Mother Wisp coming closer to the group. The Wisp cheered in delight and hovered towards Mother Wisp.

"Look at that," Twilight said. "A nice family reunion." Yacker then flew to the group and started chatting. Tails translated what Yacker was saying.

"Yacker says, 'Thank you for saving Momma'," Tails said, reading his Miles Electric.

"No problem, Yacker," Sonic said. "So, I guess you'll be heading back home, huh?" Yacker then chatted again.

"Yacker says, 'Actually, a bunch of us Wisps want to stay on this planet'," Tails said. "He said that they never had so much fun as they had today."

"Well, as long as you don't eat so much produce, you can stay," Sunny said. "Remember, you're not the only ones who eat, okay?" Yacker nodded. Then Mother Wisp started speaking to the heroes.

"Mother Wisp says, 'Thank you for saving me and my children. I hope that our paths cross again someday'," Tails translated. Then a light emerged from Mother Wisp and most of the other wisps, then they disappeared into the sky. As they did, they went through space, and lights emerged from the other planets, and they disappeared.

Back at Freedom Fighters Mansion, everyone was celebrating that most of the wisps were back home. Midpoint was explaining to Twilight and Sunny about Sunny's ancestors.

"Really?" Twilight asked. "Sunny is Joshua's biological descendant?"

"Her genes did have traces of human blood," Midpoint said. "Which it could only mean that Sunny is Joshua's descendant."

"That makes sense," Sunny said. "Well, at least I haven't eaten meat my whole life."

"Joshua came from a family of vegetarians," Twilight said. "They don't eat meat."

"Okay, that makes sense," Sunny said. Then the doorbell rand.

"Pizza's here," MC said. Then everyone went inside. Midpoint stayed behind reading something on his tablet. He then sighed, put it down, and walked inside. As he walked inside, it showed Nyx's blood test. Of course there were Twilight and Luna. But there was one figure there that was not supposed to be there, but actually was. It showed that Nyx was somehow related to MC.

Meanwhile, far from planet Earth, Eggman was in his damaged Egg Mobile while it was being pushed by Orbot and Cubot. Eggman was complaining about them not going fast enough.

"Faster, you idiots! Faster!" Eggman complained. "Put your backsides into it."

"Technically we don't have backsides, boss," Orbot said.

"I don't care!" Eggman complained. "Just push. We have to hurry. I already have my revenge planned out, and next time I will not fail!"

"Of course you won't boss," Orbot said. "Of course you won't. On the bright side, a certain someone got their voice back."

"I feel like my old self," Cubot said. "All I want to do is talk talk talk. Hey, remember when we were chasing all the little alien guys? What's up with those guys anyway? They sure were funny looking. Hahaha. Smelled good, though."

"Ugh, what I wouldn't give for the maddening silence of space right about now," Eggman said, rubbing his eyebrows. They were getting farther and farther away from their current location, and throughout then, Cubot was still blathering on and on.

"Oh, I wish we had some of that sushi. Bummer we didn't bring any with us. Not that we could eat it since we're robots, but we could have looked at it. I love looking at stuff. I love stuff! The fireworks show at the end was great. Hey, how did you get all that stuff to blow up like that? Loved it! By the way, did we destroy Sonic this time? Duh, sorry, dumb question. We never destroy Sonic! Hey, where are we going... Ohhhhh look at that star... oh, and that one... and that one... and that one... that one's nice... oh look at that!"

Author's Note:

Next Episode:
Marine and the Sky Pirates

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